Tag Archives: pink

New Pink & Deep Purple Nails

New Pink & Deep Purple Nails

Hello!! Three of my houses of worship are TJMaxx, the Shear Shop, and Elysian Nails. They are where I go to find solace, shelter from the storm, and inner peace. I leave each location a transformed woman and always feel much better than I did before! On Tuesday, I had a fantastic fill at Elysian Nails and it turned out beautifully. There is nothing quite like that fresh fill feeling and no one could tell me NOTHIN for the rest of the day! My nail tech got me just right and I am loving this cute color combo:


^^^ Peep those new finger tattoos!

It has felt like summer for the past several weeks in Ohio and I always like to transition to brighter nail polish when it starts warming up. My plan was to go for sunny, poppy hues for this fill but I was feeling very uninspired at the nail polish wall. Every color combination I could think of was something that I had done before and while I have no problem repeating combos I liked, I just wasn’t in the mood for it. After staring at my choices for what felt like forever, a bubblegum pink caught my eye and I could work with that! Rather than continue with summer colors, I decided to expand my horizons and chose a shimmery, deep purple. It was different than anything I have used recently and I can’t believe I haven’t selected it before because it’s so pretty!

When I go in for my Tuesday fill, I am in between shifts and it can be hard for me to fully relax when I know I have to go back to work. But, after I sat down at my nail tech’s station, I could literally feel my stress melting away. My girl is the absolute best and I never realize just how bad my nails are until she goes to work on them. As we chat away, she expertly repairs, fortifies, and sharpens my claws back into their former glory. Once I leave the salon and am on my way back to the grind, I always feel like I’m ready to take on the rest of the day. It’s amazing what some fresh new talons can do for me. 😀

Elysian Nails is, truly, my happy place and I think it is having the same effect on my mom… She has been itching to go back for a mani since we got our toes done and I am SO there for it!

What colors do you like to wear in the summer? Where is your happy place? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

New Glitter Garnet & Ballet Slipper Nails

New Glitter Garnet & Ballet Slipper Nails

Hello!! This past Tuesday, I spent some wonderful time getting pampered at Elysian Nails. They had to push my appointment back because my normal gal was having wisdom tooth pain and I could totally sympathize. I definitely know a thing or two about that! This actually ended up working beautifully because I was able to make a quick pop in for a client and run a few errands beforehand. The best part, though, was that I was in and out of the salon in forty-five minutes flat thanks to the super speedy tech who filled in for my fill. I am loving how my nails turned out:


^^^ Also very aware that my right middle finger is still swollen from my tumble, but it’s getting better!

Since Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, I decided to use a traditional V-Day palette of red, pink, and all of the glitter. Normally, I shy away from holiday themed nails because they don’t seem very appropriate the day after the fact. However, Valentine’s Day colors look cute anytime and I would use these colors again outside of February. They are so pretty! The garnet is called University Red and it spoke to me immediately. It was exactly the deep shade I wanted to add some edge against the lighter pink I planned on using. I chose Forgotten Pink for that in a soft ballet slipper hue and thought the colors look dynamite together.

Amazingly enough, I didn’t break any nails when I fell and trust and believe that was the first thing that I clocked afterwards lol. I did end up having a nail lift completely off weeks later, though, and that sucked massively! Despite having to do some repairs, my nail tech, Shelly, got me in and out with ample time to spare. She has done my nails several times before and knows exactly how I like them. Her speed and skill will never not amaze me when I’m in her chair and she turned my grown out, janky nails back into a work of art. In record timing to boot!

I feel like a whole new woman with my new hair and nails! It was so nice to get some back to back pampering and here’s to hoping my middle finger will be back to normal next time I get a fill lol SMH.

Do you like to wear traditional holiday colors when they roll around? What color of polish are you rocking? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

New Pink & Lavender Glitter Nails

New Pink & Lavender Glitter Nails

Hello! Lil Red has some REALLY exciting news on the horizon and I can’t wait to announce it! Unfortunately, everyone is going to have to wait a little bit longer because the event that I will be attending got postponed a week. It is not often that I get my nails done twice in one month and I guess I could have held off a little bit longer. But, I didn’t hear about the rescheduling of the event until it was too late to reschedule my nail appointment. That’s okay, though, because I never say no to some extra pampering and I love my new Pink & Lavender Glitter Nails! Check it out:


When I was on my way to Elysian Nails, I didn’t know what I wanted to do for my colors. Did I want to give a final hurrah to summer? Or did I want to welcome fall with rich deep hues and jewel tones? Both options sounded good to me so I decided to let the nail polish wall decide. As I browsed through the endless array of nail polish, I ended up going with not my first idea or second one either. Instead, I found an adorable glitter pink called “Bubble Bop” and glitter lavender called “Just 4 U” sitting side by side. They looked so cute together that I figured I might as well! My new nails look exactly like candy with these sweet shades and I am obsessed.

Mary, my nail tech, knocked this fill out of the park as always. We were working on a time crunch because she was running a little late and I needed to get back to work, which was totally fine. I have had many a speedy fill by Mary and I trust her with my claws completely. It always amazes me when Mary does my nails with limited time because they still look like someone spent over an hour on them. This fill was accomplished in forty minutes and in that time she didn’t miss a beat with her attention to detail or customer service. I cannot wait to sport her handiwork for the event I am going to!! 😀

Keep it locked on lifewithlilred for some big news and a brand new Bath Bomb Blitz all coming soon!! YAY! ❤

Do you like glitter on your nails? Do you prefer gel, dip, or regular polish? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


New Punk N Junk Earrings

New Punk N Junk Earrings

Hello!! The Punk Rock Flea Market that Johnny and I went to was freaking awesome! We were blown away by the talent of the local artists and makers peddling their wares and returned home with a bagful of goodies. The first purchase that I made at the flea market was actually from one of the first vendors that we visited called Punk N Junk. They had the most adorable earrings and I wanted all of them! But, I exercised self restraint and walked away with these two:


These earrings actually tell a funny tale of mine and Johnny’s morning before going to the flea market. I couldn’t find my black parasol to save my own life and I was getting SO frustrated. TBH, my mental health feels like it’s hanging by a thread sometimes, which is why I am starting therapy this Wednesday. Because I am very sensitive at this current juncture, I cried a little bit about my missing parasol because everything just seems overwhelming to me. Then, Johnny found it in his car of all places and all was right with the world.

After my mini freak out, I had one of my “ecigs” AKA Emergency Cigarettes on our way to the market. Every week or so, I’ll have a real cigarette and that was definitely the time I needed one. So, when I saw the Crybaby earrings at the Punk N Junk stand, I jokingly told Johnny that was me! Then, I saw the cigarette ones and said that that was also me lol. These two earrings literally summed up the twenty minutes before we went to the event and it gave us a huge laugh. Even when Johnny or I are feeling frazzled, we always find a way to end up laughing at the end of it!

You can visit Punk N Junk’s Etsy page here and give them a follow on Instagram @punknjunkk. Thank you for the fab earrings – I love them! ❤

Who is your favorite local artist? What makes you feel better after something upsetting? Shopping always does the trick for me lol! I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

All Dolled Up OOTD Bloopers

All Dolled Up OOTD Bloopers

Hello everyone and welcome to the blooper reel from my All Dolled Up OOTD! I felt amazing in my interpretation of Lil Red Barbie and I had such a fun time seeing the movie. Taking OOTD shots, though? Surprisingly, not so much! It was hot as bejeezus when Johnny took my pictures, but it wasn’t as hot as these pictures you’re about to see. 😉 Can I have a modeling contract now, or? Lol, check it out:

Probably my reaction when Johnny said it was hot out. Groundbreaking!


Strutting my stuff and SERVING


Lol, I had such high hopes for pictures in this pose and they all turned out like this


Just out here catching flies in all of these shots!


Is my Barbie pose perfect or what?!


I LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Getting my phone and getting back in the air conditioning. Did I mention it was hot out?


Now, where was I? Oh, yes. It was hot as BEJEEZUS out during this shoot and it was miserable. We started taking some pictures by the greenery around our apartment complex and by the time we were done, Johnny and I were sweating bullets. It was freaking gross. To make matters worse, I hated every single picture we took at the first location. I don’t know if it was the heat or the fact that each picture sucked or the crappy lighting or a combination of all three. I just wasn’t feeling it and I was so mad because I knew I looked awesome and it wasn’t being captured!

After cooling off momentarily in the apartment, I decided that pictures would have to be taken on the balcony where I knew the lighting was reliable. I also wanted to get things done ASAP before my entire face melted off! Johnny was such a good sport about it, as always, and our conversations during part two of OOTD shots went a little something like this: “It’s hot”. “I know”. On the bright side, I did get shots I was happy with even though I sweated my fanny off and my hair frizzed like I just got electrocuted. Not so glamorous for a Barbie glam OOTD, but what can ya do?!

Rain, heat, or snow, you can always count on Lil Red for an OOTD post. I’m basically the postal service of bloggers, but I am ready for cool fall weather anytime now after this shoot!

Do you love the heat or are you a vampire like me? Can you relate to looking great but not being able to take a good picture? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

All Dolled Up OOTD

All Dolled Up OOTD

Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new OOTD here on lifewithlilred! Today, we are going to take a look at what I wore to see the Barbie movie this past weekend. It was such fun to unleash my inner Barbie and get All Dolled up! This was my first experience wearing pink since I don’t know how long and I thought it couldn’t have gone better. Is it my new favorite color? Hard no. But maybe a few more pretty in pink pieces wouldn’t hurt! Lol, let’s get to it:


Who? What? Wear?

Pink Dress: See You Monday, TJMaxx

Floral Platforms: Qupid, TJMaxx

Lego Earrings: AbbieDabbles

Candy Heart Necklace: Betsey Johnson, TJMaxx

Telephone Purse: Betsey Johnson, Macy’s

I have no idea where the sunglasses are from!

Getting ready for the Barbie movie was like the ultimate form of playing dress up. I knew the movie was going to be pure fun even before seeing it and I needed a look to match! The See You Monday bodycon dress made for a very easy OOTD because all I needed to do was put it on. However, Barbie dolls don’t just serve looks through clothing alone but with their accessories too. Because I wasn’t building a full outfit, accessorizing allowed my imagination to soar all the way to Barbie Land.

As I browsed the accessory department in my boutique room, there were four key pieces I wanted to focus on: A statement necklace, sunglasses, stud earrings, and a great purse. No Barbie doll is complete without them! With my parameters determined, all I needed to do was shop around! For my necklace, I chose an adorable candy heart style one by Betsey Johnson. This was a birthday gift from my sister and it added a rainbow pop of color and some sparkly bling. It was just right and complimented the negative space I was working with without overpowering it.

Next up was sunglasses and I already knew exactly what I wanted because I envisioned it when I tried my dress on at TJMaxx! For sunnies, I selected my white cat eye pair with a cute black bow in the corner. This was a nod to retro Barbie dolls and would also help set the stage for my purse that featured the same color palette. I loved how the stark white of the sunnies looked against the magenta dress! The Lego earrings were also a tip of the cap to old school Barbie dolls that just had simple studs in their ears. Of course, my simple studs involved Lego leaves with a ladybug on it – but they were a stud pair none of the less. 😀

When it came to accessorizing my All Dolled Up OOTD, I wanted pieces that were playful. The piece de resistance was my Betsey Johnson phone purse. You can actually plug the phone handle into your phone and talk on it and it doesn’t get more playful than that! Betsey Johnson accessories were the way to go for this look and her pieces remind me of real life Barbie accessories. They are so fun and charming and made me feel like a Barbie doll in the real world too.

The last thing to complete this look was a fabulous pair of heels and my floral platforms by Qupid were the winner. No flat feet for this Barbie girl! While I could have chose my Barbie pink platforms by Marc Fisher, I decided against it. Since my dress was only one color and two of my accessories were neutral, I could have worn a shoe with any pattern and it would have worked. The Qupid platforms had the playful flare I wanted and made me feel like Barbie from head to toe!

My All Dolled Up OOTD was an absolute blast to style and I felt fantastic in it. If a Barbie doll was ever made of Lil Red, I would hope that she would be in this look!

What did you wear to the Barbie movie? Do you have a lot of pink clothes? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Groovy Movies: Barbie Edition

Groovy Movies: Barbie Edition

Hello!!! This past Friday, I saw the Barbie movie with one of my dear friends from my retail days and it was amazing! It was such fun to get all dolled up and share in the collective excitement that has been revolving around Barbie for so long. I had no idea what the basic plot of Barbie was and, honestly, I didn’t care lol I heard so many fantastic reviews that I just knew it was going to be great. And, it sure was! Without giving any spoilers away, let’s discuss this adorable flick further:

^^^ As always, I have no rights to this video!

In Barbie Land, everything is perfect. Everything was perfect yesterday and everything will be perfect tomorrow too. In Barbie Land, life is dance parties, going to the beach, and amazing fashion. It is also a land of girl power where the girls can do it all and Ken is just… Ken. Then, things take a major turn when Barbie starts thinking about death. Her feet turn flat, she has cellulite, and is being introduced to all kinds of new feelings that she has never experienced before.

After a trip to the “Weird Barbie”, our heroine learns that whoever is playing with her in the real world is putting her own emotions into the doll. To return life back to the perfect status quo, Barbie must go to the land of humans, find her owner, and get the bad vibes to go away. As Barbie takes off in her pink car, she is surprised by Ken joining her for the trip. They travel by boat, spaceship, snowmobile, and roller blades to California and the human world is nothing like they imagined.

In the human world, men rule and women are an afterthought. While Barbie searches for her owner, Ken learns a thing or two about patriarchy and resolves to make some changes in Barbie Land. And, once Barbie finds her owner she decides to make some changes herself. With the help of new friends, it is up to Barbie to return her home back to normal after Kens take over and make a choice. Stay as a doll in her perfect land or stay in the imperfect world of humans. What will she choose? See the movie to find out!

The Barbie movie was just pure fun through and through. The clothes, the sets, humor, music, and actors all worked in tandem to create a movie that was unforgettable. I have never seen anything like it before and it reminded me of the joy that I felt when I would use my imagination to play with dolls in my youth. It was impossible not to smile ear to ear the entire movie and as soon as it was done, I wanted to see it again… and again, and again.

Margot Robbie brought Barbie to life beautifully and her performance never came across as shallow, but endearing. Yes, Barbie can do it all. But, when she began to experience human emotions like depression, it was a reminder that Barbie will always be what you make her. Ryan Gosling as Ken was hysterical and never felt like himself without being by Barbie’s side. He, too, was on a mission of self discovery and even though it went horribly wrong, things always have a way of working out in Barbie Land.

The Barbie movie taught that imperfect is the most perfect thing of all and that you are “Kenough”. I left the theater buzzing with positivity because the movie just makes you feel good. It was silly, sweet, empowering, and something that can be enjoyed by anyone. If you haven’t seen Barbie yet, I can’t recommend it Kenough!

Have you seen Barbie? What did you think about it? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

PS: Stay tuned for my All Dolled Up OOTD!! ❤

New Barbie Girl Dress!

New Barbie Girl Dress!

Hello!!! With plans to see the Barbie movie, I needed to style a look that served. The only problem? I literally don’t own any pink clothing. None. None whatsoever. I had a TJMaxx shopping date scheduled with Johnny’s mom and if I didn’t find anything there, I reserved myself to wearing my wedding dress to the movie to be Emo Wedding Barbie lol. I was expecting the pink selection at TJMaxx to be picked over to nonexistent and, luckily, that wasn’t the case at all! There were tons of options available and I found a winner with this dress by See You Monday. Check it out:


^^^ Such an artistic shot of the side cutouts haha

When I shop at TJs, I have no agenda and let whatever is there speak to me. This time was different because I had a plan in place and it involved looking for all things pink! It’s not that I don’t like the color pink, but it’s not my first choice for clothing at all. During a normal shopping trip, I would skip pink clothes on the rack and go straight to my preferred All Black Everything. Not in this case, though, and I swarmed to every pink thing I saw like bees to honey.

As I made my rounds, I was impressed with the selection of pink clothes and felt lucky that I made it before all of the Barbie goers picked everything clean. I found a few things that had the potential to work like a pink crop top and skirt and a romper. What I was really pulling for, however, was the See You Monday midi dress that I found. It was the only one in the entire store and the only thing that could have been an issue was the Small size.

When I slipped the dress on in the fitting room, it was a unique experience and it wasn’t just from the color. This dress is probably the most form fitting thing I have tried on aside from a few bodycon skirts in my closet. It felt foreign to wear something so close to the body that hugged every single curve. While this felt kind of weird at first, I began to like what I was seeing upon closer examination. I also found comfort in the fact that if this dress were in a Medium, it wouldn’t have fit just so and felt good about the size I had.

Once I shook off the initial shock of seeing myself in such a polar opposite piece to my preferences, I was feeling my goddamn self. The color was like an explosion against my pasty pale self and tattoos and it begged the question of why I avoided it before. The fit also turned into something that made me a bit uncomfortable into fully confident. This dress fit like a glove and it showed my body off in an entirely different way. It really flattered me and the side cutouts were everything! The placement of them was A+ too because they appeared where a bra typically ends to eliminate any peek a boos.

Without a doubt, this was the dress for me and I cannot wait to get dolled up for the Barbie movie. Keep it locked for this look as well as a review of the movie and more from my TJMaxx haul!

What is a color that you don’t normally wear? What kind of clothes puts you out of your comfort zone? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

New Glitter Bright Pink & Emerald Green Nails

New Glitter Bright Pink & Emerald Green Nails

Hello! This past Friday, I enjoyed a fill at Elysian Nails and it was just what the doctor ordered. Johnny and I had Val over for a slumber party the night before and I needed some relaxation! I was able to get an appointment first thing in the morning with the wonderful Shelly and, as always, she absolutely slayed. She even pulled through with a celebrity choice for one of my nail colors and she was spot on. I love how they turned out and I am getting all of the Ariel vibes! Check it out:


Normally before a fill, I have an idea of the colors I would like to use before stepping foot in the salon. This time, however, I was feeling very uninspired and even more so once I was at the polish wall. I immediately gravitated towards a bright pink, but I couldn’t figure out for the life of me what color I wanted to go with it. I decided on a shimmer lavender shade after what felt like forever at the polish wall and sat down at Shelly’s station. I can’t say I was particularly thrilled with that choice, though.

As Shelly made quick work of making my nails perfect, I was still thinking that I didn’t like my color selection all that much. And, as I was examining the nail polish bottles, I got called out! Shelly asked if I liked the colors and I said not really and requested that she choose a new polish to replace the lavender for me. While I paid for my pampering, she hit the polish wall and came back with the glitter emerald green to go with the pink. She said it reminded her of The Little Mermaid and I was instantly there for it!

This was the first time that I had one of my nail techs select a color for me and I think I might start making a habit of it. The green was a color that I never would have chose myself and I am obsessed with it. It has been over a week since I got my nails done and I still can’t stop looking at them constantly!

What color of nail polish are you rocking? Do you pick your colors at the salon or does your nail tech? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

New Shimmer Ocean Blue & Glitter Pink Nails

New Shimmer Ocean Blue & Glitter Pink Nails

Hello!!! This past Wednesday, I spent a lovely morning before work being pampered with a fill at Elysian Nails. I was bummed because I couldn’t get an appointment with my usual tech, but it honestly ended up working just as well. The tech that did my nails was SO fast and I ended up making it to work early instead of fifteen minutes late like I had originally planned. Normally, I crave extra time at the salon but, in this case, everything was coming up Lil Red! Check out this fill that was completed in forty-five minutes:


As I made my way to Elysian Nails, I struggled to come up with a color combination that spoke to me. So, I decided to let fate decide and left it up to whatever struck my fancy first at the nail polish wall. After a quick once over, my eyes locked in on the bottle of the shimmery ocean blue polish and decided to go for it. It looked so pretty in the bottle and the color reminded me of mermaids! With the mermaid motif in mind, I selected the glittery pink for my second color and waited for my appointment to start.

The tech who did my nails has been at Elysian for forever, but he was new to me. It was freaking amazing to watch him work because he was both fast and efficient but the quality of my nails was still on par if not better than someone who took their time. I admit that I was a bit nervous to have him do my nails because I don’t trust just anyone with my claws. However, my mind was quickly put at ease because he wouldn’t be at the salon if he wasn’t excellent. As we settled into our comfortable silence, I was able to relax and get my HGTV on but before I knew it, he was already done!

I love how my nails turned out and I can’t stop looking at them to save my own life! The shape is perfect and the colors are so playful in the light. Of course, the flash of blingy glitter from the pink is always fun, but I am obsessed with the ocean blue. In just the right lighting it looks emerald green and no matter what color you see it as, it is still gorgeous! 😀

I would happily see the tech who did my nails again and it is good to know that there is another option if my usual gals are booked up. This was definitely another successful trip to Elysian in the books!

What color of nail polish are you rocking? Do you prefer gel, dip, or regular polish? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah