Category Archives: Body Mods

Tattoo You: Family Portraits Edition

Tattoo You: Family Portraits Edition

Hello!! This past month, I treated myself to a tap out tattoo session AKA nine hours straight of getting work done. I prefer this method, as I can get a lot done at one time and my tattoo artist, Emily, completed nine tattoos and some touch ups during our time together. I love everything I got but I am particularly enamored with these family portraits I got on the side of my lower leg. Check it out:


A lot of my tattoos are from comic books that I love but I also find inspiration when I’m scrolling through social media and see something cool. At some point, someone on my Facebook timeline posted the example picture that my tattoos are based on and I fell in love. I decided that I would like to do something similar with my own family and my tattoo artist made the perfect depictions with just lines and patterns.

My tattoos are in the following order:

  • Grandma, Grandpa (Dad’s side)
  • Grandma, Grandpa (Mom’s side)
  • Mom, Dad

Emily told me that the hardest part of sketching out these tattoos was making each silhouette look like the person despite not having a face. I say that she knocked it out of the park and I can see the likeness of all of my loved ones perfectly. In my parent’s house, all three of these pictures have been on the shelves in the living room for as long as I can remember and they have always been some of my favorites. I am proud to have something so beautiful to commemorate each family member and I have not been able to stop looking at my legs since I got the tattoos!! (PS: If you are considering getting tattooed, here is some useful information on: Which places hurt the most when getting tattooed).

Do you have any tattoos? Which one is your favorite? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Tooth Glow Gem Kit Review

Tooth Glow Gem Kit Review

Hello! A year or so ago, my cousin applied tooth gems to my pearly whites during a visit to her salon in Pittsburgh. Within a few weeks, one of the two gems fell off. The other one, however, managed to stay on until just about a month or so ago. I absolutely adored my tooth gems and I missed my smile without them so I purchased a few Swarovski crystal kits off of a site called Tooth Glow.

The crystals I picked out were lovely, light pink and a multi colored opal and the application process looked promising, so I was very eager to get my package in the mail. After what seemed like an eternity (AKA over three weeks, lol.), my Tooth Glow kits arrived and I applied them the same night.

Bear in mind, there was still bonding on my teeth when I took the selfie – it looks a lot better now, I swear:


The application process for the tooth gems was really easy. First, I put some petroleum jelly on wax paper and used it to stick a gem to a cotton swab. After that, I mixed up a bonding type of concoction that looked similar to what braces are applied with. Then, I brushed the spot I wanted bedazzled on my tooth heavily with the bonding agent.

Once the bonding was on, it was essential to move quickly and get the gem on before it dried. This was a little stressful and I failed the first time. But, I succeeded the second and third time around and I am really pleased with the outcome! It’s nice to have some sparkly bling back in my smile and I would recommend the Tooth Glow kits, easily.

One tiny qualm, though. I was only given one packet of the bonding agent when I bought two gem kits. I’m a little peeved about that but it is still a purchase that I’m glad I made!

Have you been successful at doing DIY salon treatments? Or not so much? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

New Champagne Pink & Deep Purple Glitter Nails

New Champagne Pink & Deep Purple Glitter Nails

Hi! For Christmas, my boyfriend’s parents and aunt were all kind enough to give me gift cards to my stomping grounds of Elysian Nails. It was so sweet and not paying for my new set of nails was even sweeter! My old set was definitely ready to come off and I say good riddance, because these new acrylics have me feeling like a million bucks. Take a look at some pictures and let’s discuss. Although, you will surely be able to tell which pictures my boyfriend took and which were taken by me!


Before anyone asks, yes, the palms of my hands are tattooed! I recently did a tap out tattoo session and got thirteen new ones in a matter of nine hours, my palms included. I am absolutely obsessed with them and needed some sassy new nails to go with my sky high “just inked” confidence. We all know by now that Lil Red is a lover of all things pretty and looking down at my palm tattoos and fresh new nails never ceases to put a smile on my face.

I was in the mood for some fun colors when I got my nails done and wasn’t quite sure what to pick. I examined hot pinks and pondered over an electric blue but wasn’t feeling any of them. Despite it being in mid January, we have had a very mild winter here in Akron, Ohio. But, it is winter none of the less, so I decided to go for something darker.

Deep berry shades are a popular choice during the winter months and I have never done a dark purple before so I thought I would give it a try. I love the inky midnight hue offset by the girly pop of metallic pink. Each of the colors I chose have glitter in them but just a slight dusting, which offers a little fairy magic every time they hit the light.

This isn’t a combination that I was too confident with but I am so happy with the end result. Although we have had temperatures of up to seventy degrees this winter (Crazy!), I am not quite ready to break out a bikini and tropical colored nails any time soon. But, the eye catching shimmer of my new nails will keep me in a sunny disposition until the warmer seasons officially hit!

What color of nail polish do you have on? Which colors do you prefer on your nails during the winter? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Tattoo You: Death From Sandman Edition

Tattoo You: Death From Sandman Edition

Helloooo! I am a huge graphic novel fan and my all time favorite is the Sandman series by Neil Gaiman. I have read and reread the fantastic saga countless times and it still manages to surprise and intrigue me every time. I have several tattoos from the Sandman series featuring my favorite characters like Dream, Delirium, and Destiny, but the one I love most of all is probably of Death. Check out this beaut:


Death is probably the most beloved Sandman character to anyone you will ask. She’s this darling little goth girl who is the human personification of, you guessed it, death. But, instead of having a grim outlook on life, she loves it and is always up for an adventure. Death is a protector and meets every single person in their final moments to ease the transition from the living to the dead.

Although I enjoy each character from Sandman in their own right, I have always been drawn to death. I adore her spunky, sassy attitude and her sleek sense of style. She’s bubbly and cheerful and I think that that teaches people to find the joy in the not so great situations because it’s always there if you know where to look.

Who else is a fan of the Sandman series? What is your favorite comic book series? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Tattoo You: Parent Appreciation Edition

Tattoo You: Parent Appreciation Edition

Hellooo everyone! In case you haven’t noticed, body modifications are my thing and have been important to me for well over a decade now. I love piercings, tattoos, and dyeing my hair. All of my body mods make me feel confident and beautiful and I always seem to be planning which tattoos I want to get next. But, until I get some new ones, hopefully in the next few months, I thought that I would give you guys a run down on some of my older ones. Take a look at one of my favorites, that had my mom and dad rolling their eyes so hard:


^^^ Don’t mind the fact that it needs touched up! 😀

I have always been a huge fan of the American Traditional style tattoos and knew that I wanted to give my parents a shout out with one of them. And, upon the grand reveal to my mom and dad at my birthday dinner this year, both of them said “oh god” at the exact same time – it was hilarious! My mom has since embraced my commemorative heart to them while my dad would prefer it if I didn’t have any tattoos at all, lol. But, I think that he loves it deep down. 😉

My mom and dad are my literal favorite people in the world and I wanted something to make it feel like they’re always with me. I love the contrasting red and yellow from the heart and the scroll and it looks so nice underneath my Pan’s Labyrinth half sleeve. As per ushe, my tattoo artist, Emily, knocks it out of the park every time and, although my parent appreciation tat is fairly simple, it is one of my all time favorites.

How many tattoos do you have? Which one is your favorite? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Lil Red For The Little Mermaid!

Lil Red For The Little Mermaid!

Helloooo! I swear, my newsfeed on THE BOOK has been filled with bullshit on the casting for the Little Mermaid and it is the most annoying thing on planet Earth. So, when I busted out my new Little Mermaid themed bikini for the first time this summer, I knew that I had to create a joke post about me being cast as Ariel. I mean, come on, I have the red hair which should compensate for my singing voice that sounds like a dying cat! 🤣

And Ariel did have a buttload of tattoos and piercings right… or am I thinking of a different movie?


^^^ The resemblance is uncanny! 😀

But, in all seriousness, this post isn’t about my cheeky sense of humor or a casting decision that I am 150% for. This is about bikini body positivity because, let me tell you, I have not felt confident in a bikini in a very long time. I took a client to one of our local Metro Park lakes this past Monday and saying that I was nervous to be in public in my Little Mermaid number is the understatement of the century.

I have a very love/hate relationship with my body, especially considering that I struggled with an eating disorder for a long time. And, I still have a hard time grasping that my body at twenty-five is going to be different than what my body was at sixteen. Do I love that I have bigger breasts than what I would like? No. How about the fact that I can’t seem to get rid of my little tummy no matter how healthy I eat or how often I figure skate? Absolutely not.

But, then, I remember that I love my legs and badonk that are super toned and muscular from over a decade of dedication to a sport. I love my piercings and tattoos that make me happy whenever I look at them. And, it could always be worse lol!

Even with those friendly reminders, though, I was still anxious for the grand reveal of my towel coming off. But, my client wanted to swim and that’s what was going to happen that day. So, I took a deep breath, dropped the towel, and began to walk towards the water. That’s when something amazing happened…

The first person who saw me told me that I looked awesome and little did she know, that changed my attitude for the entire lake outing. What felt like a literal blanket of insecurities for my first time in a bikini in years was lifted instantly by a stranger’s kind words and I felt good… better yet, I felt confident.

And, because I felt so happy and okay with myself in my own skin, I wanted to share the gift that the guardian angel stranger shared with me. If I saw a bikini that I thought was darling or if one of my fellow ladies was working it, trust and believe I let them know. And, watching their faces light up instantly was the best thing.

No matter what their body type is, I don’t know many girls who are thrilled about being in bathing suits. That’s why it was important to me to offer the same kindness to others that my stranger did for me. Part of being a Disney princess is having confidence and, in my Ariel inspired suit, I finally felt that way. The least I could do was help other people feel that, too.

What makes you feel confident? How do you help others to feel that way? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Friendly Reminder: DON’T TOUCH ME!

Friendly Reminder: DON’T TOUCH ME!

Helloooo everyone! This past weekend, I had a late birthday outing with my BFF, Lea, to Sarah’s Vineyard. They were having a summer solstice event the day we happened to go and it was a blast! We enjoyed doing wine tastings and both got a big ol’ sangria to drink while we caught up with each other.

Everything was going just SWELL and it was so nice to be able to hang out Lea because it had been way too long. While we were chit chatting, I thought I felt a bug on my leg, so I turned around quickly to discover it was some woman bent down near my derriere and touching the back of my thighs. When I loudly said “can you NOT?” she replied with “I was just trying to look at your tattoos”. I told her not to touch me and she got all attitudey with “well FINE I won’t look at them” and blah, blah, blah.

It was such an off putting situation to be in and I was left feeling pretty gross. I am used to the dirty looks that I get as a heavily tattooed woman (I have over forty, I think!), but I have never been touched before by a random stranger and especially in such an inappropriate area. Honestly, I just wanted to shove the girl away from me but I kept my cool and remained calm during the situation. However, if she would have continued to bother me, then trust and believe there would have been an issue.

It is NEVER okay to touch anyone without their consent and please remember that those of us with body mods are nine times out of ten NOT OKAY with being touched whether that be on our piercings or tattoos. We are not here to be ogled at and poked and prodded like some kind of circus side show. I thought that this should be an obvious thing, but APPARENTLY NOT! Je-sus. *massive eye roll*

What is something that people bother you about in public? How do you deal with it? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

(Late!) Father’s Day Story

(Late!) Father’s Day Story

Hi everyone! I want to extend the happiest of late Father’s Day greetings to all of the daddios that celebrated such a special day. I also felt so inclined to share with you my Father’s Day gift purchase for my dad as well as a story about what makes mine the best of the best from when we enjoyed a family lunch this past Saturday. First, take a look at the hilarity that I got him for his beautiful garden:


Not only does my dad have five hundred green thumbs, but he also has a fantastic collection of outdoor decor to add even more charm to his handiwork. You can only have so much of anything, though, and my dad put the kebash on anyone getting him more garden gnomes.

So, to solve the problem, I got him a surefire way to keep the gnomes at bay with the new garden statue seen above. Is it a T-Rex? Godzilla? Or something the world doesn’t even know about yet? I don’t know. BUT, this statue entitled “The Massacre” was a hit for my dad and everyone else in the family. My dad said that “only Sarah would find something like this” but I’ll give you all a hint: I got in on Amazon!

As I’ve said hundreds of times on my blog, my dad really is amazing. And, I was reminded of that when we went out to lunch at First Watch last Saturday. As we waited for our table, an older man gestured for his wife to look at me in all of my tattooed glory and she then proceeded to mean mug the ever living shit out of me. I didn’t know anything was even happening until my dad made a broad gesture and loudly exclaimed “Wow, Sarah, she’s checking you out!”

I was so tickled by this encounter because my dad HATES my tattoos. He’s constantly asking for me to stop getting them and to get laser surgery, lol. But, he hated his daughter getting treated like a member of the freak show at a carnival even more. I didn’t notice the interaction between this couple and, even if I did, I’m used to it. So, it was really touching to know that my dad is literally always looking out for me even when I don’t know it. And, although he might not agree with all of my choices, he still supports and protects me no matter what. #myhero #daddysgirl

How did you celebrate Father’s Day? How does your dad look out for you? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Lil Red’s Adventures In Microblading: My Touch Up Appointment

Lil Red’s Adventures In Microblading: My Touch Up Appointment

Helloooo! At the end of February, I took a trip to Pittsburgh to hang out with my fabulous cousin, Laura. She is seriously the coolest person on the planet and she is an absolute microblading genius. Laura microbladed my eyebrows in October and I was finally able to go see her after a few months apart compliments of my surgery. During my visit, Laura touched up my eyebrows and gave me some adorable bling for my teeth. Check it out:


Laura is the owner of La Marie Brow Club in Lawrenceville, PA and is an esteemed makeup artist. I’m not going to lie, I was ambivalent at first to get microbladed, but I knew that I would be in the best hands with her and was obsessed after my initial appointment. A touch up was definitely needed, though, and I was so happy to finally get it done!

Similar to a touch up session for a tattoo, Laura went over the hair strokes on my eyebrows that might not have taken as well. She also used a darker pigment because I wanted a more bold look after dipping my toes in the water the first time. The nice thing about being microbladed, is that Laura numbs the area before she gets to work, but it did hurt a little more this time around than the first. However, I am also super comfortable with her which, in her words, makes me “squirmier than the average bear”. Lololol.

I am so in love with how my brows look after the touch up session. My first time being microbladed in October really set the ground work for what my brows look like now. And, during the touch up, it all comes together to create a bold but still natural looking brow, which was important to me. Laura listened to what I wanted and executed it perfectly. I feel like these are the eyebrows that I should have had my whole life and never having to apply brow makeup is the best thing ever.

Laura created eyebrows that were just for me and her studio was a safe, clean, and welcoming environment. She also explains the aftercare instructions thoroughly and provides you with her custom made Brow Love to apply after you’ve been microbladed. And, the fun didn’t stop there, because after my touch up, she put my tooth gems on for me which are the cutest. 😀

La Marie Brow Club also offers upper lash line enhancement, freckles, beauty marks, and lip blush for all of your permanent makeup needs. I cannot recommend their services enough so, if you’re in the area, schedule an appointment ASAP!

Would you ever get microbladed? How about any other forms of permanent makeup? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Thinking Ink? Common Pros & Cons

Thinking Ink? Common Pros & Cons

Tattoos are a huge deal nowadays. Something you’d once only see on sailors, you now see on men and women from all kinds of backgrounds. This can be great! Tattoos are a wonderful way to express creativity and tell people a little about your loves and personality. That being said, there are cons to consider, too. Let’s explore the pros and cons of inking your skin. If you’ve got a tattoo in mind, consider these things first:

Pro: Express Your Creativity And Individuality

A tattoo can tell people a lot about who you are, what you like, and things of the like. We don’t all want to look the same, and a tattoo modifies the body, helping it to stand out from the crowd. If you’re a unique person and want to express that, getting a tattoo you love could be something to consider to give yourself that little something extra.

Con: Not All Artists Are Created Equal

Researching an artist is absolutely crucial before you go ahead and get a tattoo. You should never walk into a tattoo studio and ask for a tattoo there and then. You won’t get something unique, and chances are, a shoddy job will be done. Browsing through portfolios and making sure this person can do the style you want is a must. The best artists aren’t necessarily expensive, but you do usually get what you pay for. Don’t try to save a quick buck when it comes to tattoos, which usually just leaves you with a literal lifetime of regret.

Pro: Open A Door To A New Community

Chances are, you’ll meet a whole new bunch of people when you get tattoos. You’ll meet people like you, and people will likely comment on your tattoos (comments won’t always be positive). If you want to meet your ‘tribe’ tattoos could be the way to do it. (I’m part of that tribe! It’s great!)

Con: A Tattoo Could Limit Your Career Choices

Unfortunately, some places still discriminate against tattoos. You may be okay in a creative profession or if you’re your own boss, but working as a teacher, for example, usually requires un-inked skin. There are options, though. If you want to change your career down the line and you’re okay with getting rid of your tattoos, you could use a special cream or have laser treatment. Here are some astounding facts behind tattoo removal cream for you to learn more. If not, you could potentially cover up your tattoos with clothing, but this depends on how inked you are.

Pro: A Tattoo Is Your Own Piece Of Custom Art

Having a tattoo on your skin is your very own piece of custom art that lasts forever. This is great if the tattoo means something to you and is designed and undertaken by a pro. That way, you’re getting a reminder of something that you love every day!

You will likely change later on down the line, whether this be in your style or tastes. It’s a good idea to consider whether the tattoo you want will be something that means a lot to you years down the road. If it’s a yes, then go go go! 😀

Featured Image By: Pixabay