Super Cool Planter

Super Cool Planter

Hi! As you all know, my dad is an expert gardener so that makes gift giving very easy for him. For his birthday this past month, I got him this awesome stackable planter set from Amazon. Since it has warmed up significantly in Ohio since April, he finally got around to getting the planter set up with strawberries and flowers and it looks great! Take a look:


I was so happy to come home on Mother’s Day and see the planter out on the deck in its full glory. It also made me smile to see the garden gnome planter that I got for him last year with a potted plant in his little knapsack. Seeing the splendor of my dad’s hard work never ceases to amaze me and it’s always so cool to see the projects that he tends to so lovingly take full bloom!

What is your favorite plant or flower? Who else is a fan of gardening? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

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