Tag Archives: me time

*Trying* To Take It Easy

*Trying* To Take It Easy

Hello!! The irony has not been lost on me that the past two times that I had any time off from work were spent being sick. I spent my week long holiday break this winter with RSV and had another week off due to a nasty virus at the beginning of the month. It was a huge bummer to be sick over the holidays, but I’d be a liar if I said it wasn’t awesome having some time off this second time around! As someone who has been self employed for almost a decade, it is incredibly difficult for me to justify time off – even if it is for fun things like vacations. However, after enjoying being sick more than I probably should have, I realized that I really do need to make an effort to *try* to take it easier. So, I have been doing the following:

Sleeping In:

I have always been adamant about waking up as soon as my alarm goes off because I need my jam packed days to run like clockwork. This proved to be very hard after a whole week of getting up sans alarm, though. After my sick spell, I have given myself permission to hit the snooze or even sleep for another extra hour. And guess what? My days still are going without a hitch and I feel much more well rested too. This isn’t an every day thing, but I have been taking advantage of getting some extra shut eye on the days where I have a bit more wiggle room. I have noticed a huge difference in my energy levels and will absolutely continue with this!

Face Masks:

One of my sick day rituals was using face masks so I could feel some semblance of pampered while I was a gross, sweaty mess lol. This is another thing that I have been sticking with and I have enjoyed a weekly face mask since the beginning of March. I tend to do this as soon as I get home one day during the week and even though it’s only a twenty minute process, I see its merits. Rather than diving into the next thing I have to do (computer work, cooking dinner, cleaning), I am able to take those twenty minutes to recharge and continue going about my day. This is a win/win because I love doing skin care and I feel like it gives me a second wind until bedtime. It’s amazing what taking twenty minutes for you out of your day can do!

Making Plans:

I can’t tell you the amount of weekends I have spent doing literally nothing because I am too tired. Then, I would go about the work week feeling disappointed that Johnny and I didn’t do anything fun at all. While we still have our lazy weekends, we have both been making an effort to do more and have a good time during our time off. Within this past month alone, we have reincorporated date nights and I have tried my best to make plans (and keep them) with my friends. For a long while, I was going through the motions of the work week without much to look forward to once the weekend rolls around. Now, Johnny and I have been adding at least one fun outing to our weekend and it has been fantastic. On Mondays, I feel happy with the hang outs we’ve had and am eager to see what we’ll do the following weekend.

I have been on the grindset mindset for so long and, although these seem like small changes, they are huge to me. I plan on continuing with all of these improvements and adding new ways to make things easier for myself when I feel like I need it. I already notice a difference!

How do you take time for yourself? What are some improvements that you have made recently? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Hobbies That Are Guaranteed To Beat Stress

Hobbies That Are Guaranteed To Beat Stress

Stress is a normal part of life, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be doing things to help to let it go. We need to have healthy methods for coping with anxiety and stress. One of the best ways to do this is to have a hobby. Whether you are crafting with friends or you are choosing to go to the movies, you need a hobby that’s going to make you feel happy. Let’s take a look at the hobbies that are guaranteed to beat your stress for a healthier lifestyle:

Start a collection:

One of the hobbies, as old as time itself, is collecting. When most people think of a collection, they envision someone collecting expensive antiques. But it doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, you could start a very simple collection, especially if you love to travel. You could pick up a key ring at every city you visit and eventually build up a whole world’s worth of key rings on a pegboard. It doesn’t matter what you choose to collect but pick something that you’re passionate and excited about.

Do more with music:

Whether you’re playing an instrument or just listening to more music, it is one of the best hobbies that is going to guarantee that your stress will be beaten. You can pop on some noise canceling headphones and let your favorite songs play through them or you could decide to start some lessons so that you can learn how to play an instrument. There is plenty of music in the world that’s just waiting for you to pay attention to it!

Work on puzzles:

An amazing way to unwind is to start puzzling. Even if you haven’t put together a puzzle in years, you’ll find that working through the challenge of one can be incredibly relaxing. Playing by yourself is a good way to enjoy some solo downtime, but you can grab a friend to do the puzzle with you and still have just as much fun. The best part is, there are so many beautiful puzzles out there and when you’re done, you can either frame them for your house or box them back up again to enjoy another time.


^^^ Pexels Image

Start baking:

Whether you like to bake cakes or biscuits, it doesn’t really matter. Baking is an amazing way for you to beat your stress. You’ll be able to have easy access to delicious treats, but you’ll be able to watch the pile of ingredients become something beautiful. You can decide to sell them and make a business out of it, or you can just continue to bake at home for your own fun.

Work with your hands:

Sometimes, putting your hands to work can make a massive difference. Whether you are rebuilding a car or you are crafting, you’ll find that your mental health improves when you can put your mind and concentration into something amazing. Building something from the ground up is a huge achievement and it helps to promote patience at the same time!

Learn a new language:

It doesn’t matter whether you only know one language right now, you can still Learn a new language. Everybody has the capacity to learn something new. So start with the basic vocabulary and take your time to understand the history and the culture behind each language you choose to learn.

Not only is having a hobby great fun, but it is a wonderful stress reliever. Try any of the above and shake that stress away!

Featured Image By: Pexels

A Night On The Town OOTD Bloopers

A Night On The Town OOTD Bloopers

Hello everyone and welcome to the blooper reel from my A Night On The Town OOTD! This look was one of my favorite ones that I have put together recently and we discussed yesterday how “elegant” was the keyword that I styled around. I thought that it turned out great, but there is nothing elegant about the following pictures. The keywords were more like “wtf?” haha, let’s check it out:

I LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Clearly not enthused with whatever Johnny was saying to me!


Posing for my grade school class picture like:


Slipping into a quick power nap before seeing Jesus Christ Superstar


This action shot was taken right before my shoe almost fell off. Foot popping can sometimes be scary!


Don’t worry everyone, I’ll be the one to say it: YIKES lol


Trying to conjure up a good picture and falling short


One of the better phone retrieval pictures!


My perfect night out is going to the theater for a show and I had been looking forward to this past Tuesday for a long while. I wasn’t going to not see Jesus Christ Superstar if it was coming to Akron (the theater was fifteen minutes away from my apartment) and I had a blast with my mother-in-law. It has been a FAT minute since Lil Red has had a good day due to personal matters and even though these pictures are hit AF, I can tell how happy I was in every single one. It was nice!

While I freaking love a good pity party and becoming one with my couch after a long day, sometimes the best cure for the blues is to just get up and go. My day on Tuesday was a tiring one and even though I was exhausted by the time I needed to prep for the show, I decided to get dolled up anyways. I had styled an OOTD for every show I have ever attended and I wasn’t about to break the streak! Once my outfit was on and pictures were taken, I had a newfound pep in my step and was bouncing off the walls in excitement until it was time to leave.

You have no idea how many times in the past almost year I have heard “take time for you” amidst a family crisis. This was one of the first “me time” things that I have done in so long and it felt awesome. What can I say, my favorite musical just brings out the best in me! A wonderful time was had by all and I am thrilled with how my outfit and pictures turned out. And, yes, even the bloopers because they are still a memento of my night on the town!

What puts you in a good mood? What do you like to do when you need some you time? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Finding Success Without Compromising Your Mental Health  

Finding Success Without Compromising Your Mental Health  

Looking after your body is an important part of life. You exercise to make sure that your muscles are strong and your body is fit while eating a healthy diet to give yourself everything you need. Of course, though, it can be all too easy to ignore a part of your body that doesn’t need physical care to be healthy; your mind. To help you to make sure that you’re looking after your mind as well as your body, this article will be exploring some of the best ways to keep your mental health in good shape:

Research & Learning:

Many people don’t know much about mental health. Until recently, this sort of issue was rarely discussed in settings like schools, and this means that you may need to do some research to learn more. Keeping yourself happy is a good goal to aim for, and different people will find different methods that work for them. This makes it well worth taking the time to explore things like meditation, mindfulness, and even different types of mental health issues so that you know what to look out for. It can be hard, but many people can work to improve their own mental health from home.

Being Mindful & Aware:

It is all too common for people to ignore mental health issues. This is rarely deliberate, but it can be easy to think that everything is alright when you are actually struggling. Being mindful can take some practice, and most people need to work on this aspect of their life before they are successful. This will be well worth the time and effort it takes. Alongside being mindful, you should also be aware of the way that you feel and act. Big changes in the way you feel can be a sign that something is wrong, and it will be worth acting on this even if you believe you are alright.

Getting Support:

Anyone can find themselves struggling with mental health. There are loads of different issues you can face, from anxiety and depression to addiction and substance abuse, making it crucial that you know where to get support if you ever experience these issues. Going to a website like https://www.sunshinebehavioralhealth.com/texas/frisco/ can be a good place to start when you want to get mental health support. Support can come in many forms, from therapy to being given advice over the phone. This should be easy to find in your local area, but you can usually go to your doctor if you are struggling.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to take on the challenge of looking after your mind just as well as you look after your body. Many people struggle with this, finding it hard to know what to do to keep their mental health in good shape. Thankfully, though, there are tons of tools and resources that can help you with this.

Featured Image By: Unsplash

Making Time For Me Time

Making Time For Me Time

Hello! I am self employed and have been running two businesses for over half a decade now. Of course, I love my jobs so much but anyone who is their own boss can tell you that it can be highly stressful – especially because if you don’t work, you don’t get paid. Two businesses means a demanding schedule with weeks feeling too long and the weekends, sadly, not being long enough!

I never really realize how much I push myself for my jobs until something as small as the common cold knocks me completely on my ass. On Halloween day, I woke up with an unbearable cold and it was a struggle to get out of bed. Thankfully, a scary movie day was on the agenda so not much movement was required but I had to call off of work on Monday, which is something that I rarely do.

For most people, a cold is something that they can usually still function through but for me, it was the polar opposite. This was pretty alarming to me and I knew that it was related to just how hard that I have been working for what feels like forever. Whenever I fall sick, I always tell myself that I am going to be more lenient with giving myself a day off if I need it. While it never happens, I actually mean it this time lol.

I will be taking time off for Thanksgiving and Christmas and in the new year, I am making it a resolution to give myself permission to give myself a break. This completely goes against my work ethic but I have now realized how important it is to give myself a mental and physical break from my work. I wish that meant lavish vacations to Paris but, in reality, it will be taking an afternoon off to get my nails done or spending a day playing Animal Crossing when I feel myself getting run down.

This, of course, won’t be a monthly thing but pushing through exhaustion isn’t healthy and I know that the next time I fall ill for days on end, I will be wishing that I gave myself a break. Chill evenings with TV and a face mask is great but it just isn’t enough after an uber busy work week and jam packed weekend.

My normal self care involves pampering of some kind but I have come to realize that it is so much more than that. I now know that a more effective form of self care for me would be being less hard on myself and allowing for a day of rest as needed. It will be difficult because it goes against everything that my brain is wired to think. However, I can’t have another half decade of success in my businesses without it!

What is your method of self care? How do you make time for you with a demanding schedule? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Back On The Ice!

Back On The Ice!

Hi! About a year and a half prior to the start of the pandemic, I got back into ice skating regularly and having lessons with my childhood coach. I looked forward to my weekly lessons so much and I had a blast working on all of my old jumps, spins, and footwork as well as learning how to ice dance. It felt so good to be back on the ice and it did wonders for both my mental and physical health.

Needless to say, I was simply devastated when the pandemic hit and I could no longer skate. Not only did I miss my weekend me time but I was making such good progress which I knew would be lost without hitting the ice. I would do off ice workouts to keep myself sharp but there is nothing better than actually skating!

Now that I am fully vaccinated and settled with my new job, I am so happy to report that I had my first skating lesson this past weekend. It was my first time back on the ice since January of 2020 and it was the absolute best.

Stepping back on the ice after so long was a wonderful feeling and, although I completely forgot all of my ice dances, I was able to pick up right where I left off with everything else. Chalk it up to muscle memory but my coach and I were both incredibly surprised that I was nailing my different jumps and spins on the first go! This made me feel so proud of myself and even more motivated to continue to improve.

By the end of my hour session, I was completely exhausted. Off ice workouts are great but it pales in comparison to the real thing! If I could, I would go skating every single day and even though I was worn out from my session, I wanted to go back on the ice again after a much deserved break!

I cannot wait for my next practice and am so eager to learn new things, improve the old, and relearn all of my ice dances! ❤

Do you play any sports? What is your favorite way to workout? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Making Time For Me

Making Time For Me

Hello! Ever since I began my self employment journey five years and change back, I have been dedicated to running both of my businesses the best that I can. Of course, it is exhausting but it is also so rewarding that it makes putting one foot in front of the other each day that little bit easier. The only bad thing about self employment? No paid time off. -_-

I have always had a hard time taking days off because needing “me time” during the week means I won’t be getting paid! However, having a boyfriend who gets holidays off has turned my mindset a total one eighty. Believe you me, I love my job but having to go to work on a day that Johnny has off is for the birds.

So, I began to do something different when Johnny and I got more serious. I began being much more lenient with myself about taking a day off. Sleeping in during the weekend rocks but there’s something about sleeping in on a day you should be at work that just hits different.

Since I have become better about taking a day off every once in a while, it has given me something to look forward to. Johnny and I now coordinate our time off as best as we can and I cannot wait for Labor Day Monday so I can have a three day weekend with my MAN. It’s a bit of a way off, yes. But can you blame a girl for being excited about the little things during the coronavirus pandemic?!

Making more time for me has turned me into a much more relaxed individual because I’m literally giving myself permission to chill out. That really has never happened before since I began being my own boss. A day off with my boyfriend is always what the doctor ordered, though, so bring on Labor Day! 😀

What are you looking forward to? How do you make time for yourself? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Making Time For Me

Making Time For Me

Hello! I know the title of this post might seem a bit extra to some, considering I just recently was on vacation. But, oh my goodness is it necessary. Upon returning home from my trip, my work days were absolutely insane. We’re talking rising at seven to get ready and going, going, going nonstop until my arrival home after nine at night. Ah, the joys of playing catch up when you work for yourself and don’t get PTO!

With all of that craziness in mind, it was so important for me to make time for myself to go skating in between clients this past week. Despite a forty-five minute drive there and back to the rink, just one hour on the ice made me feel much better. The cold air, the challenge, and the exercise was more than enough to clear my head half way through the week and gave me the drive to push through until my weekend days off.

Sometimes, I have a really hard time making time for myself. I will work myself so hard to the point that, when I do have free time, I just want to veg out and do nothing. And, believe me, I was feeling this way last week like no other. But, I pushed myself to get to skating practice, even though I was riding the struggle bus, and it was well worth it. Not only did I feel proud of myself for having a good skate, but it left me feeling invigorated and ready for work, which I had to be at shortly after practice.

Making time for yourself doesn’t mean that you need to take an entire mental health day. Although, sometimes, that’s good too! Rather, I took under three hours of my day to do something that I really enjoy and the pay off was grand. Over the past few months, I have experienced the effects of feeling burnt out, and it is no walk in the park. But, I know that if I keep carving out time for myself during my work week, that my mental health will continue to improve and my determination to finish the week strong instead of idly passing through it will keep me on top in all aspects of my life.

How do you make time for you during your working hours? What do you do for yourself when you start to feel burnt out? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Is It Time To Make More Room For Yourself In Your Life?

Is It Time To Make More Room For Yourself In Your Life?

If you’re the kind of person that finds it hard to put themselves first, you’re not alone. So many of us tend to put others, especially our loved ones, before ourselves. It’s only natural. We want to make sure that they’re happy and healthy, content and comforted, and we’ll deal with our own needs after. But sometimes, when this is something that you do all of the time, you may find that you get taken advantage of.

You may also realize that you’re not really getting what you want out of life, because you’re not working on you, but others instead. So, there’s going to come a time where you need to put yourself first. While it will take work, you’ll be able to become your best self. So let’s take a look at how you can make more time for yourself in your life:

Allow Yourself To Relax: When this is something that you’re really not used to, you’re going to want to start off slow. And a great way to do that is to allow yourself to relax a bit. In a way, this is encouraging you to make time for your own needs and happiness. So get yourself a scent diffuser machine, find the best bath products, and create a cozy space at home just for you. Then, by slowly relaxing more and more, you’ll be able to ensure that you’re comforted and rested, and you start to see why putting yourself first counts.

Fill Your Time How You Choose: If you’re someone that tends to do what others want you to do, you’re going to get to a point where you realize that you’re not really living for you. So, you’re going to want to start being a bit more assertive on how you spend your time. Be sure to fill up your life with the things you love, and you’ll instantly feel like you’re living a whole lot more.

Make Time For A Social Life: Whether you’re someone that spends a lot of their time working or you just tend to focus on the needs of others too much, you may not have much of a social life. It’s time that you changed that. By making more time for a social life, not only will you be able to do more of the things that you love, but you should find a circle of friends who care about your well being as much as you do.

Focus On Your Health: Making more time for yourself isn’t always about the things you do with your time, it’s also about how you treat yourself. You should definitely look to focus on your health a little more. When you improve your health, your mind and body will feel better and, in turn, you’ll be able to feel happier too.

Learn To Say No: And finally, you’re going to want to learn to say no more. Because when you’re stronger, you’ll be able to start making choices that will benefit your life, rather than make you unhappy. That always starts with the ability to say no to things and people when it could negatively effect your lifestyle.

2018 is all about loving yourself, which means taking the best care of you as much as possible. Try starting out with the above tips and seeing how you feel!

Featured Image By: Pexels