Tag Archives: celebrate

Happy Mother’s Day!!

Happy Mother’s Day!!

Hello everyone and Happy Mother’s Day!! Moms should be celebrated every day, of course, but it just hits different today! I don’t know about all of you, but I am the luckiest gal in the world to have my mom. I am also so lucky to have so many other wonderful moms in my life too. The molds were broken when my mom, mother-in-law, and sister were made and all of them astound me every day. I also have the pleasure of getting to know the moms of my clients in the special needs community and they never cease to amaze me, either. ❤

Mothers are so special and, the older I get, the more I just want to be around mine! Even as an adult, I still want to go to my mom first to complain about any minor inconvenience or celebrate big news. I am beyond thankful for that kind of relationship and have known since my youth that I can, without a doubt, go to my mom for anything. Speaking of my youth, in a weird way I feel like I’ve been reliving it since becoming an aunt…

Here me out: Literally no one remembers the early years of their lives. Sure, you can look at photos and watch home videos but it’s not an actual memory. You’re just seeing it. My sister has two precious girls and it is a joy to see my parents interact with them. It gives me so much insight into what they were like when my siblings and I were little and further solidifies how truly blessed I am to be their daughter. My sister is a Super Woman mom too and watching her own beautiful take on motherhood makes me so proud. And, yes, she has definitely taken some pointers from my mom’s book. Hey, if it’s not broken – don’t fix it!

To all of the moms in any way shape or form throughout the world: Thank you!

Happy Mother’s Day!!!!! ❤

Midweek Date Night

Midweek Date Night

Hello! Johnny and I have very demanding schedules for work and we both tend to be up around three in the morning most days of the week. Because of this, it is extremely rare for us to do anything during the work week because we are too tired. Not to mention that we both go to bed around six o’clock lol. On Monday, I accepted a new job as Tim Misny’s social media manager. On Tuesday, Johnny asked if I wanted to go to our favorite Mexican restaurant, El Meson, on Wednesday to celebrate. I was absolutely shook when he brought it up and happily accepted his offer!


All day on Wednesday, I was looking forward to our date night and was using all of my strength to will time into going faster. We left for El Meson as soon as I got home from work and I was buzzing the whole way there. I literally can’t remember the last time we did a dinner date during the week! At the restaurant, we were having so much fun sipping on tasty margs and feeling dizzy with delight over my new opportunity. Our first date was on a Thursday and I told Johnny that this felt like our first date.

After we finished our meal, Johnny asked for a to go cup for the rest of his margarita. I realized I needed one too and followed our server to the bar to ask him for one more. As I returned to our table, I got stopped by a few people sitting at the bar. One of the ladies asked if Johnny and I were on our first date because we both looked so happy. She couldn’t believe it when I told her that we have been together for almost five years and I actually just told Johnny that our evening felt like our first date. We both got a little weepy about it and it was so incredibly sweet. Then, Johnny and I joked that we were just really good at faking our happiness lol – classic!

I truly did have all of the first date feels during our celebratory dinner date and I love that this was apparent to other El Meson patrons. I felt so spoiled to be taken out to my favorite restaurant and am so thankful to have such a stand up guy! ❤

What was the best first date you have been on? What is your favorite restaurant? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Turning Thirty (Ahhhh!!)

Turning Thirty (Ahhhh!!)

Hello!!! June is an exciting month for Johnny and I because we celebrate our birthaversary. Johnny has his thirty-fifth birthday on the first, our three year wedding anniversary is on the fourth, and I will be turning thirty on the seventh. While this is a banner time to be us, I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t a tad nervous about turning the dirty thirty. There’s something about not being in my twenties that just doesn’t sit right with me lol!

On Wednesday, my sister came over for a quick visit. She told me that she showed the pictures of my new hair to my niece, Val, and lil bestie had an interesting response to it. She said “Wow, TT looks so young“. And just when I thought I couldn’t love her any more than I already do! This was actually the third or fourth time I have gotten this compliment over the past month when people find out I’m turning thirty. I’ve got to say, I now understand why people love to hear it because it has definitely helped soften the blow of my milestone birthday.

Thanks to the handful of “wow, you don’t look thirty at all” that I have received, I am feeling more okay about June seventh. Yes, it was nice to hear that I don’t look my age. But, it was nicer to hear that my personality doesn’t reflect it either. In my head, I am still a twenty something and I think that’s the most important thing. This is something that I have been reminding myself of because the cliche is so true – you’re only as old as you feel. I think once the initial shock of entering a new decade wears off, I will feel much better. But, for now, I will be using these positive affirmations to get me through and they are already working wonders!

Normally, I am psyched for my birthday. It feels strange to have anxiety about an exciting day, but I think a big party will ease the nerves so I have that going for me!! 😀

How do you feel about your birthday? Which age were you nervous to turn? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Happy Birthday, Dad!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Dad!!!!!

Hello everyone! Today is a fantastic, wonderful day because it is my dad’s birthday!! Although my dad is not the fondest of another year around the sun, I am most fond of celebrating him every day. He deserves it! My dad is one of a kind. He is freaking hilarious, smart as a tack, brave, and you will never find a more caring husband/dad/granddad in the whole world. I think my mom and dad are the cutest couple and it’s extremely apparent where I got my good looks from!


One thing that I love the most about my dad (Other than everything!) is his passion for nature. He has single-handedly turned our backyard into a safe haven for all kinds of wildlife and plants. With the start of spring, the wildlife windows he created have been popping and it’s so cool to watch wild bunnies run and play, the occasional groundhog scampering around, and see all of the flowers he has planted get ready to bloom. I am looking forward to planting more with him hopefully very soon!

Another cool thing about my dad is that he is always up for trying something new. New recipes, new places for vacation, new activities. In fact, just the other day him and my mom decided they might go to a line dancing class together. SO adorable! He really does have an adventurous spirit and even after forty plus years of marriage, he is still finding new ways for him and my mom to have fun together. It makes me admire their relationship even more. ❤

No matter how old I get, I will forever be a daddy’s girl and I have the best one. I love you, dad!!!!!!

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter!!

Hello everyone and Happy Easter to those who celebrate! I hope you all have a fantastic day. 🙂 This past week was an absolute doozy in the worst way possible and it has been nice to take the time to unwind this weekend. Tuesday was literally horrible and I am hoping for sunshiny days ahead… Well, as sunshiny as you can get with April showers! Despite Tuesday being awful, I did have a little Easter pick me up that I thought I would share with all of you:


On Wednesday morning, I was still reeling from the day before and was feeling really blue as I went to pick up my transport client. All I wanted to do was sleep, but seeing my clients always perks me up and I am so glad that I powered through. As my client approached my car, I noticed him carrying a pretty wrapped package and card. It was an early Easter gift and it couldn’t have come at a better time. In fact, this is not the first time I was gifted a sweet surprise from this family when I desperately needed a pick me up. They must have some type of telepathy!

After I got my client to work, I parked my car to unwrap my prezzie because I couldn’t wait till I got home. I was delighted by a beautiful card and some Bunny Hollow hand soap! It was such a thoughtful gesture and is a true testament to wonderful things coming in small packages. Even though the week was extremely trying times for yours truly, this was such a welcome reminder of all of the good that is in my life. I was so thankful for this perfectly timed surprise. ❤

This little token of appreciation went a long way and it feels so good to be cherished by others during the holidays. Happy Easter to all of you and I hope this spring brings you flowers, rainbows, and happiness!

Have you had any sweet surprises recently? How are you celebrating Easter? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Happy Birthday, Mom!!!!

Happy Birthday, Mom!!!!

Hello everyone! Today is a fantastic, wonderful day because it is my amazing mom’s birthday!! My mom is my A1, ride or die bestie and every second of every minute spent with her is a joy. She is the most fun, hilarious, beautiful person I will ever know and I hit the jackpot being her daughter. Not only is my mom the best on the planet, but she is also the best grandma too of four kiddos and two bunnies. 🙂 Every day, I am thankful beyond words for my mom who is the brightest light to everyone she meets.

My mom is a pillar of strength and grace. She is a fighter, a badass, and a constant source of inspiration to me. I am lucky because I get to see my mom almost every day of the week and when we are not together, we are texting away about how much we miss each other! I know that we can both go to each other about anything and everything and it is so special to be able to have that kind of relationship. No matter how old I get, she is the first one I go to for advice, a kind word, or a shoulder to cry on. We are and forever will be two peas in a pod, best of friends, and an unshakable mother/daughter duo! ❤


Mom, thank you for being you and all you do. I wouldn’t be me without you!!! I love you more than words will ever say!

Happy birthday to you!!!!!!!! ❤

Treat Day!!

Treat Day!!

Hello!! This past week, our darling niece turned five years old! Both Johnny and I are SO not okay about Val being the big five, but we had so much fun celebrating it. For Val’s birthday, we took her out for a Treat Day. What is a treat day, you might ask? It basically solidifies my husband and I as the “fun aunt and uncle” lol. On treat day, we take Val out for one major activity as well as lunch, ice cream, shopping or whatever her little heart desires. For her birthday outing, we went to Fun ‘n’ Stuff and Dairy Queen and it was the best, most exhausting day haha. Check it out:


Fun ‘n’ Stuff is a staple in Northeast Ohio and has been around for as long as I can remember. In fact, I went there for field trips in grade school! It is an indoor/outdoor attraction center, but we were limited to indoor activities because the outdoor ones aren’t open yet. This was fine, though, because there was so much to do inside that I couldn’t imagine doing anything else! The indoor attractions at Fun ‘n’ Stuff include a gigantic playground, a ton of arcade games, roller skating, laser tag, bumper cars, a mini rollercoaster, and so much more. We can’t wait to take Val again in the summer so she can do the outdoor activities too like bumper boats, go karts, and little amusement park rides!

For our Fun ‘n’ Stuff adventure, Val was extremely partial to the playground. It was the first thing that caught her eye and it would have been hard not to – this thing was like a McDonald’s Play Place on steroids! We spent a majority of our time there running after Val as she explored all of the different obstacles and ended up circling back to it at least three times. When we weren’t at the playground, Val loved doing the trampoline bounce and playing games with Johnny and I. We also took adorable photo booth pictures which I’m so happy about because those are my favorite keepsakes. ❤

At the arcade, we went for easy games that Val could catch on to quickly, but still reward us with maximum tickets. Johnny and I were dead set on getting ALL of the tickets for her to pick out prizes with! By the time we were finished with games like ball drop, token toss, and Wheel of Fortune we had fourteen hundred tickets for Val to shop with. We were thrilled that Val was able to get two stuffed animals and some extra candy for her stash with them. After we cashed out our tickets, we went to Dairy Queen for a snack, and dropped Val off at home. Then, we came back to our apartment and literally dropped!

Johnny and I legit couldn’t move after Treat Day, but it was a small price to pay for such a wonderful time. We all had a blast and it was the perfect way to celebrate our sweet niece! ❤

What is your favorite arcade game? Do you have an amusement center like Fun ‘n’ Stuff in your neck of the woods? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

V-Day Our Way

V-Day Our Way

Hello darlings!! Sending hugs and kisses your way because it’s almost Valentine’s Day! V-Day is one of those holidays that you either love, hate, or are totally indifferent about. I have to admit that I am one of those people who are right down the middle. Honestly, every day with Johnny feels like Valentine’s Day, so when the actual day does roll around we’re both just like “oh” lol. While it can be fun to go all out on the day of love with elaborate gifts and dates, Johnny and I do V-Day Our Way. It looks a little something like this:


For a majority of the gift giving occasions, I like to surprise Johnny. However, there are times where we both have specific things in mind that we would like and it’s so much easier to just tell each other what it is. For example, Johnny told me that he wants a new denim jacket because his old one has seen better days. He found the one he wanted and I will order it. This worked out perfectly because I had a gift for myself picked out too: A new Keurig! My old one got waterlogged when my kitchen flooded due to a burst pipe in the building and we never replaced it. Now, I need one desperately because of my 3 AM work mornings and Johnny will order me a new one too and a pack of K-cups. I can’t wait!


Johnny and I rarely go out to eat and find that it is so much more luxurious to DoorDash something! To us, there is nothing better than getting food from one of our favorite places and enjoying it from the comfort of our pajamas. Texas Roadhouse is one of our preferred “special occasion” restaurants to order from so we might end up going that route. But, we’ll see what strikes us the day of… We are always one hundred percent content with getting Taco Bell. 😀


Valentine’s Day is on a weekday and that automatically makes it highly inconvenient for me and my main squeeze. We both have very early starts to our morning and are normally exhausted by the time we get home. There is a one million percent chance that we will return from our shifts and be ready to turn Criminal Minds on! Over the weekend, I am sure we’ll take the night on Friday or Saturday to make it about us. And, by that I mean, we will play Diablo IV and Resident Evil IV together all evening. We love to game together and that is always our go to way to celebrate. It is never not a complete blast!!

V-Day Our Way looks like any other day for Johnny and I and that is fine by us. We tend to go all out for our Birthaversary and I anticipate slightly more than the usual in June! No matter how we spend the day, I’m just happy it’s with my husband. ❤

How do you feel about Valentine’s Day? How are you celebrating this year? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

BFF Holiday Hangout

BFF Holiday Hangout

Hello!!! This past Friday, I had a wonderful post holiday hang out with my BFF, Lea. This was fantastic because I spent the entirety of my Christmas break sick so it was nice to have a celebration that I was up for. We hit up our favorite bar, the Cashmere Cricket, for drinks and dinner and it was divine! We sipped on martinis (Lavender Fizz for me and Key Lime Pie for her) and had a delicious meal. I have never ate at the Cricket before and I am still thinking about their grilled cheese dippers! SO yummy. What I am swooning over the most, though, are the most amazing gifts from my bestie:


Lea and I have been best friends since high school, but the novelty of gift giving for Christmas and birthdays has yet to wear off. We both agree that we are each other’s favorite person to shop for because it’s fun lol. Whenever I hit up my preferred TJMaxx or she attends a craft fair, we are very much in tune to the prezzies that we would go wild over. Her and I know exactly what each other would like and we always end up with gifts that we would have bought for ourselves or would want to buy. It’s a beautiful thing. ❤

For Christmas, Lea gifted me with a bottle of Peach Moscato, cocktail mixes, a gorgeous pair of skeleton hand earrings, and a lounging skeleton pillow. Lea and I are peach wine girls and that is forever a staple in our gifts during exchanges. The Farm Fresh wine was very tasty and it was so nice to sip on during a weekend viewing of My 600 Lb. Life. She also got me cocktail mixes in Cherry Limeade, Citrus-Berry Sangria, and Strawberry Pineapple. I have never seen anything like these drink pouches before, but all you have to do is add wine or vodka and water and sip away. These are going to be a blast to try out!

What I am loving the most from my gifts from Lea has got to be the earrings and pillow. Lea knows that all things spooky speak to my soul so anything with skeletons is A-okay with me. In fact, I was wearing a sweater with a skull print when we were together! I cannot wait to wear my new earrings and am shocked that I don’t already own something like them. They are creepy while still being delicate in sparkling silver and will be a welcome addition to one of my next OOTDs. And, of course, how fabulous is that pillow? The lounging skeleton is perfect for… Well, lounging lol and how fun are those tassels?! It matches mine and Johnny’s emo aesthetic to the T. 🙂

Having a best friend like my Lea is the absolute best gift I could ever have and I look forward to our annual holiday hangouts every year. Our summer birthdays are still way over the horizon, but I already can’t wait to shop for my best girl! ❤

How do you and your friends celebrate the holidays? How long have you been friends with your best friend for? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Merry Merry OOTD

Merry Merry OOTD

Hi darlings!! My Christmas break did not really go accordingly to plan because I was sick during a majority of it. Luckily, my family celebrated the holiday later in the week and I was able to rally enough to go and stay in my bubble. We had a wonderful day because my family in its entirety was there. All four kids, our partners, and my three nieces and sweet nephew. It was amazing and is what Christmas is all about! For my holiday outfit, I didn’t want to go too all out because I was wiped out. I did throw a little something something together, though! Check it out:


Who? What? Wear?

Feliz Navidad Sweater: Walmart

Skinny Jeans: American Eagle Outfitters

Platform Boots: Dolls Kill

Hoop Earrings: Argentino Vivo, TJMaxx

Johnny and I have loved being able to sport our Tim Misny holiday sweaters throughout December, so I wanted to wear something different for this look. We have quite a few Christmas sweaters to choose from, but my absolute favorite has to be the Feliz Navidad one. Sorry, Tim!! We purchased this years ago from Walmart and I’m not really sure why lol. I think we both just liked it a lot because I can’t recall ever wearing it to a get together with friends! This sweater is everything. It is festive, fun, and bright and I will never not be over the beads, tassels, and hot peppers hanging off of it. 😀

With a sweater this bold, I really didn’t have any other options for pants other than my go to black skinnies. So, we’ll move onto shoes and accessories! For jewelry, there wasn’t any open real estate for necklaces or bracelets. Of course, even if there was I wouldn’t have worn them because of all the bling on the sweater! I opted to keep things simple with my go to pair of gold hoop earrings by Argentino Vivo. My sweater offered a lot of movement and so do the earrings so that complimented each other nicely. These earrings are also big enough to hold their own against the sweater and added some lovely length to my neck.

Shoes were next and I was sick of wearing my red Bamboo boots for holiday OOTDs. I decided to go a very different route by wearing my devil horn Dolls Kill platforms instead for a little heaven and a little hell. Mainly, I wore these for the red glitter but privately I wore them to laugh about it in my head lol. I think they added perfectly to the pure over the topness of the sweater and they are definitely the Lil Red version of Dorothy’s ruby slippers. Once these babies were on, I was ready to celebrate the holiday in devilishly good style!

My Merry Merry OOTD put me in the holiday spirit, but that was nothing compared to how my spirits soared when I was together with my whole family. I hope all of you had a fantastic holiday too!

How did you celebrate the holiday season? Do you have any fun holiday sweaters? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah