Tag Archives: neighbors

Should Your House Differ Dramatically In Style From Those On Your Street?

Should Your House Differ Dramatically In Style From Those On Your Street?

If you live in a suburb, private housing area, or conventional community, odds are you have neighbors and perhaps a street where many houses are visible. In the internet of community life and connecting to the environment around you, it’s not uncommon for homeowners to style their properties so that a good balance between unique style and wider conformity is achieved. After all, it’s nice to have that aesthetic line through across the street. That might also mean sharing similar driveway designs but with its own twist, such as stone pavers lining the driveway sides or patio area.

But what if you hope to differ dramatically from those on your street? It’s your house after all, and you shouldn’t have to ask permission to enjoy a little fun. In this post, we’ll discuss a few tips for achieving the best possible outcome:

Blending In vs. Standing Out:

It may seem tough to find that sweet spot between fitting in and showing your own personality, especially if the other houses around you are, quite frankly, a little dull. But a property that sticks out too much may seem out of place and even draw attention, which could go against security and safety. An understated approach could be angling for some personal touches that provide unique value, but don’t go overboard and clash severely with surrounding aesthetics. So you may wish to paint your house pink. But if the houses either side of you are softer, pastel colors, it might work better for a lighter pastel pink that fits in, but is clear in its identity. This is just one example, but shows where to start with your planning process.

Considering Neighborhood Aesthetics:

Most communities adhere to some established aesthetic for cohesion among properties, because often, communities are built at relatively similar periods or at least “eras”. There may be unspoken (but still relevant) guidelines around home colors, lawn decor styles, or architectural designs, but you can always balance two differing opinions. Maybe you want a modernist house but are happy to curate the interior to match while offering more robust and rural exteriors to fit in among the landscape.

Respecting Your Own Property:

Of course, you get to decide what you do with your own home. That being said, it can feel somewhat inspiring to allow the natural character of the home underneath to come out. If you’re looking for small wins, then you can restore certain elements of a home’s history, such as the vital function to the very unique river water wheel, unblocking the chimney, restoring the window arches, and using reclaimed wood to fashion a door that matches the period of the place. When it’s clear you’re paying utmost respect to the home, who could ever criticize you for updating parts of it to the modern age?

With this advice, we hope you manage your project well, even if you implement changes for a different effect!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Safe Haven: Improve Your Home’s Security

Safe Haven: Improve Your Home’s Security

Your home should be your ultimate safe haven and it can be scary when it doesn’t always feel that way. Whether your place needs extra protection or you simply could benefit from the peace of mind, there is a fix for whatever you need! Let’s look at a few ways to improve your home’s security so you can feel perfectly safe and sound:

Meet The Neighbors:

Socializing can, admittedly, be a pain. However, knowing your neighbors is a free way to have an extra set of eyes on your home. And, who knows? You might just make a friend! A neighbor who you’re on friendly terms with will be able to keep an eye on your house while you’re on vacation or simply pick up a package while you’re at work all day. Regardless, it can only help!

Outdoor Property:

It makes sense that your belongings indoors are easier to protect than the things outside of your home. This goes for cars, outdoor furniture, and gardening equipment. To rectify this, you can protect the Range Rover with an anti theft system and the same goes for any other type of car. You can also install motion lights on your property, which is a great deterrent for an uninvited guest.

Privacy Hedges:

Whether you want extra protection or simply some beauty is your call! Privacy hedges can come in all shapes and forms from huge hydrangeas and rhododendrons to tall grass and trees. Either way, it’s going to be pretty and keep your windows or outdoor seating areas out of the line of sight of people who pass by. Hello, most beautiful house on the block!

Make Necessary Repairs:

Flimsy doors, windows, and locks are an open invitation into your home. For your replacement fixtures, think strong and durable. While you don’t need to turn your home into a bank vault, a little extra oomph in the sturdiness department will certainly go a long way. Don’t forget a camera doorbell when you are revamping your front door for an additional peace of mind.

Better home security doesn’t always mean spending a fortune on cameras and systems. Sometimes, it just means planting some large growing flowers or getting to know the people who live next door to sleep easier at night!

Pros & Cons Of Apartment Living

Pros & Cons Of Apartment Living

Whether moving into an apartment or renting or buying a home, there are pros and cons to each of these choices. It’s important, of course, to consider your budget and lifestyle as well as things like the location of the property in terms of your job or the school district. Today, we are going to look at some pros and cons of apartment living to help with your decision:

Pros – Having Maintenance Workers Available:

One of the huge pros of apartment living is always having maintenance workers available to fix issues with your apartment. Whether this be your air conditioner, appliances, or having a chain lock installed, it is so nice to simply make the call and have the problem fixed immediately. You can count on professionals to fix your Miele appliances. And, I myself, have called on maintenance many a time and have always been pleased with their great and efficient work.

Cons – Loud Neighbors:

In most apartments, unfortunately, the walls are paper thin. If you have loud neighbors on top of this, you are pretty much out of luck. Most apartment communities have a noise regulation after a certain time at night but this, often, doesn’t get followed which can keep you up. If you work from home, this can also be a major issue too and is worth talking to your potential landlord about so that you could be put in a less noisy complex. Once your lease is signed and you then find out you have loud neighbors, you are essentially stuck.

Pros – Neighbors:

On the flip side, you might have awesome neighbors and this is great! Having an endless supply of people you can shoot the breeze with is a fun bonus of apartment living. It’s nice to have a sense of camaraderie with the people that you live by and it makes for a much more pleasant experience. Whether it’s grilling with your downstairs neighbors or a friendly person lending you their shovel in the parking lot, this is a cool perk of being in an apartment.

Cons – Limited Space:

One of the major cons of apartment living is how limited your space is. This is even more so if you are living with a roommate. A two bedroom apartment could be ideal for just you but it could be really cramped if you add another person into the mix! If renting or buying a home is not in your budget, it will be crucial to be smart with your space. Your new digs might look super spacious until you move all of your furniture in and find that you barely have room to walk!

Apartment life is, admittedly, not for everyone. However, if the pros outweigh the cons for you, then it can be a great first step into something bigger and better!

Is Your Home Vulnerable To A Break-In?

Is Your Home Vulnerable To A Break-In?

We all have the nightmare that one day we’re going to come home and find that our house has been broken into. Even if you have the right insurance coverage, it will still be a horrific experience. You will question whether you are safe in your home and struggle to build back up the feeling that you are secure. It can also be difficult to replace everything that was stolen. Particularly, if you have one-of-a-kind things in your home that you never want to lose. That’s why it’s important to think about whether your home is vulnerable to a potential break-in. There are a few possibilities to think about:

On Display:

One of the key things that you need to ask is whether you are showing people the expensive items that are inside your home. Part of this is about how you layout your furniture and things like the TV. Ideally, you should make sure that you’re not placing your TV somewhere that can be seen from outside the property or even the road. If you do this, then you’re essentially just tempting criminals. There are of course other ways to hide expensive items that might be inside your home.

For instance, you can think about the windows. If you get the right windows, then you can make it impossible for people to look inside your home. Tinted windows are ideal and not as expensive as you might imagine. They make your home look distinct too. For a more subtle choice, you might want to think about using screener trees. These trees have thick foliage and are fast-growing to ensure that they completely conceal an area.

While You’re Away:

It’s fair to say that your home is going to be most vulnerable while you are away from it. However, there are a few steps that you can take to correct issues here. For instance, you might want to think about investing in a CCTV system for your property. With the right CCTV system, you can better protect your home. CCTV systems can act as a deterrent but will also provide peace of mind while you’re not at the property. Some of the latest CCTV systems will even allow you to check-in remotely and ensure that there’s nothing worrying happening.

You might also want to think about getting your neighbors involved too. If you can trust them, then you should consider giving your neighbors a key to your home for when you are away. They can remove some of the signs that you have not been there like the build-up of mail by your front door or the lights always being on.

Poor Maintenance:

When you are thinking about how to secure your home, you should make sure that you consider different entry points. There are likely to be multiple different entry points to your home and some of them could be more vulnerable than others. For instance, the locks in your doors could have seen better days. If your locks are stiff or old, then you might want to think about replacing them. Don’t forget, you should always change the locks when you move into a new property. You never know who might still have the keys to your home. You should also repair any entry points that have been damaged like the garage door. A garage door repair company will be able to fix issues like this for you with ease.

Neighborhood Watch:

A neighborhood watch is another excellent way to deter crime in your area and it also gives you some added peace of mind to know that your neighbors are looking out for you. If you don’t have one, then you may want to consider speaking to your local community members about setting one up.

Better protect yourself, family, and home with the tips above!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Sweet Surprises: Hot Chocolate Bomb Edition

Sweet Surprises: Hot Chocolate Bomb Edition

Hi! My neighbor from my family home, Alice, is one of my best friends. She is so kind and thoughtful and is always leaving sweet surprises for me in the mail box. I don’t know what I would do without her constant encouragement and we really did hit the jackpot for the best neighbor! A few weeks ago, Alice surprised me with a couple of hot chocolate bombs and I was excited to use one because I didn’t even know that they were a thing. My immediate thought was “Do you put it in the bath tub?”

Lol, well it turns out you don’t! On the stove top in a cup and a half of milk is where I placed the hot chocolate bomb and it was the ultimate sweet treat that I didn’t even know I needed. Check it out:


First of all, can we please talk about how the hot chocolate bomb looks like the Golden Snitch from Harry Potter? It was almost too pretty to let fizz away! It took a while for the hot chocolate bomb to do anything and I would be a liar if I said I didn’t start poking at it after a couple of minutes on the stove top. I was so impatient to see what would happen! 😀

After moving the hot chocolate bomb around for a bit, it finally opened up with glittering flecks of gold mixed into the chocolate and, to my delight, three big marshmallows popped out. My mind was blown. Watching the hot chocolate bomb work was fun but it was even better trying the end result, which was delicious. It was so rich and had a really bold chocolate taste without being too sweet. It has been years since I had hot chocolate and this was the best possible way to be reintroduced. I also loved using my sugar skull mug which was a “just because” gift from Johnny. ❤

Huge shout out to Alice for this awesome sweet surprise. It put a smile on my face and on my taste buds! 🙂

What is your favorite sweet treat? Have you received any sweet surprises lately? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Remember These Tips When Moving Out For The First Time

Remember These Tips When Moving Out For The First Time

Moving out of the family home can be scary and stressful but it is also a really great start to a new chapter in your life. You are sure to be juggling a lot right now from furniture shopping to figuring out an internet service and it all can feel overwhelming. But a place that is your own is an exciting light at the end of the tunnel of seemingly endless apartment hunting and budgeting. Here are a few things to remember when you move out for the first time that might be missed or forgotten:

Find Your Local Go-To’s:

If you have moved into a different area or completely different town it is a good idea to get a feel for the place before you move. Find out where your new doctor’s office, the closest hospital, banks, supermarkets, restaurants, and pharmacy are. Knowing where all of these places are is important and can be a deciding factor in where you choose to live. You don’t want to be far away from a hospital when you are in an emergency!

Cleaning Appliances Will Be Needed:

When you move into your own place you will need to clean it. That’s right, it is all down to you now. So try to get yourself motivated to do it by buying all of your cleaning gear! There are all different types of things that you will need, like a spray mop, iron, washing machine, dishwasher, and a vacuum cleaner. There are so many different models, price ranges, and types so read about different brands to find the ones that are best suited to you and your needs.

Prepare For The Emotional Side Of It:

Moving out of the family home can be really exciting but it can also feel a bit scary. It is important to remember that even though you are moving out, your family is there for you no matter what. A good way to ease out of it is by having a weekly dinner where you go and spend quality time after you have moved out. So it could be every Sunday you go and have a big family meal. No one says you can’t pop by during the week too! They are also only a phone call away if you need any support.

Make A List For Chores:

When you are the sole responsible person for all of the cleaning, you will need to make sure it gets done. A quick and easy way to make sure this happens is to make a list. A chore chart is a great way to map out the additional time that it will take to keep your apartment as clean and bright as it was when you first moved in.

Meet The Neighbors:

Meeting your new neighbors is not only polite but you could end up becoming lifelong friends with each other! Knowing your neighbors is also beneficial if you ever need them. It will be nice to know that you can go on vacation with the peace of mind of your place being watched over and your mail getting picked up.

Moving out is challenging, scary, rewarding, and exciting all in one. There is much to do and it is a big change so follow the tips above to keep the process going smoothly.

Featured Image By: Pexels

Flowers From Friends

Flowers From Friends

Hey everyone and Happy Monday! To me, there is nothing better than a bouquet of flowers for the kitchen table. Whether they’re store bought, home grown, or picked on the side of the road, it doesn’t matter. Just as long as they’re pretty. And, because they’re flowers, you never have to worry about them not being pretty! This past weekend our wonderful neighbor stopped by with this gorgeous bouquet to celebrate an exciting development in my mom’s health and it’s so lovely that I had to share it with all of you! Take a look:


There is no sweeter surprise than receiving Flowers From Friends and the above sure are beauties. I am particularly obsessed with the little purple fuzzy ones, even though I have no idea what they are. But, they sure are cute! I love that this bouquet looks like the upcoming fall season in its colors and selections, which makes me very excited because I do love me an autumn arrangement!

Having a neighbor as amazing as ours is a blessing, and these flowers are a special reminder of her surprise stopping over to celebrate my family’s happy news with us. This bouquet will definitely be making me smile for many days to come. 🙂

Who else has a really good relationship with their neighbor? Has anyone ever had a bad next door neighbor? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah