Category Archives: Awards

Liebster Award #20

Liebster Award #20

Hi! A few days ago I was nominated by one of my dear friends, Sheryl, of Sheryl’s Light for lifewithlilred’s twentieth Liebster Award! You might remember her guest posting on my blog, which is how we became fast friends. Now, it seems like we are always chatting in some way over Facebook or our blogs! Sheryl is an absolute joy and I am so lucky to have her in my “circle”. Do be sure to give her blog some love, too! Here are the rules for the Liebster Award:

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers.
  • Ask your nominees 11 questions.
  • Notify your 11 nominees.

Q & A:

What is your favorite childhood memory? Other than all of the wonderful vacations we would go on I would probably have to say watching the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics with my dad. That was the year Sarah Hughes won the gold for America in figure skating. My dad asked if that was something I would like to try and, of course, I said yes. The rest is history because, after that, he signed me up for ice skating lessons and I fell in love. I still am in love with the sport to this day, eighteen years later. โค

Why did you start blogging? For fun! My blog is like my online journal and all of the amazing friends I’ve met along the way are the most wonderful bonus!

Who is your favorite actor? I love Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie.

What is your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving! Lol, I was literally just telling my client I can’t wait for Thanksgiving because all I want to do is eat food… Thanksgiving food is one of my faves!

If you could go anywhere all expenses paid, where would you go? Definitely to France so I could put my French speaking skills to good use.

What is your favorite music? I like all kinds of music. Everything from indie and alternative to rock and emo all the way to gangster rap, opera, and musicals. You never know what you’ll end up listening to if you’re ever a passenger in my car!

What is your favorite food to eat? I love all kinds of food and am always willing to try something new as long as it’s vegetarian. I’d have to say that Indian food is one of my top faves, though.

What positives have come out of the coronavirus for you? Johnny and I have saved so much money from no longer going to bars, restaurants, movies, etc. so that rocks!

What would you tell your teenage self in a letter? That things will get much better.

If you could turn back time where would you go? Back to before Donald Trump was president, lol.

My Nominees (I’m only doing three):

My Questions For You:

  1. Which shows have you bingewatched compliments of COVID?
  2. How do you safely go out right now?
  3. What is your favorite place to get take out from?
  4. What is fall weather like in your neck of the woods?
  5. What are COVID precautions like where you live?
  6. What is the last book you read?
  7. Last movie you saw in theaters?
  8. What do you love the most about blogging?
  9. What do you admire about your best friend?
  10. Do you have a celebrity crush? Who?
  11. How early do you start your holiday season shopping?

Thank you so much again to Sheryl for the Liebster Award nomination! How would you answer some of Sheryl’s questions for her nominees? How about some of my questions for mine? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award

Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award

Hi! This past weekend, lifewithlilred was nominated for its first Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award by my friend, Luna, over at BetterDayWeb. It has been a good long while since my page was nominated for a blogging award so I was excited to work on this post after reading Luna’s comment to me with the award info. It is so nice to know that other people take something positive with them when they visit my page and it is much appreciated. For more positive, inspiring bloggers, do be sure to check out Luna’s blog, as well! Now, let’s get on to the rules for this award:

The Rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their site
  • Answer the questions you got
  • Nominate up to 9 bloggers and ask them 5 new questions
  • Notify the bloggers you nominate so they know they have been nominated
  • List the rules and display the award logo in your blog post
  • Provide a link to the award creator. Rising Star from

Q & A:

What is the absolute best thing that has happened in your life so far? Just one?! How about three? Lol, I love being an aunt, I am insanely proud of my two businesses, and I have a wonderful family and boyfriend. That is all, definitely, the best!

Do you have a special talent, if yes; what is it? I have an excellent memory, which made my time in the theater world a snap with all of the lines I had to memorize! Now, I use that special gift to learn different languages. I currently practice French, Italian, Spanish, German, Czech, and American Sign Language. I’d like to learn Latin or Swedish next.

If you could do anything you wanted at all with no risk of failing. What would you do? This is a tough one! I would probably go to the skating rink and bust out some Olympic level figure skating – which, sadly, only happens in my dreams!

Fill in the blank. To me, Happiness is ________. Being with my family, hands down.

What always makes you smile? Coming home from work and seeing Johnny after a long day. ๐Ÿ™‚

My Nominees (I’m only doing three):

My Questions For You:

  1. Which actor or actress would you love to be besties with?
  2. Do you like salty snacks or do you have a sweet tooth?
  3. How did the coronavirus affect your neck of the woods?
  4. Favorite movie, TV show, and book?
  5. What is your favorite season and why?

Thank you so much again to the darling Luna for nominating lifewithlilred for the Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award! How would you answer some of Luna’s questions for her nominees? How about some of my questions for mine? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


Sunshine Blogger Award #8

Sunshine Blogger Award #8

Hi! During this lock down, I have seen all of the fun little blogging awards that were so popular when I began writing make a major comeback. These awards are a great way to get to know your fellow bloggers better and I am so proud for lifewithlilred to have been nominated for its eighth Sunshine Blogger Award by my friend, Alexandra, at You and Me and Cup of Coffee.

Miss Alex runs a fantastic blog filled with the best content and it is always such a delight when we can chit chat a little. So, do be sure to check out her page and give it some love! Now, let’s get on to the rules for this award:

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in the post and link to their blog
  • Answer the 11 questions asked of you
  • List the rules and include the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post
  • Write a new list of 11 questions for your nominees
  • Nominate 11 bloggers for the Sunshine Blogger Award

Q & A:

What is your most favorite character in movies/TV shows/video games? My Animal Crossing villager. Lol, no… But, yes. I don’t know, I always loved the more eccentric characters Johnny Depp played in his older movies. I also adore the character, V, from V For Vendetta and the Faun from Pan’s Labyrinth.
What are the 3 things you like about blogging the most? All of the friends I’ve made for answers one, two, and three. โค
Did your blog grow more or less as youโ€™ve planned when you started blogging, or did it take a different route? I wasn’t really expecting anything out of lifewithlilred when I first started it. But, now my page is read in over one hundred and eighty countries and I can’t quite come up with a word to describe how that makes me feel. Very proud.
What historical period do you find the most fascinating and why? My boyfriend and I watch a lot of WWI and WWII documentaries together. WWII was always my favorite thing to learn about in school and watching all of these programs as an adult is so eye opening.
What is the best advice youโ€™ve ever received? That there’s nothing wrong with living your life at your own pace.
Imagine youโ€™re about to launch a small business and have no limitations in funding, location, etc. What kind of business would you start? Oooh! An animal shelter in the community. And a super fashion forward boutique, of course.
Would you rather go to a music concert or stand up comedy show and which performer would you choose? That’s a hard one and I would like to go to both so that’s how I’m answering it. Haha, for a comedian I’d love to see Jason Mulaney and I am still dying to see Arcade Fire in concert.
Do you have unpopular opinions? If so, what are they? I think everyone’s opinion can be unpopular depending on who they tell it to. But, I tend not to post in depth about my religious or political views on my blog or social media.
Whatโ€™s your opinion about the luxury industry? Are luxury brands worth the price? So, I have no problem paying a bit more for a quality product. However, I could never justify spending thousands of dollars on one piece of clothing when I have a difficult time spending over fifty! I don’t think any piece of fashion is worth more than your first starter car. That’s why I live in TJMaxx, lol.
Where do you get inspiration when writing for your blog? When I’m with my boyfriend, in TJMaxx, or when I’m literally just about to fall asleep in bed.
If you could instantly remove one thing from the world to make it a better place, what would it be? It can be anything โ€“ something tangible, process, idea, emotion, a character trait. CORONAVIRUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Nominees (I’m only doing three):

My Questions For You:

  1. What is your lock down uniform? Mine is no makeup and all of the hoodies!
  2. What are you most looking forward to doing post coronavirus?
  3. Favorite restaurant local to your area?
  4. Do you prefer in store or online shopping?
  5. What was the last book you read?
  6. What are a few of your favorite hobbies besides writing?
  7. Do you plan on blogging throughout your life?
  8. What would be your perfect date night?
  9. Last series you binge watched?
  10. Do you have any strange talents?
  11. Biggest guilty pleasure?

Thank you so much again to Alex for the Sunshine Blogger Award nomination – your questions were amazing!

How would you answer some of Alex’s questions for her nominees? What about some of my questions for mine? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Real Neat Blog Award

Real Neat Blog Award

Hello! This past week, lifewithlilred was nominated for its first Real Neat Blog Award by my friend, Becki, over at Bekkibee22. Becki has a wonderful blog filled with cool and relatable content and I have so enjoyed getting to know her better as we both continue our blogging journeys. Do be sure to check her page out and give it some love! Now, let’s get on to the rules for this award:

The Rules:

  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  • Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blogs.
  • Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs; and asking them seven questions.
  • Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog etc.)

Q & A

1. What is your go-to make-up look? When I wear makeup for a normal day, it is all about huge lashes, rosy cheeks, and a gold eyeshadow. Then, I’ll typically apply my signature red lip for a night on the town because my look goes from day to night really easily.

2. What is your favorite lip color? Red, red, red. Oh, did I mention RED?!

3. What is your favorite hobby? I love to write and figure skate. And, of course, I love shopping!

4. What is your favorite TV Series, which you can re-watch all over again? Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Parks & Rec.

5. What is one thing you wish you learned? That it’s okay to do things differently from other people. The most exciting thing in life is making your own path.

6. What is your favorite bath or shower product? I love the body butter by The Body Shop and I also adore the bath bombs from Lush.

7. What is your fondest memory? Why? I loved going to Universal Studios in Florida with my family for the first time. Seeing The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter all together is hard to forget. We were all so happy and it was so much fun.

My Nominees (I’m only doing three):

My Questions For You:

  1. Have you picked up any new hobbies during the coronavirus panic?
  2. How have you been keeping yourself occupied if your area has a stay at home order?
  3. Favorite meal to prepare?
  4. One food that you refuse to try?
  5. The last movie or show you watched?
  6. Who is your celebrity crush?
  7. What is your favorite part about blogging?

Thanks again to the darling Becki of Bekkibee22 for the Real Neat Blog Award nomination!

How would you answer Becki’s questions for her nominees? How about my questions for mine? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Sunshine Blogger Award #7

Sunshine Blogger Award #7

Hello!! This past week, lifewithlilred was nominated for its seventh Sunshine Blogger Award from my friend Debby at Debby SEO. It was such a pleasant surprise because I haven’t been nominated for an award in forever and I’m hoping that they make a comeback because they are such fun to complete and pass on! Now, let’s get to the rules for this award:

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in the post and link to their blog
  • Answer the 11 questions asked of you
  • List the rules and include the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post
  • Write a new list of 11 questions for your nominees
  • Nominate 11 bloggers for the Sunshine Blogger Award

Q & A:

Are you familiar with SEO strategies? Have you optimized your site yourself? Did you do off site or on site SEO for your blog or website and are you happy with the results? I am but I typically don’t talk business on blog posts!

What is the most embarrassing clothing item you have ever worn? Normally I love my Sexy Raggedy Anne Halloween costume but I remember wearing it when I worked in the mall and had to pass out candy for Trick Or Treat. I was so embarrassed but a bunch of dads definitely loved it, lol!

If you were given $750 to spend on anything you wanted, what would you buy? I would pay my rent for the month and then go to TJMaxx to spend the rest. ๐Ÿ˜€

If you had enough money that you never needed to work again, what would you do with your time? I would like to travel and finally get a pet because I would be home more often. A puppy and a bunny, please. โค

If you could start over your life and change one thing, what would you change? Mmmm… I would have liked to do a bit better in high school so that I would have started college right away. But I’m happy with how things turned out.

What do you consider your greatest strength, your greatest weakness? Greatest strength is probably my personality and greatest weakness is that I can be pretty sensitive which is annoying sometimes haha.

What have you tried lately that is new and exciting? Playing Animal Crossing while riding out this stay at home order!!

What was the greatest adventure in your life so far? Dating my boyfriend and running two businesses.

What makes you happiest and when you think about it you cannot help but smile? My family, our two dogs, and my boyfriend.

My Nominees (I’m only doing three):

My Questions For You:

  1. How has your neck of the woods been effected by the coronavirus?
  2. What have you been doing to pass the time during self-isolation?
  3. What shows or movies have you been binging?
  4. Last book you read?
  5. Last movie you saw in theaters?
  6. What is something that you are looking forward to?
  7. What is your favorite restaurant in your area?
  8. What is your favorite tourist attraction where you live?
  9. Do you have any phobias?
  10. Last thing you purchased from the store?
  11. What is the first thing you plan on doing once the coronavirus dies down?

Thank you so much again to Debby for the Sunshine Blogger nomination! How would you answer some of Debby’s questions for her nominees? What about some of the questions for mine? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Liebster Award #19

Liebster Award #19

Hiii! This past week, lifewithlilred was nominated for its nineteenth Liebster Award by my darling friend, Carlie, over at Carlie’s Art World. Carlie is an absolute doll and one of my dearest blogging friends and I cannot recommend her page enough. Her artwork and OOTDs are amazing and I know all of you will love it just as much as I do! Now, let’s get on to the rules for this award:

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • ย Display your award.
  • ย Answer the questions you were asked by the blogger who nominated you.
  • ย Nominate 5 other bloggers.
  • ย Ask 6 new questions for your nominees to answer.
  • ย Let your nominees know they were nominated and give them a link to your post.

Q & A:

What made you want to start a blog?

I honestly didn’t even want to start a blog but so many people told me that they loved my style and that I’m funny and if I started a blog that they would read it. So, when I began college, I started my page and I was hooked! And, I still am almost five years later.

What is your favorite horror movie?ย 

The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre and I love the French film Ils.

Do you have any pets?

I, sadly, do not have any pets at my apartment. But, I have two beloved rescue pups at my family home, Gem and Ollie. Both of them are actually quite sick right now so please send some love their way!

Do you collect anything? If so, what do you collect?

Shoes, shoes, shoes, purses, jewelry, clothing, shoes.

Whatโ€™s your favorite place to vacation?

Asheville, North Carolina.

If you could live anywhere, where would you be?

Paris! I speak French, so hopefully I would fit right in!

My Nominees (I’m only doing three):

My Questions For You:

  1. What is your favorite thing to do in the summer?
  2. Are you going on any summer vacations?
  3. How do you stay cool in the warm weather?
  4. What is your favorite Popsicle flavor?
  5. What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
  6. What is one of your goals for the rest of 2019?

How would you answer some of Carlie’s questions for her nominees? How about some of my questions for mine? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Sunshine Blogger Award #7

Sunshine Blogger Award #7

Hello!! This past weekend, I was so excited for lifewithlilred to be nominated for its seventh Sunshine Blogger Award by my friend, Tiffy, at The Life Of Tiffy. Tiffy runs a wonderful lifestyle blog that covers everything from product reviews and fitness to everything in between. It’s a real treat, so do be sure to check it out and give it some love! Now, on to the rules for this award:

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in the post and link to their blog
  • Answer the 11 questions asked of you
  • List the rules and include the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post
  • Write a new list of 11 questions for your nominees
  • Nominate 11 bloggers for the Sunshine Blogger Award

Q & A:

If you could not blog, what would you do? I guess if I was technologically challenged, I would journal. I kept a journal all throughout high school until the time I was twenty or so. If lifewithlilred didn’t exist, it would be back to the ol’ pen and paper.

Dream holiday destination and why? Paris! Because shopping, finally putting speaking French to good use, and getting lost in the city.

Youโ€™re on a desert island. What three things would you have with you? I feel like people normally go with the obvious things like a boat or a cell phone. So, I’m going to go with more minimal and say a lighter to start a fire, a pot to boil water, and a supply of vegetarian friendly food so I don’t have to hurt an animal.

Cats or dogs? Or neither? Dogs! Dogs, dogs, dogs. But, my sister and her boyfriend and my boyfriend both have cats and they’re not the worst thing ever. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Favorite way for you to destress after a long day? Taking a bath with a Lush bath bomb and watching a movie before going to bed early.

Favorite thing to do on a first date? Coffee dates are always good!

The one product I could not live without isโ€ฆ A really good moisturizer. Skin care always comes first for me.

Who is your inspiration in life? Basically everyone who I choose to interact with inspires me in some way shape or form.

You find out your grandmother has a secret fortune, and you inherit a large sum of money. First thing you would do? Find good homes for all of the animals in shelters.

Who would you form a band with? 4 extra members max. Jack White, Marilyn Manson, and Bono.

Favorite Disney film, classic and modern? Beauty & The Beast and then I’m not really sure of the modern ones because I’ve never watched them.

My Nominees (I’m only doing three):

My Questions For You:

  1. Describe a perfect day off from work.
  2. Do you have any traditions that are special to your family?
  3. What is your favorite board game?
  4. What was your favorite childhood toy?
  5. What is your go to accessory?
  6. What are your favorite things to do in the fall?
  7. Text messages or phone calls?
  8. Do you have any hidden or weird talents?
  9. Who is a celebrity that you can’t stand?
  10. What are your goals for your blog?
  11. Who do you go to when you need advice?

Thank you so much again to Tiffy for nominating lifewithlilred for its seventh Sunshine Blogger Award! How would you answer some of the questions that Tiffy has for her nominees? How about some of the questions that I have for mine? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Mystery Blogger Award #9

Mystery Blogger Award #9

Hello! Upon returning back to lifewithlilred after my hiatus from the flu, I saw that the adorable Hunida from Hunida’s Blog nominated my page for its ninth Mystery Blogger Award. This was such a sweet surprise, especially since I’ve been feeling so shitty! Hunida is such a doll and I love chit chatting with her. Her page is a real treat, too, so be sure to check it out! Now, let’s get on to the rules for this award:

The Rules:

  • Thank whoever nominated you & include a link to their blog
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  • Answer the questions from the person who nominated you
  • Nominate 5-10 bloggers
  • Ask your nominees 5 questions of your own [with a choice of one weird or funny one]
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog

Fun Facts:

  1. I used to say that I’d prefer to have the flu over a cold because usually the flu goes away more quickly, while a cold lingers on for forever. But, after my week of literal hell, I’ll take a cold on any day!
  2. The only bonus of being sick is that I do feel a little skinnier, so it’s never too late to get your bikini body. ๐Ÿ˜€ lololol
  3. Speaking of bikinis, why in SAM HILL did Victoria’s Secret stop selling them?! Now I have nowhere to buy a bikini even if I wanted to. I call bullshit.

Q & A:

My weird question: Do you eat ketchup with your eggs? It depends. If I’m eating just eggs and toast, then no. BUT, if I’m eating hashbrowns and eggs, then yes. Ketchup is a must for hashbrowns and if it gets on my eggs, then so be it. lol

Whatโ€™s hanging up on the walls in your bedroom? In the bedroom I sleep in, AKA my sister’s old room before she moved out, there’s literally nothing on the walls. But, in my room with all of my stuff in it, I have pictures from magazines completely covering the walls. It looks awesome.

What do you keep on your nightstand every night? A bottle of water, my medicine to take in the morning, and my Kindle.

What is your favorite magazine to flip through? I’m a sucker for browsing through the celebrity rags like People and Us Weekly, but my favorite magazine to actually read is Rolling Stone.

Do you prefer gold or silver wedding bands for men? I never really thought about it, but silver.

My Nominees (I’m only doing three):

My Questions For You:

  1. *Silly Question* Would you rather walk around with a wad of bubble gum on your shoe for the day or walk into an important meeting with toilet paper on your shoe?
  2. What is your least favorite day of the week?
  3. What is your favorite thing that you have done this summer?
  4. What was the last concert you went to?
  5. What is your favorite summer time treat?

Thank you so much again to Hunida for lifewithlilred’s ninth Mystery Blogger Award nomination! Let’s get to number ten soon! How would you answer some of Hunida’s questions for her nominees? How about some of my questions for mine? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Liebster Award #18

Liebster Award #18

Hi everyone and happy Hump Day! Today, we are going to have some fun going over lifewithlilred’s eighteenth Liebster Award, which I was so kindly nominated for by my friend, Beth, over at World Of Beth. This beautiful gal runs a lovely page filled with stories of delicious food and amazing travel along with some really good notes on health and wellness. Beth’s page is a treat, so do be sure to check it out ASAFP! Now, let’s get on to the rules for this award:

The Rules:

  • Acknowledge the blog that gave it to you and display the award.
  • Answer the 11 questions that the blogger gives you.
  • Give 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 11 blogs and notify them of their nomination.
  • Give these blogs 11 questions to answer.

Q & A:

Who is your favorite Disney character? The Little Mermaid. ๐Ÿ™‚

If you could find out one mystery what would it be? I have no idea!

What is your favorite type of cake? All vanilla everything and I love cheesecake.

If you were Prime Minister what rule would you make? No comment. Spoken like a true person who doesn’t talk politics on their page, lol. :’D

What is your most prized possession? My pearls from my grandma.

Who is your favorite fictional character? Harry Potter!

If there were only two seasons which ones would you pick? Fall and spring. Both are not too hot and not too cold, which is ideal for me.

Do you think we are the only ones to exist in the universe? Nope. The universe is huge and there are many locations left on earth and in space that have yet to be explored. Who’s to say that there might not be some different form of life in our uncharted territories and galaxies?

What are your main goals right now? To settle into my new apartment comfortably.

If you could meet any famous person dead or alive who would it be? Marilyn Manson.

Sweet or Savory? Ooooooh…. Savory, I think!

Fun Facts:

  1. Since everyone seemed shocked when I revealed my height a few posts ago: Yes, I am only 5’1!
  2. I am always down to eat Taco Bell, Chipotle, or Moe’s.
  3. The last movie I saw in theaters was Jurassic World last month. It was pretty good!
  4. I hate the summer time and I can’t wait for fall weather to begin.
  5. I have been on a HUGE Madonna kick lately and I have no idea where this stemmed from.
  6. I have a slight addiction to shopping at TJMaxx, which I blame on my mom and grandma, because we always used to go there when I was little.
  7. Wine spritzers have been my drink of choice lately. So light and summery!
  8. I love taking baths and pampering myself. I can’t wait to go to Lush hopefully sooner than later so that I can restock all of my favorite goodies.
  9. I feel like I eat more pasta than what’s normal for the average human. Lol, carbs are my weakness.
  10. I usually spend my Sundays wearing no makeup and catching up on blogging or my shows on TLC. Guess which one I’m doing right now? ๐Ÿ˜‰
  11. My favorite summer treat is Honey flavored ice cream from Country Maid in Ohio. It is so delicious and sweet and I want to eat it constantly!

My Nominees (I’m only doing three):

My Questions For You:

  1. What is your favorite thing that you have done this summer?
  2. What is your favorite type of weather?
  3. Who is a celebrity that you can’t stand?
  4. What is one of your guilty pleasures?
  5. Do you take pictures on your phone or with a camera?
  6. What is your favorite form of social media?
  7. Other than blogging, what is your preferred hobby?
  8. What was the last series that you binge watched?
  9. What book is on your night stand right now?
  10. Describe a perfect day out.
  11. What is your favorite flower?

Many thanks again to Beth for lifewithlilred’s eighteenth Liebster Award nomination! How would you answer some of the questions that Beth had for her nominees? How about some of my questions for mine? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Sunshine Blogger Award #6

Sunshine Blogger Award #6

Hi everyone and TGIF! Lifewithlilred recently got nominated for its sixth Sunshine Blogger Award by the wonderful and immensely talented Lady Lazarus. This lovely lady is a freaking hoot and her writing touches me because of its candidness and relate-ability. Do be sure to check out her blog and a huge thank you to Lady Lazarus for the nomination! Now, let’s get on to the rules for this award:

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in the post and link to their blog
  • Answer the 11 questions asked of you
  • List the rules and include the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post
  • Write a new list of 11 questions for your nominees
  • Nominate 11 bloggers for the Sunshine Blogger Award

Q & A:

If you could have dinner with anyone, living or deceased, who would it be? I always find this question difficult to answer, because I don’t have a set in stone reply. Right now, I’m on a huge Hunger Games kick so probably Jennifer Lawrence.

If you were a pro-wrestler, what would your theme song be? Lunchbox by Marilyn Manson, for sure.

If you could have any job, what would it be? I would actually love to be a Developmental Pediatrician like my mom, but I don’t want to be in school for forever!

What is at the top of your bucket list? To explore Europe in its entirety.

Whatโ€™s your favorite color and why? Black, because it’s slimming, it goes with everything, and I like it.

What were your top three favorite movies from when you were a kid? Oooooh…. I would say that The Little Mermaid, Shrek, and FRAGGLEHOUSE ROCK (lol) were my childhood jams if memory serves me correctly.

What song evokes the most emotion from you? Beautiful Day by U2.

What cartoon character do you most identify with? None. I don’t do cartoons.

What is the last thing you thought of before bed last night? Probably that I was full because I ate hella pita bread and spinach dip before bed haha.

What is your biggest fear? Not telling.

What does โ€ The Sunshine Awardโ€ mean to you? That you brighten someone’s day enough for them to nominate you, which is really special.

My Nominees (I’m only doing three):

My Questions For You:

  1. Are there any foods that you’ve never tried simply because it looks gross?
  2. What was your favorite childhood toy?
  3. How do you like to spend your days off?
  4. Biggest pet peeve?
  5. Would you rather not shower or wear the same outfit for a week?
  6. Do you have any nicknames?
  7. Do you have any unique talents or party tricks?
  8. What song or musician can you not stand?
  9. How do you get inspiration for fashion or beauty looks?
  10. Besides writing, what are some of your other hobbies?
  11. Is there anyone in your family who people say that you look a lot like?

Major shout out again to Lady Lazarus for nominating yours truly to participate in my sixth Sunshine Blogger Award – it was a blast! How would you answer some of the questions asked by my nominator? How about some of the questions that I had for my nominees? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah