Category Archives: Weather

Spring Flowers

Spring Flowers

Howdy!! One of my favorite times of the year is right now. Winter is almost over, the promise of spring is so close, and it feels like anything is possible. The thing I look forward to the most is seeing spring flowers begin to pop up because it just makes me happy. After the grey, snowy days of winter, there is nothing better than seeing beautiful blooms and spring flowers are some of my favorites too. Daffodils, crocuses, and hyacinths brighten my day and I always try to take a moment to appreciate them. This past week, I was thrilled to see yellow daffodils in my parents’ yard – even though it was snowing!


Last week was a bit of a doozy for yours truly. I, unfortunately, had to stop going to therapy because mine and Johnny’s insurance is garbage. As you can imagine, this was really disappointing for me. It felt like I had literally just found a therapist I was comfortable with and then it got taken away. However, there wasn’t anything I could do after paying over seven hundred dollars in under one month. And, on top of that, my beloved Little Red Love Machine started making some crazayyyy noises so it was an expensive repair on top of the medical expenses. Talk about stressful!

As I left my mom and dad’s house feeling not my best, I noticed the daffodils in the yard and couldn’t believe I didn’t see them on my way in. I guess I had my blinders on! Instead of getting in my car and going straight home, I took some time standing as the snow fell to take it in. Even though the flowers were getting snowed on, they were still adding gorgeous color to the world. It was a nice metaphor for what I was going through in that immediate moment. Despite feeling sad, I can still do my best to continue to shine and that made the situation a bit more bearable. ❤

Spring Flowers are short lived and I am glad that I took those extra moments to let that fleeting beauty sink in. I needed some daffodils that day and I left chez parents feeling better than I did before.

What is your favorite flower? What is your favorite time of the year? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

May Flowers

May Flowers

Hello! This past week when I got to my parents’ house after work, I found my dad in the backyard preparing his raised planters for spring flowers. It was a gorgeous day outside and it was going to rain that night, making for the perfect conditions to plant. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to bask in the sunshine and spend some quality time with my dad and even though I was dog tired, I offered my assistance which he happily accepted. We spent a glorious hour or so together creating beauty and I am so pleased with our handiwork. Check it out:


Ever since I can remember, my dad has been an avid gardener and all spring, summer, and fall long you can catch him outside tending to the yard. During the warm months, we enjoy the bounty of his vegetable garden and the bouquets he makes weekly for my mom. Not only does he have two green thumbs, but he is also a very gifted flower arranger and his bouquets are stunning. Last year, his veggie garden went into overdrive with hauls so big we simply didn’t know what to do with everything. So, he decided flowers were the way to go this summer since all of our lives are crazy at this current juncture.

When I was younger, I loved to help in the garden and as I grew up, I tried to help as much as I could with planting and upkeep. It had been a while since I gardened and I forgot how much fun it was! Seriously, all of it was a blast from donning ridiculous gardening gloves, handling the delicate flowers, and cleaning up the dirt that got on us with the garden hose. And, of course, doing it all side by side with my dad. For the past few months, the time we have spent together is almost always driving to the Cleveland Clinic, so it was SO awesome to be able to do something with him for the joy of it.

Our garden day was the first time I had spent a considerable amount of time outside in so long. It only recently got nice out in Ohio and the previous weather had been absolute garbage. Being outside, soaking up the sun, and making something grow was just what I needed. Once we returned inside, I wanted to go back out again to plant more and I found myself thinking that I would like more house plants when I got to my apartment. I might just have a green thumb yet!

My dad has now started to plan his garden projects with my help in mind and I am more than up for the task. In fact, we will be planting flower seeds later this week. I can’t wait! 🙂

What is your favorite outdoor activity? What do you and your parents do to spend quality time together? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Belated Easter Egg Hunt

Belated Easter Egg Hunt

Hello! With the craziness going on in Lil Red’s world, my family didn’t do anything for Easter and Johnny and I enjoyed a much needed day of rest. I still had grand plans for an Easter egg hunt for my sweet niece, Val Gal, and this past Thursday we spent the afternoon outside together in the summertime temps. Prior to the arrival of my sister, Raya, and Val, I filled up the eggs with prizes and placed them throughout the backyard to be found. I would say that it was a raging success; Val loved it!


This was Val’s very first Easter egg hunt and my girl came to WIN! She was finding eggs left and right and it was so fun to watch her scurrying around the yard and filling up her bag. Almost every single egg was found without a hitch and the only one she needed help finding was one directly in front of her lol. Once the hunt was over, we went back inside to evaluate the spoils which included money, chocolate, and Sweet Tarts. Some of the chocolate did melt so it was lucky we had backup supplies and Val was so sweet to offer the first Hershey Kiss in one of her eggs to me. Angel! ❤

After the eggs were all opened, we just had to go back outside and soak up the sunshine. My dad, Kristen, Val, Raya in the stroller, and Archie the dog went for a nice, long walk around the neighborhood. We taught Val about the different flowers that were blooming and, although every yellow flower was a sunflower, I think she learned a thing or two haha. To end our day, Val and I stayed outside and played with our favorites; Chalk and bubbles! We colored rainbows and the flowers we saw on our walk and, I hate to brag, but we popped a very impressive amount of bubbles. 😀

When my sister arrived back home with the kiddos, she sent me a picture of Val fast asleep in the car after our activity filled afternoon. The sure sign of the best Easter egg hunt ever and Val is already eager to do another one again soon!

What was your favorite thing to play outside with when you were little? Did you or your kids attend an Easter egg hunt this year? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Finally, Flowers!

Finally, Flowers!

Hello!! Spring and autumn are the seasons when your favorite Lil Red blogger thrives. I live for not too hot/not too cold weather as I don’t do well in extreme summer temps and I am a huge freeze baby come winter! While I love the weather that comes with spring and fall, I love the way the world looks even more; Blooming flowers and trees coming back to life and leaves changing colors and Halloween decor. While driving this past week, I have noticed lots of pretty spring flowers popping up. And, finally on Friday, flowers were in my parents’ yard too. It made me so happy!


After a winter that felt like an eternity due to crap weather and a massive amount of stress, these past few days of true springtime have hit different and in the best way. Although it has been technically spring on the calendar, I don’t consider it to be spring until the weather and the outside world reflects it. Seeing the sun and feeling its warmth, brisk winds, and new life growing all around has been so invigorating and healing. While everything still isn’t awesome in my world, it makes it a bit easier to go about the day with a newfound pep in my step.

I look forward to seeing flowers in my parents’ yard every year because it is a perfect reminder of better times ahead. It’s hard not to smile and feel hopeful when tiny blooms and bursts of color are making their way onto the scene. It is also a great time to reflect on how flowers grow. Despite heavy rainfalls, grey days, and unstable temperatures, flowers still grow and turn into something beautiful when they open up towards the sun. It’s a great metaphor to help myself remember that when things absolutely suck, there is still going to be a light at the end of the tunnel. ❤

I have been waiting for springtime basically since winter began and all I have to say is: Bring it on. Here’s to warm days, birds chirping, and flowers blooming everywhere!

What is your favorite flower? What is your favorite part about the spring? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


Winter Proof Your Home With These Tips

Winter Proof Your Home With These Tips

Looking after your home is harder in the winter because there are more threats to comfort and security that come with the cold weather. However, with preparation prior to the cold months, you can have peace of mind and plenty of comfort throughout the festive season and into the New Year. Be sure to winter proof your home with these tips:

Fix the Roof:

Some people put off having their roof repaired in the winter. It’s an extra expense and they might assume that roofers don’t work in the winter anyway. This is a misconception. A roofer can work in the winter and there and several reasons why it’s a good idea to have work done. Along with the obvious benefits of repairing leaks and damage to the roof for the onset of the winter weather, you can also benefit from lower prices in the winter months. Roofers still work in the winter but tend to charge lower fees because there is less demand for roofing services. If you are interested in discussing winter pricing deals or require roof repair or replacement before the freeze comes, simply search online for a “Roofing contractor in Dallas, TX” (or your local area) to see what services a reputable roofer can offer. 

Check the Boiler:

Boiler checks are highly recommended in the winter. According to the best advice, a home should have its boiler checked once a year, but twice a year or more is ideal. Checking a boiler requires a professional call out, so make it at the start of the winter season. A boiler engineer will look at your boiler and check that everything is working mechanically; they will also check the pipes for any residual soot that might compromise the system. Following a boiler check, you can have peace of mind that the system is operational and reliable for winter.

Protect the Pipes:

When the water pipes burst in the winter, your home can flood. This will end up costing you huge sums of money and you might have to take time off work or away from your family at Christmas. Water pipes can burst in the winter because the water in them freezes and then expands, splitting the metal. Water pipes are one of the easiest things to protect in the winter; all you have to do is buy a foam tubular from the hardware store and cut a slit down one side of it. Wrap the foam around the pipes and secure it with a tie wrap. If you did this last year, double-check the foam quality to see if it needs replacing.

Remember that it is always easier to prevent burst pipes than to take care of it after the fact! It is smart to have references for a Plumber in Perth or in your area who you can call on if this should happen to you. Due to the season, you will want to have several options as it will be a busy season for plumbers.

Check the Drains:

When the drainage system on your property gets blocked, you will notice flooding and debris in the garden and driveway. This is not a good thing to have to deal with in subzero temperatures! Unfortunately, dealing with blocked drains is more common in the winter months. Having your drains checked by a Blocked Drain Company is one of the best ways to clear them out after the fall and before the winter to avoid expensive and inconvenient repairs.

Use Insulation:

Don’t forget to use plenty of insulation options throughout the winter; not only will this keep you warm and comfortable in your home, but you will also protect the property from dampness and damage. Insulate walls with cavity insulation and the rooms with curtains and draft excluders.  

It’s freezing outside but the same doesn’t have to be true inside of your home. Check off your winter proofing chores and enjoy a nice and toasty winter in!

Featured Image By: Unsplash

Stay Warm At Home With These Winter Tips

Stay Warm At Home With These Winter Tips

A warm, cozy environment in your home will turn it into the place to be this winter. And, this is what we should strive for, considering the amount of time spent indoors when the weather takes a turn. Turn your house into the ultimate oasis from the cold with these tips:

Test Your Heating System:

One of the most important steps to a warm home is to test your heating system. Your boiler will provide you with both heating that warms your property, as well as hot water that you use inside your shower, bath, and sinks. Experiencing any kind of fault with your boiler when the cold weather is in full swing will certainly impact on your health and happiness. No one wants to have a cold shower during the winter, nor would you want to be able to see your breath while you relax around your home, so test your heating system before it’s too late! There are lots of different experts that you can get in touch with to come out and test your heating system, including residential hvac repair and installation services. With any luck, if a fault or problem is found while they test your heating system, then they should be able to fix it then and there with whatever expertise and tools that they have on them.

Stock Up Your Cupboards:

The last thing you’re going to want to be doing when it’s icy, snowy, and treacherous outside is traveling back and forth to the shop to get basics, as you could be putting yourself in danger each time. Instead, it’s much more efficient and a lot safer for you to stock up your cupboards with one large trip before the cold winter weather makes itself known. Head to your local grocery store and buy lots of different food items, including canned food, dried, preserved, and frozen food. These have a much longer shelf life, staying fresh and edible for weeks or even months on end. It’s also going to be helpful for you to stock up on a few other household essentials, such as cleaning products, hygiene products, and flashlights and candles that you can use if your power goes out. If you’re not sure about what items you should be filling your cupboards with then do not fret, as there are so many different resources online that you can utilize as inspiration.

Wrapping Up Warm:

Take the opportunity to dress yourself in some of the warmest clothing that you can find. You’ll be amazed at the difference your outfit can make to your body temperature and how warm you feel. One of the best investments that you can make is a dressing gown or other similar housecoat, as these feature selling points such as a soft yet thick material for ultimate warmth, along with a knee or even ankle length to make sure none of your body falls victim to the cold. You should also treat yourself to some fluffy pajamas and a few pairs of bed socks too, especially if you have a lot of hard flooring in your home. Tiles and wood can feel like ice beneath your feet when you don’t wear the right socks, so search for a cozy pair that can keep your toes nice and toasty!

With extreme weather events becoming more and more common, it would seem that severe winter conditions are slowly but surely evolving into the new normal. Knowing how to protect yourself and your family throughout the harsh winter months doesn’t have to be difficult. Get started with these steps and you can stay as warm and cozy as ever inside your home!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Get Winter Ready With These Ideas

Get Winter Ready With These Ideas

Winter is nearly here and preparations need to be done to keep you and yours comfy cozy all season long. From wardrobe updates to weatherproofing and everything in between, here are some steps to get you winter ready:

Update Your Wardrobe:

With winter coming you will want to make sure that you are changing into warmer clothes to beat the frigid temps. One of the best things you can do to save money is to go through all of the winter clothes you have, see what still fits and what you would still wear and then get anything you don’t have. With kids in the house and how quickly they grow, they might need a whole new wardrobe as their winter clothes from the previous year may not fit anymore.

Weatherproof Your Home:

Winter brings a lot of harsh weather and in some areas extremely harsh weather. Different weather can have different effects on your home so there are some things you need to add to your to-do list before it sets in. One of the things you will need to do is to clear out the gutters. You will also want to make sure you bleed your radiators, service your boiler, get a furnace tune-up, and check your doors and windows for drafts. You don’t want the cold weather coming in, especially with the rise in heating costs.

Declutter And Organize:

You most likely will have done a spring clean but a winter clean is also something to be done. One of the things you need to do is organize and declutter what you can. A big area to focus on is toys if you have children. With Christmas coming you want to make sure you have somewhere to put all of the new prezzies. Having an organized and clear home can also help your mental health which can often take a downward turn during the winter.

Car Checks:

The bad weather can affect your car too. You can help prevent issues by getting it checked, checking tire pressure, and making sure your heaters work. If there are any other issues, get them sorted so you aren’t stranded in the snow with a car that won’t work. You will also want to make sure your window wipers work properly to make it safe for you to see in bad weather.

It is no secret that car repairs can be expensive! Especially if something is wrong with your engine. If money is tight, you might want to do a search for “used Isuzu KB 250 engine for sale” (or whatever model your car requires) to find a part that will at least last you through the winter.

Eating Healthy:

Winter and Christmas bring a lot of goodies and treats and with the darker and colder nights coming it is easy to indulge. During the winter, a lot of bugs and illnesses go around so you want to make sure you are filling your body with goodness and nutrients so your body can fight off the bugs effectively. A good way to make sure you are caring for yourself is by incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet. If you are having eggs for breakfast why not add some tomatoes and mushrooms to fill it out? If you are having pasta for dinner, you can add a whole variety of different vegetables or salad to the meal.

Stay Active:

During the winter months, it is very easy to want to be at home more and snuggled up watching TV. A lot of people normally reduce the amount of exercise they do in winter. You don’t have to go to the gym to work out, you can still do it in the comfort of your own home. There are hundreds of thousands of videos online of different workouts for different levels. You can also make use of the sunlight you have in the mornings and go for a walk or run around your local park. Staying active is beneficial for your health and well-being as when you exercise your body gives you a chemical which makes you feel happy, so exercise is great for improving a blah mood too.

Be in a sunny state of mind all winter long with the tips above. Make necessary preparations now to enjoy a stress free holiday season!

Featured Image By: Pexels

3 Ways To Save On Your Heating Bill

3 Ways To Save On Your Heating Bill

Staying comfortable and warm in the winter doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. There are several tips and tricks to keep your energy bill as low as the winter temperatures outside! Here are a few ways to keep you cozy and snug all season without ruining your holiday shopping budget:

Consider How You Use Your Heating:

Prices go up and down because the oil market isn’t stable. This hurts many people who heat their homes with gas in the winter. Even though it’s feasible that rates will go down if the oil price goes down, it’s much more likely that they will go up. So, making the switch to electricity could save you money right away.

If you want to make big changes to your heating, you will need to buy a lot of new equipment. But saving money over time is a financial benefit that more than makes up for the cost at first. Electric radiator prices vary from shop to shop and don’t forget to add in how much it will cost to have a professional install them. Find out how to heat your house in the most efficient way. It may be tempting to choose a smaller heater because it costs less, but will it actually heat the whole room? Each size of the radiator can only heat a certain size of the room, so radiators for bigger rooms need to be bigger.

Looking After The System:

People who use gas furnaces or heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems need to have them checked and fixed regularly. Making an appointment with your heating company every fall is the best thing to do. Technicians carefully check the equipment to make sure it is running as well as it can. Normal wear and tear is fixed, along with any basic maintenance problems that come up. This keeps them from getting worse and making future repairs more expensive. Make sure you call a company to arrange hvac maintenance before winter hits.

When you take better care of your heating system in advance, it will work when the first cooler fronts come. So, you won’t have to pay more for power stations because your hardware is broken or not working. Don’t wait until winter to try out your heating system because heating companies will be hectic and it might take a while to get a service call scheduled.

Check The Insulation:

To keep your heating bill as affordable as possible, it’s crucial to keep warm air inside and stop cold air from coming in. When there is too much airflow between the interior and exterior of your home, your heating system has to work harder to maintain the temperature. If the house has good insulation, this might not happen. A lot of energy can be saved when the roof and walls of a house are insulated. A professional installer can save you several hundred dollars on your energy bills when you use your heating or cooling system.

You can also keep your house warm with cost free fixes. First, make sure all of the doors and windows close tightly. Repairing cracks in the roof will also be most helpful. Glass also helps heat through so on sunny days, people should open their curtains and drapes to let heat into their homes. Close the curtains and drapes at night to keep warm air from escaping through the windows.

Keep your house warm with the tips above and save big when the dreaded bill comes every month!

Featured Image By: Mikhail Nilov at Pexels

4 Ways To Fortify Your Home From The Elements

4 Ways To Fortify Your Home From The Elements

There are plenty of fun and unique ways to make your home more comfortable and match your style. However, you also need to think about protecting your home. While this may not make it comfortable in the traditional sense, it’s still a vital component of maintaining your home, especially from all types of extreme weather. Whether you own your home or are renting the property, here is some advice to keep you as safe as you are comfortable all year round:

Keep Out the Storms:

If you live somewhere that gets more rain than you’d ever thought possible, you need to make sure you keep your house secure from the water pounding at your door like a particularly aggressive salesperson. Storms can often cause much more damage than you expect, which is why plantation shutters and robust guttering are essential. The shutters offer a sophisticated yet protective barrier, while guttering will direct heavy rainfall away from your home to prevent flooding in the basement.

Repair Your Insulation and Ventilation:

You should also focus on improving insulation and ventilation within the house. This is beneficial throughout the year, helping your home remain warm during the winter while allowing it to breathe during the blistering summer months. This is especially important if you live in an older property, as the existing features may have worn down or are unsuitable for the current climate. An inspector can check your house and provide advice to give you an idea of what you need to do to make the house more livable.

Check Your Pipes:

The drastic temperature drop during winter means there’s a chance that frozen water occurs within your pipes if they have not drained correctly. This can cause severe problems if you are not aware of it, and your home may flood if you don’t get ahead of the issue. You can use foam insulation strips to cover the pipes and keep the water from freezing. Draining the pipes regularly will also reduce the chances of ice forming. Again, it may be worth getting the pipes inspected to check that they have not rusted or disintegrated.

Invest In Dehumidifiers:

Many people think a dehumidifier is only necessary if you live in a humid part of the country, but this is not the case. Dehumidifiers can reduce the risk of mold in your home no matter where you are. This improves the air quality and prevents respiratory problems that could lead to even worse issues. Identify the dampest parts of your house (typically the basement or laundry room) and install the dehumidifier. By doing this, you should keep damp from spreading throughout the house and make it easier to breathe, especially during rainy seasons.

You don’t need to raise the battlements and invest in a moat (although that would be cool). Instead, these tips can help you keep your home safe from the elements all year!

Featured Image By: Unsplash

How To Beat The Summer Heat At Night

How To Beat The Summer Heat At Night

Many of us find it hard to sleep in the heat. However, you don’t have to suffer through the extreme temperatures. Below are just a few different ways to keep cool on a hot summer’s night so that you can catch some Zs comfortably:

Leave windows open:

An obvious way to deal with the heat is to leave windows open. To encourage a breeze through your home, consider keeping interior doors open on a hot summer’s night (you may want to use doorstops to stop them slamming). If you get bugs coming in through your windows at night, consider installing bug screens that will allow air through while keeping bugs out.

Place fans in the right locations:

Fans can help keep you cool as you sleep. The best place to put a small fan in a bedroom is in an open doorway on the ground facing up into your bedroom. Most hallways are cooler because they have less windows, while air is typically cooler at ground level than up high. If hot air is still coming in through a window, do not place a fan by your window as it will just help blow hot air in. Some people place fans near windows facing outside to help blow hot air out, however this is typically more effective during the day.

Install air conditioning:

The most effective solution against heat in your home is air conditioning. Most homes already have AC, although it can vary a lot in quality. Consider whether you need to upgrade your air conditioning. Older units typically start to become less effective at cooling the temperature over time. In other cases, homes may have systems that are too weak for the size of the home (particularly if additions have been made to a home, but no added vents have been installed).

Use breathable bedding:

Summer is definitely not the time for thick duvets and flannel bed sheets. Ideally, you want light and breathable bedding. Cotton and linen sheets are a good choice. You could even try bamboo sheets. Consider sleeping with nothing but a sheet over you or use a light quilt.

Take a cool shower before bed:

You’re likely to find it harder to go to sleep if you’re already hot and sweaty. Taking a shower or bath in some cold water could help to clean off the sweat and bring your body temperature down. It doesn’t have to be freezing cold water – lukewarm water is fine.

Cool down your bedding:

You could also consider cooling your bedding before you go to sleep. Some people place their bed sheets in the freezer or fridge for five minutes before going to bed. This could stop you from getting hot while trying to get to sleep. Of course, some people may find this to be too much effort (you’ll need to have a spare fridge/freezer drawer, plus it means making your bed before you go to sleep, so bear this in mind).

Summer is a joyous time, albeit a hot one! Use the tips above to beat the heat when trying to sleep.

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