Tag Archives: sarah’s vineyard

Simply Spooky OOTD Bloopers

Simply Spooky OOTD Bloopers

Hello everyone and welcome to the blooper reel of my Simply Spooky OOTD! These pictures were taken during a lovely date night at Sarah’s Vineyard with my main squeeze. Johnny and I had a wonderful time and I love that we are making a habit of weekend dates. It has also been so nice of my blog husband to make a habit of taking weekend OOTD pics too. What a guy!! Check out the bloopers from this look:

Future hand model? I think YES!


The cover of my opera album called “Vineyards”


An overwhelming enthusiasm for fashion




Just kicking my feet back and chillin


I’m pretty sure this is when Johnny told me our food would probably be ready soon lol




So glad that Johnny captures everything, including my attempt of taking my jacket off


Jacket is off! Let’s take some more pictures!


Johnny has been taking my OOTD pictures for the better part of three years and I think that we have mastered the song and dance of the process. What originally started out as a somewhat awkward and time consuming feat has been perfected. These photo shoots take less than ten minutes which is a huge improvement from back in the day when it was a twenty or so minute ordeal. Talk about progress, baby!

I am so appreciative to Johnny for always helping his girl out and his rapid fire picture taking is what makes these blooper segments even possible. He also gets a huge kick out of the “bad” pictures! Every time I show him one I love, he’ll tell me “I know, I was there!” But every yikes shot makes him bust a gut lol. The give and take of marriage!!

The blooper reel is a blast for your favorite husband and wife OOTD duo and I hope that it is just as much fun for all of you. Keep it posted here on lifewithlilred for lots more fall fabulousness!

Does your significant other help with your blog at all? Who usually takes your pictures? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Sarah’s Vineyard Date Night

Sarah’s Vineyard Date Night

Hello!! The fall is when Johnny and I thrive and we have been making the most out of the lovely weather through weekend date days. This typically involves taking OOTD pictures, running an errand or two, and then going out for a late lunch or dinner. It is the best! This weekend, we decided to go to Sarah’s Vineyard for dinner and it was delightful and delicious! Check it out:


There is nothing like some quality time with my main squeeze to lift my spirits and we had a blast at Sarah’s Vineyard. It is a beautiful property and we both haven’t been in years. Also, whenever I have gone with my friends, it’s strictly for the wine and not the food lol! I was so excited because everyone in my neck of the woods raves about the vineyard’s wood fire pizzas and I couldn’t wait to have a slice or ten. 😀

I don’t know about you guys but whenever Johnny and I go out to eat, I look at the menu hours in advance. This gives me ample time to decide what I want because it can be overwhelming to choose from a menu I haven’t experienced yet. It didn’t take me long to know what I wanted from my pre-screening and everything was just as good as I imagined it to be.

For wine, Johnny went with the not too sweet Sweet Elisa, which kind of tasted like church wine but was still pretty tasty. We also got to make use of the vineyard’s bottling service since Johnny haphazardly ordered a full carafe SMH! I was disappointed that my favorite, their white sangria, wasn’t available so I chose the sweetest option, Golden Solstice. It was light, refreshing and much better than my usual Barefoot!

Normally when we go out to a restaurant, we never order appetizers. However, I just couldn’t say no to the Artichoke & Asiago dip. Sign me up for anything that involves artichoke and cheese because I love it oh so much. I’m glad I tried it out and it was SO yummy but I wouldn’t order it again next time. I hate to be the one to complain about prices but I thought ten dollars was steep for the tiniest bowl ever of the dip. Hey, sometimes you just have to live a little. 😀

As our main dish, I got the Margherita pizza and Johnny got the Pepperoni & Banana Pepper. In fact, he’s currently eating his leftovers for breakfast as I write this! Johnny really liked his pizza and I was happy overall with mine. It actually tasted much better the next day. The garlic oil sauce and toppings on mine were so light that my pizza just tasted kind of doughy. Next time we go, I plan on just doing a cheese pizza with a couple of veggies on top and I think that I’ll like that much better.

Johnny and I had such a great time at Sarah’s Vineyard and we are eager to go back – especially since it’s close to our apartment. The vineyard has such a charming, cozy atmosphere and it really is the perfect date night setting!

Where was the last place you went on a date? What is your favorite restaurant? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Friendly Reminder: DON’T TOUCH ME!

Friendly Reminder: DON’T TOUCH ME!

Helloooo everyone! This past weekend, I had a late birthday outing with my BFF, Lea, to Sarah’s Vineyard. They were having a summer solstice event the day we happened to go and it was a blast! We enjoyed doing wine tastings and both got a big ol’ sangria to drink while we caught up with each other.

Everything was going just SWELL and it was so nice to be able to hang out Lea because it had been way too long. While we were chit chatting, I thought I felt a bug on my leg, so I turned around quickly to discover it was some woman bent down near my derriere and touching the back of my thighs. When I loudly said “can you NOT?” she replied with “I was just trying to look at your tattoos”. I told her not to touch me and she got all attitudey with “well FINE I won’t look at them” and blah, blah, blah.

It was such an off putting situation to be in and I was left feeling pretty gross. I am used to the dirty looks that I get as a heavily tattooed woman (I have over forty, I think!), but I have never been touched before by a random stranger and especially in such an inappropriate area. Honestly, I just wanted to shove the girl away from me but I kept my cool and remained calm during the situation. However, if she would have continued to bother me, then trust and believe there would have been an issue.

It is NEVER okay to touch anyone without their consent and please remember that those of us with body mods are nine times out of ten NOT OKAY with being touched whether that be on our piercings or tattoos. We are not here to be ogled at and poked and prodded like some kind of circus side show. I thought that this should be an obvious thing, but APPARENTLY NOT! Je-sus. *massive eye roll*

What is something that people bother you about in public? How do you deal with it? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah