Tag Archives: daddys girl

Happy Birthday, Dad!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Dad!!!!!

Hello!! Today is a fantastic, wonderful day because it is my dad’s birthday!!! I am a huge mommy and daddy’s girl and I am so beyond proud to be the daughter of such amazing parents. Times have been very trying in Lil Red’s world and my dad has been my rock, confidant, and shoulder to cry on. His strength is unparalleled, his love for his family is fierce, and his devotion to my mom is a prime example of true and pure love. He is, simply, the best.


As I continue to get older, I am constantly blown away by how selflessly my parents give without ever expecting anything for themselves. This has molded me into the person I am today and I see it reflected in my work as a provider for people with developmental disabilities every day. One of my favorite things that my dad has ever done for me goes back to my college days when I had a really early winter class at Tri-C. Every single morning, without fail, my dad would get up and prepare a travel mug of coffee for me to drive to Cleveland with. The first day of class, I tried to make coffee for myself and it sucked. When I told my dad about it, he took it upon himself to do it for me all in the name of me waking up enough to drive to school safely. I think about this often and my heart feels just as warm as my hands were as I cradled a hot travel mug in the bitter winter cold.

Watching my parents’ relationship continue to bloom after almost forty-three years of marriage also was a major assist in my own love life. After dating a lot of assholes, I threw up my hands, gave up, and waited for the real thing. Then, I met Johnny and, well, you know the rest. He was the first guy who my dad ever approved of and that honestly told me everything that I need to know. I am so lucky to have the parents that I have, whose opinions I value, whose company I cherish, and who still continue to push me to be my best self at almost twenty-nine years old.

My dad isn’t the biggest fan of birthdays so I will wrap things up by saying that I love him so very much and he is the best dad that a gal could ever ask for. ❤

Happy birthday, Dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤ ❤ ❤

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Hello! As soon as March hits, it becomes a birthday extravaganza in my family. By June 7th, we will have celebrated seven birthdays and each one is extremely special. In fact, today is a very happy wonderful day because it is my dad’s birthday! I am a huge daddy’s girl and can always count on my dad when I need a laugh, advice, or some good company. CHARLES is a man of many talents and I feel so lucky to have spent my life enjoying his beautiful gardens, incredible vacations, and infamous laugh attacks.

Despite my dad’s injury this past month of a broken arm and dislocated shoulder, he still takes care of his animal friends outside every day by filling their feeders. My dad’s appreciation for the outdoors has instilled a “stop and smell the roses” attitude in me and whenever I see spring flowers or hear birdsong, I always think about him and smile.

I love watching my dad be a grandpa to my niece and nephew and, even as an adult, I can still come to him with all of my problems knowing that he will help me. My dad inspires me, humors me, and encourages me and I simply cannot wait for him to walk me down the aisle when Johnny and I get married. I am so proud to be his daughter and it is an honor for him to be proud of me too. ❤

Happy Birthday, Dad!!

I love you!!!! ❤

A Flower For Me

A Flower For Me

Hello! On Father’s Day, my sister and her daughter arrived at our parents’ house at the exact same time that I did. We didn’t plan it at all and it was perfect because we all had the maximum time together before we split back up for the day. Beautiful presents and lots of love were gifted to our dear old dad but I think I got the most special treat of all that day. Check it out:


After presents, we all took a pause and went to the backyard so my niece, Valerie, could move and groove before my sister took off. My dad loves to show Val his flower and vegetable garden and she loves it too. More often than not, you can see my dad smelling the flowers with her and then he will help her pick a bloom for her mom.

On Father’s Day, Val wanted a flower for each hand once she picked her favorite. Then, she toddled up to her auntie and handed me a flower with a big smile on her face. And, right at that moment, our Golden Retriever gobbled up the flower in the hand she wasn’t paying attention to. *Face palm*

Once Val realized her other flower was missing, I offered her mine to make up for it. But, she just kept handing it back to me. I have to say, I was really happy she did because there is literally nothing better than getting a pretty little flower from your fifteen month old niece. I brought it home with me and put it in my dried flower collection and it’s never not going to make me smile whenever I see it. ❤

How did you celebrate Father’s Day? How is your garden doing this summer? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Happy Birthday, Dad!!

Happy Birthday, Dad!!

Hello! March through May is a stretch of the year where birthdays are plentiful in my family. It starts with my niece’s birthday at the beginning of March then goes to my mom, dad, sister, and brother ending in mid May. Today, we are on birthday number three in my family, which belongs to my dear old dad. Despite him despising birthdays, I can’t not give him a shout out on lifewithlilred so here it goes:


Ever since I was little, I can remember my dad’s lament that birthdays are “another year closer to the grave” and he still feels that way today. Lol so, needless to say, his birthday is filled with begrudgingly opening presents and accepting birthday wishes. The best part, though? I think we can all tell that he secretly enjoys himself and that makes the obnoxiously huge birthday hugs I give him even more fun. 😀

Although we all love pushing my dad’s birthday buttons, it really is a special day. My dad is one of my favorite people on the planet. He is so funny – like so unbelievably funny. The humor is then amplified by his infamous and infectious “laugh attacks” which is the cherry on top of whatever my family was joking about.

What I love the most about my dad, though? He is such a thoughtful man and it always makes me so happy when my boyfriend gifts me with flowers or cooks dinner for me because my dad is constantly doing stuff like that for my mom. He provided me with the best guidelines of how I should be treated in a relationship and I am so thankful for that.

When I had a really early class in college and had to drive an hour to get there, my dad would always get up and make coffee for me so I could have it during my commute. That’s the kind of guy my dad is. Sweet gestures and kind words from my father will forever be treasured by me and he is a man who deserves to be celebrated… Even though he hates his birthday. 😉



Holiday Haul: Last But Not Least Edition

Holiday Haul: Last But Not Least Edition

Hellooo! The last gift from my Holiday Haul, but certainly not the least, that I would like to share with all of you is from my dear old dad. Last year, I was gifted with a true crime daily calendar from my dad that was an absolute hit. In fact, it was one of the first gifts that I think my dad actually picked out for me, instead of just having “from mom and dad” written on the label.

With the calendar being such a success last year, I was presented with the 2020 version from my dad and I am very happy with it! Check it out:


A day to day calendar is truly the gift that keeps on giving, especially if you are interested in the subject. I, for one, am a huge lover of all things true crime and it makes changing the page every day exciting because I never know what I am going to learn about next! It will also be especially fun to tuck into this calendar with my boyfriend because he is a true crime aficionado, as well, and we love flipping through the pages together.

Although this gift may seem simple, so much thought went into it and I am thrilled to be welcoming 2020 with a present that was seemingly made for me!

What is the subject of your calendar? Where are my true crime fans at? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Tattoo You: Parent Appreciation Edition

Tattoo You: Parent Appreciation Edition

Hellooo everyone! In case you haven’t noticed, body modifications are my thing and have been important to me for well over a decade now. I love piercings, tattoos, and dyeing my hair. All of my body mods make me feel confident and beautiful and I always seem to be planning which tattoos I want to get next. But, until I get some new ones, hopefully in the next few months, I thought that I would give you guys a run down on some of my older ones. Take a look at one of my favorites, that had my mom and dad rolling their eyes so hard:


^^^ Don’t mind the fact that it needs touched up! 😀

I have always been a huge fan of the American Traditional style tattoos and knew that I wanted to give my parents a shout out with one of them. And, upon the grand reveal to my mom and dad at my birthday dinner this year, both of them said “oh god” at the exact same time – it was hilarious! My mom has since embraced my commemorative heart to them while my dad would prefer it if I didn’t have any tattoos at all, lol. But, I think that he loves it deep down. 😉

My mom and dad are my literal favorite people in the world and I wanted something to make it feel like they’re always with me. I love the contrasting red and yellow from the heart and the scroll and it looks so nice underneath my Pan’s Labyrinth half sleeve. As per ushe, my tattoo artist, Emily, knocks it out of the park every time and, although my parent appreciation tat is fairly simple, it is one of my all time favorites.

How many tattoos do you have? Which one is your favorite? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

(Late!) Father’s Day Story

(Late!) Father’s Day Story

Hi everyone! I want to extend the happiest of late Father’s Day greetings to all of the daddios that celebrated such a special day. I also felt so inclined to share with you my Father’s Day gift purchase for my dad as well as a story about what makes mine the best of the best from when we enjoyed a family lunch this past Saturday. First, take a look at the hilarity that I got him for his beautiful garden:


Not only does my dad have five hundred green thumbs, but he also has a fantastic collection of outdoor decor to add even more charm to his handiwork. You can only have so much of anything, though, and my dad put the kebash on anyone getting him more garden gnomes.

So, to solve the problem, I got him a surefire way to keep the gnomes at bay with the new garden statue seen above. Is it a T-Rex? Godzilla? Or something the world doesn’t even know about yet? I don’t know. BUT, this statue entitled “The Massacre” was a hit for my dad and everyone else in the family. My dad said that “only Sarah would find something like this” but I’ll give you all a hint: I got in on Amazon!

As I’ve said hundreds of times on my blog, my dad really is amazing. And, I was reminded of that when we went out to lunch at First Watch last Saturday. As we waited for our table, an older man gestured for his wife to look at me in all of my tattooed glory and she then proceeded to mean mug the ever living shit out of me. I didn’t know anything was even happening until my dad made a broad gesture and loudly exclaimed “Wow, Sarah, she’s checking you out!”

I was so tickled by this encounter because my dad HATES my tattoos. He’s constantly asking for me to stop getting them and to get laser surgery, lol. But, he hated his daughter getting treated like a member of the freak show at a carnival even more. I didn’t notice the interaction between this couple and, even if I did, I’m used to it. So, it was really touching to know that my dad is literally always looking out for me even when I don’t know it. And, although he might not agree with all of my choices, he still supports and protects me no matter what. #myhero #daddysgirl

How did you celebrate Father’s Day? How does your dad look out for you? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Super Cool Planter

Super Cool Planter

Hi! As you all know, my dad is an expert gardener so that makes gift giving very easy for him. For his birthday this past month, I got him this awesome stackable planter set from Amazon. Since it has warmed up significantly in Ohio since April, he finally got around to getting the planter set up with strawberries and flowers and it looks great! Take a look:


I was so happy to come home on Mother’s Day and see the planter out on the deck in its full glory. It also made me smile to see the garden gnome planter that I got for him last year with a potted plant in his little knapsack. Seeing the splendor of my dad’s hard work never ceases to amaze me and it’s always so cool to see the projects that he tends to so lovingly take full bloom!

What is your favorite plant or flower? Who else is a fan of gardening? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Happy Birthday, Dad!!

Happy Birthday, Dad!!

Hello, everyone! Today is a fantastic, wonderful, special day because it is my dad’s birthday! I am lucky enough to say that my dad is one of my literal favorite people on the planet. He is a loving father, devoted husband, friggen hilarious, and is a man of many talents. From tending his beautiful garden to planning amazing family vacations, everything that my dad does, he does to picture perfection. I so appreciate this, because it has truly taught me the importance of a job well done throughout the years.

I cherish all of the time that I get to spend with my dad. Even just watching an episode of Seinfeld or sharing a meal together makes me happy and I am so going to miss seeing him every day once I move. CHARLES is the best dad in the world and is now the best grandpa in the world to my little niece, Valerie. I love you so much and I hope you have a great birthday even though you hate birthdays!


Happy Birthday, Dad!!! ❤

Mini Zen Garden

Mini Zen Garden

Howdy! This past Christmas, one of the things that I gifted for my dad was a mini zen garden that I found at Five Below – of all places! My dad loves zen inspired decor and I truly think that he is in his happy place when he tends to his beautiful garden. So, I figured a little zen garden to cultivate would be a perfect add on gift for him. And, because I try to find my inner peace through meditation, I have enjoyed caring for our tiny garden, too. Check it out:


The zen garden from Five Below came with all of the tokens seen above to create your own scene of peace and I thought that it was an amazing find. I don’t change the layout of the garden too often – maybe once a week. But, I always love when I see the location of the figurines moved because that means my dad has been enjoying it, too. He keeps the zen garden by his Laughing Buddha statue that he got in Thailand and all of it ties in with his super chill personality.

I was so happy with how much my dad liked his gift when he opened it on Christmas and I am even more thrilled that we can both use it and make a little peace together. ❤

What is your favorite discount store find? How do you try and get into a zen state of mind? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah