Tag Archives: renovations

Should Your House Differ Dramatically In Style From Those On Your Street?

Should Your House Differ Dramatically In Style From Those On Your Street?

If you live in a suburb, private housing area, or conventional community, odds are you have neighbors and perhaps a street where many houses are visible. In the internet of community life and connecting to the environment around you, it’s not uncommon for homeowners to style their properties so that a good balance between unique style and wider conformity is achieved. After all, it’s nice to have that aesthetic line through across the street. That might also mean sharing similar driveway designs but with its own twist, such as stone pavers lining the driveway sides or patio area.

But what if you hope to differ dramatically from those on your street? It’s your house after all, and you shouldn’t have to ask permission to enjoy a little fun. In this post, we’ll discuss a few tips for achieving the best possible outcome:

Blending In vs. Standing Out:

It may seem tough to find that sweet spot between fitting in and showing your own personality, especially if the other houses around you are, quite frankly, a little dull. But a property that sticks out too much may seem out of place and even draw attention, which could go against security and safety. An understated approach could be angling for some personal touches that provide unique value, but don’t go overboard and clash severely with surrounding aesthetics. So you may wish to paint your house pink. But if the houses either side of you are softer, pastel colors, it might work better for a lighter pastel pink that fits in, but is clear in its identity. This is just one example, but shows where to start with your planning process.

Considering Neighborhood Aesthetics:

Most communities adhere to some established aesthetic for cohesion among properties, because often, communities are built at relatively similar periods or at least “eras”. There may be unspoken (but still relevant) guidelines around home colors, lawn decor styles, or architectural designs, but you can always balance two differing opinions. Maybe you want a modernist house but are happy to curate the interior to match while offering more robust and rural exteriors to fit in among the landscape.

Respecting Your Own Property:

Of course, you get to decide what you do with your own home. That being said, it can feel somewhat inspiring to allow the natural character of the home underneath to come out. If you’re looking for small wins, then you can restore certain elements of a home’s history, such as the vital function to the very unique river water wheel, unblocking the chimney, restoring the window arches, and using reclaimed wood to fashion a door that matches the period of the place. When it’s clear you’re paying utmost respect to the home, who could ever criticize you for updating parts of it to the modern age?

With this advice, we hope you manage your project well, even if you implement changes for a different effect!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Get Ready For Renovation With These Smart Tips

Get Ready For Renovation With These Smart Tips

A home renovation is an excellent way to add value, both in monetary terms and how you feel about your home. Whether it’s a partial renovation or a full remodel, you can get the home you’ve always wanted. Before your renovation project can get underway, you need to prepare for it. Renovations can be noisy, messy, and often take a long time too. You will want your home set up and ready for work to begin so everything can go as smoothly as possible. There are a few steps to take to get it all in order:

Clear Out Anything Valuable:

One thing you definitely don’t want to happen is for anything valuable to be damaged during your renovations. Some valuable items could be permanent fixtures and fittings, which can’t be removed. However, there are often things that can be removed so that they’re out of the way. A storage service such as Ranchers Mobile Storage could be your best option for removing anything you don’t want to keep in your home. Put everything in storage temporarily and get it back when the renovation is finished. If you don’t have much, it could be moved to a spare room or garage too.

Cover Up:

Not everything can be moved out of your home. You might not want to move everything if it’s going to take too much time and effort. Instead, it can be better to cover some things during the renovation to protect them from any mess. This could include covering up furniture or even covering floors and other surfaces. You want to make sure any covers you use, such as sheets or tarps, are secured in place. Think about the best ways to protect everything from dust, paint, or anything else that could damage your possessions.


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Set Things Up for Contractors:

You will likely have contractors coming and going while your renovations are taking place. If you’re not going to be living in the property during this time, installing a lock box for keys is a good idea. It will allow your contractors to let themselves in and out without you having to get up early to travel over and let them in. There are other things you might want to do for your contractors too. For example, make it clear that they can use your bathroom, or perhaps even set up a temporary toilet in the yard if there isn’t a functioning bathroom.

Find Somewhere to Stay:

You can remain in your home while you’re having it renovated. However, this isn’t always the smartest choice. There can be a lot of noise and mess, and being around all of the work can be stressful. Plus, if you have pets or children, it could be dangerous. Moving out temporarily might be the best thing to do if you would rather avoid being around all of the work before it’s finished.

Be prepared for your renovation before it begins and you will help everything go smoother while keeping your home as neat as possible!

Featured Image By: Pixabay

Planning A Successful Home Remodel

Planning A Successful Home Remodel

Doing a remodel or making more space is not an easy feat; without the right planning, things can go wrong – and that is no fun for anyone. Remodels are extremely exciting, but if you don’t create a plan and execute it perfectly, it can be your worst nightmare. Here are some quick tips for planning a home remodel to keep things running like a dream:

What do you want?

First and foremost, what is it that you want to achieve with your remodel? Is it that you want more space for the children to play? Perhaps you want more room to entertain people or an extra bedroom. Knowing how big the job will be will help you plan for how long it will take. Think about if your remodel is something that will add value to your home, and if you were to sell would you get a good return on your investment?

Alternatively, you could also opt for Home Additions if you find that your needs excel in what a remodel provides. A home addition is great if you find that you need more space, which is perfect for growing families or those simply seeking a customized living environment.


Sticking to your budget is a must, because budgets can get blown pretty quickly when inspiration and innovation takes over. To help yourself get a better budget, get quotes in advance from the companies you want to use, and factor in a short stay somewhere else when the work is being done.

Do you need a remodel?

Perhaps you don’t need a remodel, and what you need is a good declutter and some upgrades, instead. Adding new windows from Mega Solutions to give more light and a big clean can give you the extra space that you want. Think about the details of the remodel, and try and work out if a full remodel is what you need, or if it is achievable in other ways.

DIY Sparingly:

Millions of us believe that we can handle almost all jobs in the house without help. However, the truth is that we all have our limits, and it isn’t until we hit them that we realize we might’ve made a mistake. For example, if you live in an older home, would you know how to check for asbestos? Or, would you know which walls are load-bearing? A lot can go wrong pretty quickly with a DIY remodel.


While remodeling companies are very conscious about the debris it can cause, there will still be some that are unavoidable. So, it can be a smart idea for you to move things into storage – as this will reduce the need for so much deep cleaning during and after the remodel. Plus it leaves a lot more space for your chosen company to work. Check out short term storage in your local area.

Pets and Children:

Keep in mind that the noise and extra people can be very disruptive and upsetting for young children and pets. Sometimes it can be better for your pet to be in a kennel or cattery for a short while during the loudest part of the work. As for children, a few nights at their grandparents or another family member’s house can be most helpful.

If a remodel is not in your budget or something you want, there are always other ways to improve your home : 7 Home Decor Ideas For Any Budget | lifewithlilred.

Featured Image By: Samuel Cruz on Unsplash

Unlock Your Home’s Full Potential With These Tips

Unlock Your Home’s Full Potential With These Tips

Whether you’ve just moved into a new property or you’re eager to upgrade your home in 2023, you must look to do it in style. All properties are unique and homeowners have different visions of what their dream home should look like. However, most people are united by several key desires. You can use the following checklist to unlock the full potential of your home as you renovate:

Add Home Security:

First and foremost, your property should make you feel safe and comfortable. It will be impossible to truly relax and sleep as you should if the home is open to danger. Burglaries are on the rise, but you can deter intruders with surveillance cameras and alarms. Ensuring that you have a good line of vision covering the front garden and backyard can have a very positive impact on your mindset too. If nothing else, it can prevent the emotional and financial fallout of responding to home theft.

Keep Living Spaces Uncluttered:

Tricking the eyes so that they perceive living spaces to be bigger than they are can make a world of difference to the home. Removing clutter by selling unwanted goods or selecting compact furniture can make the home look and feel bigger. When supported by professional house cleaning services, the home will retain its charm. Better still, it can aid the air quality and reduce the risk of health issues. Introducing more natural light and using lighter color schemes may help too.

Give Every Room A Purpose:

There’s nothing worse than keeping a room saved for when friends and family stay over. After all, that guest room or garage could be used as a gym, office, playroom, and so much more. It feels like completing an extension without the stress or expense. This upgrade will help the property feel more aligned with your personal taste. This is a key step towards making the house a home. The fact that it prevents the need to use living spaces for multiple functions is another bonus.

Utilize Outside Spaces:

A little curb appeal goes a long way to setting the right atmosphere for your home. Whether it’s fixing the roof tiles or painting the outside walls, the benefits are clear. Meanwhile, enhancing your backyard spaces will add a whole new dimension to your home life. Aside from the visual benefits, it enables a host of activities. For the best result, you may wish to add sliding doors to connect internal and external areas.

Personalize Your Living Spaces:

It’s great to take inspiration from the latest trends, but you must not forget that the goal is to design a home that you love. If the surroundings are going to deliver the desired levels of emotional comfort, you must add a little personality. This could mean using music memorabilia or family canvases to decorate the walls. Incorporating the personality of your family into your decor will definitely help to make your house feel like a home.

Keep all of these tips in mind as you work on your new year renovations to fully unlock the potential of your home!

Featured Image By: Pixabay

Renovations That Make A Huge Difference

Renovations That Make A Huge Difference

Many people choose home renovation for their New Year’s resolution and for good reason. Renovations are beneficial to you and your family both now and later. It enhances your comfort and enjoyment now while increasing your property value when it comes time to sell. Let’s take a look at a few examples of these projects that your family will be happy that you finally stuck with:

Deck Out Your Backyard:

Installing a deck in your backyard is the perfect way to welcome spring. There is so much potential that comes with a deck – patio furniture, raised garden planters, grills, oversized checkers and chess. It will be the perfect place to sip lemonade in the summer and enjoy a hot chocolate on a warm winter’s day. It will turn your backyard into the place to be for garden parties and family get togethers!

Paint It All:

There is truly something to be said for transforming your interior or exterior space through paint alone. Boost your curb appeal with a brightly colored front door and shutters for an instant face lift. Explore color combinations indoors with accent walls, stripes, and filigree. This is your opportunity to show your creative side inside so have fun with it. While painting can be DIY, it might not be your forte. If this is the case, specialists from Surepaint or a similar company in your area can help with that!

New Flooring:

Outdated flooring with newer appliances or furniture in the kitchen and living areas can be an eyesore. Investing in new flooring can make a world of difference and will transform your home from the ground up. Think sleek tiles in the bathroom and kitchen and warm hardwoods in the living and dining rooms. Don’t forget to add throw rugs and runners where appropriate. This will catch your floor up with the rest of the modern furnishings in your home for an amazing update.


Add-on rooms through renovation will be a huge boost in your property value and will provide extra space for your family right now. Popular add-on rooms are finishing a basement or attic. Finished basements could include home gyms, game rooms, and storage space. Attic updates could be a book nook, home office, or craft studio. Sun rooms also make a fantastic addition to a home for the perfect space for house plants and morning coffee. These additions could become major selling points when you put your house on the market.

Home renovations are an exciting undertaking that provides long-term benefits. Send your home into 2023 and enjoy your new year in a newly updated space!

Spoil Yourself With These Home Enhancing Projects

Spoil Yourself With These Home Enhancing Projects

What would your dream home feature? A movie or game room? A swimming pool or sauna? A home office? Spoiling yourself doesn’t always mean spending time at the salon or on a shopping spree – sometimes it means turning the dream features for your house into a reality! Turn 2023 into the year of renovations to make chez vous the ultimate place to be. Let’s explore some dream worthy options to get started on:

Home Office:

Since the pandemic, working from home is no longer just an option for the lucky few. Almost any job can be completed from a distance! If you have been working from home for the past few years and are still doing your job from the kitchen table, then you most definitely deserve your own office. If you don’t have the space for an entire room dedicated to your work, there are still ways to incorporate an office vibe. Set up a spacious desk and computer chair by a window and deck it out in adorable office supplies or pictures of your kids. It’s not so much as having an entire room for an office as much as it is having a dedicated place to work every day.

Gazebo Goals:

A gazebo will make a big difference for your backyard and a gorgeous enhancement. Gazebos are the perfect addition to your backyard for family photos, coffee and drinks with friends, and weather and bird watching. From fresh out of a fairy tale with curves and greenery to sleek lines and a strong presence, there is a gazebo for every taste and style. Spring and summer will never be the same!

Entertainment Center:

Turning a finished basement into an entertainment center is an extremely popular project and will provide endless hours of family fun. Whether you’re splurging on plush furnishings for the comfiest movie watching experience or are installing a pool table, it will be so nice to have a space in your home solely dedicated to chilling. Complete your entertainment room with accessories like a mini fridge with drinks, snacks, movie posters, or a record player to keep the good times rolling.

Book Nook:

A book nook is an amazing way to build a space in your home for quiet time for yourself or children. Choose an area of your home that gets a lot of natural lighting, install some shelves, and add a squishy armchair to curl up in. Don’t forget a small table and coasters for your tea and coffee! Stuff your shelves with all of your favorite literature and if you don’t have enough books to fill them – spoil yourself with a trip to the bookstore. 😀

Creating designated spaces in your home for specific purposes is a great project to take on in the new year. By 2024 you will be spoiled in what feels like a brand new home!

Transform Your Home In 2023

Transform Your Home In 2023

The new year is a time for new beginnings. Even if you have already scrapped your new year’s resolutions, there are still plenty of ways to bring forward change in your daily life. How about using this as an opportunity (or excuse) to finally redecorate or renovate your home? With that in mind, here are some top tips that you can use to transform your home in 2023:

Tap into your own creativity:

Your home should be your safe space, a place where you can truly relax and be yourself. As such, your design choices should be a reflection of your personality, not the catalogues of the latest interior design magazines. Tap into your own creativity and create the kind of home you’ve always dreamed of. For example, while neutral tones are set to be one of the biggest design trends of the year, if you love bright, bold colors, don’t be afraid to showcase them throughout your home!

Seek out some inspiration:

Many people feel as though they are unsure of where to start when decorating their homes. However, reading some Amazing furniture and home guides could serve as an excellent starting point. This is because it will help you to understand what colors, furniture, and styles pair nicely together – or even help you find the perfect pieces for your home makeover.

Learn about color psychology:

Whether you’re redecorating your entire home or a single space, learning about color psychology (The way in which different colors impact our mood) can help you create the kind of space you enjoy spending time in. If you are struggling to get enough sleep, you may want to feature soft, pastel colors in your bedroom. This is because “cooler and more neutral tones are less visually stimulating, so they are more restful to the body and mind.”

Remember, the finer details make all the difference:

Spoiler alert: you do not need to carry out a complete remodeling of your home to create a meaningful change. In fact, smaller details often make the biggest difference. The right lighting can make a space appear bigger, brighter, or more welcoming. An art feature, such as a photo wall or canvas piece, can create an interesting focal point. Paying attention to the smaller details that are often overlooked could also add luxury to your home.

Embrace the change of a new year starting in your home with these tips!

Featured Image By: Spacejoy on Unsplash

Renovating An Old Home? Check Out These Tips

Renovating An Old Home? Check Out These Tips

When it comes to renovating an old home, there are a few key things to keep in mind for the project to be a success. It’s important to be prepared because there’s a lot that might challenge you when going through this huge undertaking. Here are some tips to help guide you through the process:

Start with a plan:

Before any work begins, it’s crucial to have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish with your renovation. Make a list of the specific areas of the home that you want to update and consider how those updates will fit in with the overall style and architecture of the house. This will help you to create a comprehensive plan and budget for the project, which will help to keep you on track and so you don’t overspend on unnecessary items.

Prioritize structural updates:

An old home may have structural issues that need to be addressed before you can move on to cosmetic updates. These types of updates can include foundation repairs, roof replacements, or updates to the electrical and plumbing systems. While these types of updates can be costly, they are essential to the safety and longevity of your home. By taking care of these issues, your home will be safe and secure for you and your family, and prevent costly repairs down the road.

Make energy-efficient updates:

Energy-efficient updates can help to reduce your energy costs and improve the overall comfort of your home. These might include adding insulation, replacing flimsy siding and doors, or installing a high-efficiency heating and cooling system. These types of updates can be a bit more expensive initially, but over time, they can pay for themselves in energy savings. Another way to do this is to install new windows; Renewal by Andersen window replacement can help you with that.

Be prepared for surprises:

Even the most well-planned renovation projects can encounter unexpected issues, such as hidden mold or old wiring. Be prepared to adapt your plan as needed, consult with experts when necessary, and make changes to your budget to accommodate any unexpected expenses.

Do your research:

It’s important to research the best contractors to hire, the most cost-effective materials, and the latest technology for your renovation to achieve the best outcome. This will help you to find the right team to work with and make informed decisions about the materials and products you’ll use.

By following these tips and keeping an open mind, you can renovate an old home with confidence and turn it into a beautiful and comfortable living space that will stand the test of time.

Featured Image By: PXHere

8 DIY Projects That Should Always Be Left To The Pros

8 DIY Projects That Should Always Be Left To The Pros

DIY projects can be a great way to save money and get hands-on with home renovations. However, some DIY projects should only be attempted by the average homeowner with professional help. The projects below take a lot of skill and knowledge to be completed safely so leave these to the professionals in your area:

Electrical Wiring:

Amateur electrical work is not only dangerous, but it can also lead to costly mistakes down the line if done incorrectly. It is important to leave any wiring issues in your home to an electrician certified by your local government or corresponding trade association who knows exactly how to address your issue correctly and safely.

Plumbing Work:

Home plumbing repairs can quickly become complicated and expensive when done wrong, so it’s best not to meddle with them yourself. Instead, to avoid costly mistakes, always hire a certified plumber to handle any plumbing repairs in your home.

Foundation Repairs:

While minor foundation issues can be fixed on a DIY basis using kits available at most hardware stores, more serious damage should never be attempted without qualified help. Always contact a professional contractor specializing in foundation repair if you suspect your home suffers from significant structural damage.

Roofing Work:

The simple fact is that Roofing work is dangerous. Leaving it to the pros will ensure the safety of anyone attempting to do repairs or maintenance on their roof. Professionals are also better equipped to assess potential problems and provide lasting solutions. To find a reliable roofing expert near you, you can make a search for “roof replacement old saybrook” or your local area. Be sure to read reviews and ask around for recommendations too.

Installing Floors:

Installing floors can be a difficult and tedious task, requiring special tools and skills to do it properly. Can you imagine almost finishing a hardwood project to realize you didn’t line things up as well as you thought? Yikes!

Installing Siding or Windows:

Installing siding or windows is a precise and intricate process. Attempting to take on this task yourself will almost certainly result in costly mistakes that could cause major damage to your home. Always leave this job to professionals who have the necessary tools and know-how to get the job done right and safely.

Installing Insulation:

Improperly installed insulation can lead to energy loss and higher utility bills, not to mention a risk of fire. Hire an experienced contractor specializing in installing insulation to ensure your home is properly insulated and safe from potential hazards.

Gas Line Repairs:

Gas lines should never be worked on by a DIYer. Even the slightest mistake could cause a catastrophic accident that would be far more expensive than just hiring an expert in the first place. Leave gas line repairs to certified professionals who know exactly how to safely and correctly handle any problems with your gas line.

For any DIY project you’re considering, make sure you weigh the risks of attempting it yourself versus hiring a professional. Professional contractors have the training and expertise needed to handle complex home improvement tasks correctly and safely, so the extra cost will be well worth the peace of mind.

Featured Image By: Annie Gray on Unsplash

5 Ways To Increase Your Home’s Value

5 Ways To Increase Your Home’s Value

Increasing the value of your home is a great way to improve your financial situation. Whether you are looking to sell your home or just want to increase its value, there are several smart ways that you can do so. Here are five creative and cost-effective ways to increase the value of your home:

Remodel Your Home:

If you are looking for one of the best ways to increase the value of your home, consider investing in a home remodel. A well-executed remodel can add significant value and appeal to your home without breaking the bank. As an added bonus, many remodels will also increase the functionality of your home, making it more comfortable and convenient for you and your family. With guidance and assistance from a team of qualified architects, you can create a home remodel that fits your needs and budget.

Before booking an appointment with contractors, it’s a good idea to create a list of the things that you would like your remodeled home to have. If you need inspiration for what’s fresh in the world of design and home technology, check out this home remodeling contractor or pop on some HGTV! Simply browsing through completed projects on a website or even watching a show can help get your creative wheels turning.

Add New Technology:

Smart homes are becoming increasingly popular as more technology becomes available for homeowners. Installing a few pieces of smart technology like security cameras, connected thermostats, and automated lights can give buyers peace of mind when they purchase your home. It’s also an easy way to add some extra convenience; Who doesn’t love having their lights come on automatically when they walk into a room?!

Give Your Home Curb Appeal:

First impressions count! If buyers don’t like what they see from the outside of your house, chances are they won’t even bother coming inside for a look around. Make sure that your lawn is well-manicured and free from debris. Add plants and flowers for color, paint or replace old shutters, doors, and windows, power wash siding, repair broken fences, install new outdoor lighting, and more. These simple fixes can make a big difference in the attractiveness of your home and they won’t cost you much time or money, either.

Update Your Bathroom:

Updating an outdated bathroom is one of the best ways to increase your home’s value quickly and may even be cheaper than you would think. Consider installing new tile, adding a frameless glass shower enclosure, updating your faucets and fixtures, and switching out or refurbishing worn-out cabinetry. These simple updates can dramatically impact your home’s value, leading to much higher offers when it comes time to sell.

Giving your bathroom an upgrade can be done step by step or you can opt for a complete overhaul. Whatever fits your budget, is most convenient, and will have the best return on investment will typically be the best choice for you and your home. If you decide on a full remodel, search online for a “bathroom remodeler in Orlando, FL” or a similar contractor in your local area. You will want to find someone that comes highly recommended as most bathroom remodels will require proficiency in plumbing.

Invest In Energy Efficiency:

Investing in energy efficiency measures such as insulated windows and doors, solar panels, high-efficiency water heaters, LED lighting, or efficient HVAC systems can save you money over time while increasing the marketability of your home when it comes time to sell it. Not only will those features make potential buyers feel confident about their purchase, but they will also save them money on their utility bills each month, something every buyer wants!

With these tips, you can boost the value of your home quickly and easily. It will make things better for you and your family now and much better on your wallet later when you are ready to sell!

Featured Image By: Pexels