Tag Archives: community

Car Chase Craziness

Car Chase Craziness

Hello!! Johnny and I live in an apartment community called Timber Top. It is a sprawling, labyrinth like property and you are, without fail, going to get lost if you’re a first time visitor. Back in high school, Timber Top was the place to be to go stupid with your friends and buy weed lol. Fast forward ten years later and there is still never a dull moment in TTop. In the five years that Johnny and I have lived here, a building caught on fire, we had a carbon monoxide leak in one of the buildings, and there was a tragic pandemic of people literally falling through their stairs. Needless to say, we are used to it by now. However, we were definitely not expecting to cross “high speed car chase” off of our Timber Top Bingo cards!

This past Saturday, Johnny and I were playing games and relaxing after our Mother’s Day celebrations. As we were becoming one with our couch, we heard police sirens in the distance. Now, this is not uncommon whatsoever in Timber Top. It was different this time, though, because there were a lot of sirens blazing and they seemed to be heading right towards our street. As always, Johnny and I are nosey AF so we booked it onto our balcony just in time to see five cop cars chasing down a silver sedan. The car being chased led the cops to our semi-secret back entrance shortcut and we thought that was the end of it… Until five minutes later…

Shortly after Johnny and I settled back in the apartment, I thought I could very faintly hear sirens again. I thought I was just imagining it until they got louder and louder. Johnny and I leaped off the couch and headed back outside because, sure enough, the car chase was still on. In a foolhardy move, the car in question led the cops BACK into Timber Top! After some Smokey and The Bandit style speeding and maneuverability, the chase ended when the driver locked themselves in at a dead end.

At this point, everyone and their brother was outside watching the action too. In fact, people were legit running to see the aftermath and arrest. We were all shook and, thankfully, no one was hurt. After the exhilaration wore down from the spectacle, I couldn’t help but think about the other times the TTop community has come together. Most recently, it was for the total solar eclipse. Three winters ago, us tenants rallied to shovel out our cars from the parking lot after a huge snowstorm. Two summers ago, my entire building came outside to complain together after the Great Kitchen Flood of 2022. Whether it be a car chase or lending a hand or ear you know us TToppers are going to be outside on our porches as soon as it happens!

The car chase was one of the craziest things Johnny and I have witnessed in Timber Top and now my husband can cross “seeing a car chase” off of his bucket list. I wonder what’s going to happen next!

Do you get along with your neighbors? What’s the wildest thing you have seen in your community? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Should Your House Differ Dramatically In Style From Those On Your Street?

Should Your House Differ Dramatically In Style From Those On Your Street?

If you live in a suburb, private housing area, or conventional community, odds are you have neighbors and perhaps a street where many houses are visible. In the internet of community life and connecting to the environment around you, it’s not uncommon for homeowners to style their properties so that a good balance between unique style and wider conformity is achieved. After all, it’s nice to have that aesthetic line through across the street. That might also mean sharing similar driveway designs but with its own twist, such as stone pavers lining the driveway sides or patio area.

But what if you hope to differ dramatically from those on your street? It’s your house after all, and you shouldn’t have to ask permission to enjoy a little fun. In this post, we’ll discuss a few tips for achieving the best possible outcome:

Blending In vs. Standing Out:

It may seem tough to find that sweet spot between fitting in and showing your own personality, especially if the other houses around you are, quite frankly, a little dull. But a property that sticks out too much may seem out of place and even draw attention, which could go against security and safety. An understated approach could be angling for some personal touches that provide unique value, but don’t go overboard and clash severely with surrounding aesthetics. So you may wish to paint your house pink. But if the houses either side of you are softer, pastel colors, it might work better for a lighter pastel pink that fits in, but is clear in its identity. This is just one example, but shows where to start with your planning process.

Considering Neighborhood Aesthetics:

Most communities adhere to some established aesthetic for cohesion among properties, because often, communities are built at relatively similar periods or at least “eras”. There may be unspoken (but still relevant) guidelines around home colors, lawn decor styles, or architectural designs, but you can always balance two differing opinions. Maybe you want a modernist house but are happy to curate the interior to match while offering more robust and rural exteriors to fit in among the landscape.

Respecting Your Own Property:

Of course, you get to decide what you do with your own home. That being said, it can feel somewhat inspiring to allow the natural character of the home underneath to come out. If you’re looking for small wins, then you can restore certain elements of a home’s history, such as the vital function to the very unique river water wheel, unblocking the chimney, restoring the window arches, and using reclaimed wood to fashion a door that matches the period of the place. When it’s clear you’re paying utmost respect to the home, who could ever criticize you for updating parts of it to the modern age?

With this advice, we hope you manage your project well, even if you implement changes for a different effect!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Slow Things Down At Akron’s Farm Table

Slow Things Down At Akron’s Farm Table

Hello! This past Friday was a hoot because Johnny and I went out to dinner with my boss, Karnchea, and his wife, Pam. Karnchea and I have been working virtually together since January and it was SO nice to be able to meet him in real life! In collaboration with our website, Nightlife 330, we were given the opportunity to meet up with the owners of Akron’s Farm Table, have a meal, and get the scoop on the brand new restaurant. It was such a delight to chat with John, Amber, and their sweet son, Tristan, about the ins and outs of Akron’s Farm Table. It’s an amazing concept run by amazing people! Take a look at some pics and read on for a lifewithlilred exclusive interview:


LR: You recently had your grand opening of Akron’s Farm Table and how do you think things are going so far?

John: Slow. We just aren’t getting the outreach right now. But, we offer a good place to come and have a cheap meal that’s all sourced locally. There’s not many places out there that you can get the same type of ingredients for the same price.

LR: What was your inspiration behind opening the restaurant?

Amber: We wanted to make good food accessible in downtown Akron to provide that feeling of security to everyone. We wanted to show people that this is where we get our food from and you can make the same things at home too.

John: Our customers aren’t just dollar bills to us. We want them to be able to come here and have an escape for as long as they need but have the comfort of feeling at home.

Amber: We want people to come and have a cup of coffee, to enjoy our handmade desserts. We want everyone to feel like they can hang out and have a good conversation because everyone has their own story just like we do.

LR: Wow, perfect segue! Tell me about your story.

Amber: John and I met through Plenty of Fish six years ago in November…

LR: Johnny and I met on Plenty of Facebook ba dum chhhh.

Amber: I picked him up from a three quarter house for sober living, John is a recovering addict. I took him home, we got married a year after we met. I picked him up and just never took him home! We want people to know that change is possible and it’s okay to slow things down to get back to your roots.

LR: Your roots are a common theme on your Facebook posts and your menu is filled with comfort classics. What do you both bring to the table for food prep?

Amber: When we started this big idea, John said “cook what you know” and that’s what I do. I cook most of lunch and dinner and John does most of breakfast. Our son, Tristan, is a huge help too!

LR: Are these dishes things that you grew up eating?

John: Definitely! These are recipes that we have known and loved for a long time.

LR: What is your favorite item on the menu?

John: The meatloaf.

Amber: The meatloaf, for sure. We had a lot of trial and error and found that making it in a bread pan made it too dry and grainy. I didn’t feel good standing behind it because I would never serve anything that I won’t eat myself. So we came up with individual patties, instead. We try to think outside of the box so our food is made fresh and not sitting in a warming tray all day.

LR: Where would you like to see Akron’s Farm Table one year from now?

Amber: Open.

John: I want to bring the people here. I would love to create a space for people to sell their fresh produce and come together. I hope in a year people will be here to have coffee and enjoy local produce without driving to the farms.

LR: What would you like to say to your future patrons?

Amber: Come here if you want to slow things down and get back to your roots. If you want to support a small business, we’re a small business and we would love to see you!

Akron’s Farm Table is bringing locally sourced goodness to downtown Akron and it is a joy to see. We loved our evening at this new spot and are sure that you will too. Support local and check it out!

What is your favorite local restaurant? How about your favorite local artist or musician? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Habits That Will Improve Your Mental Health – Now!

Habits That Will Improve Your Mental Health – Now!

We all know that mental health is a concept that is widely dissected and discussed. There’s a good reason for that, too, given the state of the world right now we all need a little support and help from time to time. Mental health isn’t a joke, and it’s not something you should ever ignore, either. You can have poor mental health or you can have good mental health, but it’s something that will need constant attention.

When you stop working on your mental health, you are going to feel it deteriorate pretty quickly. Instead of letting it get to that point, you can start working on the habits that are affecting your mental health in the first place. The Lamrim study group will tell you all about achieving sustained happiness but to get to that point, you have to think about how you are going to break down the bad habits and build up the good ones. Positive habits will help you to improve your mental health and as you break those bad ones up, you’ll feel much happier as a result. Let’s take a look at the positive habits that will work in your favor to improve your mental health and make you feel better all around:

Start sleeping better:

That doom scrolling thing you do at bedtime? It’s a bad habit and one that you need to stop if you want to improve yourself. Sleep is something you need, and you need it in abundance if you want to feel healthier physically as well as mentally. Put the phone down, turn the TV and tablet off, and get some quality sleep.

Slow down on your social media use:

Are you on and off the same five apps every few minutes? Give it a rest! Cut back on the amount of time you spend on social media and stop comparing your life to others. You also need to increase your feelings of self-worth, not stamp them out. A good habit to get into is leaving your phone away from you, turning off your apps when you’re out, or simply removing the apps and building a healthier relationship with it. Social media is a time sucker and it’s so easy to keep opening those apps. It’s harder if you don’t have them in the first place.

Work on personal relationships:

Those friends you haven’t seen in a while? They deserve a phone call. As a human being, you are a naturally social creature and you should do all you can to get out and about. You will ease those feelings of loneliness, add more meaning to your life, and find emotional support throughout the community.


If you’re not already in this habit, now is a great time to start. Working out and moving your body will offer you a whole host of benefits. You’ll relieve stress and improve your mood, fall asleep faster and for longer, and you’ll feel immensely more energetic each day, too.

Improved mental health can start with really simple first steps – it’s up to you to take them!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Essential Tips For Taking Control Of Your Health As A Woman

Essential Tips For Taking Control Of Your Health As A Woman

In our fast-paced world, it can be easy to neglect what truly matters: your health. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. No more putting yourself second! This blog post explores women’s health empowerment with practical yet manageable tips. And they’re designed to help you take charge of your well being. So grab yourself a cup of your favorite tea and embark on this adventure of self-care and empowerment together. Let’s jump right in!

1. Recognizing Women’s Health Issues:

Ladies, our bodies are truly remarkable. They deserve special care and attention. From hormonal fluctuations to reproductive health concerns, understanding all facets of women’s health should be a top priority. But societal stigmatization of this subject makes the facts cloudy. Just by acknowledging distinct aspects of women’s healthcare we’re making strides toward positive change!

2. The Importance of Self-Care:

Let’s discuss self-care! It doesn’t just involve bubble baths and face masks, although those can really help. It means making time just for you without guilt-tripping yourself into doing things you don’t feel like doing. So take that juicy novel or a long walk, have yourself a personal dance party, do something that makes YOU happy.

3. Get To Know Your Body:

A lot of the goings-on of our bodies are still a mystery, even to us. Gaining an insight into the ebbs and flows of your menstrual cycle is not only fascinating; it’s empowering. Monitoring it not only helps keep track of health concerns but also helps you with planning life around those energy highs and lows.

4. Nutrition and Nourishment:

Eating well doesn’t involve restrictive dieting. Rather, it means respecting and honoring your body. We require a wide array of nutrients – calcium, iron, and vitamins to name just a few – in our daily diet for an energy boost and radiant glow. So load up on leafy greens, relish colorful fruits and enjoy whole-grain delights to maintain good nutrition. Your body will thank you with endless energy reserves and glowing health!

5. Physical Activities to Empower:

Let’s be real – exercise only sometimes tops our priority list. But moving your body shouldn’t simply be about building muscles. It should also be seen as an expression of celebration. So whether that means yoga, dancing, or hitting up your local gym – find what makes you feel alive and make exercise a regular part of your routine. Your body deserves this joyful treat.

6. Focus On Emotional Wellness:

Self-care goes way beyond just physical wellness. Your mental and emotional well-being should also be prioritized. Stress may seem like the silent enemy, but with mindfulness practice and meditation as tools to combat its negative impact you’re the hero who will prevail! When times get rough lean on those around you and seek assistance from the professionals. And always remember to look after your mental health.

7. Scheduling Regular Check-ups:

Life is absolutely hectic. But making time to schedule regular health check-ups is like inviting yourself to first-class care. Preventative medicine can catch any concerns before they worsen. So make sure your schedule allows time for this appointment as it could save your life! Your body is the greatest investment. Don’t forget, we’re not just talking about scheduling checkups with a GP. You should schedule checkups with hearing and sight specialists as well. Particularly, if you have noticed peculiar symptoms such as ringing in ears.

8. Strengthen Relationships:

Healthy relationships are soul-nourishing elixirs for the spirit. Surround yourself with people who support, uphold, and celebrate you through victory and challenges alike. Remember: only people who empower us as individuals deserve relationships where we can express who we are as authentic selves.

9. Breaking Taboos:

Now is the time to break silence about topics which often remain taboo, such as reproductive and sexual wellness. We need to address these conversations openly because knowledge is power and sharing experiences helps others learn. If you need abortion clinic information for women, you shouldn’t have to dig for it.

10. Establish a Community Network:

Life’s hard. But we don’t have to make it harder for ourselves. So no matter what’s going on in your life, always remember that you’re not alone. Fostering relationships among like-minded women will amplify your strength and determination in life. Join a local fitness class or participate in online forums. Connecting with other women who share similar goals only boosts you both.

We’re all embarking on an extraordinary journey towards personal empowerment. One that’s uniquely our own. By acknowledging the significance of women’s health and embracing self-care practices in your daily routines, you’re cultivating both your body and mind to make life-affirming changes for yourself. Because it’s not about perfection, it’s about progress!

Featured Image By: RF._.studio / Pexels

All In Your Own Backyard

All In Your Own Backyard

Hello!! When I first started working as an Independent Provider for people with special needs, I was mainly on the evening shift for purely social outings with my clients. For free and fun entertainment, we would often hit up the local libraries in the greater Akron area. Activities ranged from vinyl record clubs to art projects and murder mysteries and it was always a blast.

Now, I work in the mornings and afternoons and provide care under the umbrella of daily living skills. It has been a while since I scoured the library and community websites for outings and I, honestly, kind of forgot how amazing all of our local programs are until this summer. My family has certainly been making the most of them!

This past summer, people in my family have attended numerous events including a watercolor painting class and a Comicon style vendor fair. We have also loved taking my sweet niece to story time almost every week at the library. It is the most adorable little hour filled with books, songs, and crafts. My heart just melted when I took Val last week. ❤

Over last weekend, I experienced one of the best community events I have been to in a while with my dad and Val – the Heinz Poll Summer Dance Festival. It was held at the Goodyear Heights Metro Park and featured awesome performances by various dance groups. We got to watch a jazz and ballet troop as well as the dancers from ArtSparks, which is a dance group made up of people with special needs. It was SO cool!

The main event of the night was a performance by Pilobolus, a world famous troop. However, we didn’t get to watch them because it was getting close to Valerie’s bedtime. All of the dancers we did see were spectacular but the best part of the night was when the kids in the audience got to take the stage. Val had a blast learning different ballet and jazz moves. She also unintentionally stole the show when she was showing off her newfound skills during another performance lol it was so funny. 😀

After Val learned some dance steps, she said that she would like to take dance classes and that’s what is so wonderful about all of these community programs. Not only do you get to meet new people but you also get to try your hand at new things for free or close to it. Similarly, my mom and I now paint in our free time after the ten dollar watercolor class we took.

Children, teenagers, and adults alike can all benefit from local programs – you just need to know where to look. Library websites, newspapers, and community pages can all point you in the right direction. If you are searching for new activities with minimal funding, then this is the way to go. Explore your community and have fun!

What community events do you like to attend? Have you learned a new skill or hobby recently? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Have Some Fun: Visit A Local Hangout

Have Some Fun: Visit A Local Hangout

Lots of communities have a local hangout where everyone seems to gather for a big game, trivia nights, or the company. This might be a bar, restaurant, arcade, or in some cases all three of these things in one. If you are in the mood to meet some new people, places like these are great to go to. It also offers these benefits:

You Will Have Longer Conversations:

It has been noted through research on the topic of socializing at pubs that people who sit at a bar and talk to other people tend to talk longer. While being in this kind of social situation, a person is more inclined to get involved in conversations with multiple people allowing them to converse freely. Being able to hold up a conversation is a great skill that not only brings its own happiness, but also helps you in daily life.

In your professional life, being able to talk, network, and hold your own makes people want to interact with you more and get to know you better.

You Will Get Involved In Sports:

Most hangouts have a dartboard or pool table and people are always crowded around it. Getting involved with a sport like darts helps you with your concentration, hand-eye coordination, control, and patience. All of these skills can only make your life better. Being a part of a team also makes you have a sense of belonging and community, which is a win for your mental health.

Whether it’s watching sports on TV and being among like-minded fans or joining the local sponsored sports team and getting exercise, visiting your local gathering place can introduce you to this world and help you meet new friends.

You Get Out of Your House:

Getting out of the house on a weekend night and being among people of various age groups and backgrounds always makes a person happier. When we are home and tucked away from the social scene we can develop feelings of isolation and loneliness. When we are out in the world socializing, those feelings melt away.

Even if it is only for one drink or two, sitting down in public and interacting with other people also breaks up the day and makes you feel as if you are part of something greater. The best thing that comes out of this is that you make new friends and discover new things about yourself.

You May Learn Something New:

A lot of bars and restaurants hold trivia nights in order to get more patrons in the front door for something fun and interesting. The best part of playing trivia games: you become a smarter person. Research has found that people who go to pubs and participate in trivia games are going to learn something new.

This also allows a person to show off their intelligence and how much they know in a public setting which boosts confidence and makes a person feel better about themselves and their abilities.

You Learn to Let Your Guard Down:

When you are in a social situation where everyone is talking to each other and having a good time, you are more likely to want to join in too. In order to do this, you are going to have to let your guard down. When you get into the habit of opening yourself up and talking, you will not feel so insecure to speak up and ask questions at work or with your family and friends. This kind of confidence will help you take control of your life and improve it.

You Will Feel More Relaxed:

When you go out and have a good meal, perhaps a drink, and time with your friends, you are more likely to feel relaxed. An evening of getting yourself out there and enjoying yourself is the best cure after a stressful week. It gives you the opportunity to leave your job at the office and focus on having a blast, instead.

Exploring the local hangouts in your area will give you the chance to connect with people and unwind. Plan an outing somewhere new with your friends and enjoy!

Featured Image By: Pixabay

Houndstooth, Honey OOTD Bonus Pictures

Houndstooth, Honey OOTD Bonus Pictures

Hello everyone and welcome to some bonus pics from my Houndstooth, Honey OOTD! My Johnny is the ultimate blog husband who has improved leaps and bounds in taking pictures of yours truly. Originally, he would take five or so pictures at a time, then consult me. It worked, but it turned our photo shoots into a time consuming effort.

Now, he takes a million pictures at once, providing me with tons of options to pick from. This has slashed the amount of time for OOTD pics considerably and, in total, it takes about ten minutes to get things done. However, it takes me a lot of time to sort through all of the shots afterwards! That’s more than okay, though, because it gives me ample pics to share with all of you!

Today, we are going to look at some bonus pics from my shoot and tomorrow you can peep all of the blooper shots that Johnny captures. Let’s get to it:


As mentioned yesterday, Johnny and I walked through Lock 3 in downtown Akron to take these pictures. Lock 3 is an Akron staple that boasts concerts, fireworks, and food festivals in the summertime and a skating rink and holiday market come winter. It is surrounded by fabulous eateries and bars and is the place to be during any time of the year for a fun outing.

Lock 3 is an amazing place for the community to come together and it features lots of cool sights to see. Of course, there is a lock, wonderful landscaping in the summer, and an industrial vibe from the brick apartments, towering fire escapes, and murals painted on the walls. It definitely makes for an awesome setting to take pictures at!

Akron isn’t just where it all began for our hometown hero of Lebron James – it is so much more than that. Small businesses, the Akron Civic Theater, Lock 3, and all of the amazing people who live there make our city so special. Not to mention our beautiful library and Akron Art Museum. A hop, skip, and a jump and you are in the middle of an exciting place to be and I loved spending time in the A-K-Rowdy with my husband! ❤

Who are some of your hometown heroes? Do you have an area similar to Lock 3 in your neck of the woods? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Giving A Boost To Your Boutique

Giving A Boost To Your Boutique

Being a small business owner is exciting – especially during the holiday season as shoppers visit your local storefront. Your boutique is something that can always be improved to make the experience even better for your customers. Today, we are going to discuss a few ways to boost the aesthetic of your store to turn one time shoppers into repeat customers:

Utilize A Beverage Cart:

How nice would it be for customers to enjoy a hot coffee or cold soda during their shopping? A beverage cart is a simple solution that will definitely boost the experience of shopping in your store. Invest in a Keurig with a wide selection of coffee, tea, and hot chocolate pods. Or, you could have a mini fridge with water bottles and pop. Small touches like these will be much appreciated by your customers!

Shopping Incentives:

Everyone likes a good deal and it’s exciting to feel like you’re getting a lot of bang for your buck. You could run a once per month promotion or give a coupon for the next purchase to provide incentive for customers to keep coming back. How often do you get coupons in the mail and feel a hankering to go to a store even if you might not need anything? Chances are, you’re going to walk away with more than you bargained for because it was a great deal.

Improve The Appearance:

The appearance of your boutique is always something that can be changed up for a whole new shopping experience. Potted plants, plush rugs, unique lighting fixtures, or artwork from local artists are all good places to start. Applying ceiling tiles to your business will make a big difference for customers. The same goes for things like an awesome playlist or even a fish tank! This is your chance to get even more creative so have fun with it.

Local Collaborations:

Local collaborations are a cool way to introduce new people to your store. Do you own a clothing boutique? Pair with a local jewelry maker to provide an outfit perfect with a hand crafted necklace. How about a coffee shop? Try an open mic night with local performers. Don’t forget to get in touch with bloggers and influencers! Collaborations are a win/win for everyone involved as it will get your names out there and bring in customers who might not even be aware that your storefront exists.

Local businesses are an important part of any community. Make yours one of the best with the tips above!

Flight Of Fancy OOTD Bonus Pictures

Flight Of Fancy OOTD Bonus Pictures

Hello everyone and welcome to some bonus pictures from yesterday’s Flight Of Fancy OOTD! That Saturday was such a fun day of playing model with my husband, having a libation at our favorite bar, and enjoying a community holiday activity with my family. It was the perfect day immersed in holiday spirit and I loved every minute of it! Let’s get to it:


Over the past several years, downtown Cuyahoga Falls has transformed itself into a happening little place. Prior to the renovations, this area had more closed down shops and restaurants than open. Now, every storefront is practically filled with unique eateries, boutiques, and novelty shops. Not to mention all of the amazing holiday activities and festivals that are hosted there throughout the year.

This past Saturday, downtown Cuyahoga Falls opened up its outdoor skating rink and had a Santa parade, fireworks, and tree lighting ceremony to celebrate. Johnny and I met up with my parents and niece for the festivities and had an absolute blast. Our niece got to see her TT skate for the first time and she also got to see Santa riding on a firetruck through the streets.

Not only was the area beautifully decorated for the holidays but it was also snowing which made for a scene fresh out of a Hallmark movie. There was music playing, people dancing in the streets, and an indoor area to warm up, sip hot chocolate, and have the little ones write their letters to Santa. So much fun! 😀

A wonderful time was had by all this past weekend and I am so appreciative to my hometown for hosting such awesome events to bring the community together. ❤

How does your neck of the woods get in the holiday spirit? Is there a similar area to downtown Cuyahoga Falls where you live? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah