Friendly Reminder: DON’T TOUCH ME!

Friendly Reminder: DON’T TOUCH ME!

Helloooo everyone! This past weekend, I had a late birthday outing with my BFF, Lea, to Sarah’s Vineyard. They were having a summer solstice event the day we happened to go and it was a blast! We enjoyed doing wine tastings and both got a big ol’ sangria to drink while we caught up with each other.

Everything was going just SWELL and it was so nice to be able to hang out Lea because it had been way too long. While we were chit chatting, I thought I felt a bug on my leg, so I turned around quickly to discover it was some woman bent down near my derriere and touching the back of my thighs. When I loudly said “can you NOT?” she replied with “I was just trying to look at your tattoos”. I told her not to touch me and she got all attitudey with “well FINE I won’t look at them” and blah, blah, blah.

It was such an off putting situation to be in and I was left feeling pretty gross. I am used to the dirty looks that I get as a heavily tattooed woman (I have over forty, I think!), but I have never been touched before by a random stranger and especially in such an inappropriate area. Honestly, I just wanted to shove the girl away from me but I kept my cool and remained calm during the situation. However, if she would have continued to bother me, then trust and believe there would have been an issue.

It is NEVER okay to touch anyone without their consent and please remember that those of us with body mods are nine times out of ten NOT OKAY with being touched whether that be on our piercings or tattoos. We are not here to be ogled at and poked and prodded like some kind of circus side show. I thought that this should be an obvious thing, but APPARENTLY NOT! Je-sus. *massive eye roll*

What is something that people bother you about in public? How do you deal with it? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

8 responses »

  1. I’m with you on this one! I especially hate when I’m in public and people try to touch my hair like No! Can you not?! People sometimes think being rude is a compliment and it pisses me off.

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  2. I had someone tell me I needed more piercings in my ears sarcastically while I was working. I just acted like it wasn’t sarcastic and said YES ACTUALLY I WANT MORE. It made the man really uncomfortable. HA! I WON!


  3. Same here! I have a big afro and people think it is okay to just reach up and touch it. One lady actually tugged it because she didn’t think it was real. What if it wasn’t? My afro would have fallen away into her hand. Then what would she have done? There should be stand your ground laws for personal space.


    • Omgggg that’s crazy I would have been so pissed! Honestly the lady who invaded my personal space is lucky I didn’t deck her because that was my first instinct when I realized someone was feeling up on me. It just made me feel gross I was furious.

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