Tag Archives: tattoos

Tattoo Etiquette

Tattoo Etiquette

Howdy!! I often forget how many tattoos I actually have until the warm weather hits and shorts and T-shirts are appropriate again. It’s so easy to not even think about a majority of my tattoos when they are consistently covered up with jeans and hoodies all fall and winter long! This past week, we enjoyed eighty degree days in the good ol’ A-K-Rowdy and I was excited to finally break out shorts and a T from Misny Merch. I am used to a lot of the usual comments when my tattoos are out… “How much did those cost?”, “what hurt the most?”, “why do you have so many?”, and so on and so forth. However, I never experienced anything quite like what I did when I was job coaching at work.

While I was on site on Tuesday, I had not one, not two, not three, but FOUR people in under an hour grab me to get a “closer look” at different pieces. This made for a grand total of SIX times in two days, but I had never had that happen so many times in such a short period. This is my PSA to PLEASE DON’T DO THAT. It is an absolute invasion of personal space, shows no respect for a person’s boundaries, and is simply insane that adults don’t know how to keep their hands to themselves.

As this was all happening, I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone because it just kept happening lol. I don’t know about all of you, but I have never grabbed a person’s hair because I liked it and wanted to learn about the color and cut. I have never grabbed a person’s shirt because it was adorable and I wanted to know the brand. It is shocking to me that such an easy concept to grasp just flew out the window when my tattoos were involved. Body modifications do not give anyone permission to touch you. Nothing gives anyone permission to touch you without your consent. And just for good measure, I repeat: No one should touch you without your consent!!!! Get it together, people. Je-sus.

Word to the wise, if you would like to get a closer look at someone’s ink – just ask. Ninety-nine percent of the time, we are happy to accommodate, but don’t take lightly to being grabbed out of nowhere. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!

What is a weird situation you have encountered in public? What is one of your biggest pet peeves? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

New Finger Tattoos

New Finger Tattoos

Hello!! I had an excellent tap out tattoo session a few weeks ago by my wonderful artist, Emily, at her brand new shop called Vivid Visions. We got a ton done, but there was still a few odds and ends to complete that we didn’t have time for. I have known Emily since I was fifteen and have been a client of hers for over a decade now. We have had so many fun times in the shop together and she absolutely spoils me when it comes to tap outs. Any crazy idea I have, she is game for and is always willing to work with my schedule for touch ups and quick fillers. This past Monday, I got some vines on both of my thighs, two new delicate neck tattoos, and these adorable details on my fingers:


One of my deepest regrets about getting tattooed was that I waited SO long to get my hands done. I have only had my hand tattoos for about two years and they are, easily, some of my favorites. However, Emily and I both agreed during this tap out that they were still looking a little bare – especially on the fingers themselves. Prior to the end of my tap out session, Emily encouraged me to look up inspiration pictures, send them her way, and we would brainstorm the design when I came back to Vivid Visions.

As I browsed pages of finger tattoos, I realized that I wanted to go the minimal route with them. While the bold tattoos were awesome, I feared they would be too much because I have pretty tiny hands. At the shop, I showed Emily what I liked and what I didn’t. Then, she had me sit down and began drawing on my fingers. Before I knew it, she had brought what I was imaging in my head to real life. Emily was able to take my ideas and craft them into something that was even better than I hoped for.

Once the designs were drawn on, the tattooing began and it was easy peasy. Of course, I have an incredibly high pain tolerance but I have never had a problem with any of the tattoos on my hands before. In under fifteen minutes, my finger bling was permanent and it is such a nod to Emily’s skill. Ever since I have been her client, she has worked with masterful precision and speed and turns the smallest, most delicate tattoos into something special. ❤

It is safe to say that I am quickly running out of room for more tattoos. That doesn’t mean I don’t have a few more ideas up my sleeves, though. I can’t wait to see what Emily does with them!

What is your favorite tattoo that you have? Do you have any tattoos you regret? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Living For Lilac OOTD Bloopers

Living For Lilac OOTD Bloopers

Hello everyone and welcome to the blooper reel from my Living For Lilac OOTD! During a very easy work week last week, I enjoyed getting new tattoos and my hair done. I felt so spoiled and pampered and have been simply obsessed with the results. It has been a long while since I did a total hair transformation or gotten a tap out session and my only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner! I was feeling my damn self while taking OOTD shots over the weekend and a few of the pics were my favorite in recent history. The ones we are about to take a look at? Eh, not so much! Lol, check it out:

Party people put your hands up


Hey…. Do you have a cigarette?


Solid foot pop, yikes face lol


Using all of my willpower and inner strength to not fall over


Getting blown away by the wind helllllllllp


Don’t mind me wiping my runny nose SMFH


I LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I like to think of myself as seasoned in the art of getting tattoos. I got my first one the day I turned eighteen and have been tattooed more times than I can count in the past twelve years. In fact, a recent post featured my golden rules for a long tattoo session. I follow these standards religiously and they have never failed me – even during the longest almost ten hour appointments. So, tell me why I decided to just forget one of these rules the day of my last tap out?!

Before my appointment, I had a good breakfast and snacked on the way to the tattoo shop and as I waited to get started. Once my artist began working on the first piece, it was go time and I let my mind go to my happy place. In between singing along to the bumping music at the shop and chatting with the artists, I was on my phone or in my own little world. Before I knew it, we were already on the last piece of the day. It was then that I realized it had been a fat minute since I had eaten and it caught up to me quickly.

This was the first time I had EVER gotten the shakes when being tattooed and I was so thankful that I stocked up on snacks at the gas station beforehand. After housing almost an entire bag of honey roasted peanuts, I was good as new. Like it had never even happened and the rest of the appointment went without a hitch. Don’t pull a me and be sure to EAT if you are getting tattooed – no matter how distracted or not hungry you are feeling. The shakes was the literal worst!

Although I failed to follow one of my tried and true tattoo rules, everything was a-okay and I was happy to have been able to complete the session. I have never tapped out yet! I can’t wait to get the last few odds and ends added soon! 😀

Are you treating yourself to a makeover? What are your plans for it? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Demon Slayer Villains Tattoos

Demon Slayer Villains Tattoos

Hello! Yesterday we took a look at the heroes from Demon Slayer that I got tattooed turned my tap out session. Today, we are going to peep the baddies – the villains! While I already had a huge Demon Slayer heroes piece prior to this session, I only had one villain tattooed – Enmu from the Mugen Train arc. Only one simply wouldn’t do and I wanted to add Daki and Gyutaro who are, easily, my favorite demons in the series thus far. They were Just. So. Cool. The tattoos are pretty rad too! Check it out:


Daki and Gyutaro are the demons from the Entertainment District arc and I loved the dynamic between the “brother and sister” duo. Daki is one hundred percent pure brat power while Gyutaro handles the heavy lifting and Daki’s emotional support. Their tandem fighting was absolutely insane to watch with Daki’s killer kimono and Gyutaro’s flesh sickles. They were a deadly team and my mind was blown the first time I saw this season. I have watched it several times since and the shock value has yet to wear off!

For my tattoos, I chose to get the image when Daki and Gyutaro are shown together for the first time midway through their big fight. Coincidentally, this is shortly after Daki gets beheaded by Uzui which is the tattoo I got on my inner leg. This worked out perfectly because I have Uzui (seen yesterday) on the other side and it looks like something right out of a manga. The tattoo of the demons together on my outer thigh wasn’t anything to sneeze at. Like the Uzui tattoo we discussed yesterday, the Daki tattoo on my inner thigh was not all that. Lol, but hey – I made it through and have some killer ink to show for it!

Demon Slayer is something that my brother and I both love and truly bonded over. I am beyond thrilled with how my heroes and villains turned out and can’t wait to finish up my session soon!

What is the biggest tattoo you have? How long did it take? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Demon Slayer Heroes Tattoos

Demon Slayer Heroes Tattoos

Hello! During my tap out tattoo session last week, I got four huge new pieces to start somewhat completing my legs. The final odds and ends will be done at the end of the month and I can’t wait! The tattoos I got during my session are from one of my favorite animes called Demon Slayer. My brother introduced me to it and I was hooked one minute in. I already have a substantial tattoo on the side of my leg featuring Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Nezuko. So, I wanted to build on that by doing a heroes and villains motif. Take a look at a few of the good guys:


To expand on my heroes leg, I got two hashiras tattooed. The “fire guy” as my artist called him is named Rengoku and the “green guy” is Uzui. While there are a plethora of hashiras in the Demon Slayer world, these two have resonated with me and my bro as our favorites. Not just in their fighting skills, but their personalities too! Both Rengoku and Uzui are hilarious in their own rights and we are constantly quoting their phrases to each other. And, of course, a Rengoku tattoo wouldn’t be complete without his signature catchphrase “set your heart ablaze”.

These tattoos were not in the most comfortable spots, but it wasn’t awful. The Rengoku tattoo was super easy and there was essentially no pain with it. The Uzui tattoo on the inner leg, however, wasn’t ideal lol. That spot is tender and this one took significantly longer to complete. Despite any ouchies, my artist works extremely fast and this is highly motivating because I knew the process would be over soon(ish)! Before I knew it, I had the tattoos that I have been telling my brother for years that I was going to get and I could not be happier with them!

My hero tattoos turned out exactly how I wanted them to and I can’t wait to show them off in shorts this summer. Stay tuned for the villains pieces tomorrow!

What is your favorite anime? Who is your favorite character from it? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

What To Do Before A Long Tattoo Session

What To Do Before A Long Tattoo Session

Hello!! This past Wednesday, I enjoyed a grueling nine hour long tattoo session at my friend’s studio called Vivid Visions. My artist got four huge pieces done during my tap out session and we are still not done! We’ll be adding the rest of the odds and ends towards the end of the month. I often get asked two questions about these appointments because it is the only way I get tattooed. One) How? Answer: Very high pain tolerance lol. Two) How do you prepare for it? It’s actually quite simple, so check it out:

Sleep Well:

A tap out session isn’t a sprint, it’s a full on marathon. Yes, the tattoo artist is doing literally all of the work. However, it’s your job to make it as easy as possible for them to do what needs done. This all starts with a good night’s sleep. Think about how miserable it feels when you aren’t well rested and have a ton to do that day. That is SO not what you want to be feeling during a tap out. You want to feel strong and alert so try to get at least eight hours before your big appointment and take it easy during the time leading up to it.

Eat, Eat, Eat:

It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to EAT on your tap out day. Your body is essentially about to be injured for an extended period of time and you need that fuel to get you through it. Not eating can lead to shakes, dizziness, weakness, and fainting and no one wants that. Be sure to start your day with a balanced meal, of course, but don’t forget mid session snacks either because you will definitely need them. My favorite snack during a tap out is nuts or trail mix because it’s an immediate protein boost. They pulled through in the clutch on Wednesday!

Hydrate A LOT:

Although I don’t mind an occasional Diet Coke when getting tattooed, I primarily make sure to drink a ton of water. It promotes healing, skin buoyancy, and can help soothe any nerves. I am one of those people that feels chronically thirsty during tattoo sessions so I always bring several bottles of water with me. I also never drink coffee before an appointment unless it’s absolutely necessary. Lots of caffeine comes with the jitters and I don’t like experiencing a midday crash when I’m getting tattooed.

Comfort Is Key:

Being tattooed is obviously an uncomfortable situation and it’s up to you to deal with it so your artist can work. Be sure to dress for comfort and the area being tattooed. You’re not going to want to wear jeans if you’re getting your legs tattooed lol! Other items that might be good to bring include a hoodie if it’s chilly in the shop or a pillow to place around your body as needed. You could even bring something that gives you comfort like a stuffed animal. Whatever gets you through. And don’t forget a phone charger!!

By doing the above before every session, I am able to endure eight plus hours of being tattooed. I have not tapped out once yet and I don’t plan on it any time soon!

What are some of your tattoo session tips? Do you have a go to tattoo artist? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Tattoo Touch Ups

Tattoo Touch Ups

Hello!! Way back in April of 2022 was the last time that I got any new tattoos and let me tell you that the ink craving has been real! So much so, that I am prepping for an eight to ten hour session later today as I type this. The day before my big sesh was dedicated to coming into Vivid Visions, my artist’s tattoo shop, for touch ups and placement planning. The main thing that needed some extra TLC was my hands, which were tattooed two years ago. They looked fantastic when I first got them done, but holy wow do they look even better now! Check it out:


My tattoo artist, Emily, has done almost all of my body art except for three tattoos. She is, hands down, one of the best artists in my neck of the woods and I am blown away by her work every time I look at myself lol. For my touch up session, she went over my hands in their entirety for areas of improvement. This included the front of my hands, my palms, and my fingers with more plans for that during my appointment today. She started with my fingers first and after just one letter I noticed a massive difference.

My hand touch ups took about an hour or so and it was kind of weird being tattooed again after so long. Not weird different, but weird that it was exactly how I remember it being: Not bad. Part of this is due to my insanely high pain tolerance, but the other part is all Emily. She has the most gentle hand that I have ever experienced being tattooed. If you’re inked, you know what it feels like to be tattooed by a heavy handed artist – not great. Not only does she have just the right touch, but she works quickly and efficiently while still paying the keenest attention to detail. Before I knew it, she was done and my hands looked brand new. I am so in love with this night and day makeover!

Stay tuned for more new work soon because there is going to be a lot! So glad Emily offers tap out sessions so I can get everything I want done in one day. CAN’T WAIT!

Have you gotten any new body mods recently? Do you plan on getting any soon? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

You’re Never Too Old!

You’re Never Too Old!

Hello!! As you all know, I am a HUGE lover of body modifications, fun hair, and fashion. I’m twenty-eight years old and I could never picture looking or dressing any differently than I do. In fact, I truly believe that I will have my five nose piercings in for all eternity and that’s fine by me!

When I’m out and about in a killer OOTD or just bumming it while running errands, a comment that I always seem to get is: “I wish I could dress or dye my hair like that but I’m too old.” To which I will always reply: “NO YOU’RE NOT!!” As sweet of a compliment as it is, it makes me sad because I am a firm believer in age being nothing but a number – even though I sometimes internally cry over approaching the big 3-0 *face palm*.

I also think that life is too short to be anything other than yourself. And if that means getting a tattoo or piercing at fifty or dying your hair pink at ninety, then I say go for it! What is the point in denying yourself something that would make you happy? Answer: There is no point.

During a trip to the zoo a few weekends ago, I wore this outfit:


While exploring the Akron Zoo with my sister and nieces, I ran into one of my friends and her three daughters. The two older of the three told me that they wanted to dress like me when they grow up and it warmed my cold, bitter heart. They also said that they never see adults who look like me and it’s cool.

I asked how old they thought I was because sometimes I have a hard time believing I’m an adult lol and one of them replied with “I don’t know… nineteen?” At this point, I thought my heart was going to explode and their minds were blown when I told them how old I am. I enlightened them on my philosophy about always being true to your own personal style and I think that it stuck!

No matter your age, there is nothing wrong with being the best version of yourself. If you are toying with the idea of changing your look up, then this is your sign to do it. You can thank me by telling me all about your transformation! ❤

What do you love about yourself? Do you have any plans for new hair, tattoos, etc? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

New Tattoos!

New Tattoos!

Hello everyone! As promised, today we’re going to peep a couple of the new tattoos I got during my last tap out session with my amazing tattoo artist and friend, Emily. Tap out sessions are eight hours straight of getting tattooed and I can’t wait to go back in mid April to get the rest of the things that we didn’t have time for done. 😀

It has been a fat minute since my last tap out because of COVID and also just winter in general. It’s not like anyone was going to see my new work so I held off. However, after Johnny got one of his hands tattooed and a couple of his fingers, I had to follow suit because I was so jealous lol. During my session I got my palms touched up as well as tattoos on my hands and fingers and I am loving it! Check it out:


I have wanted to get my hands and fingers tattooed for so long but always held off because I had so many other pieces to complete. After getting them done, I don’t know what I was waiting for because I am obsessed! They are so cute and really tie together my almost covered arms and shoulders. I also never say no to a touch up for my palms because they always need it – even if it is a bit unpleasant.

For my fingers, I have had “princess” in mind for forever because that’s what my name means in Hebrew. It took me a little longer to decide on what I wanted on my hands but I have always liked gemstone tattoos so decided to go from there. I went with an adorable heart surrounded by pearls on one and a diamond on the other. I am very partial to the pearl border and actually have that on two tattoos on my thighs.

As far as the pain level goes for these new tattoos, I am the wrong person to ask. I have an incredibly high pain tolerance so tattoos have never hurt me to get done. I will say, however, that the diamond was the most annoying of all of them. There was so much detail and by the time Emily was almost done my hand was SO swollen. It looked like a million bee stings!

While my hand tattoos are not complete yet because Emily needs to go in with more white once they are healed, it is an amazing start. I couldn’t ask for anything better!

Do you have any tattoos? Which one is your favorite? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Cool Encounters

Cool Encounters

Hi!! My husband and I love attending trivia nights together with our friends and, win or lose, a great time is always had by all. Because of schedule conflicts, we haven’t been in a couple of weeks but the last time we went was definitely an evening to remember for me… I got to meet one of my favorite comic book illustrators, Craig Russell!

For those of you who don’t know, I am a HUGE graphic novel/comic book fan and my all time favorite would have to be the Sandman series by Neil Gaiman. Sandman is, easily, one of the finest works of literature I have ever read and I try to read the extremely lengthy series once every two years. One of the cool things about Sandman is that several illustrators worked on it and it was so interesting to see the beloved characters drawn from different points of view. Craig Russell just so happens to have worked on the Sandman series and he illustrated one of my favorite spin offs, The Dream Hunters.

When Johnny pointed Craig out to me at one of the opposing team’s tables on trivia night, I lost my shit (for lack of a better phrase!). He told me I have to talk to him after the games were over and I was so nervous because it really was like meeting a hero. I have at least ten tattoos from the Sandman series and one of my biggest pieces is an illustration by Craig!

During my little meet and greet with Mister Russell, he admired all of my tattoos and was blown away that his work was on me. We got to talk shop for over thirty minutes about Sandman, our favorite issues, and the upcoming Netflix series. Craig even encouraged me to let him know whenever I read any graphic novels he might like. He was also kind enough to take pictures with me and sign his autograph. It was basically the coolest thing ever.

I can’t wait to bump into Craig again and I will be prepared because I actually just finished another graphic novel that he illustrated – Coraline. I will have my copy ready to go for him to sign and am looking forward to hearing more of his amazing insights. ❤

Have you ever met one of your heroes before? What was it like? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah