Category Archives: For Your Information

5 Mistakes You’re Making With Your Laundry

5 Mistakes You’re Making With Your Laundry

You might think that there isn’t anything that could go too wrong with your laundry. However, if you want to keep the quality, color, and reliability of your clothes, then you had better be ready to offer them the care that they need. Here, we’re going to look at all-too-common mistakes people make when doing laundry, and what you can do to prevent them:

Not sorting them by color:

Yes, you still need to sort your clothes by color. Dark clothes should be washed with dark clothes, light with light, and white with white. We have heard a lot of people saying that many modern t-shirts don’t really require this as much because production doesn’t use dye that can come off in the wash. Unless you know precisely how each piece of clothing is going to act when swirling in hot water together, don’t chance it.

Not following the instructions on the tag:

You might think that the instructions on the tag are just a suggestion and that nothing bad is likely to happen if you don’t follow them. Or, you might be like many people who never check the tag at all when washing clothes. If that happens, then you should expect tearing, shrinking, or stretching as a matter of course. If you want to keep your clothes like new, you have to follow their instructions.

Neglecting to check for optical brighteners:

This is a tip that a lot of people don’t know about. There are laundry detergents out there, sold with the express intent of washing clothes, that don’t really wash them too well. Optical brighteners are a somewhat common ingredient. Rather than focusing on washing them, getting out stains, and keeping them fresh, these detergents act as a sort of dye, brightening the laundry instead. Needless to say, most people want their clothes washed, not just having the appearance of being washed.

Keeping the temperature too high:

Another common mistake is thinking that “hotter is better.” Yes, in higher temperatures, dirt and stains might be able to dissolve more easily. However, this is also worse for your clothes, making them more likely to stretch and lose their consistency, as the high temperatures also add wear and tear to the mix. A cold wash can do your clothes a lot of good and uses less energy than usual.

Not cleaning your washing machine:

You have to take care of your washing machine for it to take care of you. Mold, mildew, detergent residue, and hard water buildups can begin to affect the effectiveness of your clean, as well as the health of the machine. A self-clean cycle with a good washing machine cleaner is all you need.

Many of the mistakes above can be a force of habit, so you might not realize exactly what the problem is until you stop it, and find the alternative a lot better. These tips will help you end up with cleaner, fresher clothes, that don’t suffer any unexpected changes in the process of washing them!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Get Ready For Renovation With These Smart Tips

Get Ready For Renovation With These Smart Tips

A home renovation is an excellent way to add value, both in monetary terms and how you feel about your home. Whether it’s a partial renovation or a full remodel, you can get the home you’ve always wanted. Before your renovation project can get underway, you need to prepare for it. Renovations can be noisy, messy, and often take a long time too. You will want your home set up and ready for work to begin so everything can go as smoothly as possible. There are a few steps to take to get it all in order:

Clear Out Anything Valuable:

One thing you definitely don’t want to happen is for anything valuable to be damaged during your renovations. Some valuable items could be permanent fixtures and fittings, which can’t be removed. However, there are often things that can be removed so that they’re out of the way. A storage service such as Ranchers Mobile Storage could be your best option for removing anything you don’t want to keep in your home. Put everything in storage temporarily and get it back when the renovation is finished. If you don’t have much, it could be moved to a spare room or garage too.

Cover Up:

Not everything can be moved out of your home. You might not want to move everything if it’s going to take too much time and effort. Instead, it can be better to cover some things during the renovation to protect them from any mess. This could include covering up furniture or even covering floors and other surfaces. You want to make sure any covers you use, such as sheets or tarps, are secured in place. Think about the best ways to protect everything from dust, paint, or anything else that could damage your possessions.


^^^ Pixabay Image

Set Things Up for Contractors:

You will likely have contractors coming and going while your renovations are taking place. If you’re not going to be living in the property during this time, installing a lock box for keys is a good idea. It will allow your contractors to let themselves in and out without you having to get up early to travel over and let them in. There are other things you might want to do for your contractors too. For example, make it clear that they can use your bathroom, or perhaps even set up a temporary toilet in the yard if there isn’t a functioning bathroom.

Find Somewhere to Stay:

You can remain in your home while you’re having it renovated. However, this isn’t always the smartest choice. There can be a lot of noise and mess, and being around all of the work can be stressful. Plus, if you have pets or children, it could be dangerous. Moving out temporarily might be the best thing to do if you would rather avoid being around all of the work before it’s finished.

Be prepared for your renovation before it begins and you will help everything go smoother while keeping your home as neat as possible!

Featured Image By: Pixabay

That’s So Fetch

That’s So Fetch

Hello!!! I used to be an avid user of the site InboxDollars and haven’t been on it in weeks. InboxDollars is a survey taking website to earn money for gift cards and I used to get Amazon cash pretty frequently with their paid emails. Then, they did away with them and I haven’t visited the page since. Luckily, my bestie introduced me to her favorite gift card app called Fetch when we were at dinner last week. I have been using it every day since and I am obsessed!

Fetch is really neat because literally all you have to do is take a picture of receipts from purchases and you earn points for gift cards. The receipts can be any price and from anywhere. In fact, I just submitted a receipt that was barely over a dollar from McDonald’s lol. You guys know I love a crispy Diet Coke! Fetch is a handy little app and I thought I would share it with all of you. Why not get something back from the items or services you are buying anyways?! I am already a fifth of the way there to a ten dollar Amazon gift card – it’s that quick and easy.

Below is my referral code so we can both earn points when you create your own Fetch account. Here’s to free money!


Have you used gift card apps or websites before? Which one is your favorite? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Fall Guest Bloggers Wanted!!

Fall Guest Bloggers Wanted!!

Hey!!! As you all know, Lil Red loves her some fall! Autumn is my happy time and I have been waiting all summer long for it. There is nothing like cool days, seeing the leaves change colors, and Halloween. Fall is the season when Johnny and I live our best lives and I know that we are not the only ones who share these sentiments. With the changing of seasons, I love to host guest bloggers series and I am opening the floor on lifewithlilred for anyone who wants to celebrate all fall everything!

If you are interested in being a guest blogger on lifewithlilred, all you need to do is shoot me an email with your ideas to: . I am looking for posts on favorite fall recipes, activities, outfits, makeup, and spooky Halloween fun. If your post idea doesn’t fall under these categories – send them my way anyway. 🙂 It is always such a blast to collaborate with other bloggers and make new friends. I am looking forward to hearing from all of you!! ❤ ❤ ❤ Much love. -Sarah

The Business Of Blogging

The Business Of Blogging

Hey! I was SO excited to receive an email from Oprah of the blog Oprah Zip Bradford letting me know that she was back to the blogosphere after a hiatus. It is always so nice to be in touch with friends new and old that I have met through lifewithlilred and Oprah and I go way back. When she asked if I was up for a collaboration, of course I said YES! We were in touch after my four year streak of daily content was announced and she thought it would be beneficial if I explained my blogging business a bit more. I am always down to help inspire and inform other writers so of course I said YES! Here is some advice from your favorite Lil Red blogger:

What do you want out of your blog?

Blogging is an interesting hobby because it could be left as something done just for funsies or as a lucrative hustle. I originally started writing just for fun and I still do. However, I was lucky enough to be linked up with publishing companies and advertisers during lifewithlilred’s early years. Every day, I write for pleasure. However, it is a source of income for me and that keeps me motivated to continue creating daily content. Even if your blog isn’t making you money right now, that’s not to say it won’t in the future. If this is something that you are interested in, then it must be taken seriously as not only an outlet for your creativity but as a potential job.

Making a schedule that works for you:

Whether you would like to publish content just for fun or as a possible source of income, I will always recommend making a schedule. Schedules are important for bloggers because it lets your readers know when to expect you and to keep checking in. When you have a publishing schedule, you can create a writing schedule that works for you. In my case, I publish daily. This means that I have to write daily or write multiple posts in one sitting to schedule ahead of time. As you can tell, I am a very schedule oriented person when it comes to my blog and it has done nothing but help me.

Reach out:

If you are hoping for more interactions, viewers, or friends in the blogosphere – reach out! There are millions of blogs out there and it’s unrealistic to think that everyone is going to find yours. Scroll through the WordPress newsfeed and see what tickles your fancy. Interact with other bloggers on their pages and send them love. Encourage collaborations, announce your blog on social media, use word of mouth marketing. In other words, draw attention to your page yourself. There is viral content being shared every second of every day and it’s easy for blogs to get lost in the crowd.

Don’t limit your content:

If you have a blog where you are writing about a specific topic with every post, that is fine. My advice would be not to limit your content, though, because this just limits yourself as a writer. lifewithlilred started out as a strictly beauty and fashion blog and I am happy that I was able to branch out as a well rounded lifestyle blogger. If I stuck with just beauty and fashion, there is no way that I could create daily content. What are offshoots of your favorite topic to write about? For example, beauty and health and wellness often go hand in hand. Once you identify more topics to write about, you are inviting even more readers with different interests to check out your page.

Go easy on yourself:

It might not seem like it, but blogging and maintaining your page is hard work. It can be disheartening when you find that your efforts are not resulting in views or a payday. Please, don’t fret! Once you start beating yourself up, it immediately sucks the joy out of writing. I always say to write for the sake of writing. Don’t do it for viewers, don’t do it for advertisers – do it because YOU love it. When you are doing something you love, it doesn’t matter if one person sees it or one hundred thousand. Do keep this in mind because I have seen many a blogger come and go in lifewithlilred’s almost ten year tenure. Don’t set yourself up to give up by making comparisons or feeling like your page isn’t good enough. You are writing and that is always enough! ❤

Thanks so much to darling Oprah for asking me to share my Ted Talk. I hope this post gave all of you some insight going forward with your own blog!

What are some of your blogging questions for me? What is the link to your blog? Share away! I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Mistakes To Avoid In Your Home

Mistakes To Avoid In Your Home

It is so important to be taking care of your home the best that you can. There are certain mistakes that a lot of us make when it comes to our homes, thinking that it’s not going to be too much of a big deal. The problem is that it probably is going to be one if you are not careful. What might feel like nothing could turn into a catastrophe! In this article, you will find some of the mistakes that you will regret and how you can avoid them. If you want to know more, you know what to do:

Not Clearing Out Your Gutters:

First on the list, not clearing out your gutters is a huge no. We know that it’s gross, and we know that it’s tiring, but this is not a reason not to do it. Your gutters are there to drain the excess water from the top of your house, and do you know what happens if they are clogged when they try to complete their job? You get leaks in your home coming through the walls or the ceiling. This is absolutely not something that you want as this often leads to cases of mold.

Sometimes the most important jobs around the house are the ones that you don’t want to do, but avoiding them is the worse alternative. If you really don’t want to get up there and do it yourself, there are professionals that you can call for help.

Not Making Repairs When Needed:

Another mistake that too many people make is not making repairs when they are needed. Do you have any idea how much damage you can cause to your home simply by letting a repair fester? You are giving it the opportunity to become an even bigger problem that it already is. If a repair can’t be completed in a timely manner, it’s a good idea to sort a temporary fix until you can get it properly taken care of. At least this way, you aren’t risking the problem getting worse.

Not Hiring The Help That You Need:

Finally, there are going to be times where you need professional help, and you need to get it. There is only so much that you can do without causing damage to your home, and there are also certain things that you should never touch as you may make them worse. We know that hiring help can be expensive, but it’s better to do it now and minimize the cost, than later when the issue is much more severe. For example, you may need the help of a company like Fayette Septic Services, or you may need a roofer, or an electrician, etc, so you need to find the best in your area and get them on site ASAP.

Being a homeowner means doing what you can to keep it in the best possible condition. Trying out these three tips is a great first step!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Battling Water Damage: How To Keep Your Home Dry

Battling Water Damage: How To Keep Your Home Dry

Let’s address something that may go undetected in your home until it’s too late: water damage. It is much easier to prevent water damage than to do Water Damage Restoration, but it can be done. Let’s look at some tips to keep your abode dry and safe for all of its inhabitants:

Gutters are rain guards:

Imagine gutters as raincoats for your home; they protect it from getting wet in a downpour and should always remain clear of debris to ensure water runs freely. Make a habit of regularly clearing away leaves and twigs from them – either using a gutter scoop or garden trowel to do it; for best results, use both. For damaged or leaky gutters use gutter sealant.

Secure it ASAP:

Seal all potential gaps where water could leak in around windows and doors by applying caulk around them; cracked caulk acts like an open drawbridge, so to maintain optimal performance, refresh it frequently with fresh beads of caulk when necessary; just one bead could help defend against water’s relentless attack!

Sealing gaps is a great form of defense for your home, but it’s not the solution for everything. For more extensive water damage, restoration professionals like Protegrity Restoration or a similar company in your area will need to be called in. Make sure they are well reviewed so the job will get done properly.

Be shower savvy:

Your bathroom might seem peaceful, but it can also be an easy source of leaks and flooding. Your shower curtain serves as the first line of defense against this potential disaster; be sure it remains functional at all times; moldy or torn curtains act like breached castle walls that allow water to invade – change them regularly to ensure water doesn’t seep into your healthy home!

Improve your lawn, safeguard your castle:

Your lawn is more than a pretty face – it serves an invaluable purpose in safeguarding your home’s foundation! Water should flow away from the foundation so make sure your yard slopes away from it; water is meant to work for us rather than against us! If your backyard resembles a quagmire full of puddles, consider grading to channel away water via drainage channels.

Sump pumps are your home’s bodyguard:

Sump pumps are your basement’s go-to protection when water enters through any openings in its perimeter walls or drainpipe. Make sure it’s operational, with clean drain pipes; consider it like having its superhero ready when trouble arises!

DIY magic: concealment in action:

Are your walls suffering from water damage and looking like abstract art? No worries; just grab some paint to cover up these mistakes. A fresh coat of paint could act like cosmetic surgery to erase any signs of water damage in your home and restore its aesthetic value.


Bidvine/ Pexels

Take care of your wood:

Your wooden structures in the home require care TLC. Apply water-resistant finishes on decks, fences, and wooden siding in order to ward off moisture seepage.

Be encouraged; water damage doesn’t need to be the end all be all. With these simple strategies, water damage should no longer threaten to devastate your home!

Featured Image By: 100 files/Pexels

Money Is Tight: Tips To Help Pay Your Rent

Money Is Tight: Tips To Help Pay Your Rent

As the cost of living rises across the globe, many people are wondering how they’ll manage to continue to pay for everything. Food, gas, energy, and rent have been steadily increasing for the past twelve months. If you’re struggling to pay your rent on time, you’re not alone. Rather than burying your head in the sand, now is the time to sit down and make arrangements with your finances. Being in total control of your income and spending will put you in the best position for paying your rent. Take a look at these tips:

Consider a Roommate:

If you’re renting a property and have a room to spare, you may want to consider advertising for a roommate. Sharing your property is one of the easiest ways to significantly reduce the amount of rent you have to pay. It’s important to check with your landlord before making any decisions. If your landlord agrees, ask family and friends before making a public advertisement. Someone you know and trust will often make the best roommate. However, it’s essential that you do all of the appropriate checks before accepting any applicant.

Reduce Your Spending:

Look at where you’re spending your money each month. If you’re buying coffee every morning, paying for subscriptions you barely use, or splashing on takeaways, it could be time to change your habits. By reducing your spending, you may be able to find the extra money you need to cover your rent costs without needing to worry further. There may also be ways of lowering other bills. For example, using less energy at home or negotiating lower payments with debtors. You’d also be amazed by the deals you can get by telling your internet provider that you are considering switching!

Consider Mobile Homes:

More and more people are starting to consider mobile homes instead of other properties. There are many benefits to living in mobile homes, including reduced rent payments and a higher chance of being able to purchase a mobile home. For example, Mobile Homes Direct 4 Less guarantees to beat the price of their competitors in the same area. It can be a great starting point for anyone who is looking for their first home and wants to build up proof of rent payments on time.

Take On A Side Hustle:

It’s important to rest and stay healthy, but if you’ve got a few hours to spare each day, you could top up your income enough to make all of your payments. For instance, you could make deliveries for a local takeaway or care for someone elderly who needs assistance with meals and medication. Another alternative is to try your hand at freelancing. If you’re a talented writer, graphic designer, or you have experience in customer service, you could find opportunities that allow you to work from home in your spare time.

These tips are not a cure all, but they can be helpful to boost your wallet even a little bit!

Featured Image By: Pixabay

Amazing Hacks For A More Convenient Home

Amazing Hacks For A More Convenient Home

Home life can be chaotic and expensive. It seems like every season brings with it a new set of challenges, tools, and products. If you want to cut down on your expenses and make home life simpler, try some of these amazing hacks. Who knew something like PVC pipes could do all of this:

Curling Iron Holsters:

A curling iron or styling wand is what you need to make the bouncy curls and stylish waves that sets you apart from the crowd. Curling irons and styling wands come in different shapes and sizes, but they have some things in common; they all become hot and need to be stored safely. When you are using your curling iron in the bathroom, it can be inconvenient and dangerous to leave it sitting on the porcelain counter; it’s better if you can store it in a handy PVC holster. These are simple to make, just cut lengths of PVC pipe and attach them to the inside of the door!

Trendy Overhead Storage:

PVC piping might be expressly designed for plumbing and drainage, but it can be repurposed to make your home life more convenient. If you have a basement, garage, or attachment, you probably have some extra space overhead, so why not make it work for you with PVC storage? Source some PVC piping from your local hardware store and attach it to the wooden beams overhead. Create U-shaped sections to place copper piping on for cross beams. Once the copper beams are in place, you can use the space above for storing lightweight garden tools.

Gutter Cleaning Hack:

Home gutters need to be cleaned regularly, especially in the fall when leaves gather as it increases the risks of flooding and water damage. Water damage in the home is not only difficult to repair, but it is also a health risk for a family due to mold growth. Here is an easy gutter-cleaning hack. Again, PVC piping is your friend, so make sure you buy plenty of it at the hardware store. PVC piping is durable and hollow; it is also versatile, with plenty of attachments. Place an elbow joint on one end with a rinsing cap and attach a hose to the other end to clean gutters with ease.

Bike Storage:

Do you walk into your garage and bemoan the sight of the family bikes stacked precariously in the corner? What you need is a bike rack, but they can be expensive to buy and install. If you have some DIY skills, you can use this PVC piping hack to create your own at a far lower cost. PVC piping is an easy material to work with; you can put it together like Lego, so even low-skilled DIYers can create helpful home hacks with ease. What you need is a row of rectangles with gaps at either end and a stand at the back as per these helpful instructions.

Carpet Cleaning:

In recent years there has been a trend towards wooden floors in the home, but many homes still choose carpet and for good reasons. In colder climates, carpets retain more heat and create a warmer atmosphere in the room. But they need to be cleaned regularly to protect family health. Dust mites, allergens, and bacteria build up in the carpet and can cause health conditions like asthma for family members. There are a ton of carpet cleaning hacks that you can use, such as lint rollers, squeegees for pet hair, and stain removal using an iron or a professional service.

If you don’t have the time or desire to do the carpet cleaning yourself, the best hack of all is going with the pros! Your carpets will never look better. To find an expert near you, simply enter a search for “minnesota carpet cleaning” or your local area.

Lighted Screwdriver:

Whether you are working in the garage, the basement, or the attic, you could benefit from a lighted screwdriver. A lighted screwdriver is a conventional screwdriver with an LED light on the end that illuminates the space you are working on. Lighted screwdrivers can also be created. Buying one of these devices in the store or online is likely to cost significantly more than one might expect, especially if it’s a brand-name device. A better option is to go to the counter and pick up a small LED keychain for a fraction of the price, then simply tape it onto your screwdriver end.

Draft Excluders:

Draft excluders come in different varieties and depend on the type of gaps you have in your home. Some homes have ceiling registers that can be fixed with a plant pot base glued over the gap in winter. Gaps in the bottom of the door can be sealed with a strip of materials or a soft toy.

Screen Cleaning:

Computer, laptop, smartphone, and TV screens all collect dust and need to be cleaned regularly. If you don’t have any screen cleaning products around, you can use household items like window cleaner, kitchen cleaner, rubbing alcohol, or wipe with vinegar for a sparkling surface.

All of these hacks are easy to complete and will make your life easier too! Happy DIYing!

Featured Image By: Unsplash

Better Protect Your Home With These Tips

Better Protect Your Home With These Tips

With many people still working from home, we can all become blind to the fact that our home has a number of problems. A very good example is how safe our home is. Our home can be an easy target for burglars, which is why we need to make sure we are not unwittingly displaying red flags as an open invite. Here are a few things to bear in mind and what you can do to better protect your home:

Not changing the locks since you have moved in:

If you’ve been in the home for a number of years but you’ve never changed the locks, you don’t know who has access to that property. Having a local locksmith change the locks is such a simple thing, but they can also advise you on the best ways to reinforce your door. They may recommend that you use keyless entry points, which can provide extra peace of mind if you are going on vacation.

Things to look out for:

Some people’s homes can be watched by burglars over a long period of time. Here are a few things that you may wish to keep an eye out for:

  • Calls from unknown numbers: Look out for unknown callers and never give away any personal information. If you have children, talk to them about phone safety so they can alert you if any odd calls come in.
  • Flyers, stickers, and ads: If you notice marketing and advertising flyers in the door or mailboxes, this could be a sign that burglars are using these as marks. Any stickers on your mailbox should be removed immediately. Additionally, if you find any unusual markings, such as a little bit of paint on your fence, a rope tied around your lamp post, or any other symbol this should be a sign that you need to remove the markings but also step up your security.
  • More door-to-door activity: Burglars will sense their opportunity by casing up the home, as well as the individuals within. They can target properties by pretending to be someone taking a survey, salespeople, or other non-threatening individuals.

What you can do:

If you notice any signs that burglars are targeting your home you need to:

  • Record observations, including dates and times of questionable activity, like a vehicle patrolling the area.
  • Notify neighbors so they can be more vigilant in the community.
  • Find ways to prevent break-ins, which can include installing a security system, but also illuminating dark corners outside of your property by installing a light sensor.
  • Inform the police. Informing the police and ramping up your neighborhood watch initiatives ensure you are informing the people who can best deal with this while also making sure the neighborhood is more vigilant than ever.

It can be incredibly stressful to find out your home is being targeted by burglars. Some of these components can make a massive difference. It is always about making sure you are in a prevention mindset, while also noticing these tell-tale signs.

Featured Image By: Pixabay