Tag Archives: music

Spring Picnic OOTD Bloopers

Spring Picnic OOTD Bloopers

Hello everyone and welcome to the blooper reel from my Spring Picnic OOTD! Last Friday, Johnny and I made a trip to Misnyland to hang out with Tim Misny and contest winners for a picnic. We all had an awesome time and it was definitely a straight shot to the nostalgia because a party like the one we attended was how I met Tim in the first place. It was so fun to meet other Misny super fans and I think it’s just the tops to see people so happy thanks to my new boss’ efforts. I’m just hoping they didn’t see these moments when I was taking OOTD shots:

Introducing Tim Misny’s social media manager lol


TFYM when you realize your dress might be a bit too short to pop your foot


I’M SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This bird of paradise is taking off


Who, me? πŸ™‚


Mirror, mirror on the wall – who’s the fairest of them all?


Spoiler Alert: The fairest of them all is Tim!


Post bloopers, I like to talk about a funny occurrence or something random. I guess this story is going to fall under the random category… I don’t know about all of you, but I liveΒ for throwback music. The 90s and 2K era for pop, rap, and alternative just can’t be beat and it’s nice to know that my musical taste stunted around 2010 lol. Because I drive a lot for work, I have grown increasingly fond of radio programs. I love playing the trivia games on 107.9 and listening to the Jeremiah Show on 96.5. My favorite thing, though, is Throwback Thursday on 88.1.

88.1 is a super cool station that is run by the students at the University of Akron and is what I listen to the most frequently. Every Thursday, they play throwback hits all day and it makes for the best day ever. The irony is not lost on me that these students were probably not even born when these songs were coming out! But I digress. As the weather has turned lovely in Ohio, it made my last Throwback Thursday even better than usual. With the windows down and music blasting, it almost made me forget that I was on my way to work. But, hey, that early Britney Spears is going to do it for me every time!

I have officially turned into one of those people that has got to listen to their radio programs and I can’t say I’m mad about it. My next goal is to dedicate some time to doing tons of entries to play trivia on 107.9 because I am confident I can win it. So, don’t be surprised if baby girl has a future come up lol!

What is your favorite radio station? What is your favorite era of music? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Slumber Partayyy!

Slumber Partayyy!

Hello! Johnny and I take our title of “Fun Aunt and Uncle” to our sweet nieces and nephew very seriously. We delight in treat days, outings, and surprises to further solidify that we are the best lol and we have the best time doing it! As often as we can, we like to have our niece, Val Gal, over for slumber parties for an evening of playing music, crafts, movies, and snacks. Surprisingly, I had the day off this past Thursday and was so excited to be able to host our lil BFF. I was SO tired the next day, but that’s a small price to pay for such a wonderful time! Check it out:


When my sister dropped Val off at chez nous, lil buddy immediately went into her overnight bag for a surprise for me and Johnny. She bought us chips with her own money and made an origami bunny with her dad for us too. It was so sweet I could have cried because it’s usually the other way around for who’s getting a little gift! Before dinner, Val wanted to play music with Johnny and he is always happy to accommodate. He got them matching ukuleles for her third birthday and she brings it every time she comes over so they can play together. My heart! ❀

After our music block, it was time for dinner and a show and we watched our all time favorite, Vivo. It is a slumber party staple and it gets me every time. I love singing along to all of the songs with bestie! We noshed on mac n cheese and ice cream sundaes, then we spent the rest of the movie time painting together. I decided to make a picture for Val in a rainbow motif and then I wrote her name on it. She wanted to do the same thing for me and I came in with the assist to help her finish it. I love my painting so much and it has a very special place on my art wall with all of the crafts she has made for Johnny and I.

We spent the rest of the evening holding the bunnies, running around the apartment like crazy people, and watching a bit of Elf before bed. The following morning, I got up extra early so I could work before she woke up. Val threw an adorable wrench in my plans because she got up extra early so she could have more time with me! We finished Elf and before I took her home, we broke out her new diary and wrote an entry and drew pictures together about our slumber partay. It was absolutely precious and I’m not sure which one of us had more fun!

Being an aunt brings me so much joy and Johnny feels the same about his uncle status. We love every minute with our lil besties and we both agreed that this was one of our best slumber parties yet!

Did you have a favorite aunt or uncle growing up? How do you like to spoil your family? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Constellations Merch!!

Constellations Merch!!

Hello everyone!!! I have been working as the social media manager for an awesome local metalcore band called Constellations. It is legit the most fun job I have ever had and it is so exciting to be a part of their continued growth. In case you aren’t following Constellations on social media (You should!), an amazing guitarist named Heather has joined my favorite ragtag group of gents. She is fantastic and it’s even better having her on board! We also just released… MERCH! The designs are made by our very own vocalist, Tre’, and he did a banner job. Sometimes he models too as you are about to see:


This past Friday, our online merch shop officially opened for business and it is yet another stepping stone that Constellations has completed in a short time. February 19th was the one month anniversary for the release of the band’s first single “RIP” and we can’t wait to start teasing new music soon! I also am looking forward to rocking some merch in a few brand new OOTDs on my end. πŸ˜€ To help support my sweet crew, you don’t have to buy anything from the shop (Even though it would be VERY NICE!). You can show them love on social media and, in turn, show your favorite Lil Red blogger some love too:

Facebook: ConstellationsBand

Instagram: @constellations330

X: @seeingstars330

TikTok: @constellationsband

YouTube: ConstellationsBand330

Spotify: Constellations

Shop merch here!

On behalf of Constellations and yours truly: Thank you! Some extra follows and likes might not seem like a big deal, but it means the world and galaxies to us. Stay tuned for more great successes from the band because I just know there are going to be a ton!

How do you support local artists? What is your favorite song by a local band? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Constellations Call To Action

Constellations Call To Action

Hi everyone!! My most recent work endeavor has been doing social media management for a local metalcore band called Constellations. It has been an absolute blast and I have had the best time collaborating and getting to know all of the guys. They are, of course, amazingly talented. But, most importantly, they are the sweetest, kindest, goofiest dudes you could ever hope to meet. It makes my job not only easy, but a complete pleasure. I am SO proud to even know them and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for my new besties.

This past Friday, Constellation’s first single called RIP dropped and it was most exciting!! We have all been working so hard for this release for the past month and change and it was a joy to share in the big day all together. It would mean a lot to all of us if you took the time to follow our social media pages and give RIP a listen. Even if metalcore isn’t your thing, it would be doing your favorite Lil Red blogger a huge favor! You can give some love to our pages at the following:

Facebook: ConstellationsBand

Instagram: constellations330

TikTok: constellationsband

YouTube: ConstellationsBand330

X: seeingstars330

You can also stream RIP on Spotify!!!


Myself and all of the guys from Constellations can’t thank you enough for your support! Let us know what you think about RIP in the comments. πŸ™‚ Much love. -Sarah

Seeing Stars

Seeing Stars

Hello darlings!! Starting at the beginning of December, I began a very fun project that I am stoked about. I became the social media manager for a local metalcore band called Constellations. The guys welcomed me into their circle with open arms to kick start strategizing for a content schedule to build up to the release of their debut single RIP. It has been an absolute blast getting to know all of my new besties, spitballing ideas, and enjoying their music. My favorite thing is our group chat, which one of the members created for all of us for social media chatter. It makes me feel so legit and like a real part of the team. ❀

It would mean so much to all of us if you gave Constellations a follow and like on their Facebook page: ConstellationsBand. We will also be releasing their other social media pages soon! Even if metalcore isn’t your thing, this band has a fantastic array of additional content including their “hot takes”, a band game, and clips talking about all things music. They are SO endearing and funny and I just know all of you will love them too. πŸ™‚ Thanks in advance for helping support Lil Red on her latest work adventure!


Who is your favorite local band? What is your preferred genre of music? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Hobbies That Are Guaranteed To Beat Stress

Hobbies That Are Guaranteed To Beat Stress

Stress is a normal part of life, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be doing things to help to let it go. We need to have healthy methods for coping with anxiety and stress. One of the best ways to do this is to have a hobby. Whether you are crafting with friends or you are choosing to go to the movies, you need a hobby that’s going to make you feel happy. Let’s take a look at the hobbies that are guaranteed to beat your stress for a healthier lifestyle:

Start a collection:

One of the hobbies, as old as time itself, is collecting. When most people think of a collection, they envision someone collecting expensive antiques. But it doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, you could start a very simple collection, especially if you love to travel. You could pick up a key ring at every city you visit and eventually build up a whole world’s worth of key rings on a pegboard. It doesn’t matter what you choose to collect but pick something that you’re passionate and excited about.

Do more with music:

Whether you’re playing an instrument or just listening to more music, it is one of the best hobbies that is going to guarantee that your stress will be beaten. You can pop on some noise canceling headphones and let your favorite songs play through them or you could decide to start some lessons so that you can learn how to play an instrument. There is plenty of music in the world that’s just waiting for you to pay attention to it!

Work on puzzles:

An amazing way to unwind is to start puzzling. Even if you haven’t put together a puzzle in years, you’ll find that working through the challenge of one can be incredibly relaxing. Playing by yourself is a good way to enjoy some solo downtime, but you can grab a friend to do the puzzle with you and still have just as much fun. The best part is, there are so many beautiful puzzles out there and when you’re done, you can either frame them for your house or box them back up again to enjoy another time.


^^^ Pexels Image

Start baking:

Whether you like to bake cakes or biscuits, it doesn’t really matter. Baking is an amazing way for you to beat your stress. You’ll be able to have easy access to delicious treats, but you’ll be able to watch the pile of ingredients become something beautiful. You can decide to sell them and make a business out of it, or you can just continue to bake at home for your own fun.

Work with your hands:

Sometimes, putting your hands to work can make a massive difference. Whether you are rebuilding a car or you are crafting, you’ll find that your mental health improves when you can put your mind and concentration into something amazing. Building something from the ground up is a huge achievement and it helps to promote patience at the same time!

Learn a new language:

It doesn’t matter whether you only know one language right now, you can still Learn a new language. Everybody has the capacity to learn something new. So start with the basic vocabulary and take your time to understand the history and the culture behind each language you choose to learn.

Not only is having a hobby great fun, but it is a wonderful stress reliever. Try any of the above and shake that stress away!

Featured Image By: Pexels

How You Can Harmonize Your Concert Experience

How You Can Harmonize Your Concert Experience

Who doesn’t love going to a good concert? Getting to see your favorite performer live just feels unreal, doesn’t it? There’s so much anticipation, so much hype, and all of it is thrilling! Even though it’s exciting, concerts aren’t really what they used to be; even concerts today aren’t the same as they were a decade ago. Nowadays, there are phones recording everything everywhere, high ticket prices thanks to a certain company, and sometimes you have to drive really far just to see your favorite performers, like Weird Al. In general, it all feels a bit different. With that said, it’s important to make the most of concerts as the prices and etiquette change. Here’s everything you need to know:

Plan Everything Far in Advance:

Seriously, who wants to feel stressed out before, during, and after a concert? You’ll want to go ahead and choose your tickets wisely based on your preferences for seating, proximity to the stage, and overall concert atmosphere. Basically, as soon as you find out about the concert, buy the tickets ASAP. Transportation is another big part of this. You’ll need to research your options, whether it’s public transit, ride share services, or parking facilities near the venue. No matter what, you’ll need to always plan for potential traffic and make sure you have a reliable way to get there and back.

Another thing you’ll need to do in advance is to have an idea about the policies at the venue; they all vary no matter which MSG bag policy is common for that venue, but more and more venues are getting strict about this; there are even some that won’t allow for phone or camera usage either.

Comfortable Attire:

While it’s totally understandable that you want to look as cute as possible, being comfortable matters way more. This especially goes for shoes; you’ll want to opt for comfortable shoes, especially if there’s standing involved (for some reason, standing concerts seem to be getting more common). You’ll likely be on your feet for an extended period and comfortable footwear can make a significant difference.

You Need Ear Protection:

No matter how far away you are from the stage or speakers, you’ll still need ear protection. People will be screaming all around you, seriously everywhere, there will be screams (unless this is a classical concert, of course). So it’s best to just consider bringing ear protection to safeguard your hearing without compromising the music experience.

Contribute to a Positive Atmosphere:

This seems to be a problem nowadays, not just the etiquette but this questionable toxicity that’s been growing. You need to embrace the collective excitement, and you definitely need to respect the performers and fellow concertgoers to create an enjoyable environment for everyone.

Concerts are an amazing experience and they can be even better with the tips above!

Featured Image By: Unsplash

Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed? Try This!

Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed? Try This!

Waking up on the wrong side of the bed is something that happens to everybody. No matter how well you slept or how much you have prepared for the day, sometimes you just have to accept that it is β€œone of those days”. On the other hand, you could always try and turn things around and make yourself feel better almost instantly.

Turning your day from a negative into a positive is completely possible, but only if you’re willing to give it a try. Being in a good mood regularly will not only help you to maintain your youthful glow, but it will also give you a better chance of a successful day. Here are a handful of speedy mood boosters to get you going again:

Feel-Good Music:

There is no better cure for a bad mood than blasting some feel good music loud and proud. Whether you’re turning up the volume on your home speakers or you’re putting in your earphones during your commute to work, there are so many ways to get music into your system. Choose your favorite artist or song that will get you going for the day such as Class Clown by Tiana Green or some classic 90’s pop from back in the day. As soon as you hear some music, you will start to feel happy in an instant.

Energizing Food:

There are certain foods that can make you feel good as soon as you digest them, so this is what you need to reach for when you’re feeling blue in the morning. A banana, crunchy granola, or a berry smoothie are all ideal ways to put a spring back into your step.


Getting your body moving is a great way to boost your mood when you’re not feeling the best. Doing a form of exercise that makes you happy will release a whole load of endorphins that will keep you on cloud nine for the rest of the day. Whether you’re trying out yoga, running, weight lifting, cycling, swimming, or dancing, there are so many ways to try exercise without feeling as though it’s a huge chore; having fun is the most important thing!

Hug Someone You Love:

Hugging someone you love can have numerous health benefits, and one includes feeling good about yourself and happier in general. If you wake up feeling less than great, now is the perfect time to grab the one you love and enjoy a warm embrace together!

Having these ideas in your back pocket whenever your day gets off to a rocky start is the best way to move forward and seize the day no matter what!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Mini Mall Haul

Mini Mall Haul

Hello!! After a very long tenure of working retail in the mall, I tend to avoid it like the plague now lol. I can probably count on ten fingers the amount of times I have been to the mall since being employed there and that is fine by me! You know your girl is a TJMaxx frequent flyer at heart. This past week, however, I crossed the threshold into Summit Mall because my brother had some birthday gift cards. I told myself that I wasn’t going to buy anything for myself, but that changed when I saw the most perfect T-shirt I have ever seen at Hot Topic. I also had a freebie coupon from Bath & Body Works to cash in! Check it out:


Bath & Body Works has recently switched up their freebie options and it has been most exciting! For the longest time, a free travel size product coupon left you limited to shower gel and lotion. Then, they upped their game to mini fragrance sprays, bar soap, and hand cream and they are all fair game for the free coupon. It is awesome and turns every time I get a B&BW coupon in the mail into an “I need to go there right now” event!

Johnny’s mom gifted me with some bar soap this past Easter and I forgot how much I enjoy a good ol’ bar of soap every now and again. With plenty of B&BW shower gel and lotion in my stockpile, I decided that trying out their bar soap for the first time would be the move. There wasn’t a huge selection of bar soap scents to pick from and I went with Coco Paradise to welcome summer with. Coco Paradise is a combo of coconut (obviously lol) and the softest hint of tropical flowers and it is lovely. It also is a shea butter based bar so I’m sure it will be ultra lush and hydrating. I can’t wait to try it out!

After browsing at other stores, my brother and I ended our rounds at Hot Topic. As a reminder, I truly had no intention of buying a single thing… Until I saw the AFI T-shirt that I just had to have. AFI’s album, Sing The Sorrow, was the first album I ever bought with my own money. It was and will always be in my top three favorite albums and seeing them live was one of the best moments of my life. I was so lucky because they only had one size small in this shirt among a sea of XLs and believe me when I say, I literally snatched it from the shelf!

The last T-shirt I bought from Hot Topic was from a few years ago and now I understand why almost all of Johnny’s T’s come from there. When I sported my AFI T the following day, I was blown away by how soft it was! It felt like a hug when I was wearing it and I honestly regretted not buying a few more! The fit was also perfect – not too loose and not too tight but just right. I am freaking obsessed with my new favorite T featuring my forever favorite band. πŸ˜€

After this trip to the mall, I don’t think I will go again for another handful of years lol. But, I was able to treat myself with an awesome pick me up purchase and for that I am grateful!

What was the first album that you ever bought? What is your favorite band? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Britney Spears Monopoly

Britney Spears Monopoly

Hello!! Mother’s Day was this past Sunday and another fabulous mom that was celebrated was my sister, Kristen. She is the mom to my two darling nieces, Valerie and Raya, and is absolutely amazing! Having a sister is having a built in best friend and Kristen will always be my A1 bestie. Normally for Mother’s Day, I get Kristen a Starbucks gift card to keep her caffeinated during her crazy busy days, but this year was different. While visiting my loved one at the Cleveland Clinic with Johnny, I saw Britney Spears Monopoly displayed in the gift shop and I couldn’t pass it up! Kristen is The Queen of Pop’s number one fan and I knew that the Monopoly board would make a wonderful addition to her merch collection. Check it out:


Once Johnny and I returned home from Cleveland, we decided that it wouldn’t hurt to give Britney Spears Monopoly a test run. We have Legend of Zelda Monopoly, but we wanted to play with the shiny new toy lol. Of course, every Monopoly board is the same thing, but I think the Britney Spears one might be my all time favorite version. I, too, am a huge Britney fan and have many a fond memory of sing alongs to the queen with my sis. A board entirely dedicated to all of our favorite songs was just perfect and it was a blast to play – especially while Johnny was DJ and playing all 90s hits!

Because of our current schedules, it can be hard for Kristen and I to commit to plans. However, it was my lucky day this past week because we both happened to be at our parents’ house at the same time. I didn’t have her gift on me, but my apartment is not even five minutes away so we went there together for the grand reveal. Kristen literally gasped when I presented her with her Mother’s Day gift and it was exactly the reaction I was hoping for. And, as one Britney fan to another, she completely understood why Johnny and I had to play it first haha. πŸ™‚

If Britney reigns supreme in your world, then you absolutely have to invest in this Monopoly board! It is such an awesome collector’s item and you will clutch your pearls when you see it too. In fact, Johnny and I had so much fun playing it that we are thinking of buying a copy for ourselves! πŸ˜€

Who is your favorite pop singer? What is your favorite board game? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah