Tag Archives: parents

Happy Birthday, Dad!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Dad!!!!!

Hello everyone! Today is a fantastic, wonderful day because it is my dad’s birthday!! Although my dad is not the fondest of another year around the sun, I am most fond of celebrating him every day. He deserves it! My dad is one of a kind. He is freaking hilarious, smart as a tack, brave, and you will never find a more caring husband/dad/granddad in the whole world. I think my mom and dad are the cutest couple and it’s extremely apparent where I got my good looks from!


One thing that I love the most about my dad (Other than everything!) is his passion for nature. He has single-handedly turned our backyard into a safe haven for all kinds of wildlife and plants. With the start of spring, the wildlife windows he created have been popping and it’s so cool to watch wild bunnies run and play, the occasional groundhog scampering around, and see all of the flowers he has planted get ready to bloom. I am looking forward to planting more with him hopefully very soon!

Another cool thing about my dad is that he is always up for trying something new. New recipes, new places for vacation, new activities. In fact, just the other day him and my mom decided they might go to a line dancing class together. SO adorable! He really does have an adventurous spirit and even after forty plus years of marriage, he is still finding new ways for him and my mom to have fun together. It makes me admire their relationship even more. ❤

No matter how old I get, I will forever be a daddy’s girl and I have the best one. I love you, dad!!!!!!

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Mom!!!!

Happy Birthday, Mom!!!!

Hello everyone! Today is a fantastic, wonderful day because it is my amazing mom’s birthday!! My mom is my A1, ride or die bestie and every second of every minute spent with her is a joy. She is the most fun, hilarious, beautiful person I will ever know and I hit the jackpot being her daughter. Not only is my mom the best on the planet, but she is also the best grandma too of four kiddos and two bunnies. 🙂 Every day, I am thankful beyond words for my mom who is the brightest light to everyone she meets.

My mom is a pillar of strength and grace. She is a fighter, a badass, and a constant source of inspiration to me. I am lucky because I get to see my mom almost every day of the week and when we are not together, we are texting away about how much we miss each other! I know that we can both go to each other about anything and everything and it is so special to be able to have that kind of relationship. No matter how old I get, she is the first one I go to for advice, a kind word, or a shoulder to cry on. We are and forever will be two peas in a pod, best of friends, and an unshakable mother/daughter duo! ❤


Mom, thank you for being you and all you do. I wouldn’t be me without you!!! I love you more than words will ever say!

Happy birthday to you!!!!!!!! ❤

Pet Bunnies For Easter: DON’T

Pet Bunnies For Easter: DON’T

Hello! Apparently, Easter is at the end of the month, which I just learned by looking it up lol. With Easter comes the decision of whether or not to get your children a bunny or another form of baby animal as a pet. I’ll make that decision easier by telling you… DON’T DO IT!! I have been happy to see lots of similar posts on my social media newsfeeds, which means it’s about time for my yearly PSA to say the same. Need more reasons other than it’s simply not a good idea to get an Easter bunny of your own? I’ve got you:


Melvin and Penelope sure are cute right? So cute, in fact, that it’s easy to forget how much work and care that two little balls of fluff require. I have wanted pet bunnies for as long as I can remember, but I am so happy that I got Mel and P as an adult because I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. Remember, bunnies can live for over ten years. That’s a long commitment and chances are a majority of their care will fall on you. Here’s some key points to know about bunnies that will hopefully leave you with getting your kiddos a stuffed animal instead…

Bunnies Are Shy:

If you think that bunnies are going to be happy immediately being cuddled, coddled, and held: You are wrong. I have had Mel and P for a year and a half and it took them a very long time to get acclimated to mine and Johnny’s touch. As of now, Penelope finally doesn’t mind being held and Mel still despises it. Even though Pen tolerates being held well, it’s something I don’t do often because I never want to break the trust that I have so carefully cultivated. Bunnies require a lot of patience to have them be friendly with you and anything less will simply traumatize them.

Bunnies Are Expensive:

You know what doesn’t require constant Chewy orders? A stuffed animal! Bunnies are a HUGE financial responsibility and I spend at least a hundred dollars on them on Chewy monthly – not to mention vet bills. You will need to get your bunnies pellet food, Timothy hay, bedding, toys, and don’t forget weekly trips to the grocery store for fresh veggies. So, in all reality, you are looking to spend closer to one hundred fifty per month. If you can’t commit to that financial responsibility for the next ten years, then don’t get the bunnies period.

Bunnies Are Messy:

Every morning, I spend an hour caring for my bunnies. This includes a thorough cleaning of their litter boxes and any accidents they had outside of it. It can be a really lengthy process. Then, the bunnies will come out to play and that means bedding, hair, and hay everywhere! Johnny and I are constantly sweeping our floors and the amount of dust bunnies after just one day is unreal. If you are not up for forever cleaning up after bunnies, then they are not the pet for you. I’m here to tell you and be perfectly honest – it is never ending.


All of these things are important to consider, but there is so much more too. Bunnies need lots of exercise to be happy and if you can’t be around to let them roam in a safe setting, they are not living their best lives. They are also very social creatures and it’s best to get them in a pair so they have a companion. Bunnies want your love and attention and if you can’t do the things that make them feel this way, they are not a good choice for a pet.

Having said all of that: Bunnies are absolutely amazing and my life is infinitely better because of Mel and P. However, any animal should not be adopted as a split decision or a gift and most bunnies adopted for Easter will end up back in a shelter. Make this choice wisely and stick to traditional treats for Easter, instead.

How does your pet get exercise? What is your pet’s favorite treat? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

How To Boost Your Kids’ Confidence

How To Boost Your Kids’ Confidence

During the pandemic years, it was tough for little ones to learn social skills without being around other children their age. As we’ve moved past the COVID times and into the open world again, some of our kiddos might be shy and need a little confidence when starting school or engaging with other kids. This article will share some advice on how to boost your kids’ confidence:

Enroll Them In A Literacy Program:

Literacy programs can help kids improve their written and verbal communication and engage with other kids around them. Foundations like Scottish Rite have speech-language and literacy programs in California. The foundation provides fully-funded courses to help children overcome speech or language obstacles and become confident individuals who enjoy engaging with written and spoken language.

Teach Them Responsibility:

Giving kids a taste of manageable independence can help them become more resilient and able to complete tasks independently. Teaching your kids how to look after a garden can teach them a lot about responsibility, patience, and allow them to see their work rewarded as plants grow and flourish. You could also give them a small item of responsibility if they are younger, like selecting an activity for the weekend.

Set An Example:

Your children learn from you and how you interact with the world around you. Try to set a good example by being positive and engaging with other parents in a group setting. Let them see you try something new and enjoy the experience. Help them to persevere by ensuring they see you follow a task through to the end. Your kids will learn from your example if they see you happy and confident.

Help Them Get Comfortable With Failure:

Studies show that up to a third of the population could be considered perfectionists. Perfectionists often find it hard to handle failure and tend to over prepare for events so they can constantly meet high standards. It’s important to get kids comfortable trying new things without fearing failure. This will teach them to be well-rounded adults who can adapt and thrive in new environments. They will also learn essential life skills like resilience and problem-solving.

Get Them Engaged In Learning:

Getting kids engaged in learning is fundamental to giving them confidence in school. Try Learn Bright’s hands-on learning programs to give them a taste of real-life experiments that they can engage with and complete in groups or independently. Getting kids involved in hands-on learning is a great way to appeal to visual learners and help boost their confidence in a school environment.

Encourage Team Work:

You can encourage kids to work better together in groups at home. You can do everyday things like letting them plan a meal with you or playing collaborative board games together. Help them build their confidence by encouraging them to work with you and the family to get things done. When they have play dates, you can also get the kids involved in a team activity or encourage them to join an after-school club to engage with children of a similar age.

Praise Perseverance Over Results:

Praise your child for persevering through a hard task, not just for the results they get. Teaching them to keep going even when things get tough is important to raise resilient children. Remember, top marks aren’t always the goal. If your child struggles in math, going up from a C to a C+ can be a significant achievement. If they aren’t into sports, getting them to join a soccer club is something to be celebrated.

There are many ways to engage children through learning or playing and, in doing so, raise them into confident and well-rounded adults.

Featured Image By: Pexels

Sweet Surprises: Skeleton Champagne Flutes Edition

Sweet Surprises: Skeleton Champagne Flutes Edition

Hello!! It is obviously no secret that Halloween is my happy time and Johnny and I maintain a spooky mindset all year round. Our Halloween decor is every day decor and we live for horror flicks and true crime documentaries. Spooky season soothes our souls and it’s so sweet when people reach out to us just to let us know which stores have the best Halloween decor out or which scary movie we have to watch. My dad, for example, is forever keeping me up to date on when our local discount store has a new shipment of spooky decorations out. What a guy! This past week, he surprised me with these darling skeleton champagne flutes and I adore them:


My dad purchased these flutes at Target and it gave me all the warm fuzzies because my mom told me that as soon as he saw them he said “Sarah would love these”. He was right on! They are just what I needed, in fact. I used to have wine glasses that were very similar from the Dollar Tree. Unfortunately, Johnny and I had to throw them out because they began leaking after a few months of use. I never forgot them because they were so cute and my new flutes are a perfect replacement.

Despite all of my parents’ children being thirty something, they firmly believe we are never too old for surprises. I can’t tell you the amount of times I have come over to their house to see new beauty goodies or Halloween decor for me after one of their trips to the store. It’s never anything expensive or extravagant and it never needs to be. Just knowing that they saw something that reminded them of me is more than enough. I cannot wait to break out my flutes for apple cider mimosas and toast to the bearers of this sweet surprise!

Cheers to Halloween, cheers to my parents, and cheers to all of you! Here’s to the best spooky season ever!

What is the last thing someone surprised you with? What is something that reminds your friends and family of you? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Steps Of Growth: Responsibility & Life’s Challenges

Steps Of Growth: Responsibility & Life’s Challenges

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been confronted with the question: “How can we teach our lovely little ones about responsibility?” Now, raise your other hand if life’s unpredictable challenges make you feel like you’re herding cats. Yep, thought so. Both hands up in the air! Here’s a little secret: there’s no one-size-fits-all guide to this. But there are a few things that might help you teach your kiddos about responsibility and the art of embracing the challenges life sometimes throws at you:

Plant A Garden And Watch It Grow:

Gardening, apart from being therapeutic, can be an amazing teaching tool to allow your kids to understand that even the littlest flowers need love, care, and patience. Let your little one pick a plant or flower they’d like to grow. Let them water it, take care of it, and patiently watch it bloom. Through this, they learn that consistency, responsibility, and love can lead to beautiful results. And when pests come along or when the weather isn’t ideal, they will learn to understand that challenges are natural parts of life.

Add A Little Twist To Everyday Chores:

Ah, chores! The word itself probably makes your kids want to run for the hills. So how about creating a chore chart that’s actually fun? Add some glitter, stickers, and quirky tasks. Muddle the regular chores like tidying up toys or setting the table with something fun, like the floor is lava or last one to tidy up is a rotten egg. This way, while they’re diving into whimsical adventures, they’re also learning the art of daily responsibility.

Share Stories From Your Book Of Life:

We all love a little story. And children even more so – they adore stories, especially real ones that involve the people (or characters) they actually know. Share tales from your family’s past, about a time when you overcame challenges or how you learned from mistakes you once made. You might think these anecdotes are mundane, but for young ears, they’re exciting tales of adventure and learning.

Pass On A Job Of Personal Responsibility:

You might be tempted to protect your little ones from the big, vast world out there, but every once in a while, you need to trust them with just a smidge more responsibility. Maybe it’s letting them decide the menu for the family picnic, taking care of a new puppy companion, or even managing their pocket money without being told they’re wasting it on something they don’t need. These small steps of trust can work wonders in teaching them about the responsibilities of life. And don’t worry if they stumble a bit. Those mini missteps? They’re just stepping stones towards their remarkable journey of growth and understanding.

Lastly, remember to shower your kiddos with loads of love and encouragement even when it feels tough to do so because you’re frustrated by your circumstances. Let them know that every challenge they face is an opportunity to grow!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Maximizing Your Child’s Health And Well-Being

Maximizing Your Child’s Health And Well-Being

It isn’t just essential to keep an eye on your child’s health in the winter; you must take good care of them and do your best to maintain and maximize their health throughout the year. Any season or thing can cause a child to feel unwell. Here are some tips to maximize your child’s health and well-being:

Seek immediate care if they are very unwell:

When a child is really unwell, it is essential to seek help so you can discover what the issue is and resolve their symptoms. Attaining pediatric urgent care will give you immediate support and find a solution to their health issue. A pediatric expert means that your child is in good hands and will feel healthy and well again as soon as possible.

Maintain routine healthcare appointments:

Maintaining routine healthcare appointments is an absolute must. A routine checkup can discover any underlying health issues. If there is an underlying problem, you can find a solution to improve their health. Plus, attending routine appointments will minimize their fear of healthcare practices, encouraging them to attend every time and stay in check with their health.

Help them enjoy school:

Children spend a lot of their time at school so it’s important to know they are enjoying this time. If they aren’t, it can impact your child’s happiness and well-being. When you acknowledge they are not having a good time, whether it be due to friend issues or learning difficulties, it’s a good idea to step in and help. If they are having issues with friends, you can speak to parents and children to find a resolution. If they are having trouble with their learning, you can seek tutors or provide home support to help them develop educational skills and confidence. In time, they will feel more comfortable with education and enjoy their time at school.

Get active:

Another way to optimize the health and well-being of your child is to help them be more active. Being active aids growth and cognitive skills. The more active they are, the more confident they can feel pursuing various activities. For example, taking them on hikes or asking them to help you with gardening will improve their nature skills and help them spend more time outside. More movement and activity will encourage their growth and keep them as happy and as healthy as possible.

Encourage healthy meals:

Educating your child about food and allowing them to get involved with cooking is really beneficial, especially if your child is a picky eater. Allowing them to help you cook will help them feel more responsible and in control of what they are eating, which could encourage them to try new foods. For instance, asking them to help you prepare the vegetables will help them understand where they come from, their nutritional value, and maybe influence them to eat more.

Speak to them about your problems:

If your child is fairly quiet and never speaks to you about their problems, they will never be able to seek support and help. If this is the case, it can be a good idea to speak to them about your own problems to show that it’s okay to open up and share bad experiences. If they are experiencing bullying, finding school difficult, or want to pursue a passion but do not know how speaking to you can help them find an answer.

All of the above are simple steps that you can take today to make sure your child is their happiest, healthiest self!

Featured Image By: Johannes Plenio

Easy Ways To Help Your Child’s Social Skills

Easy Ways To Help Your Child’s Social Skills

It is highly beneficial for your children later in life if you help your child’s social skills as early as possible. Some experts agree that it is never too early to begin teaching your kids – some evidence suggests this can begin as early as in the womb, where babies can form attachments. To help your child’s social skills blossom, you can begin with some of these ideas:

Let them Mix with Other Kids:

An isolated child will find it hard to develop the necessary skills later for mingling with others. This can mean a harder time in school, college, and even carrying on into adulthood. Letting your kids mix with other children will help give them the confidence they need to speak to others, therefore avoiding social isolation. Daycare centers like Play and Learn School offer a wide range of activities to help your children in their vital early years of social skill development.

Engage with Your Kids:

A recent study in the UK found that 10% of children struggle with learning the social skills needed for the best possible education. But simply having your children engage with others helps build confidence, teaches them social responsibilities, and develops language skills. And this is easy to do. For example, have your children converse politely when someone enters your home. Also, teach them to say please and thank you. And above all, talk to your kids often.

Help Your Child’s Social Skills with Activities:

Bonding with your kids over a shared interest is one of the greatest joys of life. But it isn’t always the case that your kids will enjoy the same things as you and forcing them to take part in activities they don’t want to will cause great distress. It helps to expose your kids to a wide range of hobbies and activities, so they can find something they enjoy. Then, you can capitalize on this since they will be more willing to engage with other kids while doing something they like.

Teach by Example:

You play a massive role in the life of your children and kids learn most of what they do from their parents. For instance, your children will speak the way you do, treat people how they see you doing it, and even swear if you speak that way. So, your responsibility as a parent goes well beyond taking care of your children. You are the prime example of their social development. Leading by example can play a key role in helping them become more socially well-rounded.

Don’t Push Them Too Hard:

As a parent, you know there is a delicate balance between trying to get your children to do something they don’t really want to do. Forcing them into a situation can cause resistance. And over time, this builds into complete refusal. It’s the same for social activities. It is a good idea to expose kids to social activities and encounters. But some children are naturally shy, and forcing them to engage will make this worse. Let them engage when they feel more comfortable.

It can be tricky to help your child’s social skills develop properly. But you can help them along by having them mix with other kids, talking to them, and being patient for them to socialize more!

Featured Image By: Pexels

May Flowers

May Flowers

Hello! This past week when I got to my parents’ house after work, I found my dad in the backyard preparing his raised planters for spring flowers. It was a gorgeous day outside and it was going to rain that night, making for the perfect conditions to plant. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to bask in the sunshine and spend some quality time with my dad and even though I was dog tired, I offered my assistance which he happily accepted. We spent a glorious hour or so together creating beauty and I am so pleased with our handiwork. Check it out:


Ever since I can remember, my dad has been an avid gardener and all spring, summer, and fall long you can catch him outside tending to the yard. During the warm months, we enjoy the bounty of his vegetable garden and the bouquets he makes weekly for my mom. Not only does he have two green thumbs, but he is also a very gifted flower arranger and his bouquets are stunning. Last year, his veggie garden went into overdrive with hauls so big we simply didn’t know what to do with everything. So, he decided flowers were the way to go this summer since all of our lives are crazy at this current juncture.

When I was younger, I loved to help in the garden and as I grew up, I tried to help as much as I could with planting and upkeep. It had been a while since I gardened and I forgot how much fun it was! Seriously, all of it was a blast from donning ridiculous gardening gloves, handling the delicate flowers, and cleaning up the dirt that got on us with the garden hose. And, of course, doing it all side by side with my dad. For the past few months, the time we have spent together is almost always driving to the Cleveland Clinic, so it was SO awesome to be able to do something with him for the joy of it.

Our garden day was the first time I had spent a considerable amount of time outside in so long. It only recently got nice out in Ohio and the previous weather had been absolute garbage. Being outside, soaking up the sun, and making something grow was just what I needed. Once we returned inside, I wanted to go back out again to plant more and I found myself thinking that I would like more house plants when I got to my apartment. I might just have a green thumb yet!

My dad has now started to plan his garden projects with my help in mind and I am more than up for the task. In fact, we will be planting flower seeds later this week. I can’t wait! 🙂

What is your favorite outdoor activity? What do you and your parents do to spend quality time together? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Happy Mother’s Day!!!!

Happy Mother’s Day!!!!

Hello everyone and Happy Mother’s Day!!!! Today, we celebrate all of the amazing moms around the world and I like to think of this as my first Mother’s Day now that I have Melvin and Penelope lol. Hey, they are the closest thing Johnny and I will ever get to having kids! Of course, the real star of the day is my wonderful, beautiful, fantastic, strong, hilarious, and every good adjective that I can think of mom. ❤


My mom is my ride or die, A1 bestie. I am literally obsessed with her and we are typically in constant contact throughout the day because she shares the same sentiments about yours truly. We end up missing each other as soon as I leave the room or hang up the phone! My mom is a true class act and handles every difficulty life hands her with the utmost strength, grace, and resilience. She is a fighter, warrior, and the best mom; being her daughter is an absolute gift and I feel proud of that every single minute of every day. I love her so much I can hardly stand it! ❤

I would not be the person, friend, wife, and business owner that you all know and love without my mom guiding, supporting, and cheering me on every step of the way. We are each other’s own personal cheerleaders and I always know who to go to when I have exciting news, need a kind word, or just want to chat about nothing. The bond I share with my mom is something that I am eternally grateful for and I wish I could shrink her cute little self and carry her around in my pocket all day. Lol, is that weird? 😀

My mom deserves to be celebrated every day and I cannot wait to create more memories with my partner in crime by my side. Happy Mother’s Day to all of you and I love you, mom, more than words can say!

What is something special about your mom? What is your favorite memory with your mom? MOMS!! I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah