Tag Archives: just so you know

Interviewing 101

Interviewing 101

Hello!! One thing that I have always enjoyed doing is conducting interviews with people. In fact, my very first job when working with the special needs community was leading family interviews. I truly believe that I have been given the gift of gab and I love that my new job as Tim Misny’s social media manager allows me to do interviews a lot. Over time, I have developed some surefire techniques to ensure that my interviews go without a hitch. Let’s check them out so you can use them too!


When I know that I have an interview scheduled, I immediately begin the research phase. Who am I interviewing? What is the subject of said interview? How am I going to incorporate my findings into the conversation? Prior to meeting Tim Misny for the first time, I researched current cases he’s working on, his merch line, and the Cleveland City Mission which his merch line benefits. I was surprised when he gave me the time to chat with him further and thanks to my prior planning, he said it was one of the best interviews he ever had. That was the kickstart of a beautiful friendship!

Key Points:

One of the most exciting things about interviewing is that you can never know for sure which way the conversation will go. A majority of the interviews I do are just winging it, yes, but I do like to plan for a few key talking points too. Chances are if you are doing an interview, there will be some things you have to talk about. However, it is SO easy for those questions to go right out the window once the interview starts. To prevent this, I always make sure I memorize the must talk about subjects, find good ways to incorporate them into the chat, and knock them out early on in the interview so I don’t forget them lol.

Listen Up:

To be a good interviewer, you have to be an excellent listener. Interviewing is simply responding to what the other person is saying so if you aren’t fully grasping it, you aren’t going to have an effective interview. When the interviewee is speaking, I take it all in. Then, as the answer starts wrapping up, I use what I learned to ask the next question. It’s natural to want to interject when the interviewee is answering you so try to avoid that at all costs! It’s just going to make both of you stumble. And, remember, you are more than likely not conducting live interviews. If you need clarification on something, take a pause, ask your questions, and resume when you are ready.

Just So You Know:

The whole point of an interview is not to make yourself look good. Read that again because it is important! An interview is for the interviewee to look good and it is your job to make that happen. That is why it is crucial to do your research, create talking points, and put your listening ears on. When you are doing everything you can to make your interviewee shine, you are going to look great by default. I also find that when I am not focusing on myself, I tend to interview even better because it eliminates any pressure. Shift your focus and both of you will enjoy the process of interviewing more!

Maybe you aren’t going to conduct interviews. That doesn’t mean these tips aren’t handy for other things too. Could you imagine how awesome a job interview would go if you tried the above beforehand?!

Have you ever interviewed someone before? How did it go? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Finding Social Media Management Opportunities

Finding Social Media Management Opportunities

Hello! Thanks to lifewithlilred, I have been able to work with a variety of advertising companies in some way shape or form. My blog also gave me the skills and confidence to be able to take on other jobs like social media management. I have been doing this particular job with bands and businesses for the past year and change and enjoy it so very much. If this is a job that you think you might like to try too, but don’t know where to start – then this article is for you! Today, we’re going to look at a few easy peasy ways to find social media management opportunities:

Social Media:

This seems like such a given, but you would be amazed at how many people are posting Every. Single. Day. looking for social media managers. In fact, this is how I got started working with Constellations – one post on Facebook. If you keep your social media limited to your close friends and family, you might not come across these opportunities as often. However, there is a way to work around this! On Facebook, you might want to consider joining groups specific to businesses in your community. I am a member of several of these groups and see postings at least once a week for social media related positions. It never hurts to at least try!


I have a LinkedIn profile that I created a year or so ago. I never use it, but you might want to. The reason I say this is because I get an email Every. Single. Day. with different content creator and social media management opportunities. Finding a job in this field could be as simple as opening up an email. If you are going the LinkedIn route, you will want to make sure that you craft your page so it looks legit. Spend some time interacting on the site, making connections, and researching companies with profiles that could be a good fit for you.

Promote Yourself:

You could be extremely interested in a job in social media and that’s great. No one will know if you don’t talk about it, though! Post on your profiles that this is a service you offer. Tell your friends to tell their friends. The power of good old fashioned word of mouth marketing is much stronger than you think. Of course, you can’t just talk the talk. Your profiles should reflect a strong social media presence so it is worthwhile to put the work into bulking it up. A strong social media presence also leads into the last point…

Seek Strategically:

Think of social media profiles for established businesses, brands, or bands. They have tons of followers and interactions that keep their pages active. Now, think of the pages of some recently opened businesses. Notice a huge difference? If you said the interaction is minimal, at best, then how right you are! These are perfect places to offer your services to because new businesses, brands, and bands need to create a buzz. Established pages already have someone doing something right and, chances are, freshly started ventures don’t. This is where you come in!

With the tips above, you can begin looking for social media management opportunities more effectively. You never know when they might turn up!

Are you active on social media? What is your favorite platform? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Pet Bunnies For Easter: DON’T

Pet Bunnies For Easter: DON’T

Hello! Apparently, Easter is at the end of the month, which I just learned by looking it up lol. With Easter comes the decision of whether or not to get your children a bunny or another form of baby animal as a pet. I’ll make that decision easier by telling you… DON’T DO IT!! I have been happy to see lots of similar posts on my social media newsfeeds, which means it’s about time for my yearly PSA to say the same. Need more reasons other than it’s simply not a good idea to get an Easter bunny of your own? I’ve got you:


Melvin and Penelope sure are cute right? So cute, in fact, that it’s easy to forget how much work and care that two little balls of fluff require. I have wanted pet bunnies for as long as I can remember, but I am so happy that I got Mel and P as an adult because I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. Remember, bunnies can live for over ten years. That’s a long commitment and chances are a majority of their care will fall on you. Here’s some key points to know about bunnies that will hopefully leave you with getting your kiddos a stuffed animal instead…

Bunnies Are Shy:

If you think that bunnies are going to be happy immediately being cuddled, coddled, and held: You are wrong. I have had Mel and P for a year and a half and it took them a very long time to get acclimated to mine and Johnny’s touch. As of now, Penelope finally doesn’t mind being held and Mel still despises it. Even though Pen tolerates being held well, it’s something I don’t do often because I never want to break the trust that I have so carefully cultivated. Bunnies require a lot of patience to have them be friendly with you and anything less will simply traumatize them.

Bunnies Are Expensive:

You know what doesn’t require constant Chewy orders? A stuffed animal! Bunnies are a HUGE financial responsibility and I spend at least a hundred dollars on them on Chewy monthly – not to mention vet bills. You will need to get your bunnies pellet food, Timothy hay, bedding, toys, and don’t forget weekly trips to the grocery store for fresh veggies. So, in all reality, you are looking to spend closer to one hundred fifty per month. If you can’t commit to that financial responsibility for the next ten years, then don’t get the bunnies period.

Bunnies Are Messy:

Every morning, I spend an hour caring for my bunnies. This includes a thorough cleaning of their litter boxes and any accidents they had outside of it. It can be a really lengthy process. Then, the bunnies will come out to play and that means bedding, hair, and hay everywhere! Johnny and I are constantly sweeping our floors and the amount of dust bunnies after just one day is unreal. If you are not up for forever cleaning up after bunnies, then they are not the pet for you. I’m here to tell you and be perfectly honest – it is never ending.


All of these things are important to consider, but there is so much more too. Bunnies need lots of exercise to be happy and if you can’t be around to let them roam in a safe setting, they are not living their best lives. They are also very social creatures and it’s best to get them in a pair so they have a companion. Bunnies want your love and attention and if you can’t do the things that make them feel this way, they are not a good choice for a pet.

Having said all of that: Bunnies are absolutely amazing and my life is infinitely better because of Mel and P. However, any animal should not be adopted as a split decision or a gift and most bunnies adopted for Easter will end up back in a shelter. Make this choice wisely and stick to traditional treats for Easter, instead.

How does your pet get exercise? What is your pet’s favorite treat? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

5 Mistakes You’re Making With Your Laundry

5 Mistakes You’re Making With Your Laundry

You might think that there isn’t anything that could go too wrong with your laundry. However, if you want to keep the quality, color, and reliability of your clothes, then you had better be ready to offer them the care that they need. Here, we’re going to look at all-too-common mistakes people make when doing laundry, and what you can do to prevent them:

Not sorting them by color:

Yes, you still need to sort your clothes by color. Dark clothes should be washed with dark clothes, light with light, and white with white. We have heard a lot of people saying that many modern t-shirts don’t really require this as much because production doesn’t use dye that can come off in the wash. Unless you know precisely how each piece of clothing is going to act when swirling in hot water together, don’t chance it.

Not following the instructions on the tag:

You might think that the instructions on the tag are just a suggestion and that nothing bad is likely to happen if you don’t follow them. Or, you might be like many people who never check the tag at all when washing clothes. If that happens, then you should expect tearing, shrinking, or stretching as a matter of course. If you want to keep your clothes like new, you have to follow their instructions.

Neglecting to check for optical brighteners:

This is a tip that a lot of people don’t know about. There are laundry detergents out there, sold with the express intent of washing clothes, that don’t really wash them too well. Optical brighteners are a somewhat common ingredient. Rather than focusing on washing them, getting out stains, and keeping them fresh, these detergents act as a sort of dye, brightening the laundry instead. Needless to say, most people want their clothes washed, not just having the appearance of being washed.

Keeping the temperature too high:

Another common mistake is thinking that “hotter is better.” Yes, in higher temperatures, dirt and stains might be able to dissolve more easily. However, this is also worse for your clothes, making them more likely to stretch and lose their consistency, as the high temperatures also add wear and tear to the mix. A cold wash can do your clothes a lot of good and uses less energy than usual.

Not cleaning your washing machine:

You have to take care of your washing machine for it to take care of you. Mold, mildew, detergent residue, and hard water buildups can begin to affect the effectiveness of your clean, as well as the health of the machine. A self-clean cycle with a good washing machine cleaner is all you need.

Many of the mistakes above can be a force of habit, so you might not realize exactly what the problem is until you stop it, and find the alternative a lot better. These tips will help you end up with cleaner, fresher clothes, that don’t suffer any unexpected changes in the process of washing them!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Get Ready For Renovation With These Smart Tips

Get Ready For Renovation With These Smart Tips

A home renovation is an excellent way to add value, both in monetary terms and how you feel about your home. Whether it’s a partial renovation or a full remodel, you can get the home you’ve always wanted. Before your renovation project can get underway, you need to prepare for it. Renovations can be noisy, messy, and often take a long time too. You will want your home set up and ready for work to begin so everything can go as smoothly as possible. There are a few steps to take to get it all in order:

Clear Out Anything Valuable:

One thing you definitely don’t want to happen is for anything valuable to be damaged during your renovations. Some valuable items could be permanent fixtures and fittings, which can’t be removed. However, there are often things that can be removed so that they’re out of the way. A storage service such as Ranchers Mobile Storage could be your best option for removing anything you don’t want to keep in your home. Put everything in storage temporarily and get it back when the renovation is finished. If you don’t have much, it could be moved to a spare room or garage too.

Cover Up:

Not everything can be moved out of your home. You might not want to move everything if it’s going to take too much time and effort. Instead, it can be better to cover some things during the renovation to protect them from any mess. This could include covering up furniture or even covering floors and other surfaces. You want to make sure any covers you use, such as sheets or tarps, are secured in place. Think about the best ways to protect everything from dust, paint, or anything else that could damage your possessions.


^^^ Pixabay Image

Set Things Up for Contractors:

You will likely have contractors coming and going while your renovations are taking place. If you’re not going to be living in the property during this time, installing a lock box for keys is a good idea. It will allow your contractors to let themselves in and out without you having to get up early to travel over and let them in. There are other things you might want to do for your contractors too. For example, make it clear that they can use your bathroom, or perhaps even set up a temporary toilet in the yard if there isn’t a functioning bathroom.

Find Somewhere to Stay:

You can remain in your home while you’re having it renovated. However, this isn’t always the smartest choice. There can be a lot of noise and mess, and being around all of the work can be stressful. Plus, if you have pets or children, it could be dangerous. Moving out temporarily might be the best thing to do if you would rather avoid being around all of the work before it’s finished.

Be prepared for your renovation before it begins and you will help everything go smoother while keeping your home as neat as possible!

Featured Image By: Pixabay

Are You Ready For A Dog?

Are You Ready For A Dog?

If you are thinking about getting a dog, then you will need to make sure that you are actually ready to look after them. It can be a lot trickier than you might think, and there are going to be many things that you need to do to make sure your pet is getting the best care possible. In this post, we are going to discuss some of the things to focus on to ensure that you are genuinely ready to look after a dog in your home and make one part of your life:


First of all, having a dog means that you need to have quite a bit of time in your daily life, and that is something that you just can’t really get around. Only by having plenty of time can you ensure that you are able to look after your dog as well as you would hope – because you need to walk them and so on, and all of that simply takes time. Look at your general schedule and be honest with yourself about whether or not you are able to care for a dog with the amount of time you normally have available.


You will also need to devote a lot of personal energy to your pooch, because walking with them, playing with them, and generally caring for them all requires that you have a lot of energy to give. You need to again be honest with yourself about what kind of energy levels you think you can muster, so that you are likely to effectively care for a dog. You might have a breed that loves to play, in which case this is going to be especially important to consider.


^^^ Pexels Image


Your home needs to have plenty of space if you are going to look after a dog effectively, and again this is something that you can’t really expect to get around. Think about what breed you want and how much room they are likely to need, and then make sure that you are working with that as well as you can. Only by offering up the right amount of space can you hope to care for your dog as well as necessary, so this is something that you should definitely think about here.


And last but certainly not least, a dog needs a lot of love, more than many other kinds of pets. You will probably find that this comes naturally, but it’s something to be aware of in any case. If you can give them the right amount of love, they are going to be happier and you will find that looking after them is a lot more enjoyable too. That is a major part of getting ready for having a dog in your home and in your life, so be sure not to overlook it.

A dog is a huge commitment if you are up to it, but it is so worth it. They will add so much joy to your home and life!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Why Sanitary Toothpaste Matters: A Hygienic Approach To Oral Care

Why Sanitary Toothpaste Matters: A Hygienic Approach To Oral Care

When it comes to our daily routine, brushing our teeth is something we all do without much thought. It’s one of those autopilot activities that help us feel fresh and ready to face the day. But have you ever stopped to think about the toothpaste you’re using? Is it sanitary? Does it matter? Well, the answer is a resounding “yes”! In this post, we’re going to dive into why sanitary toothpaste matters and how it can make a significant difference in your oral hygiene:

The Hidden Dangers in Toothpaste Tubes:

Let’s face it; toothpaste tubes are not the most hygienic of containers. They sit in our bathrooms, exposed to humidity and various contaminants. Over time, toothpaste residue can accumulate on the nozzle, creating a breeding ground for bacteria. This is especially true if multiple family members share the same toothpaste tube. When you squeeze that toothpaste onto your brush, you’re potentially introducing harmful bacteria into your mouth. Not exactly what you had in mind for your oral hygiene routine, right?

The Case for Sanitary Toothpaste Dispensers:

Enter sanitary toothpaste dispensers – the heroes of our oral hygiene routine! These nifty devices eliminate the need for squeezing toothpaste from a tube, thereby reducing the risk of bacterial contamination. Instead, they dispense a precise amount of toothpaste onto your brush with a simple push or pump mechanism.

Here’s why sanitary toothpaste dispensers matter:

  • Bacteria-Free Toothpaste: With a dispenser, you can say goodbye to the worry of bacteria lurking in your toothpaste. The sealed container keeps your toothpaste fresh and uncontaminated.
  • No Mess, No Stress: Toothpaste tubes can be messy, and squeezing out the last bits can be a hassle. Dispensers provide a neat and efficient way to get the perfect amount every time.
  • Easy to Use: Dispensers are user-friendly, making them suitable for both children and adults. They’re a convenient addition to any bathroom.
  • Saves Money: When you use a dispenser, you’ll use just the right amount of toothpaste, reducing waste and saving you money in the long run.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Many dispensers are designed with eco-friendliness in mind, using less packaging and reducing the environmental impact compared to traditional tubes.

The Health Benefits of Sanitary Toothpaste:

Now that we’ve established the importance of keeping your toothpaste sanitary, let’s delve into the health benefits:

  • Reduced Risk of Oral Infections: Using a dispenser can help prevent the introduction of harmful bacteria into your mouth, lowering the risk of infections, gum diseases, and bad breath.
  • Consistent Hygiene: Dispensers provide a consistent amount of toothpaste with each use, ensuring you’re brushing effectively every time.
  • Encourages Regular Brushing: The ease of use of toothpaste dispensers can make brushing your teeth more convenient, encouraging you and your family to maintain a consistent oral care routine.

Choosing the Right Sanitary Toothpaste Dispenser:

Now that you’re convinced of the benefits of using a sanitary toothpaste dispenser, it’s time to choose the right one for you. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Design and Aesthetics: Toothpaste dispensers come in various designs to match your bathroom decor. From sleek and modern to cute and colorful, there’s a dispenser for every taste.
  • Capacity: Consider how many people will be using the dispenser. Some come with multiple chambers to accommodate different types of toothpaste or serve multiple users.
  • Ease of Cleaning: Look for a dispenser that is easy to disassemble and clean to maintain its hygiene.
  • Durability: Invest in a dispenser made from durable materials to ensure it lasts for years.
  • Dispensing Mechanism: Choose between push-button, pump, or touchless dispensers based on your preference.

Maintaining Your Sanitary Toothpaste Dispenser:

Once you’ve selected the perfect dispenser, it’s essential to maintain it properly to ensure it continues to provide you with a hygienic toothpaste experience. Here are some tips:

  • Regular Cleaning: Clean the dispenser nozzle and parts regularly to prevent the buildup of toothpaste residue and bacteria.
  • Keep It Dry: Make sure your dispenser is not in direct contact with water to prevent mold growth. Store it in a dry area of your bathroom.
  • Refill Promptly: Refill your dispenser when it’s running low to maintain consistent hygiene.

The next time you reach for your toothbrush and toothpaste in the morning, consider making the switch to a sanitary toothpaste dispenser. It’s a simple yet effective way to take your oral care to the next level, providing you and your family with a cleaner, healthier smile.

That’s So Fetch

That’s So Fetch

Hello!!! I used to be an avid user of the site InboxDollars and haven’t been on it in weeks. InboxDollars is a survey taking website to earn money for gift cards and I used to get Amazon cash pretty frequently with their paid emails. Then, they did away with them and I haven’t visited the page since. Luckily, my bestie introduced me to her favorite gift card app called Fetch when we were at dinner last week. I have been using it every day since and I am obsessed!

Fetch is really neat because literally all you have to do is take a picture of receipts from purchases and you earn points for gift cards. The receipts can be any price and from anywhere. In fact, I just submitted a receipt that was barely over a dollar from McDonald’s lol. You guys know I love a crispy Diet Coke! Fetch is a handy little app and I thought I would share it with all of you. Why not get something back from the items or services you are buying anyways?! I am already a fifth of the way there to a ten dollar Amazon gift card – it’s that quick and easy.

Below is my referral code so we can both earn points when you create your own Fetch account. Here’s to free money!


Have you used gift card apps or websites before? Which one is your favorite? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Friendly Reminder!

Friendly Reminder!

Hello!!! Every once in a while do you get messages from random people you went to high school with and never once spoke to asking to join a pyramid scheme? Because SAME lol. I also receive a ton of messages asking for one of my number one pet peeves – to “pick my brain” about blogging. In other words, get free advice on my expertise because we graduated from the same high school or just so happen to be friends on social media. It is amazing how quickly the conversation ends once my consultation rates are explained. This sounds snobby, but it is very annoying – especially because I often offer advice on my blog free of charge so I know they aren’t reading my page at all!

My logic behind offering consultations for those who want to start a blog is similar to why I pay for tattoo consultations. The bottom line, is that people are spending their time and knowledge to help you and that is something that should be compensated monetarily. For my consultations, it is a $25 flat rate and in that time we will work through several key points that are essential when starting a blog. This includes: Creating a name around your vision, establishing a writing and publishing schedule that works for you, figuring out your strongest writing categories and choosing offshoot categories, networking strategies, a special shout out on my page, and so much more.

Unless you are really good friends with a blogger or social media guru, chances are you are going to be asked to pay a fee for advice. This is just a friendly reminder because for a lot of people, myself included, blogging is a business. Those who have established a name in this field worked really hard for it and our knowledge is worthy of being considered valuable. The same goes for anyone who works in a creative field – remember, this isn’t just our hobby but our livelihood! 🙂

This post was not meant to be bratty, but what the title says – a Friendly Reminder. I have been experiencing this issue a lot lately and I know that I am not the only one who can relate!

What is one of your biggest pet peeves? What else should I include in my blogging consultations? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Fall Guest Bloggers Wanted!!

Fall Guest Bloggers Wanted!!

Hey!!! As you all know, Lil Red loves her some fall! Autumn is my happy time and I have been waiting all summer long for it. There is nothing like cool days, seeing the leaves change colors, and Halloween. Fall is the season when Johnny and I live our best lives and I know that we are not the only ones who share these sentiments. With the changing of seasons, I love to host guest bloggers series and I am opening the floor on lifewithlilred for anyone who wants to celebrate all fall everything!

If you are interested in being a guest blogger on lifewithlilred, all you need to do is shoot me an email with your ideas to: sarah.mush6794@gmail.com . I am looking for posts on favorite fall recipes, activities, outfits, makeup, and spooky Halloween fun. If your post idea doesn’t fall under these categories – send them my way anyway. 🙂 It is always such a blast to collaborate with other bloggers and make new friends. I am looking forward to hearing from all of you!! ❤ ❤ ❤ Much love. -Sarah