Author Archives: lifewithlilred

About lifewithlilred

Just your average gal blogging an average blog!

Interviewing 101

Interviewing 101

Hello!! One thing that I have always enjoyed doing is conducting interviews with people. In fact, my very first job when working with the special needs community was leading family interviews. I truly believe that I have been given the gift of gab and I love that my new job as Tim Misny’s social media manager allows me to do interviews a lot. Over time, I have developed some surefire techniques to ensure that my interviews go without a hitch. Let’s check them out so you can use them too!


When I know that I have an interview scheduled, I immediately begin the research phase. Who am I interviewing? What is the subject of said interview? How am I going to incorporate my findings into the conversation? Prior to meeting Tim Misny for the first time, I researched current cases he’s working on, his merch line, and the Cleveland City Mission which his merch line benefits. I was surprised when he gave me the time to chat with him further and thanks to my prior planning, he said it was one of the best interviews he ever had. That was the kickstart of a beautiful friendship!

Key Points:

One of the most exciting things about interviewing is that you can never know for sure which way the conversation will go. A majority of the interviews I do are just winging it, yes, but I do like to plan for a few key talking points too. Chances are if you are doing an interview, there will be some things you have to talk about. However, it is SO easy for those questions to go right out the window once the interview starts. To prevent this, I always make sure I memorize the must talk about subjects, find good ways to incorporate them into the chat, and knock them out early on in the interview so I don’t forget them lol.

Listen Up:

To be a good interviewer, you have to be an excellent listener. Interviewing is simply responding to what the other person is saying so if you aren’t fully grasping it, you aren’t going to have an effective interview. When the interviewee is speaking, I take it all in. Then, as the answer starts wrapping up, I use what I learned to ask the next question. It’s natural to want to interject when the interviewee is answering you so try to avoid that at all costs! It’s just going to make both of you stumble. And, remember, you are more than likely not conducting live interviews. If you need clarification on something, take a pause, ask your questions, and resume when you are ready.

Just So You Know:

The whole point of an interview is not to make yourself look good. Read that again because it is important! An interview is for the interviewee to look good and it is your job to make that happen. That is why it is crucial to do your research, create talking points, and put your listening ears on. When you are doing everything you can to make your interviewee shine, you are going to look great by default. I also find that when I am not focusing on myself, I tend to interview even better because it eliminates any pressure. Shift your focus and both of you will enjoy the process of interviewing more!

Maybe you aren’t going to conduct interviews. That doesn’t mean these tips aren’t handy for other things too. Could you imagine how awesome a job interview would go if you tried the above beforehand?!

Have you ever interviewed someone before? How did it go? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Happy Mother’s Day!!

Happy Mother’s Day!!

Hello everyone and Happy Mother’s Day!! Moms should be celebrated every day, of course, but it just hits different today! I don’t know about all of you, but I am the luckiest gal in the world to have my mom. I am also so lucky to have so many other wonderful moms in my life too. The molds were broken when my mom, mother-in-law, and sister were made and all of them astound me every day. I also have the pleasure of getting to know the moms of my clients in the special needs community and they never cease to amaze me, either. ❤

Mothers are so special and, the older I get, the more I just want to be around mine! Even as an adult, I still want to go to my mom first to complain about any minor inconvenience or celebrate big news. I am beyond thankful for that kind of relationship and have known since my youth that I can, without a doubt, go to my mom for anything. Speaking of my youth, in a weird way I feel like I’ve been reliving it since becoming an aunt…

Here me out: Literally no one remembers the early years of their lives. Sure, you can look at photos and watch home videos but it’s not an actual memory. You’re just seeing it. My sister has two precious girls and it is a joy to see my parents interact with them. It gives me so much insight into what they were like when my siblings and I were little and further solidifies how truly blessed I am to be their daughter. My sister is a Super Woman mom too and watching her own beautiful take on motherhood makes me so proud. And, yes, she has definitely taken some pointers from my mom’s book. Hey, if it’s not broken – don’t fix it!

To all of the moms in any way shape or form throughout the world: Thank you!

Happy Mother’s Day!!!!! ❤

Finding Social Media Management Opportunities

Finding Social Media Management Opportunities

Hello! Thanks to lifewithlilred, I have been able to work with a variety of advertising companies in some way shape or form. My blog also gave me the skills and confidence to be able to take on other jobs like social media management. I have been doing this particular job with bands and businesses for the past year and change and enjoy it so very much. If this is a job that you think you might like to try too, but don’t know where to start – then this article is for you! Today, we’re going to look at a few easy peasy ways to find social media management opportunities:

Social Media:

This seems like such a given, but you would be amazed at how many people are posting Every. Single. Day. looking for social media managers. In fact, this is how I got started working with Constellations – one post on Facebook. If you keep your social media limited to your close friends and family, you might not come across these opportunities as often. However, there is a way to work around this! On Facebook, you might want to consider joining groups specific to businesses in your community. I am a member of several of these groups and see postings at least once a week for social media related positions. It never hurts to at least try!


I have a LinkedIn profile that I created a year or so ago. I never use it, but you might want to. The reason I say this is because I get an email Every. Single. Day. with different content creator and social media management opportunities. Finding a job in this field could be as simple as opening up an email. If you are going the LinkedIn route, you will want to make sure that you craft your page so it looks legit. Spend some time interacting on the site, making connections, and researching companies with profiles that could be a good fit for you.

Promote Yourself:

You could be extremely interested in a job in social media and that’s great. No one will know if you don’t talk about it, though! Post on your profiles that this is a service you offer. Tell your friends to tell their friends. The power of good old fashioned word of mouth marketing is much stronger than you think. Of course, you can’t just talk the talk. Your profiles should reflect a strong social media presence so it is worthwhile to put the work into bulking it up. A strong social media presence also leads into the last point…

Seek Strategically:

Think of social media profiles for established businesses, brands, or bands. They have tons of followers and interactions that keep their pages active. Now, think of the pages of some recently opened businesses. Notice a huge difference? If you said the interaction is minimal, at best, then how right you are! These are perfect places to offer your services to because new businesses, brands, and bands need to create a buzz. Established pages already have someone doing something right and, chances are, freshly started ventures don’t. This is where you come in!

With the tips above, you can begin looking for social media management opportunities more effectively. You never know when they might turn up!

Are you active on social media? What is your favorite platform? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

New Pink & Deep Purple Nails

New Pink & Deep Purple Nails

Hello!! Three of my houses of worship are TJMaxx, the Shear Shop, and Elysian Nails. They are where I go to find solace, shelter from the storm, and inner peace. I leave each location a transformed woman and always feel much better than I did before! On Tuesday, I had a fantastic fill at Elysian Nails and it turned out beautifully. There is nothing quite like that fresh fill feeling and no one could tell me NOTHIN for the rest of the day! My nail tech got me just right and I am loving this cute color combo:


^^^ Peep those new finger tattoos!

It has felt like summer for the past several weeks in Ohio and I always like to transition to brighter nail polish when it starts warming up. My plan was to go for sunny, poppy hues for this fill but I was feeling very uninspired at the nail polish wall. Every color combination I could think of was something that I had done before and while I have no problem repeating combos I liked, I just wasn’t in the mood for it. After staring at my choices for what felt like forever, a bubblegum pink caught my eye and I could work with that! Rather than continue with summer colors, I decided to expand my horizons and chose a shimmery, deep purple. It was different than anything I have used recently and I can’t believe I haven’t selected it before because it’s so pretty!

When I go in for my Tuesday fill, I am in between shifts and it can be hard for me to fully relax when I know I have to go back to work. But, after I sat down at my nail tech’s station, I could literally feel my stress melting away. My girl is the absolute best and I never realize just how bad my nails are until she goes to work on them. As we chat away, she expertly repairs, fortifies, and sharpens my claws back into their former glory. Once I leave the salon and am on my way back to the grind, I always feel like I’m ready to take on the rest of the day. It’s amazing what some fresh new talons can do for me. 😀

Elysian Nails is, truly, my happy place and I think it is having the same effect on my mom… She has been itching to go back for a mani since we got our toes done and I am SO there for it!

What colors do you like to wear in the summer? Where is your happy place? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Summer Festival OOTD

Summer Festival OOTD

Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new OOTD here on lifewithlilred! A couple of weeks ago, I happily accepted a new job as Tim Misny’s social media manager and it has been freaking awesome. It is such a major accomplishment and I have loved every minute of it. One of my first content creating missions was at the Louie Run this past weekend to kick off the motorcycle season in Ohio. I don’t have too many pictures of my outfit because I was going nonstop all day, but I wanted to share a few shots anyways. I think this look is perfect for a Summer Festival! Check it out:


Who? What? Wear?

Embroidered Top: Love On A Hanger, TJMaxx

Jean Shorts: American Eagle Outfitters

Embroidered Heels: Sbicca, ModCloth

The earrings are Lucky Brand and were a gift from my mom!

In terms of weather, we lucked out the day of the Louie Run. It was supposed to rain throughout the day, but it held off. However, the lack of rain made for a very hot and humid day and I knew I would need to put together a summer look to accommodate. For my outfit, I wanted something cute, cool, and classic. I also wanted to style an OOTD that was fairly simple because I would be interviewing a lot of people and didn’t want to take away from it. This look screams fresh and fun in the sun and it is exactly what I was going for!

To build this outfit, I started with my pretty flower embroidered Love On A Hanger top. I adore the navy pattern against the crisp white base and it reminds me of porcelain dishes. I appreciated the spaghetti straps for the muggy day ahead and I also liked that the sort of V neck wasn’t an extreme plunge. This made it still feel appropriate because I was technically working even though I was having a total blast. 😀

My Love On A Hanger top is ideal for pairing with sweet little jean shorts and I went with one of my go tos from American Eagle. As always, their shorts are the absolute best! I have several pairs of their denim shorts, but I chose an undistressed one for this look. Between the pattern on the top and all of my tattoos out for the world and god to see, there was no need for any extra bells and whistles. These shorts kept me cool and comfortable all day and I couldn’t even imagine the misery that would have happened if I wore jeans lol.

Finally, it was onto shoes and accessories. For shoes, I went with a darling pair of embroidered heels by Sbicca. These were an excellent choice for a few reasons. 1) The heel was thick and supportive for walking around all day. 2) Even though they are a faded denim in color, it still worked because denim is a neutral. Last on the agenda was jewelry and I simply added one of my favorite pairs of turquoise earrings from my mom and called it. As I said, with my tattoos out for the world and god to see, this outfit didn’t need any extra bells and whistles!

This Summer Festival OOTD is one of the more simple ones that I have styled. However, sometimes you need to dress for the occasion and not just what you want to wear. So, simple or not, this outfit was a great success!

Are you attending any festivals this summer? Are you going to a concert any time soon? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


Louie Run Fun

Louie Run Fun

Hello everyone! This past week has been a crazy busy one because I started my brand new job as Tim Misny’s social media manager. It has been an absolute whirlwind and I have been enjoying myself so much! My first assignment, so to speak, was this past Sunday at the Lake County Fairgrounds for the 40th Annual Louie Run. The Louie Run is the “unofficial official” kick start to the motorcycle riding season in Ohio and honors those who lost their lives or were injured through motorcycle accidents. It also tips its cap to those who have made a positive impact on the motorcycle community. This was definitely an event that Johnny and I didn’t expect to find ourselves at, but it was SO awesome!! Check it out:


The Louie Run was jam packed with activities (classic car and motorcycle shows, stunt shows, etc) food trucks, vendors, and musicians and it was my job to capture it. As soon as Johnny and I arrived on scene, it went straight to shooting Facebook Live segments and snapping pics and videos to post on social media throughout the week. We were going here, there, and everywhere so I could conduct interviews and showcase all of the excitement of the day. Even though it was exhausting, it was a complete dream come true! I have conducted several interviews in the past, but it was always with people I knew. On the spot interviews are something I have never done before or even had the opportunity to do and I think I nailed it. 😀

Basically every single moment at the Louie Run was hectic and every time I thought Johnny and I had a moment to catch our breath, it was onto the next thing. That’s not to say that we didn’t love every minute of it, though! We were also still able to pencil in a few moments for non work related fun too. We adored seeing the tiniest rider of the day proudly rolling around on his mini bike and all of the random conversations we had with the attendees. Johnny and I also got the biggest kick out of the several requests for pictures I got as we strolled around the fairgrounds. It had me feeling like a celebrity and it was really cool!!

You can watch all of my Live segments from the Louie Run on Tim Misny’s Facebook page and there is much more to come all week. I can’t wait to see what my new job has in store for me next!

What is an annual event that takes place in your neck of the woods? Have you ever rode a motorcycle before? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


Midweek Date Night

Midweek Date Night

Hello! Johnny and I have very demanding schedules for work and we both tend to be up around three in the morning most days of the week. Because of this, it is extremely rare for us to do anything during the work week because we are too tired. Not to mention that we both go to bed around six o’clock lol. On Monday, I accepted a new job as Tim Misny’s social media manager. On Tuesday, Johnny asked if I wanted to go to our favorite Mexican restaurant, El Meson, on Wednesday to celebrate. I was absolutely shook when he brought it up and happily accepted his offer!


All day on Wednesday, I was looking forward to our date night and was using all of my strength to will time into going faster. We left for El Meson as soon as I got home from work and I was buzzing the whole way there. I literally can’t remember the last time we did a dinner date during the week! At the restaurant, we were having so much fun sipping on tasty margs and feeling dizzy with delight over my new opportunity. Our first date was on a Thursday and I told Johnny that this felt like our first date.

After we finished our meal, Johnny asked for a to go cup for the rest of his margarita. I realized I needed one too and followed our server to the bar to ask him for one more. As I returned to our table, I got stopped by a few people sitting at the bar. One of the ladies asked if Johnny and I were on our first date because we both looked so happy. She couldn’t believe it when I told her that we have been together for almost five years and I actually just told Johnny that our evening felt like our first date. We both got a little weepy about it and it was so incredibly sweet. Then, Johnny and I joked that we were just really good at faking our happiness lol – classic!

I truly did have all of the first date feels during our celebratory dinner date and I love that this was apparent to other El Meson patrons. I felt so spoiled to be taken out to my favorite restaurant and am so thankful to have such a stand up guy! ❤

What was the best first date you have been on? What is your favorite restaurant? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Spring Picnic OOTD Bloopers

Spring Picnic OOTD Bloopers

Hello everyone and welcome to the blooper reel from my Spring Picnic OOTD! Last Friday, Johnny and I made a trip to Misnyland to hang out with Tim Misny and contest winners for a picnic. We all had an awesome time and it was definitely a straight shot to the nostalgia because a party like the one we attended was how I met Tim in the first place. It was so fun to meet other Misny super fans and I think it’s just the tops to see people so happy thanks to my new boss’ efforts. I’m just hoping they didn’t see these moments when I was taking OOTD shots:

Introducing Tim Misny’s social media manager lol


TFYM when you realize your dress might be a bit too short to pop your foot


I’M SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This bird of paradise is taking off


Who, me? 🙂


Mirror, mirror on the wall – who’s the fairest of them all?


Spoiler Alert: The fairest of them all is Tim!


Post bloopers, I like to talk about a funny occurrence or something random. I guess this story is going to fall under the random category… I don’t know about all of you, but I live for throwback music. The 90s and 2K era for pop, rap, and alternative just can’t be beat and it’s nice to know that my musical taste stunted around 2010 lol. Because I drive a lot for work, I have grown increasingly fond of radio programs. I love playing the trivia games on 107.9 and listening to the Jeremiah Show on 96.5. My favorite thing, though, is Throwback Thursday on 88.1.

88.1 is a super cool station that is run by the students at the University of Akron and is what I listen to the most frequently. Every Thursday, they play throwback hits all day and it makes for the best day ever. The irony is not lost on me that these students were probably not even born when these songs were coming out! But I digress. As the weather has turned lovely in Ohio, it made my last Throwback Thursday even better than usual. With the windows down and music blasting, it almost made me forget that I was on my way to work. But, hey, that early Britney Spears is going to do it for me every time!

I have officially turned into one of those people that has got to listen to their radio programs and I can’t say I’m mad about it. My next goal is to dedicate some time to doing tons of entries to play trivia on 107.9 because I am confident I can win it. So, don’t be surprised if baby girl has a future come up lol!

What is your favorite radio station? What is your favorite era of music? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

New Job – No Prob!!

New Job – No Prob!!

Hello!! As you all know, Johnny and I have become friends with Ohio’s favorite personal injury lawyer, Tim Misny. The past half a year or so has been an absolute whirlwind because of it and I still have to pinch myself that I even know Tim at all lol. Since meeting Tim, we have collaborated on lots of cool content, enjoyed delicious food and the best company a gal could ask for. I thought I was lucky before, but that changed completely thanks to a phone call this past Monday. Now, I consider myself the luckiest girl in the world!

On Monday, I received a call from Tim’s office manager with an offer… To work as the social media manager for Tim Misny!!! This is not my first rodeo doing social media management, but this is most definitely the biggest person I have worked with yet. Tim truly is a celebrity in Ohio and when I say that everyone knows who he is, I mean everyone and their brother. Creating content with Tim this winter was a blast, but I never in my wildest dreams thought that it would turn into an opportunity like this. 😀

With my new position, I will be working hard to freshen up Tim’s social media pages through interactive content, contests, and interviews. In fact, we just shot our first video to start that process on Thursday! I have also been designing new clothing and products for the Misny Merch line. I am particularly excited about this because it’s no secret that I love fashion and I have a ton of ideas to make the merch line really pop. It’s like this job was made for me!

I have been working towards a job like this since lifewithlilred began almost a decade ago. I feel like it is my big break and I am going to savor every moment of it. I am beyond thankful for Tim and his team to take me on and can’t wait to see what each day holds. To keep up to date on content starring yours truly, be sure to follow Tim’s Facebook page!

What is the best job you have ever had? How about the worst? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Tattoo Etiquette

Tattoo Etiquette

Howdy!! I often forget how many tattoos I actually have until the warm weather hits and shorts and T-shirts are appropriate again. It’s so easy to not even think about a majority of my tattoos when they are consistently covered up with jeans and hoodies all fall and winter long! This past week, we enjoyed eighty degree days in the good ol’ A-K-Rowdy and I was excited to finally break out shorts and a T from Misny Merch. I am used to a lot of the usual comments when my tattoos are out… “How much did those cost?”, “what hurt the most?”, “why do you have so many?”, and so on and so forth. However, I never experienced anything quite like what I did when I was job coaching at work.

While I was on site on Tuesday, I had not one, not two, not three, but FOUR people in under an hour grab me to get a “closer look” at different pieces. This made for a grand total of SIX times in two days, but I had never had that happen so many times in such a short period. This is my PSA to PLEASE DON’T DO THAT. It is an absolute invasion of personal space, shows no respect for a person’s boundaries, and is simply insane that adults don’t know how to keep their hands to themselves.

As this was all happening, I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone because it just kept happening lol. I don’t know about all of you, but I have never grabbed a person’s hair because I liked it and wanted to learn about the color and cut. I have never grabbed a person’s shirt because it was adorable and I wanted to know the brand. It is shocking to me that such an easy concept to grasp just flew out the window when my tattoos were involved. Body modifications do not give anyone permission to touch you. Nothing gives anyone permission to touch you without your consent. And just for good measure, I repeat: No one should touch you without your consent!!!! Get it together, people. Je-sus.

Word to the wise, if you would like to get a closer look at someone’s ink – just ask. Ninety-nine percent of the time, we are happy to accommodate, but don’t take lightly to being grabbed out of nowhere. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!

What is a weird situation you have encountered in public? What is one of your biggest pet peeves? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah