New Champagne Pink & Deep Purple Glitter Nails

New Champagne Pink & Deep Purple Glitter Nails

Hi! For Christmas, my boyfriend’s parents and aunt were all kind enough to give me gift cards to my stomping grounds of Elysian Nails. It was so sweet and not paying for my new set of nails was even sweeter! My old set was definitely ready to come off and I say good riddance, because these new acrylics have me feeling like a million bucks. Take a look at some pictures and let’s discuss. Although, you will surely be able to tell which pictures my boyfriend took and which were taken by me!


Before anyone asks, yes, the palms of my hands are tattooed! I recently did a tap out tattoo session and got thirteen new ones in a matter of nine hours, my palms included. I am absolutely obsessed with them and needed some sassy new nails to go with my sky high “just inked” confidence. We all know by now that Lil Red is a lover of all things pretty and looking down at my palm tattoos and fresh new nails never ceases to put a smile on my face.

I was in the mood for some fun colors when I got my nails done and wasn’t quite sure what to pick. I examined hot pinks and pondered over an electric blue but wasn’t feeling any of them. Despite it being in mid January, we have had a very mild winter here in Akron, Ohio. But, it is winter none of the less, so I decided to go for something darker.

Deep berry shades are a popular choice during the winter months and I have never done a dark purple before so I thought I would give it a try. I love the inky midnight hue offset by the girly pop of metallic pink. Each of the colors I chose have glitter in them but just a slight dusting, which offers a little fairy magic every time they hit the light.

This isn’t a combination that I was too confident with but I am so happy with the end result. Although we have had temperatures of up to seventy degrees this winter (Crazy!), I am not quite ready to break out a bikini and tropical colored nails any time soon. But, the eye catching shimmer of my new nails will keep me in a sunny disposition until the warmer seasons officially hit!

What color of nail polish do you have on? Which colors do you prefer on your nails during the winter? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

4 responses »

  1. I just peeled off my gel polish like an hour before reading this, but it was black with glitter on top (leftover from NYE). I wanted to go dark again but it’s already starting to feel like summer again here in Phoenix, Arizona so I’m afraid I’ll have to go with a light color next time. When does spring usually start where you’re from?! Do you usually celebrate with a fresh set of nails?


    • Oooooh a woman after my own heart I live for black nail polish! And, honestly, we never know when spring is going to start in Ohio, we can have pretty inclement weather deep into April. And I normally don’t celebrate the seasons with brand new nails but it does make me have a hankering to get the colors changed to something more weather appropriate ASAP!
      Thanks for stopping by xxx


  2. Ooooo that deep purple shadeee… Wow. Nevermind me first thinking of the amazing band that has that name but I didn’t expected it to be that true deep purple shade! Like the champagne too. But the purple goes on first place. Like the shape too 🙂


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