Tag Archives: bikini

Beach Babe OOTD

Beach Babe OOTD

Hi everyone! This past weekend, my parents had the pleasure of watching my sweet niece, Valerie, while her mom and dad were attending a friend’s wedding in Chicago. After running some errands on Saturday, it was a must to break out the kiddie pool to splish splash with Val and have some fun in the sun. And, of course, her TT is extra enough that taking pics was a must. Take a look:


Who? What? Wear?

To be honest, I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to post the pictures above because of the visible rolls on my stomach. But, then, I remembered this picture that I saw on Facebook and had the confidence to post my bikini clad pics – and they were a hit!


^^^ Amazing image from Handful

This picture gave me the friendly reminder that EVERYONE’S stomach rolls when they sit down, no matter what your body type is. So, why was I expecting my sit down pictures to look any different? And, you know what? I love how I look in my kiddie pool pics. I love how happy I look, I love the sunlight on my tattoos, and I love how good my bikini made me feel, because it can be an intimidating thing to wear. And, of course, I love seeing pictures of my niece with her TT!

It’s amazing what a piece of clothing you really like can do for your self esteem. Whether that be a bikini, a dress, or a pair of jeans that fit you like a glove – it just gives you that extra boost to make you feel like the queen of the world. And, my Little Mermaid bikini does that for me.

The first time I wore it this summer, I thought that I would shy away and just stay in my towel instead of enjoying the lake. But, as soon as I took a breath and dropped the towel, I felt a-okay. I remembered how awesome my bikini made me feel just trying it on in the dressing room and let myself feel that way again, even if other people were seeing me in it. This gave me the confidence I needed to strut about the Metro Park lake or even just my open backyard at home without the fear of what other people are going to think.

I feel like an absolute Beach Babe in my two piece and I hope that all of you feel the same way in your swimwear. Remember, a “bikini body” is just a body in a bikini so don’t let whatever makes you feel insecure prevent you from enjoying your swim time. I promise you, the water is fine. ❤

What kind of clothes do you feel the most confident in? How does wearing swimwear make you feel? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Lil Red For The Little Mermaid!

Lil Red For The Little Mermaid!

Helloooo! I swear, my newsfeed on THE BOOK has been filled with bullshit on the casting for the Little Mermaid and it is the most annoying thing on planet Earth. So, when I busted out my new Little Mermaid themed bikini for the first time this summer, I knew that I had to create a joke post about me being cast as Ariel. I mean, come on, I have the red hair which should compensate for my singing voice that sounds like a dying cat! 🤣

And Ariel did have a buttload of tattoos and piercings right… or am I thinking of a different movie?


^^^ The resemblance is uncanny! 😀

But, in all seriousness, this post isn’t about my cheeky sense of humor or a casting decision that I am 150% for. This is about bikini body positivity because, let me tell you, I have not felt confident in a bikini in a very long time. I took a client to one of our local Metro Park lakes this past Monday and saying that I was nervous to be in public in my Little Mermaid number is the understatement of the century.

I have a very love/hate relationship with my body, especially considering that I struggled with an eating disorder for a long time. And, I still have a hard time grasping that my body at twenty-five is going to be different than what my body was at sixteen. Do I love that I have bigger breasts than what I would like? No. How about the fact that I can’t seem to get rid of my little tummy no matter how healthy I eat or how often I figure skate? Absolutely not.

But, then, I remember that I love my legs and badonk that are super toned and muscular from over a decade of dedication to a sport. I love my piercings and tattoos that make me happy whenever I look at them. And, it could always be worse lol!

Even with those friendly reminders, though, I was still anxious for the grand reveal of my towel coming off. But, my client wanted to swim and that’s what was going to happen that day. So, I took a deep breath, dropped the towel, and began to walk towards the water. That’s when something amazing happened…

The first person who saw me told me that I looked awesome and little did she know, that changed my attitude for the entire lake outing. What felt like a literal blanket of insecurities for my first time in a bikini in years was lifted instantly by a stranger’s kind words and I felt good… better yet, I felt confident.

And, because I felt so happy and okay with myself in my own skin, I wanted to share the gift that the guardian angel stranger shared with me. If I saw a bikini that I thought was darling or if one of my fellow ladies was working it, trust and believe I let them know. And, watching their faces light up instantly was the best thing.

No matter what their body type is, I don’t know many girls who are thrilled about being in bathing suits. That’s why it was important to me to offer the same kindness to others that my stranger did for me. Part of being a Disney princess is having confidence and, in my Ariel inspired suit, I finally felt that way. The least I could do was help other people feel that, too.

What makes you feel confident? How do you help others to feel that way? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Little Mermaid Themed Bikini

Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Little Mermaid Themed Bikini

Helloooo! So I shit you not, the last time I bought a bikini was damn near over six years ago. Crazy, I know. But, I don’t really like swimming because I hate getting my hair wet so it hasn’t been that big of a deal. However, with my apartment complex having a pool and the family going to Hilton Head this summer for vacation, I figured it was time for a new one. Joyyyyyyy because bikini shopping sucks, amiright or amiright?


I have had my eye on a bikini from Hot Topic for a few months now and I finally made my way to the mall to try it on over the weekend. And, by god, it worked! I literally tried it on once and I knew that it was a-okay, which NEVER happens. Check out this cuteness:


When you’re a more busty girl, bikini shopping can be about a bitch. I only feel comfortable in bikinis that have bra like support and this Little Mermaid themed top definitely offered that. It fit shockingly well for a bikini top that wasn’t from Victoria’s Secret, which is where I figured I would end up purchasing one from. So not mad about it, though!

And, can we please talk about how darling the little skirted bottoms are?! I’ve always wanted bikini bottoms like these and they are just so perfect. The bikini set is sexy while still being adorable and with my red hair I feel like a punk rock Ariel ready to hit the pool!

I scored my new suit for just under forty bucks with Hot Topic’s buy one get one for ten dollar deal and I thought that this was a steal. While online bikini shopping at VS, just one bikini separate was at least forty dollars or more. For once, I am so excited about being seen in a bikini and I promise I will take some pics as soon as the pool opens! 😀

What is your favorite piece of clothing to shop for? How about your least favorite? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Featured Image By: Fashion Show

Beach Body Health Hacks

Beach Body Health Hacks

Are you hoping to get slimmer and more slender in time for swimsuit season? If the answer is yes, then you are in the right place. The worst thing that you can do to slim down is start a crash diet. Sure, the weight will drop off quickly, but the moment you start eating normally again the weight will creep back on – you may even end up heavier than you were before.

The best thing to do when it comes to getting in better shape is putting your health first. Then, you should start to see your body changing and becoming stronger and leaner. Want to feel shiny and new for the first summer outing by the pool? Then take note of the health hacks below, implement them in your daily life, and you will see results – that’s a promise!

Start Each Day With Yoga or Pilates: Not only are both yoga and Pilates great ways to tone up, but they are also very good for your mental health. The types of meditation-based exercises that both Pilates and yoga offer incorporate gentle stretching to calming music. This helps to improve your flexibility and increase your muscle tone, as well as helping to improve your mental health and stress levels. Remember, to be truly healthy; you need to be mentally healthy, as well.



Have a Glass of Water Before Every Meal: Water acts as a natural appetite suppressant, which means that if you drink a glass of it before each meal, you will consume fewer calories. Water also comes with many other benefits, from improving skin health and boosting your immune system to speeding up your metabolism and preventing fatigue. So, obviously,  it’s definitely something that you want to be drinking more of! Instead of buying filtered water from your local store, visit cleanairpurewater.com and look at the cost of having a water purification system fitted into your home. It might mean making an investment, but if you are serious about being healthier, it’s an investment that will pay for itself in the long run.

Quit Sugar: One of the best things that you can do for your health is to quit sugar. The fact is, is that processed sugars are extremely bad for our bodies. Processed sugars are linked to all sorts of issues, from premature aging to acne, as well as weight gain, of course. If you are serious about being healthier and getting slimmer, then quitting processed sugar is a must. You can eat natural sugars, such as fruit sugars and raw sugar, but not processed sugars.


So good but so bad!

Start Having Breakfast: They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and they are right. Grabbing a cereal bar as you rush out of the door to work isn’t a suitable breakfast and could actually be harming your health, especially in terms of meeting your weight loss goals. A nutritious breakfast will give you the energy that you need to have a productive day and will stop you from snacking, which is an added bonus. Ideally, your breakfast should be a combination of protein, healthy fat, and carbohydrates. Something like poached eggs, avocado, and rye bread is ideal. It keeps you full and is quick and easy to make.

Don’t expect to feel different overnight but after a few weeks of utilizing the above hacks, you should start to feel much healthier and happier in yourself. Just in time for swimsuit season! Score.