Tag Archives: money

That’s So Fetch

That’s So Fetch

Hello!!! I used to be an avid user of the site InboxDollars and haven’t been on it in weeks. InboxDollars is a survey taking website to earn money for gift cards and I used to get Amazon cash pretty frequently with their paid emails. Then, they did away with them and I haven’t visited the page since. Luckily, my bestie introduced me to her favorite gift card app called Fetch when we were at dinner last week. I have been using it every day since and I am obsessed!

Fetch is really neat because literally all you have to do is take a picture of receipts from purchases and you earn points for gift cards. The receipts can be any price and from anywhere. In fact, I just submitted a receipt that was barely over a dollar from McDonald’s lol. You guys know I love a crispy Diet Coke! Fetch is a handy little app and I thought I would share it with all of you. Why not get something back from the items or services you are buying anyways?! I am already a fifth of the way there to a ten dollar Amazon gift card – it’s that quick and easy.

Below is my referral code so we can both earn points when you create your own Fetch account. Here’s to free money!


Have you used gift card apps or websites before? Which one is your favorite? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Money Is Tight: Tips To Help Pay Your Rent

Money Is Tight: Tips To Help Pay Your Rent

As the cost of living rises across the globe, many people are wondering how they’ll manage to continue to pay for everything. Food, gas, energy, and rent have been steadily increasing for the past twelve months. If you’re struggling to pay your rent on time, you’re not alone. Rather than burying your head in the sand, now is the time to sit down and make arrangements with your finances. Being in total control of your income and spending will put you in the best position for paying your rent. Take a look at these tips:

Consider a Roommate:

If you’re renting a property and have a room to spare, you may want to consider advertising for a roommate. Sharing your property is one of the easiest ways to significantly reduce the amount of rent you have to pay. It’s important to check with your landlord before making any decisions. If your landlord agrees, ask family and friends before making a public advertisement. Someone you know and trust will often make the best roommate. However, it’s essential that you do all of the appropriate checks before accepting any applicant.

Reduce Your Spending:

Look at where you’re spending your money each month. If you’re buying coffee every morning, paying for subscriptions you barely use, or splashing on takeaways, it could be time to change your habits. By reducing your spending, you may be able to find the extra money you need to cover your rent costs without needing to worry further. There may also be ways of lowering other bills. For example, using less energy at home or negotiating lower payments with debtors. You’d also be amazed by the deals you can get by telling your internet provider that you are considering switching!

Consider Mobile Homes:

More and more people are starting to consider mobile homes instead of other properties. There are many benefits to living in mobile homes, including reduced rent payments and a higher chance of being able to purchase a mobile home. For example, Mobile Homes Direct 4 Less guarantees to beat the price of their competitors in the same area. It can be a great starting point for anyone who is looking for their first home and wants to build up proof of rent payments on time.

Take On A Side Hustle:

It’s important to rest and stay healthy, but if you’ve got a few hours to spare each day, you could top up your income enough to make all of your payments. For instance, you could make deliveries for a local takeaway or care for someone elderly who needs assistance with meals and medication. Another alternative is to try your hand at freelancing. If you’re a talented writer, graphic designer, or you have experience in customer service, you could find opportunities that allow you to work from home in your spare time.

These tips are not a cure all, but they can be helpful to boost your wallet even a little bit!

Featured Image By: Pixabay

Aldi’s Haul Success: Pickle De Gallo

Aldi’s Haul Success: Pickle De Gallo

Hello!!! For the past several years, Johnny and I have done our grocery shopping at the Giant Eagle. The convenience of curbside and the fact that it is barely five minutes away from us was hard to beat. However, the prices at GE were simply getting out of hand and the amount we were spending to keep us fed and watered was ridiculous. So, we decided to make a change by shopping at Aldi’s and getting what we couldn’t find there at the GE.

We had our first Aldi’s trip together earlier this week and it was nothing short of a remarkably GREAT SUCCESS. Outside of about six things that weren’t available, we found everything we needed and paid over one hundred dollars less for it. The nearest Aldi’s to us is about twenty minutes away but, needless to say, it was well worth the trip!

I haven’t gone “real” grocery shopping in so long because I freaking LOVE online shopping with curbside. However, I always enjoyed a trip to the grocery store and going to Aldi’s with Johnny was a blast. There were SO many new to us options and we filled our cart with can’t say no finds. One of which being, pickle de gallo. I had seen people posting about it on Facebook before and I told Johnny that I really hoped it was at the Aldi’s we were going to. Lucky for me, it was!


Johnny and I are avid dippers. No, not in the chewing tobacco way! We just love chips and dip and like to make what we call “dip island” AKA a wide variety of dips on a table lol. So, when I heard talk of a pickle based salsa, I NEEDED it. Pickles are one of my favorite things to snack on and pico de gallo is my preferred style of salsa. A combination of both of these things really blew my mind and I couldn’t wait to dig in as soon as we returned home from our shopping trip.

At Aldi’s, there were two different types of pickle de gallo – a mild one and a thick and chunky medium heat one. Obvi, I got them both! I decided to try the mild pickle salsa first and it was everything that I hoped it would be and so much more. The pickles were tangy, the onions were sweet, and the red pepper had the perfect amount of zip to make my taste buds soar. Every bite had an insane amount of crunch and it wasn’t from the tortilla chips I purchased which were kind of a dud. Several chips in, I had to exercise self control because I most definitely could have kept on going!

If you are a pickle fan and looking for a new and exciting way to eat them; RUN to Aldi’s. Also, if you are looking to save money on groceries; RUN to Aldi’s. This shopping trip was a complete game changer and I can’t wait to go back! 😀

What grocery store do you shop at? What is the best thing that you have found at Aldi’s? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

How To Better Protect Your Money

How To Better Protect Your Money

If you want a secure life, then you need to look after your money. Money buys security and can prevent you from a lot of stress and worry. It is not a good feeling wondering if you can pay the heating bill this winter. As we get older, this security is ever more needed. We are going to have to retire with no real set income coming in and making do with the money we protected in our youth. So, let’s discover a few ways we can protect our money better:

Get Out of Debt:

If you have debts, then you must get out of debt and stay out of it too. There is nothing worse for your finances than paying interest rates. This is a great way to have nothing. If you can, contact your creditors and increase your payments to get rid of the debt as fast as possible. For some of you, it may be wise to enlist the help of a financial planner. You may be able to consolidate all your debts to make them far easier to understand and more manageable. 

Learn to Live Within your Means:

A lot of people spend more than their wages every month, which means they dip into their overdraft. If this is a continual thing, you will end up further and further into your overdraft and this leads to debt. It is not like a mortgage where you will have something at the end of it, it is simply wasted money. So, you need to start living within your means. There are many methods to do this. First, you need to become more financially aware so you need to track your spending better. You can download a banking app if you have not done this already and keep an eye on your balance. You can even set alerts to message you when your account is running low. Other methods include disabling the contactless feature on your bank card, trying to save your income that is not used for essentials, and only using a set amount for spending cash. You also need to learn how to practice delayed gratification. Instead of caving into your urges to buy something, you need to wait and see if you still want it in thirty days or once you have saved the cash for it.


Investing wisely is one of the best ways to protect your money. Unlike savings, you can actually invest and keep up with inflation. One of the best ways to do this is invest in property. Buying your own home is wise. It can actuary end up being a lot cheaper than renting. A dual occupancy home from Meadan Homes, for example, allows you to rent out part of your home and make money on it too. Other ways to invest are with bonds, either corporate or government, the stock market, and collectibles. Investing in yourself is another great one, meaning paying for a higher education. You can do things like side hustles too, which is essentially running your own business and giving you valuable experience.

Spending money is an obvious part of life but you need to be smart about it to keep increasing your savings. Get started with the tips above today!

Featured Image By: Pixabay

Essentials To Boost 2023 For Your Children

Essentials To Boost 2023 For Your Children

2023 is on the horizon, and there are a lot of factors that you need to think about when it comes time to try to improve the year for your children. There are loads of things that you can do in the family that will help to make the coming year better and more exciting for your kids, and it’s important to think about the different ways in which you are able to do this.

Being the head of the family these days comes with its fair share of struggles and challenges, and the more you can do to deal with these effectively, the better it will be long-term. There are plenty of things that you have to think about that are going to play a big role in this, and being able to boost the coming year for your kids can play a huge role in making family life better. These are some of the key essentials that you can use to help you achieve this:

Extend the home:

Making positive changes to your property is something that plays a massive role in allowing you to improve the year for your children, as well as giving them more space and comfort. There are a lot of ways in which you can extend your home more effectively, and this is even something you can discuss with your kids in advance as well. Maybe you could turn the attic into a reading nook? Or, perhaps, finish the basement and turn it into the ultimate game room!

Look after finances better:

As a modern family, there are a lot of responsibilities and considerations to make, and one of the biggest things you need to get right as a parent is to make sure you manage money better. With the cost of living crisis beginning, it is essential for a lot of families to look for ways of being able to tighten their purse strings. The more you can do to help you look after your money, and ensure the family is more financially comfortable, the better. There are a lot of different ways in which you can achieve this like focusing on cutting costs, saving money little by little, and making better financial decisions.

Improve family health:

Working on improving family health is absolutely vital and you can do a lot to make sure 2023 gets off on the right track for the family, health-wise. One of the key things that can help you when it comes to achieving this is to swap your family’s diet for something healthier and more nutritious. It is also important to think about some of the best ways of being able to create a healthy family dynamic. This means you need to think about boosting mental health and well-being, and this is something that plays a massive role in helping you work on boosting your family health.

Plan more activities:

One of the best ways of making the most of 2023 is to plan more activities. How about visiting some adventure centres? Weekly family hikes? Cooking a meal all together? Being able to enjoy multiple different activities and keep your children active and engaged gives the opportunity to bond and have lots of fun too!

2023 will be here before we know it and you can make it the best year yet for your family! Spend time together, make improvements where you can, and continue to move forward as a strong family unit.

Featured Image By: Pexels

How Do Social Media Influencers Make Money?

How Do Social Media Influencers Make Money?

As we look at the current and future job market, we can identify a few career paths that will seemingly become more and more popular. Certainly, the rise of social media influencers has carved out a brand new path that didn’t exist before. These days, thousands of young kids and teenagers are desperate to have a job as full-time influencers. While this initially seems like a poor career choice, it quickly becomes an idea that can provide a lot of success.

Influencers can earn a lot of money without even being one of the biggest and most well-known creators on the planet. Sure, you have Charli D’amelio, Addison Rae, and Khaby Lame who amass millions of dollars per year. But, they have millions of followers across multiple accounts. An influencer with just a few thousand followers can still earn a lot of money. How? Here are the main ways most influencers make their cash:


The majority of money comes in the form of sponsorships. Brands pay the influencer to promote their products, services, or just the brand itself. This is usually in the form of sponsored posts, with payments made per post. Alternatively, influencers can have sponsorship contracts where they represent a brand. This means that they regularly post about them, wear their clothing, and so on. It’s more of a long-term thing with money paid regularly as part of the contract.

Ad Revenue:

Most influencers will also make money from advertising revenue. It’s rare that you will see an influencer only work on one platform. In most cases, they’ll have a YouTube account or another platform that allows them to monetize their content. The more views they get, the more advertising revenue they earn. As they become more popular, advertising companies pay more money to get their ads shown on their videos. Why? Because these companies know that thousands of impressionable eyes will be watching, which is a huge opportunity for them.


Finally, you have money earned through merchandise sales. Once an influencer gains a following, they’re in a very unique position. They will have thousands of people who pay attention to them and want to support them. So, the influencer can create merchandise or other products to sell to their followers.

The followers want to show support or represent the influencer, so they’ll be more than happy to make purchases. In a lot of cases, influencers use their platform to create products that extend beyond brand merchandise. Many will develop their own clothing lines that attract attention from people outside their following, helping them make even more money.

You see, the money making opportunities are very diverse here. This is why smaller influencers are still able to earn decent wages. Of course, one benefit of this career choice is that you get back what you put in. The more effort you make to grow your brand and the bigger you get, the more money you could end up making. Just remember to work hard because influencing doesn’t become an instant career over night!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Get Started On Monetizing Your Blog

Get Started On Monetizing Your Blog

We all love the idea of making money by doing something we actually enjoy. Well, blogging genuinely gives you this opportunity. You can write about topics that are close to your heart, pouring out the thoughts that you keep inside your head for most of the day. At the same time, you can start earning a lot of money – if you know how.

Don’t just rely on ad revenue – it won’t be enough. The key to making your blog a money making machine lies in eCommerce. It’s very simple; you set up your blog to allow people to buy things from you. Meanwhile, you still post content and make money through adverts and sponsors, but you’ve got this extra hustle going on in the background.

Of course, there’s a tactic to this that will make it work. You can’t just sell anything and everything! Let’s look at how you can start monetizing your blog:

Sell things that are valuable:

Choose to sell things on your site that are valuable and relevant to your blog. Merchandise is always a good idea, giving your audience a chance to support you and wear your branding everywhere. At the same time, consider what your blog is about and how you can create products/services linked to it.

For example, imagine your blog is all about marketing. Here, you could sell marketing programs or ebooks that help people improve their skills. It’s an extension of your content, but you go into more detail and reveal your secrets. Alternatively, a fitness blog would be excellent at selling things like branded water bottles, fitness equipment, etc. If you sell things that your audience will be interested in, there’s a lot of money to be made.

Make everything look professional:

Nobody will buy anything if your site doesn’t look good enough. A regular blog is not an eCommerce site; you need to make some changes. Thankfully, there are companies like WEBX360 that can help you create an eCommerce website. This will ensure that you have all of the features on your blog to allow people to add things to their carts and check out securely.

Optimize your content:

We’re not talking so much about your blog content here – though that can be relevant. Rather, we’re thinking about the content on the eCommerce portion of your blog. Write good descriptions and have excellent landing pages to help your site rank well in search engines. This can bring in customers that aren’t from your blog audience, letting you make more sales.

Similarly, speaking about your content, you can use it as a way to link to certain products/services for sale. Sometimes, you could even build content around new product launches to generate hype!

As you can see, your small blog can very quickly grow into a healthy side hustle. If you utilize eCommerce on your site, it gives you a new way of earning income to add to your monthly blog revenue!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Downsizing Your Expenses: What Can You Do To Cut Costs?

Downsizing Your Expenses: What Can You Do To Cut Costs?

In these tough economic times, it is more important than ever to be mindful of your expenses. If you are finding yourself in a situation where you need to downsize your spending, don’t panic! There are a number of things that you can do to help ease the transition. In this post, we will discuss some tips on how to reduce your expenses without sacrificing too much quality of life. Follow these steps, and you will be on your way to financial stability in no time:

Take a Closer Look at Your Budget:

The first step to reducing your expenses is to take a close look at your budget. Where are you currently spending the majority of your money? Are there any areas where you can cut back? For example, if you are spending a lot on eating out, try cooking more meals at home. If you have a gym membership that you never use, cancel it and start working out for free at home or in the great outdoors! Once you have identified some areas where you can reduce your spending, it will be easier to make the necessary cuts.

Get Rid of Unnecessary Subscriptions and Memberships:

Another way to save money is to get rid of any unnecessary subscriptions or memberships. Do you really need that cable TV package with 500 channels that you never watch? Chances are, you can live without it. Ditch the gym membership that you never use and cancel any magazine subscriptions that you no longer read. These are all expenses that can be easily eliminated from your budget without having a major impact on your life.

Cut Back on Shopping and Entertainment:

If you want to save money, you will need to cut back on shopping and entertainment. Instead of going out to eat every weekend, try cooking at home more often. Go for a walk or bike ride instead of going to the movies. There are plenty of ways to have fun without spending a lot of money. Get creative and see how much you can save!

Save on Transportation Costs:

Transportation costs can add up quickly so it is important to find ways to save in this area. If you live in a city, try using public transportation instead of driving everywhere. This can save you a lot of money on gas and parking fees. If you live in a rural area, see if carpooling with friends or family is an option. There are many ways to reduce your transportation costs, so do some research and see what works best for you.

Moving to a More Affordable Home:

One of the most drastic ways to reduce your expenses is to move to a more affordable home. If you are currently renting an apartment, see if you can find a cheaper place to live. Looking into apartments for rent or finding a roommate to split the cost of rent with can be great ways to reduce your monthly expenses. If you own your home, consider downsizing to a smaller house or condo. This may not be an option for everyone, but it is something to consider if you are looking for ways to save money.


Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

These are just a few tips on how to downsize your expenses without a ton of sacrifice. If you are struggling to make ends meet, try implementing some of these suggestions and see how much they can help! Remember, every little bit counts when it comes to saving money.

Featured Image By: Andre Taissin on Unsplash

Moving Abroad? Make Sure To Do The Following!

Moving Abroad? Make Sure To Do The Following!

Moving abroad can be an exciting new adventure that you are ready to embark on. When you are there, it will be worth it and you will have an amazing time. However, to ensure you enjoy your time abroad, whether you are looking to move away for a few months or permanently, there are several important things that you need to have in place because the process can get pretty complicated. If you can get organized and sort these documents in advance, you can relax knowing that you have a smooth journey ahead.

To help you get started, here are some vital things that you need in place before your move:

Research the country:

You should always start by researching the country that you are moving to. This is because rules and regulations can be very different so you should never assume that you know everything. The best and most reliable source of information can be found at the embassy or consulate. They will be able to advise on the rules in the country, the documentation you need to complete before traveling, the documentation you need on you to travel, and much more.

Important documentation:

You will need a range of documents to be able to travel and live abroad. You should have these ready to go in a folder for protection before you intend to travel. You should also make copies of all of your documents and take a picture on your phone, in case you lose them. Some official documents can take a few weeks to arrive if you have to request them, so make sure you do this step well in advance to avoid disappointment. Some of these documents include:

  • Passport
  • Driving license
  • Birth certificate
  • Proof of citizenship
  • Insurance policies
  • Proof of residence
  • Vaccination record
  • Medical record


Of course, your finances will need to be in order before your move. The best way to do this is to research the cost of living in the country that you are moving to. For example, if you live in New York and are moving to Dubai, you may find that living is much cheaper. Not only do you need money for living expenses, such as food and commuting, but you will also need to consider your accommodation and utilities. If you are moving to Dubai, there are plenty of apartments for rent in Palm Jumeirah that are affordable and located in a great spot. You will need to research the prices for apartments before you travel.

You should also consider insurance policies that will protect your money if you lose it, as well as your belongings. The last thing you want is to pay to replace your items if the worst happens!

Make sure you consider everything you need before you move abroad and do it with enough time to spare. You may wish to use this information and create a checklist so that you don’t miss anything important!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Getting By In Money & Mindset: 3 Methods To Incorporate

Getting By In Money & Mindset: 3 Methods To Incorporate

It is not easy in the slightest to get by in the modern world. But whether you are trying to make extra money through numerous practices, or you are consciously trying to downgrade your life, there are so many different approaches that you could take to get by. Let’s show you a number of practices that could prove beneficial, and how you could use them:

Method One: Embracing a Minimalist Mindset

Minimalism has become very popular, not least because it can help you to make the most of very little. A lot of people are talking about minimalism as an antidote to what the modern world offers. If this appeals to you, you could sell your house quickly through companies like Offer Pear and start to live a more off the grid lifestyle. Being minimalist has a number of benefits for our mental health. We live in a world dominated by stuff. It seems that if we have to get ahead, we need more stuff, which means more money. A minimalist mindset means that you are effectively training yourself to get by with less.

Method Two: Becoming a “Slashie”

Also known as a portfolio career, this is where someone will make multiple income streams from different careers. A relatively new term, however, it appears to be essential to get by. Over the last couple of years, people have found that living off one income stream is not enough. Therefore, they’ve had to find ways to achieve extra income. There are naturally many approaches to doing this. If you already have a full time job, you may find having an extra part time role on top of what you do sufficient enough to help you live the lifestyle you want. But it is important to be aware that this approach can be difficult to maintain, depending on what your lifestyle entails.

Parents will struggle to maintain this approach if they don’t go about it in the right way. This is partly why many people try to find passive income streams. This is another very popular approach, but one of the downfalls of going with a popular approach to earning money means that it is already over saturated. If you want to become a slashie, the most important thing to consider is doing it in a way that doesn’t cause you to burn out. Many people feel that they need to maintain their lifestyles, and despite rising prices, rather than reappraising everything they have, they find they need to work more. The result? More stress, anxiety, and a whole slew of health problems! But, that being said, if you want to go down this route, the best approach is to do things that will actually make you happy and fulfilled.

Method Three: Addressing Your Expenditure and Income

Part of the problem in getting by in the modern world is that we believe that we need to earn more to maintain a current lifestyle. We’ve already talked about the importance of becoming a minimalist, but this may not be for everyone. You may think that your income is the first thing to address, but you need to look at what your income is actually going towards. If what is coming into your account is going out straight away, you need to look at the things you’re spending your money on.

One of the simplest things we can all do is to make a couple of downgrades. There are plenty of things that we can do for free, but rather than actually thinking we’ve got to completely get rid of everything to live a better life, it is about playing the odds and the balances. You can still go out for meals with your friends, as long as you find other ways to cut back on your day to day life. A very common example is daily takeaway coffee. If you opt for a homemade coffee, you will see how much this adds up.

These three methods can work together in tandem whether you are looking to save up for a big purchase or just cushioning your savings. The most important thing is to keep your mental health in check to avoid burn out. It is always okay to treat yourself!

Featured Image By: Pixabay