Category Archives: Health

Sick AF

Sick AF

Helloooo!!! There have been countless nasty bugs spreading around in my neck of the woods and, unfortunately, I caught a mega one. It all started this past Friday after Johnny and I returned home from our date night. Once we were back and settled in, I noticed that my throat was starting to feel a bit sore. We both chalked it up to the fluctuating temperatures because it’s been going from thirty to sixty degrees in a matter of a day. After playing some Diablo IV, I retired upstairs and went to bed assuming I would feel better the following day… Well, you know that old saying about assuming! *face palm*

When I woke up on Saturday, I felt like I got ran over by a truck. I was sore, feverish, and it fatigued me to move from Point A to Point B in the apartment. Even going to the bathroom which I could get to in under ten steps exhausted me. Normally, mine and Johnny’s designated “day of lay” is on Sunday and we literally do nothing. Over the weekend, we had a double day of lay and Johnny was so accommodating to his poor, sick wifey. He got me tons of blue Gatorade and even DoorDashed us Chipotle with claims that comfort food would help lol. ❤

By the time Monday rolled around, there was just no way going to work was possible and I felt no better than I did over the weekend. And, like my own personal Groundhog’s Day, the same thing happened on Tuesday too. It is Wednesday as I type this and I am finally feeling slightly better because I think I am transitioning into the congestion phase of the bug. I made the executive decision to call the week a wash so I can rest for the weekend because I have plans that I would be devastated if I missed. Here’s to hoping this bought of nasty will be done by then!

This week long sick spell has been a firm reminder that I need to start slowing down my work schedule. I really have been pushing myself too hard and am convinced that I got even sicker because of it. I am hoping to make changes for a lower key pace and am keeping my fingers crossed for that opportunity to present itself soon!

Have you been sick recently? What did you binge watch while recovering? I have been rewatching Euphoria and the Entertainment District arc of Demon Slayer. 🙂 I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Urgently Awesome

Urgently Awesome

Hello!! A few weekends ago, I took a tumble that resulted in some pretty gnarly cuts on two of my fingers. The boo boos were in the most inconvenient spot – right on the crease beneath the pad of the finger. My right hand ring finger was healing pretty well, but the one on my middle finger was a different story. I felt like the wound was barely closing and what’s worse, it felt infected too. By the time I was nearing the end of a course of antibiotics, I was worried that it wasn’t enough so Johnny and I decided to go to the Well Now urgent care clinic down the street from us. This place actually used to be a Family Video lol.

We went to Well Now this past Monday and we were both most impressed with it. We were in and out in less than an hour, which was great. The care was phenomenal and there were also TONS of goodies there too! Check it out:


Before going to the Well Now clinic, I looked up some reviews online to see other people’s opinions. For the most part, it came highly recommended. This was nice, but what stuck out the most to me was that this place had a Slushie machine in the waiting room! Obviously, I just had to see this for myself and by god there was. Lol, I have never seen anything like it before and it was so fantastic to sip on a blue raspberry Slush Puppie as we waited to get called back. It reminded me of when my dad would take me to skating practice because he would always get us a Slushie to share afterwards. Such a lovely burst of nostalgia. 🙂

We were called back to a room less than five minutes after sitting down and the PA who took care of us was the best. He was so nice and funny, which really helped put both me and Johnny at ease. He dressed my finger to help get it to close and wrapped it up in some crazy contraption that made it look like a banana. Trust and believe I couldn’t wait to flip people off with it! The process was quick and pain free and before we knew it, we were ready to walk out the door. Of course, we had to grab some snacks to go on our way out. Another very nice touch, indeed!

Going to the Well Now clinic was a great experience and I would definitely recommend it. Not just for the Slushie machine, but for the excellent level of care too!

What was the best waiting room you have ever been in? Have you ever been to an urgent care before? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

What To Expect During A Lip Enhancement Consultation

What To Expect During A Lip Enhancement Consultation

Lip enhancement procedures have become increasingly popular, offering individuals a chance to boost their confidence and achieve the perfect pout. However, before you take the plunge into lip enhancement, it’s crucial to start with a consultation to ensure a tailored and successful journey to the beautiful lips you desire:

Understanding the Basics: What is Lip Enhancement?

Lip enhancement, also known as lip augmentation, involves various procedures aimed at improving the appearance of the lips. This can include adding volume, defining the lip border, and reducing the appearance of fine lines. The most common methods include dermal fillers and lip implants, each with its own set of benefits and considerations. No matter which route you choose, the importance of selecting an expert like The Dermatology and Laser Group simply cannot be underestimated.

Why Consider Lip Enhancement?

  • Boosting self-confidence: Many individuals seek lip enhancement to feel more confident and comfortable in their own skin.
  • Achieving balance: Enhancing your lips can help create a harmonious balance with the rest of your facial features.
  • Addressing signs of aging: Lip enhancement is often chosen to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth.

The Importance of a Consultation:

Before diving into any cosmetic procedure, including lip enhancement, a thorough consultation with a qualified professional is essential. This is not just a formality; it’s a crucial step in ensuring the procedure is tailored to your unique needs and desires.

What to Expect During a Lip Enhancement Consultation:

  1. Medical History Discussion: Your practitioner will start by discussing your medical history. It’s crucial to disclose any existing medical conditions, allergies, or medications you are currently taking.
  2. Understanding Your Goals: The practitioner will take the time to understand your goals and expectations. Whether you’re looking for a subtle enhancement or a more dramatic change, clear communication is key.
  3. Assessment of Your Lips: A detailed examination of your lips will be conducted. This includes assessing the shape, volume, and symmetry to determine the most suitable approach for enhancement.
  4. Explaining the Procedure: The practitioner will explain the different options available for lip enhancement, detailing the procedures, potential risks, and expected outcomes. This is the time to ask any questions you may have.
  5. Addressing Concerns: If you have concerns or reservations, the consultation is the perfect opportunity to discuss them. A reputable practitioner will provide honest and realistic feedback.

Choosing the Right Practitioner:

Selecting the right practitioner for your lip enhancement is a critical decision that can significantly impact the outcome. Here are some key considerations:

Qualifications and Experience:

  • Ensure your practitioner is a licensed and certified professional with experience in cosmetic procedures.
  • Ask for before-and-after photos of previous clients to assess their skill and expertise.

Facility Accreditation:

  • Verify that the facility where the procedure will be performed is accredited and meets safety standards.

Client Reviews:

  • Read reviews from previous clients to get insights into their experiences. Honest feedback can be invaluable in making an informed decision.

The Cost Factor: Balancing Quality and Budget:

While cost is undoubtedly a consideration, it’s important not to compromise on quality for the sake of a lower price. Lip enhancement is an investment in yourself, and choosing a qualified practitioner is crucial for a safe and satisfying experience.

Factors Influencing Cost:

  • Type of filler or implant used
  • Practitioner’s experience and reputation
  • Geographic location of the clinic

Post-Consultation Steps: Planning for the Procedure

Once you’ve had a thorough consultation and chosen a practitioner, the next steps involve planning for the actual procedure.


  • Discuss the timeline for the procedure, including any pre-treatment preparations and the expected downtime afterward.

Aftercare Instructions:

  • Understand and commit to the aftercare instructions provided by your practitioner. This may include avoiding certain activities and medications.

Follow-Up Appointments:

  • Schedule any necessary follow-up appointments to ensure the success of the procedure and address any concerns.

Embarking on a lip enhancement journey is an exciting step towards achieving the look you’ve always wanted. A well-planned consultation sets the foundation for a personalized and successful experience. Remember, it’s not just about the destination; it’s about enjoying the journey to your most confident and beautiful self!

Give Me A Boost

Give Me A Boost

Hello!!!! Johnny and I had the misfortune of getting Covid late this September and it was about a bitch lol. The last time we had Covid was in 2020 and we were both completely asymptomatic. If I didn’t know I was exposed, we never would have known we even had it. This past time around, we had ALL of the symptoms and it sucked. The general rule of thumb is to wait three or so months to get a vaccine or booster shot post Covid and I finally was able to get my updated booster this past Friday and… it SUCKED!!!!!

I have gotten every Covid vaccine and booster available and I have never reacted well to them. I’m not sure why I expected this time to be any different and, bully for me, because this was probably my worst experience yet. Pretty much immediately after my shot, my arm was extremely sore but I was still feeling okay physically. Fast forward to that night after a delightful hang out with my bestie and I spent my slumber sweating to the oldies. My pillowcase is now a shocking combo of red and blue hair dye because of it SMH.

On Saturday, I woke up with a pounding headache, nausea, and a fever that flip flopped back and forth with chills. I spent all day watching Criminal Minds and My 600 Lb Life and despite them being two of my favorite comfort shows, I was not comforted one bit! I had no appetite, felt so run down, and couldn’t wait to go to bed with the hopes that I would feel better on Sunday. I slept and sweat for a solid twelve or so hours and somehow managed to wake up feeling worse.

Sunday was a doozy of a day and my nausea was at an all time high. I ralphed four times and only started feeling slightly better when I was able to keep some food down for dinner later that evening. Thankfully, after another super sweaty night, I am feeling much better as I write this Monday morning. I can only compare this booster experience to my day three or four of having actual Covid and it was a pretty miserable way to spend the weekend.

Having said all of that, I am SO happy to be boosted up just in time for the holidays. I consider these booster shots to be a necessary evil because of how poorly I react to them. However, I know that if Johnny and I were to get Covid again, it would be so much worse without the added protection. Even though it was a major bummer to spend the weekend feeling like ass, I knew that I would feel better soon and that was good enough for me. I’m just glad to be over and done with it and now I have the pleasure of taking care of Johnny when he gets boosted this upcoming weekend! 😀

Unfortunately, Covid is something we’re always going to have to deal with. The vaccines and boosters make me feel much more comfortable with that fact and I am proud to do my part to keep myself and those around me safe. ❤

How did you react to your Covid vaccines and boosters? So so or oh NO? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Why Sanitary Toothpaste Matters: A Hygienic Approach To Oral Care

Why Sanitary Toothpaste Matters: A Hygienic Approach To Oral Care

When it comes to our daily routine, brushing our teeth is something we all do without much thought. It’s one of those autopilot activities that help us feel fresh and ready to face the day. But have you ever stopped to think about the toothpaste you’re using? Is it sanitary? Does it matter? Well, the answer is a resounding “yes”! In this post, we’re going to dive into why sanitary toothpaste matters and how it can make a significant difference in your oral hygiene:

The Hidden Dangers in Toothpaste Tubes:

Let’s face it; toothpaste tubes are not the most hygienic of containers. They sit in our bathrooms, exposed to humidity and various contaminants. Over time, toothpaste residue can accumulate on the nozzle, creating a breeding ground for bacteria. This is especially true if multiple family members share the same toothpaste tube. When you squeeze that toothpaste onto your brush, you’re potentially introducing harmful bacteria into your mouth. Not exactly what you had in mind for your oral hygiene routine, right?

The Case for Sanitary Toothpaste Dispensers:

Enter sanitary toothpaste dispensers – the heroes of our oral hygiene routine! These nifty devices eliminate the need for squeezing toothpaste from a tube, thereby reducing the risk of bacterial contamination. Instead, they dispense a precise amount of toothpaste onto your brush with a simple push or pump mechanism.

Here’s why sanitary toothpaste dispensers matter:

  • Bacteria-Free Toothpaste: With a dispenser, you can say goodbye to the worry of bacteria lurking in your toothpaste. The sealed container keeps your toothpaste fresh and uncontaminated.
  • No Mess, No Stress: Toothpaste tubes can be messy, and squeezing out the last bits can be a hassle. Dispensers provide a neat and efficient way to get the perfect amount every time.
  • Easy to Use: Dispensers are user-friendly, making them suitable for both children and adults. They’re a convenient addition to any bathroom.
  • Saves Money: When you use a dispenser, you’ll use just the right amount of toothpaste, reducing waste and saving you money in the long run.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Many dispensers are designed with eco-friendliness in mind, using less packaging and reducing the environmental impact compared to traditional tubes.

The Health Benefits of Sanitary Toothpaste:

Now that we’ve established the importance of keeping your toothpaste sanitary, let’s delve into the health benefits:

  • Reduced Risk of Oral Infections: Using a dispenser can help prevent the introduction of harmful bacteria into your mouth, lowering the risk of infections, gum diseases, and bad breath.
  • Consistent Hygiene: Dispensers provide a consistent amount of toothpaste with each use, ensuring you’re brushing effectively every time.
  • Encourages Regular Brushing: The ease of use of toothpaste dispensers can make brushing your teeth more convenient, encouraging you and your family to maintain a consistent oral care routine.

Choosing the Right Sanitary Toothpaste Dispenser:

Now that you’re convinced of the benefits of using a sanitary toothpaste dispenser, it’s time to choose the right one for you. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Design and Aesthetics: Toothpaste dispensers come in various designs to match your bathroom decor. From sleek and modern to cute and colorful, there’s a dispenser for every taste.
  • Capacity: Consider how many people will be using the dispenser. Some come with multiple chambers to accommodate different types of toothpaste or serve multiple users.
  • Ease of Cleaning: Look for a dispenser that is easy to disassemble and clean to maintain its hygiene.
  • Durability: Invest in a dispenser made from durable materials to ensure it lasts for years.
  • Dispensing Mechanism: Choose between push-button, pump, or touchless dispensers based on your preference.

Maintaining Your Sanitary Toothpaste Dispenser:

Once you’ve selected the perfect dispenser, it’s essential to maintain it properly to ensure it continues to provide you with a hygienic toothpaste experience. Here are some tips:

  • Regular Cleaning: Clean the dispenser nozzle and parts regularly to prevent the buildup of toothpaste residue and bacteria.
  • Keep It Dry: Make sure your dispenser is not in direct contact with water to prevent mold growth. Store it in a dry area of your bathroom.
  • Refill Promptly: Refill your dispenser when it’s running low to maintain consistent hygiene.

The next time you reach for your toothbrush and toothpaste in the morning, consider making the switch to a sanitary toothpaste dispenser. It’s a simple yet effective way to take your oral care to the next level, providing you and your family with a cleaner, healthier smile.

What To Do When You Have COVID

What To Do When You Have COVID

Hello! Johnny and I are finally COVID free and thank the most high because it sucked majorly. I am so looking forward to getting back to work and returning to my normal schedule because the cabin fever is real! My COVID experience was exhausting and I cannot recall a time when I have ever been sicker. I am very much enjoying feeling back to normal and also breathing out of my nose! Your girl was sounding like Napoleon Dynamite for days and I was starting to annoy myself lol. If you find yourself bit by the COVID bug, here are a few things you can do to slightly improve your situation:

Stay Home:

I wish that this were a given, but for some people it isn’t and that is so not cool. If you have tested positive for COVID, please stay home!! If you have symptoms of COVID, please stay home!! Have yourself a merry little staycation and come back to the land of the living when you are testing negative and feeling better. You never know who you could be infecting and it’s not right to be spreading your sickness around to those in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate:

When you have COVID, hydration is your best friend. Johnny and I consumed more Gatorade and water than a football team and even then it didn’t feel like enough. I was constantly thirsty while I was sick and blue Gatorade was my saving grace. It tasted like liquid gold or rather, liquid blue lol. It is so important to give your body what it needs when you are ill so drink up. Cheers to that!

Try To Eat:

I had no appetite whatsoever during my COVID tenure and chances are you won’t, either. However, you just have to try to eat anyways. Your body needs that fuel to recover. No one is saying you need to have a five course meal, but a bowl of soup, some crackers, or in my case – a plate of spaghetti can go a long way. My bedside featured a box of tissues, a bottle of Gatorade, a bottle of water, and a box of crackers to munch on. For me, it was really hard to eat when I genuinely wasn’t hungry, but it was something that needed to be done so I just pushed myself to do it.


When you are sick, there is literally nothing else to do but watch TV so put it on! Bingewatch away anything that your little heart desires. In my case, it was a Saw movie marathon! Having a movie or a comfort show like The Office on provided a welcome distraction to how miserable I was feeling. It gave me something else to focus my attention on and that was a welcome reprieve. Whether it’s video games, your favorite show, or a good book to get lost in, allow yourself to get distracted and try to get some enjoyment out of what you’re doing.

Get Up:

This is not to say get up and run a marathon, but try and get up and move after you have been laying down for a while. Not only will this help prevent blood clots, but it can also assist in loosening up your body if you have any stiffness. Every few hours, I would get up, go downstairs, and pet the bunnies or see what Johnny was watching in the living room. These little excursions were exhausting, but it made returning back to bed so much sweeter!

If you have COVID, get well soon!! I understand firsthand how badly it sucks, but you will feel better. In the meantime, give your body the tools it needs to start healing itself. ❤

What were your COVID symptoms? What did you bingewatch if you had COVID? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Signs It’s Time To See Your Dentist

Signs It’s Time To See Your Dentist

Your smile is your greatest asset and you want to make sure that you take good care of your teeth so you can keep flashing those pearly whites. A dentist visit is recommended every six months and this is the best way to ensure that your oral health is a-okay. However, if you are experiencing any of these issues, then you need to get into your dentist’s chair as soon as possible:

Dental Pain:

Dental pain is one of the telltale signs that you have a problem. Your teeth are there to help you, not hurt you! Also, dental pain is the absolute worst and can make going through your day unbearable. Schedule an appointment with your dentist ASAP to get to the root of what is causing your pain.

Loose Teeth:

If your teeth have become loose, then there’s nothing you can do about it except to visit your dentist. This is another situation in which you should not sit and wait. The longer you wait the worse it gets. Most of the time this annoying situation is caused by gum disease also known as gingivitis. Gingivitis is easy to deal with especially when you start adopting proper hygiene principles, which your dentist will help you create a game plan for.

You Have Swelling:

Swelling is one of the most obvious signs that there is something wrong with your teeth. If your gums have blown up, it won’t be too long before your jaw and your entire face get swollen as well. In this case, it’s probably because you have an abscess tooth. Fortunately, with a few antibiotics your dentist can get that swelling down and then go in and deal with the tooth that is causing you problems.

Poor dental health has a potential to lead to problems with your hearing as well. This type of swelling can inflame blood vessels in your ear leading to hearing loss and needing rechargeable hearing aids to assist with your hearing. There’s no use running away from the dentist because you’re just going to end up running right back to them.

Consistent Bad Breath:

If you have consistent bad breath, then it is also time to go and visit your dentist. This is not normal and if you have been brushing and flossing as you should, this should be something that you can squash very easily. If that’s not working, then there is some underlying problem that needs to be addressed.

Going to the dentist is never fun, but letting any of these issues fester is going to make things so much worse for yourself. Don’t wait to schedule an appointment!

Featured Image By: Pixabay

COVID Chronicles

COVID Chronicles

Hello!! This past week has been a real doozy for Lil Red and Johnny because, unfortunately, we got COVID. We both tested positive and we can only assume that it came from Johnny’s place of work where everyone has been lax on pandemic safety from the jump. It has been AWFUL, especially because we were both very symptomatic and the last time we had the virus over two years ago, we experienced no symptoms at all. All I have to say is, thank god we are vaccinated and boosted because I truly couldn’t imagine our experience being any worse than it already was.

Johnny started out our COVID journey with aches all over – headache, body aches, and was very stuffy and fatigued. Naturally, all of this transferred to me and a day later, I was prepped to have all of the same. My Day One wasn’t so bad, but it was weird. I was really tired and I could just feel like I was about to be sick as a dog. I still rallied enough to make a big pot of spaghetti which was a saving grace during our sickness staycation so #blessup for that lol. By Day Two, the struggle bus hit and it hit like a Mack Truck.

My Day Two was the sickest I have felt in I don’t know how long. I had a fever and chills, I was stuffed up beyond belief, my head pounded, and the body aches were unmatched. I kid you not, I felt better after a car accident that left me hospitalized than I did that day. No exaggeration. It hurt to do anything but lay in my misery and reminisce on all of the good times I had before catching the Vid. On the bright side, I did have a Saw movie marathon to get hyped for the latest installment, but that did little to boost my mood. All it did was provide a slight distraction to being sick AF.

While sleep would have been a welcome reprieve after long days of being a bio hazard, it wasn’t. I was waking up constantly either too hot or too cold and would finally emerge from my slumber with my clothes completely soaked to my skin. It was gross lol and my Day Three was only slightly better than Day Two. After another seemingly endless day of ouch, ugh, and blegh, things took a somewhat turn the following day.

On Day Four, I was still feeling sick, but it was a different kind of sick. What felt like the worst flu ever shifted into a cold from hell. I felt pressure beyond belief in my head and mouth breathed my day away like Napoleon Dynamite. My body still ached and I was feverish throughout the day and night. I was so weak because I was running on a diet of Gatorade, crackers, and the occasional plate of spaghetti. I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t cry multiple times during my COVID tenure. I just couldn’t help it – it was that bad.

As I write this, I am feeling crappy but it’s the least crappy I have felt in days. Johnny also seems to be doing much better so I like to think we are on the upswing. I urge all of you if you are feeling sick to test yourself. After dealing with the pandemic for so long, it’s easy to want to dismiss COVID now, but you can’t. It is still a very real thing and Johnny and I know firsthand because we have been a complete and utter mess. My running joke has been that I wish this happened during the summer because my bikini body would have been off the charts. Ba dum chhhhhhh.

With gatherings moving indoors as the weather shifts, please be sure you monitor your symptoms and stay home if you are feeling unwell. You never know who you are infecting and it’s a dangerous game to play. Stay safe, everyone!

Have you had COVID before? What was it like for you? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

A Busy Person’s Guide To Fitness

A Busy Person’s Guide To Fitness

Are you always on the go, finding it hard to sneak in a workout session? Do you feel like there are not enough hours in a day? If you answered yes to both, then you’re not alone. With busy schedules and endless responsibilities, prioritizing fitness can become tedious. However, staying active and healthy doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are a few simple fitness tips for the time-constrained individual:

Plan ahead:

The key to staying on top of your fitness routine while having a busy day is to plan ahead. Schedule a workout session into your daily schedule so you allocate a specific time slot to exercise. Knowing what workouts you need to do and when can help you stay focused and hold yourself accountable. You can also keep track of your progress by writing a fitness journal outlining the workouts you have done and what goals you would like to achieve.

Optimize time:

If you’re limited on time or can’t get to the gym, optimize your schedule to fit in some sweat time. You can combine your workout with tasks or activities you’re already doing. For instance, do some lunges or squats while brushing your teeth. Try using public transportation or bike to work instead of driving. You can also opt for an active lifestyle, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.

Incorporate HIIT:

High-Intensity Intervals Training (HIIT) is an exercise that combines short, intense periods of activity with less intense rest periods. HIIT workouts are perfect for busy people because they are quick, efficient, and can be done anywhere. You can choose from HIIT workouts like burpees, jumping jacks, and sprints.

Make it a group activity:

Working out in a group can be motivating and enjoyable. It’s also an opportunity to multitask while spending time with friends or family. Schedule cohesive workout sessions with your buddies or family members and test out different classes until you find one you love. This could be a danceathon Zumba session, yoga, pilates, or even boxing! You can also join a boot camp or group fitness classes at the gym.

Eat well:

Getting fit isn’t just about exercise; it’s also essential to eat well. Eating nutrient-rich foods and taking supplements such as those produced by STEEL can help you to feel energized and improve your overall health. Some of the foods you should include in your diet are:

Whole grains:

Whole grains such as whole wheat, oats, and quinoa are packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They provide energy to power your day-to-day activities.

Lean proteins:

Lean proteins like chicken breasts, eggs, and legumes are an excellent source of protein that helps build muscle strength. Protein also keeps you full for a more extended period of time.

Fruits and vegetables:

Fruits and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Eating them regularly helps keep your body fueled throughout the day while improving overall health.

Healthy fats:

Healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, and olive oil provide essential nutrients to your diet. It’s important to include healthy fat sources in your meals for optimal health.

You should also avoid foods high in saturated fat, sugar, and sodium. These foods can slow you down and interfere with your fitness goals.

Employ the help of professionals:

Sometimes, it can be daunting to create an effective fitness plan all by yourself. If you don’t have the time or knowledge, consider employing the help of professionals who can put you on a weight loss program that works for you. An option that might be recommended is the fat mobilization system, which is a clinically proven weight loss program that is designed to help you reach your health and fitness goals. This program effectively minimizes excess fat by utilizing the process of thermogenesis. By naturally stimulating the body to generate heat energy, it facilitates the burning of calories. With a program tailored to your fitness goals, you can be sure that you are in good hands.

Remember, fitness isn’t a destination but a way of life. Embrace the journey and enjoy every step towards a healthier, fitter you. With these tips, you can surely make fitness a part of your lifestyle, no matter how busy you are. Keep going, stay motivated, and never give up on your fitness goals!

Creating A Home That Fosters Healthy Habits

Creating A Home That Fosters Healthy Habits

Your home is a sanctuary. It is meant to be your retreat from the world, the perfect space to just really let go and be yourself. It’s almost enchanting in a way. Having a space to call your own, a space that will forever be comfortable. But with that said, have you ever considered the health aspects of your home?

It’s so important to have a home that helps you foster healthy habits. Sure, while even when you’re outside of your home, you should be embracing a healthy lifestyle, it should be especially pushed at home. It’s really about making your home work for you. How can you do this? Keep reading to find out more:

It’s All About Creating a Healthy Environment:

This goes for physically and mentally, and if you’d like, spiritually too. Creating an environment that supports healthy living is a multifaceted undertaking that includes consideration of various aspects of one’s physical, emotional, and mental health. Just think about it, a healthy home includes a safe and clean physical environment, as well as good nutrition and regular exercise.

A healthy environment also includes positive noise, such as calming music or natural sounds that can help alleviate negative stress and anxiety. In addition, keeping one’s space uncluttered can reduce stress and promote focus by eliminating the visual reminders of unfinished tasks that tend to linger in our minds. But it’s the whole dynamic too. Such as the house being safe, the house having few distractions, and the relationships that everyone has under this roof. A healthy environment is more than the food that’s in your home; it’s more than the best lead water filter; it’s about having peace. It’s about peace within the home and everyone is happy, safe, and nurtured together under this roof.

Consider Your Lifestyle:

In order to create a home that fosters healthy habits, you need to keep in mind what type of lifestyle you have. Do you have a lifestyle that is healthy overall? Or do you think that once your home is on the healthier side, it could change you? At the end of the day, it’s going to be about your state of mind and how you perceive health. While your home will help create a healthy lifestyle, it’s mostly going to be about how you’re already living your life and the current health-related choices you’re currently making. A change in your home isn’t going to change your lifestyle; it essentially needs to be the other way around.

Focus on Creating a Beautiful Yet Comfortable Space:

When most people think of healthy habits, they think about going to the gym and eating healthier foods. While these are great and important, home design can also play a role in well-being. Beautiful spaces can help to elicit positive emotions and reduce stress levels. They also promote productivity and encourage relaxation and a feeling of accomplishment. To create a beautiful space, you can use art, plants, shelves, rugs, and more. You can even turn a corner of the room into a personal nook by adding a chair, some knick-knacks, and a plant.

The general comfort of the space is going to play a big role in all of this too. One of the most effective ways to create a cozy space is to surround yourself with the things you love. This can include things like books, photographs, or even sports memorabilia. In addition, displaying your favorite art pieces in your home can act as an inspiration and help you stay connected to your passions.

Don’t Forget Healthy Eating:

This is simple but, at the same time, fairly difficult. In order to focus on healthy habits, it’s best to cut out junk food and snacks. Take a look at your pantry, your freezer, and the fridge. Is it chaotic? Is it filled with sugary foods? If you can, try to focus on slowly removing the junk and replace it with healthier foods.

Healthier living starts with you and your first steps can be in your own home!

Featured Image By: Unsplash