Happy Birthday, Dad!!

Happy Birthday, Dad!!

Hello, everyone! Today is a fantastic, wonderful, special day because it is my dad’s birthday! I am lucky enough to say that my dad is one of my literal favorite people on the planet. He is a loving father, devoted husband, friggen hilarious, and is a man of many talents. From tending his beautiful garden to planning amazing family vacations, everything that my dad does, he does to picture perfection. I so appreciate this, because it has truly taught me the importance of a job well done throughout the years.

I cherish all of the time that I get to spend with my dad. Even just watching an episode of Seinfeld or sharing a meal together makes me happy and I am so going to miss seeing him every day once I move. CHARLES is the best dad in the world and is now the best grandpa in the world to my little niece, Valerie. I love you so much and I hope you have a great birthday even though you hate birthdays!


Happy Birthday, Dad!!! ❤

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