Category Archives: Animals

Pet Bunnies For Easter: DON’T

Pet Bunnies For Easter: DON’T

Hello! Apparently, Easter is at the end of the month, which I just learned by looking it up lol. With Easter comes the decision of whether or not to get your children a bunny or another form of baby animal as a pet. I’ll make that decision easier by telling you… DON’T DO IT!! I have been happy to see lots of similar posts on my social media newsfeeds, which means it’s about time for my yearly PSA to say the same. Need more reasons other than it’s simply not a good idea to get an Easter bunny of your own? I’ve got you:


Melvin and Penelope sure are cute right? So cute, in fact, that it’s easy to forget how much work and care that two little balls of fluff require. I have wanted pet bunnies for as long as I can remember, but I am so happy that I got Mel and P as an adult because I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. Remember, bunnies can live for over ten years. That’s a long commitment and chances are a majority of their care will fall on you. Here’s some key points to know about bunnies that will hopefully leave you with getting your kiddos a stuffed animal instead…

Bunnies Are Shy:

If you think that bunnies are going to be happy immediately being cuddled, coddled, and held: You are wrong. I have had Mel and P for a year and a half and it took them a very long time to get acclimated to mine and Johnny’s touch. As of now, Penelope finally doesn’t mind being held and Mel still despises it. Even though Pen tolerates being held well, it’s something I don’t do often because I never want to break the trust that I have so carefully cultivated. Bunnies require a lot of patience to have them be friendly with you and anything less will simply traumatize them.

Bunnies Are Expensive:

You know what doesn’t require constant Chewy orders? A stuffed animal! Bunnies are a HUGE financial responsibility and I spend at least a hundred dollars on them on Chewy monthly – not to mention vet bills. You will need to get your bunnies pellet food, Timothy hay, bedding, toys, and don’t forget weekly trips to the grocery store for fresh veggies. So, in all reality, you are looking to spend closer to one hundred fifty per month. If you can’t commit to that financial responsibility for the next ten years, then don’t get the bunnies period.

Bunnies Are Messy:

Every morning, I spend an hour caring for my bunnies. This includes a thorough cleaning of their litter boxes and any accidents they had outside of it. It can be a really lengthy process. Then, the bunnies will come out to play and that means bedding, hair, and hay everywhere! Johnny and I are constantly sweeping our floors and the amount of dust bunnies after just one day is unreal. If you are not up for forever cleaning up after bunnies, then they are not the pet for you. I’m here to tell you and be perfectly honest – it is never ending.


All of these things are important to consider, but there is so much more too. Bunnies need lots of exercise to be happy and if you can’t be around to let them roam in a safe setting, they are not living their best lives. They are also very social creatures and it’s best to get them in a pair so they have a companion. Bunnies want your love and attention and if you can’t do the things that make them feel this way, they are not a good choice for a pet.

Having said all of that: Bunnies are absolutely amazing and my life is infinitely better because of Mel and P. However, any animal should not be adopted as a split decision or a gift and most bunnies adopted for Easter will end up back in a shelter. Make this choice wisely and stick to traditional treats for Easter, instead.

How does your pet get exercise? What is your pet’s favorite treat? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Proud Bunny Mom

Proud Bunny Mom

Hello! Johnny and I have had our sweet bunnies, Melvin and Penelope, for a year and three months now. Life is so much better with these adorable, adventurous, mischievous gremlins by our sides and I am amazed at their progress since we first brought them home. Bunnies are timid animals and it took a decent amount of time for them to get acclimated to just Johnny and me petting them. Being held was also a massive no/no for them until just this week. In Penelope’s case, anyways lol:


Working up to holding my bunnies was a matter of trust. Despite the fact that I want to hold them all the time, I held off because I knew that’s not what they wanted and they weren’t ready for it. However, through recent events earlier in the week, I had a feeling the buns wouldn’t completely hate me for it. When I work from home, I am talking to the buns constantly and I try to use key phrases consistently for them to learn how to follow commands. For example, they both know their own name and turn themselves around when they are venturing into non bunny proofed areas.

This is always very impressive to me, but this week Mel and P blew my mind. About ten minutes before I leave for work, I let them know that it’s almost time to go back in their hutch and shortly after I herd them in. Their new trick is going back into their home without me having to get up. The first time it happened, I almost thought it was a fluke. They have been doing it every day since, though, and it is a true testament to how smart they both are.

Knowing that both bunnies have a firm understanding of my voice encouraged me to try picking them up. Johnny and I will hold them on occasion and we never attempt to move them if they are uncomfortable in the situation. This Wednesday, I was able to pick both bunnies up with no problem whatsoever. Melvin is a bit too young and rambunctious to want to be cuddled by his mom for longer than a few minutes. Penelope, on the other hand, was a totally different story. As soon as she was in my arms, she melted and it turns out my girl is a huge couch potato lol. She snuggled up on the couch with me like she belonged there this whole time. I was so proud of her and I knew that waiting until she was fully ready for snugs was one billion percent worth it. ❤

Being a bunny parent is all about being patient and this week of progress has shown that it pays off a thousandfold. Listen to your bunnies and pay attention during your interactions together, they will always tell you everything you need to know!

Do you have any pets? How has being patient helped you as a pet owner? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Baby Bunny Cuteness Overload

Baby Bunny Cuteness Overload

Hello!! Johnny and I have been bunny parents to our sweet Melvin and Penelope since November of last year. We adopted the mother/son pair from the most wonderful couple and they are our little pride and joys. Six months prior to bringing the buns home, Penelope had a herd of babies and we got them when Melvin was a half a year old. Sadly, this meant we didn’t get to experience teeny tiny Melvin until recently. Some pictures from their original parents popped up on her phone memories and was sent my way and I just about died of cuteness overload. Check it out:


^^^ Nelly girl loves box time!!! 😀

Ever since receiving pictures and videos of my baby Melvin, I have been looking at them constantly. They’re just so adorable and are my go to whenever I need a smile. I obviously couldn’t keep all of this cuteness to myself so here we are now lol. The videos that I was sent were an absolute hoot. The one with Penelope featured her enjoying some leafy greens which is so classic Pen! The way to this mama girl’s heart is definitely through her stomach and she lives for the leafies.

The videos of Melvin, on the other hand, showcased his adventurous spirit right from the jump. The couple we adopted him from has a dog, cat, and a pig too and he loved interacting with them. Other videos featured him zipping in and out of hiding spots and climbing about. Mel is our tiny wanderer and is always looking to explore. I was not surprised in the slightest that he had that exact same spunky personality even in his infancy. In fact, as I type this, he was just trying to figure out a way to hop the baby gate we have set up to keep them from going beneath the couch. Mel is always up to something!

Seeing old videos and pics of Mel and Pen made me love them even more and I didn’t think that was humanly possible. They are simply the best bunnies a gal could ask for and bring so much joy to mine and Johnny’s lives! ❤

Do you know what your pet looked like as a baby? What baby animal do you think is the cutest? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

5 Ways To Better Animal Health During Winter

5 Ways To Better Animal Health During Winter

Animal health during the winter is just as vital as our own. As an animal or pet owner, you have a responsibility to care for any animals at your home or farm. Staying active with animals always helps, but you can also keep an eye out for local wildlife that might need help as well. Take a look at some tips to keep your pets healthy all winter long:

Keep Up with Medical Treatment:

Like humans, animals require medical treatment to stay healthy. If you have any pets, then you will be well aware of the medical problems they can get and the effects these can also have. From simple eye infections to kennel cough and worms, dogs are susceptible to all kinds of issues. Yet even strong horses are also prone to worms, so products like Questplus dewormer are highly recommended during winter as worms occur mostly during December and January.

Stay Active with Your Pets:

Pets need lots of exercise, and this can be easy or challenging, depending on what pet you have. For instance, a rodent will go all day if you provide a wheel for exercise. Yet a dog has no such amenity. You must walk your dog and ensure they get the exercise they need, even in winter. This is harder, of course. But you can bear it with some reliable winter clothing. You can also get some clothing for your dog. This looks amazingly cute but will also help keep them warm.

Shelter Provides Animal Health During Winter:

Almost every animal needs shelter, from mighty elephants to rodents. Livestock such as cows, pigs, and chickens (which are common in backyards) need somewhere safe from the elements. The number of deaths from poor shelter during extreme weather runs into the hundreds of thousands every year. This can be avoided with adequate shelter for the animals you keep. Ventilation, dry bedding, and enough feed are also essential for maintaining animal health.

Help Local Wildlife Stay Safe:

You may or may not have pets. But what you will have is local wildlife. From frogs in the pond to birds, badgers, and foxes visiting your garden, there is abundant wildlife almost everywhere. And every now and then, they need a little help from us. For instance, there are toxic gasses that can build in frozen-over ponds, so check that there is always a hole for these to escape. You can also help birds find food with bird feeders. And be careful of hibernating animals when clearing debris.

Be Aware of the Human Dangers:

Winter is a savage time for humans in some places, and we need ways to get through it. Just maintaining your car can be a nightmare. But it can also be deadly to animals, especially cats. Ethylene glycol, the main component of antifreeze, is sweet, and cats are drawn to it. So, store it correctly and clean up spills. Antifreeze can also leak from your car, so be sure to check underneath the vehicle and clean up any residue that could possibly be an antifreeze solution.

Avoid winter health conditions for your beloved pets with the tips above and stay warm!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Happy Gotcha Day, Bunnies!

Happy Gotcha Day, Bunnies!

Hello everyone!!! November first was Melvin and Penelope’s Gotcha Day and I guess I’m a horrible bunny mom because I didn’t realize it until the second lol. I have been thinking about their Gotcha Day for months and naturally it slipped my mind the day of SMH. In my defense, it has felt like Johnny and I have had Mel and P for forever ever since we brought them home over a year ago. They are the best little bunnies that we could ever ask for and it is such a joy to be bunny parents:


^^^ Lol at this picture of Penelope!

Mel and P have grown so much since we have brought them home. Not in size, but in spirit haha. For the first several months of having them, they were pretty skittish and it took a decent amount of time for them to get fully acclimated to their new setting and owners. These first months were a testament to patience being a virtue as we slowly but surely increased our interactions with them. A year ago, they barely wanted to be pet. Now, they love to be picked up and cuddled while Johnny and I hang out in the evenings. It’s great!

The best part about this year of pet parenthood has been watching Mel and Pen’s personalities finally come out. Penelope is not as shy as we originally thought and is such a cuddle bug. Our clothes are proof of this because she sheds like crazy. The way to her heart has always been with her favorite treats and she will literally melt over an apple lol. Melvin, on the other hand, is all about adventure. He loves to explore and is currently zooming around our bunny proofed zone as I type this. Mel is such an adolescent and doesn’t like to be held for too long so he can get back to playing. Thankfully, he is never too old for lots of pets from his old mom and pop. 🙂

Johnny and I took our fur babies home during a very dark place in my life and they made every day better. It was a comfort to have these two little gremlins to wake up to and return home to, knowing that they depended on me for their care. No matter how bad I was feeling, just being around them always helped to lift my spirits. Even though they can’t clean their own litter box (I wish!), they take care of me too. My mental health has improved one hundred fold because of them and they truly came into our lives at just the right time. I love them so much! ❤

Happy (late) Gotcha Day to my sweet Melvin and Penelope. The most wonderful bunnies in all the land! Johnny and I love you both!!!

Do you celebrate your pet’s Gotcha Day? How has your pet helped you? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Are You Ready For A Dog?

Are You Ready For A Dog?

If you are thinking about getting a dog, then you will need to make sure that you are actually ready to look after them. It can be a lot trickier than you might think, and there are going to be many things that you need to do to make sure your pet is getting the best care possible. In this post, we are going to discuss some of the things to focus on to ensure that you are genuinely ready to look after a dog in your home and make one part of your life:


First of all, having a dog means that you need to have quite a bit of time in your daily life, and that is something that you just can’t really get around. Only by having plenty of time can you ensure that you are able to look after your dog as well as you would hope – because you need to walk them and so on, and all of that simply takes time. Look at your general schedule and be honest with yourself about whether or not you are able to care for a dog with the amount of time you normally have available.


You will also need to devote a lot of personal energy to your pooch, because walking with them, playing with them, and generally caring for them all requires that you have a lot of energy to give. You need to again be honest with yourself about what kind of energy levels you think you can muster, so that you are likely to effectively care for a dog. You might have a breed that loves to play, in which case this is going to be especially important to consider.


^^^ Pexels Image


Your home needs to have plenty of space if you are going to look after a dog effectively, and again this is something that you can’t really expect to get around. Think about what breed you want and how much room they are likely to need, and then make sure that you are working with that as well as you can. Only by offering up the right amount of space can you hope to care for your dog as well as necessary, so this is something that you should definitely think about here.


And last but certainly not least, a dog needs a lot of love, more than many other kinds of pets. You will probably find that this comes naturally, but it’s something to be aware of in any case. If you can give them the right amount of love, they are going to be happier and you will find that looking after them is a lot more enjoyable too. That is a major part of getting ready for having a dog in your home and in your life, so be sure not to overlook it.

A dog is a huge commitment if you are up to it, but it is so worth it. They will add so much joy to your home and life!

Featured Image By: Pexels

About Our Bunnies

About Our Bunnies

Hello!!! On November first, it will be one whole year since Johnny and I welcomed our sweet bunnies, Melvin and Penelope, home. We adopted Mel and P from a friend who adopted Penelope from some type of fair I think? Little did she know, Penelope was pregnant and had eight (Yes, eight!) babies. When Johnny and I decided that we were committed to adopting bunnies, I scoured humane societies and posted on Facebook for any leads. My post was answered by the new bunny parent of nine and we took our babies home two weeks later!

Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 06-18-39 Sarah Mushenheim (@lifewithlilred94) • Instagram photos and videosScreenshot 2023-09-21 at 06-19-13 Sarah Mushenheim (@lifewithlilred94) • Instagram photos and videosScreenshot 2023-09-21 at 06-18-59 Sarah Mushenheim (@lifewithlilred94) • Instagram photos and videos

It was and still is so exciting to have pets in our apartment. Melvin and Penelope are our little buddies and we are just as obsessed with them now as the day we brought them home. It is such a blast to watch our two gremlins romp around our bunny proofed area, play with their beloved Chewy boxes, and get into mischief. Mel and P’s favorite activities include snack time, chewing literally everything, and getting all of the cuddles from their mom and dad. Although, cuddling definitely wasn’t on their agenda when we first got them… It took a while for them to get warmed up to being held, but now they are always on the couch with us when we watch TV! 🙂

Our almost first year of being bunny parents felt like a lot of trial and error. It took both Mel and P a while to get about 95% litter trained, for starters. The first few months involved a lot of cleaning up accidents and rearranging their litter boxes to find a solution that worked. We had to figure out the best ways to clean their hutch, the best places to shop for their leafy greens, as well as finding supplies that they liked and getting them acclimated to our touch. This process took a while, but we never gave up and it feels like we have had them for so much longer than a year.

Melvin and Penelope are completely different bunnies from when we first brought them home. Pen was SO shy and was not interested in exploring her new digs whatsoever. Melvin, on the other hand, was quite skittish and would rather run away than be near us. Now that they know who mom and dad are and are so used to us, we finally see their real personalities. Pen is sweet as can be and loves to be held – the way to her heart was lots of yummy treats! Mel is our little adventurer and tolerates being held for a while, then he scampers off to play, play, play. He loves toys and thinks it’s hilarious to dump his food dish all over the hutch as soon as I refill it! Their personalities compliment each other so well and I am thrilled that they are comfortable enough with us to show it off. ❤

Since Johnny and I did not have a birthaversary bash this year, we are hoping to combine it into a party for Mel and Pen’s Gotcha Day. Our bunny babies are so loved and in my perfect world, we would have an apartment full of them!

What is your pet’s personality like? When it your pet’s Gotcha Day? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


Feed Your Dog Well With These Tips

Feed Your Dog Well With These Tips

As a pet owner, you want to give the best life possible for your pet. When it comes to your dog, you need to make sure that they are exercising, eating well, and feeling positive and secure. Feeding your dog the nutritious diet that they need will help them to stay happy and healthy, but it can be a challenge when money isn’t matching what they need.

Nutritious diets for dogs should give them the right amount of fats, proteins, and vitamins that they require for a healthy lifestyle. Every dog breed and every dog age requires different amounts of food, different natural dog treats, and a moderate level of high quality digestible protein. Understanding the best options for your dog’s health is important so here are some tips to help your dog eat well. Bon appetite!


Head to the butchers if you are feeding your dog raw meat. It’s important to make sure that human grade meat doesn’t contain any preservatives. Avoid sausage, cooked or manufactured meats, and make sure that any uncooked bone is wider than the width of your three middle fingers. This is the best option for bone crunching. Marrow bones are very appealing for dogs so you should make sure that your human foods are bought from the butchers.

Sweet Potatoes:

If you want your dog to eat well and have plenty of nutrients, then adding sweet potato to their diet is really going to help. It will improve digestion and it also gives a good dose of beta carotene, which is helpful for healthy skin and bones.

Peanut Butter:

Peanut butter is an excellent snack for dogs, especially because of the vitamin B and the heart healthy fats. There’s a reason that you eat the peanut butter, and those are the same reasons that your dog should eat it too. It’s a good food to use for enrichment games and you can smooth it inside a Kong or other rubber dog toys for them to find and enjoy.


Add some parsley to dog food for minty fresh breath. Well, not quite minty fresh, but it will definitely be better than what it is! Parsley is a good way to improve your dog’s health and give them some much needed vitamins while making their breath smell good.


Puppies love porridge in the morning. If you are making yourself a bowl of porridge, consider making one for your pup as a fiber rich snack. All you need to do is avoid any added sugars or syrups and your dog will be able to enjoy it with you. It should be used exclusively as a treat, however, because while it’s fiber rich it’s not particularly rich in anything else.

Just like humans, the diet for your pet is extremely important. Feed them well with the tips above!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Making Good Decisions For Your Pet

Making Good Decisions For Your Pet

Everyone is (hopefully) aware that having a pet in the household is an investment. It’s an investment of your time, energy, financial backing, and of course, love. Thankfully, that last part, love, is paid back to us in spades, so there’s no need to worry about a “return on investment” when bringing a beloved pet home. While it’s true that you’re likely ready for all of the responsibilities involved with owning a pet, you also have a life to lead.

In this light, anything that makes pet ownership a little easier without having to dismiss or neglect them even slightly is helpful. Of course, this might sound like you’re outsourcing the responsibility of pet ownership to others, but that doesn’t have to be the case. After all, no one considers convenience like safety gates to be neglectful, it just means you don’t have to keep teaching your puppy not to claw at the sofa until they’re old enough to adopt that lesson properly. In this post, we’ll discuss how to improve the convenience of pet ownership one step at a time:

Walking & Sitting Services:

Not everyone has time to walk their dog daily, nor can they look after their pets if they’re heading on vacation for a little while. That’s where walking and sitting services come in. Dog walking is a great task for teenagers so paying your neighbor’s child to walk your dog once every other day could be ideal, just as you would hire a babysitter.

Using the same logic, sitting services can be helpful too. If you’re going away for the weekend, you might ask a trusted friend or neighbor to spend time at your house. Prepare some food and fill the fridge with groceries, give them access to your streaming services, and let them feed and play with your pets, reporting any issues to you immediately. It’s a little effort but it does make a big difference.

Great Medical Care:

Before you bring a pet into the household, it’s always wise to see if there’s a local veterinarian with good reviews and dependable service. There’s usually a great vet in every town, but just make sure you understand what the service is, if they offer any membership or enrollment programs, and the general cost of each checkup. You can also bind this to medicine deliveries when needed, as you might do with a local pharmacy, to ensure you have everything you may need ahead of time.

Doggy & Kitty Doors:

Once you’ve trained your little furry friend and you trust them to head out into the garden, installing a doggy or kitty door that allows them to go out and come back in whenever they need (and then locking this at night) can save you having to check the door all day. Little habits like this will also help you avoid accidents on your carpet, which are never enjoyable to find!

Strong Fences & Gates:

If you have to worry about your dog bounding out every time you open the door with a leash or finding a way out when in the garden, installing gates and privacy fences with strong foundations can ensure there’s no way out of your property for your dog. Cats can climb and will find some way out, but will generally come home when they feel like it. Dogs can struggle with this and will bound out even if they love living at home. That’s why it’s good to have zones prepared so that even if they try to book it, they can’t get past a certain point without your approval.

With this advice, you’re sure to improve the convenience of pet ownership, one good decision at a time!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Eye Spy In Nature

Eye Spy In Nature

Hello!! In Ohio, it is currently hot AF and is a drastic change from the cool to moderate temps we experienced last week. That is my preferred style of summer weather, so it made for perfect days to go on hikes with my clients. During our walks, we were seeing wildlife left and right – Oriels, frogs, and turtles too! In total, I saw two Oriels, six turtles, and six frogs and I truly felt like the nature whisperer lol. It was a blast and it felt like a real life version of Eye Spy! Check it out:


On my first walk of the day, my client and I saw a HUGE turtle in the middle of the path. From far away, it looked like a rock or a bundle of dead leaves. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I realized what it actually was! I was a bit worried about my turtle friend because of how little movement I saw and the fact that the water he was trying to get to was a bit of a trek away. Thankfully, after snapping a few safely distanced pics and walking away, the turtle was back on the move. I guess he just needed a little break. Also, when you see a turtle in the road (or path, in my case) it is said to be good luck and something great happened on Monday so maybe I have the turtle to thank for it! 😀

On my next walk with a different client, we went to a local Metro Park that has lots of ponds and not quite lake size bodies of water. We were determined to find frogs and on the first trip around a pond, I didn’t see jack. Then, I decided to take a closer look and realized the error of my ways. They were all around us, but camouflaged and I just wasn’t looking hard enough! It was so cool to see the frogs hiding in plain sight and they did a great job – if I didn’t inspect further, I definitely wouldn’t have seen them. We also saw five turtles lounging on logs from afar that also did a very nice job of blending into the scenery. It was a hoot. 🙂

Nature walks are always fun, but they’re even better when you can see the local wildlife. I am still delighting over the pictures of my froggy and turtle friends!

What kind of wildlife is in your neck of the woods? What is your favorite summer activity? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah