Tag Archives: saving money

Why You Need The Right Equipment For Your Business

Why You Need The Right Equipment For Your Business

Equipment, whether it’s tools, machinery, software, or anything else, is vital for every business. Even those businesses that are solely online and sell digital downloads to customers will need computing equipment or, at the very least, some kind of mobile device to run properly, so it really doesn’t – or shouldn’t – make a difference as to what kind of business you run; the information in this post is going to be useful to you.

The fact is, it’s not just a matter of getting some equipment – it’s a matter of getting the right equipment, and that’s what makes the difference. With that in mind, here are some of the reasons why you need the right equipment for your business:

Better Productivity:

Having the right equipment means that it’s far easier for you or your team to do the work that needs to be done efficiently and to be as productive as possible. Having equipment that isn’t quite right but that you think will do and still get the job done might do that, but it won’t do it well, and it won’t do it quickly or accurately.

When you invest in the right equipment, like pharmacy fridges, for example, you can rest assured that the software or machinery will be able to do precisely what you need it to do without any delays or issues. Your business will be a lot more productive, and you and your team will feel much happier – your customers will be happier, too, and that’s definitely something you’ll want to achieve.

It’s Safer:

Making do with tools that might work reasonably well but that aren’t the right ones for the job is always a gamble when it comes to your business’s productivity, but it’s a gamble when it comes to safety as well. The tools that are specifically designed for the job you need to do are designed with safety relating to that job and how it’s performed in mind. There will be special safeguards in place, and the instructions will give you a good understanding of how to use the tools. If they’re used for anything else other than their main function, they could make the entire task unsafe, which would cause the risk of injury and disruption to your business, not to mention potentially damaging your reputation.

Cost Savings:

Buying equipment that isn’t quite right but that’s cheaper than what you really need might seem like a good idea, especially if you’re on a budget for your business. After all, if it does the job well enough, what’s the harm? You’re saving money, and you’re still doing what needs to be done.

That might seem like a reasonable assumption, but it’s not actually the case. The reality is that you’ll probably need to buy new equipment sooner rather than later. You’ll either upgrade to the correct equipment, or you’ll have to replace what you’re using because it got damaged through misuse. Plus, if you’re less productive, as we’ve already seen you will be, you won’t make as much money. In the long run, spending more on the right equipment is a good way to save money.

The proper equipment for your business will save you time, hassle, and money too. It’s a necessary step and a huge win!

Featured Image By: Pixabay

That’s So Fetch

That’s So Fetch

Hello!!! I used to be an avid user of the site InboxDollars and haven’t been on it in weeks. InboxDollars is a survey taking website to earn money for gift cards and I used to get Amazon cash pretty frequently with their paid emails. Then, they did away with them and I haven’t visited the page since. Luckily, my bestie introduced me to her favorite gift card app called Fetch when we were at dinner last week. I have been using it every day since and I am obsessed!

Fetch is really neat because literally all you have to do is take a picture of receipts from purchases and you earn points for gift cards. The receipts can be any price and from anywhere. In fact, I just submitted a receipt that was barely over a dollar from McDonald’s lol. You guys know I love a crispy Diet Coke! Fetch is a handy little app and I thought I would share it with all of you. Why not get something back from the items or services you are buying anyways?! I am already a fifth of the way there to a ten dollar Amazon gift card – it’s that quick and easy.

Below is my referral code so we can both earn points when you create your own Fetch account. Here’s to free money!


Have you used gift card apps or websites before? Which one is your favorite? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Switch To A Greener Lifestyle With These Tips

Switch To A Greener Lifestyle With These Tips

A greener lifestyle has a whole host of benefits, both for the wider world and for your household. You can save money, cut down on waste, and live a healthier lifestyle while decreasing your carbon footprint. Here are some ways to do so:

Increase Utility Efficiency:

Utility bills are more expensive now than ever before, which means that you have multiple incentives to cut down on your utility usage. The good news is that there are ways to increase your utility efficiency, which means that you don’t have to make any major sacrifices. Installing a smart meter or thermostat allows you to set a comfortable temperature on timers, so you aren’t ever heating an empty building. It will also monitor your energy usage so you can keep track of spikes and other issues. Repairing and replacing your windows and doors will also help you be more efficient with your power usage. You should also check your insulation and roof, especially before winter strikes.

Use Green Energy:

Another way to change the way you use electricity is by switching to a green energy source. You can do this in a variety of ways. First, you can install solar panels on your property. This is a great option if you have a roof that gets a lot of sunlight and is stable enough to support the panels. If this isn’t an option, you can get involved in a community solar project. This allows you to purchase solar panels on a solar farm, so you benefit from the power they produce.

You can even set up a community solar project yourself. You will need some appropriate land, as well as planning permission for a solar farm. Look into the legal requirements to make sure that you don’t miss anything in your local area. From there, you will need to focus on community solar customer acquisitions. Find like-minded people who want to invest in a better world.

Lifestyle Changes:

You can make small but significant changes to your lifestyle to improve your health and your carbon footprint. For example, can you change your daily commute so you walk or cycle instead of driving? Could you take public transport? Another option is to set up a vegetable garden and grow your own produce. This reduces waste and encourages your family to eat healthier.

Running a Green Business:

If you run a business, you have even more opportunities to reduce your carbon footprint. When setting up your business, look into local governmental grants and schemes that encourage businesses to operate in a more environmentally friendly way. This way, you can increase your efficiency, cut down on waste, and potentially get tax breaks or other benefits for your efforts. An eco-friendly business also benefits from a better relationship with customers. If your customers are interested in climate change, they will appreciate your efforts and are more likely to be loyal. Reputation matters in the business world.

Go green with the tips above both for yourself and the world around you!

Featured Image By: Unsplash

Money Is Tight: Tips To Help Pay Your Rent

Money Is Tight: Tips To Help Pay Your Rent

As the cost of living rises across the globe, many people are wondering how they’ll manage to continue to pay for everything. Food, gas, energy, and rent have been steadily increasing for the past twelve months. If you’re struggling to pay your rent on time, you’re not alone. Rather than burying your head in the sand, now is the time to sit down and make arrangements with your finances. Being in total control of your income and spending will put you in the best position for paying your rent. Take a look at these tips:

Consider a Roommate:

If you’re renting a property and have a room to spare, you may want to consider advertising for a roommate. Sharing your property is one of the easiest ways to significantly reduce the amount of rent you have to pay. It’s important to check with your landlord before making any decisions. If your landlord agrees, ask family and friends before making a public advertisement. Someone you know and trust will often make the best roommate. However, it’s essential that you do all of the appropriate checks before accepting any applicant.

Reduce Your Spending:

Look at where you’re spending your money each month. If you’re buying coffee every morning, paying for subscriptions you barely use, or splashing on takeaways, it could be time to change your habits. By reducing your spending, you may be able to find the extra money you need to cover your rent costs without needing to worry further. There may also be ways of lowering other bills. For example, using less energy at home or negotiating lower payments with debtors. You’d also be amazed by the deals you can get by telling your internet provider that you are considering switching!

Consider Mobile Homes:

More and more people are starting to consider mobile homes instead of other properties. There are many benefits to living in mobile homes, including reduced rent payments and a higher chance of being able to purchase a mobile home. For example, Mobile Homes Direct 4 Less guarantees to beat the price of their competitors in the same area. It can be a great starting point for anyone who is looking for their first home and wants to build up proof of rent payments on time.

Take On A Side Hustle:

It’s important to rest and stay healthy, but if you’ve got a few hours to spare each day, you could top up your income enough to make all of your payments. For instance, you could make deliveries for a local takeaway or care for someone elderly who needs assistance with meals and medication. Another alternative is to try your hand at freelancing. If you’re a talented writer, graphic designer, or you have experience in customer service, you could find opportunities that allow you to work from home in your spare time.

These tips are not a cure all, but they can be helpful to boost your wallet even a little bit!

Featured Image By: Pixabay



Hello!!! After being fed the frig up by the sky high prices at Giant Eagle, Johnny taught me the joys of grocery shopping at Aldi’s this past week. It was AWESOME and we saved over one hundred dollars during our shopping trip. We have been enjoying all of the new to us food and drinks and, as lame as it sounds, it is exciting every time I open the refrigerator!

One thing that I was really hoping I would find at Aldi’s was the Pickle De Gallo dip and I was so happy that it was available in mild and medium heat. It is absolutely delicious and a must for any pickle fan! I didn’t have any intentions of buying more dip after that, but I couldn’t say no to a Hummus Quartet and Street Corn dip! Chips, veggies, and dip are mine and Johnny’s favorite snack and these purchases have improved Dip Island a million fold. Check it out:


For those of you who don’t know, Dip Island is how Johnny and I refer to our go to snack. And, yes, all it is is various dips and chips on a table lol. I tried the Street Corn dip when I made cheesy gordita crunches for dinner and it really blew my mind. It was so creamy, cheesy, and flavorful and was amazing on top of the street corn corn chips. Together, it formed a blast of lime and chili spices and I was in heaven. It was also a fantastic deal – I paid three dollars for the chips and three for the dip. At Giant Eagle, a similar purchase would have been close to or beyond ten dollars.

Johnny isn’t a hummus fan at all, but I make up for it for the both of us. I LOVE hummus of any kind and my favorite way to have it is dipped with mini red, yellow, and orange bell peppers. A container of Sabra hummus at Giant Eagle costs around six dollars and the bell peppers are between four and five. At Aldi’s, I only spent seven dollars! I was so excited to have found the Hummus Quartet, which gave the option of alternating flavors with every bite. The Original, Garlic, and Red Pepper ones are all good, but I am especially partial to the Cilantro Jalapeno. I got that flavor of hummus as an appetizer at a restaurant with Johnny and the one from Aldi’s tastes just like it! 😀

Aldi’s has revolutionized Dip Island and I am so grateful. As always, if you are looking for ways to save money on groceries – head to your local Aldi’s. I deeply regret not doing it sooner!

What is your favorite kind of dip? Where do you do your grocery shopping? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Almost All Aldi’s Dinner – 2.0 Veggie Burgers

Almost All Aldi’s Dinner – 2.0 Veggie Burgers

Hello! Last week, I learned the joys of grocery shopping at Aldi’s when Johnny and I decided that we had enough of the high prices at Giant Eagle. We went on our shopping trip after work, which resulted in a cart full of almost everything that we needed for over one hundred dollars less. My mind was blown, my wallet was happy, and I was thrilled to have gotten all of our essentials for a fraction of the price.

I have been making excellent use of our grocery haul and have been cooking dinner every other night. On Thursday, I made doctored up veggie burgers with every ingredient minus the MorningStar patties from Aldi’s. They were a hit! Check it out:


Shopping at Aldi’s was, honestly, so exciting lol. I have always really enjoyed grocery shopping and it was fun to buy so many new to me items like the everything bagel brioche buns and aioli spreads. I was also stoked to find a Southwest salad kit, which I would get at Giant Eagle all of the time until they stopped carrying it. And, can we talk about their resealable cheese packages? I’m amazed that this isn’t the standard because it’s such a simple but revolutionary idea!

Our burgers with all of the fixings turned out wonderfully and took ten minutes to make. You just can’t beat that! The brioche buns were so thick and fluffy and our taste buds went on a spin with the smoky Gouda on top. The Southwest salad was crisp and it was accentuated even more with a dollop of the chipotle aioli for good measure. My 2.0 veggie burgers with Aldi’s ingredients completely blew the ones I was making before out of the water.

Although I love to try new recipes on Pinterest, I still make a lot of standby dishes that Johnny and I will always enjoy. I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t a bit bored with it, but simple and quick meals are often the best thing for me to make during the work week. Being able to make our usual dinners with a twist on the ingredients used has been an absolute game changer. Now, if only there were an Aldi’s and Trader Joe’s right down the street from me!

If you are feeling bored with your standard groceries, go to a different store lol. Aldi’s has turned our go to meals into something special again and what we saved is unmatched. A change of scenery for grocery shopping goes a long way!

What are some of your standby meals to make? What toppings do you like on your burgers? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Aldi’s Haul Success: Pickle De Gallo

Aldi’s Haul Success: Pickle De Gallo

Hello!!! For the past several years, Johnny and I have done our grocery shopping at the Giant Eagle. The convenience of curbside and the fact that it is barely five minutes away from us was hard to beat. However, the prices at GE were simply getting out of hand and the amount we were spending to keep us fed and watered was ridiculous. So, we decided to make a change by shopping at Aldi’s and getting what we couldn’t find there at the GE.

We had our first Aldi’s trip together earlier this week and it was nothing short of a remarkably GREAT SUCCESS. Outside of about six things that weren’t available, we found everything we needed and paid over one hundred dollars less for it. The nearest Aldi’s to us is about twenty minutes away but, needless to say, it was well worth the trip!

I haven’t gone “real” grocery shopping in so long because I freaking LOVE online shopping with curbside. However, I always enjoyed a trip to the grocery store and going to Aldi’s with Johnny was a blast. There were SO many new to us options and we filled our cart with can’t say no finds. One of which being, pickle de gallo. I had seen people posting about it on Facebook before and I told Johnny that I really hoped it was at the Aldi’s we were going to. Lucky for me, it was!


Johnny and I are avid dippers. No, not in the chewing tobacco way! We just love chips and dip and like to make what we call “dip island” AKA a wide variety of dips on a table lol. So, when I heard talk of a pickle based salsa, I NEEDED it. Pickles are one of my favorite things to snack on and pico de gallo is my preferred style of salsa. A combination of both of these things really blew my mind and I couldn’t wait to dig in as soon as we returned home from our shopping trip.

At Aldi’s, there were two different types of pickle de gallo – a mild one and a thick and chunky medium heat one. Obvi, I got them both! I decided to try the mild pickle salsa first and it was everything that I hoped it would be and so much more. The pickles were tangy, the onions were sweet, and the red pepper had the perfect amount of zip to make my taste buds soar. Every bite had an insane amount of crunch and it wasn’t from the tortilla chips I purchased which were kind of a dud. Several chips in, I had to exercise self control because I most definitely could have kept on going!

If you are a pickle fan and looking for a new and exciting way to eat them; RUN to Aldi’s. Also, if you are looking to save money on groceries; RUN to Aldi’s. This shopping trip was a complete game changer and I can’t wait to go back! 😀

What grocery store do you shop at? What is the best thing that you have found at Aldi’s? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Amazing Hacks For A More Convenient Home

Amazing Hacks For A More Convenient Home

Home life can be chaotic and expensive. It seems like every season brings with it a new set of challenges, tools, and products. If you want to cut down on your expenses and make home life simpler, try some of these amazing hacks. Who knew something like PVC pipes could do all of this:

Curling Iron Holsters:

A curling iron or styling wand is what you need to make the bouncy curls and stylish waves that sets you apart from the crowd. Curling irons and styling wands come in different shapes and sizes, but they have some things in common; they all become hot and need to be stored safely. When you are using your curling iron in the bathroom, it can be inconvenient and dangerous to leave it sitting on the porcelain counter; it’s better if you can store it in a handy PVC holster. These are simple to make, just cut lengths of PVC pipe and attach them to the inside of the door!

Trendy Overhead Storage:

PVC piping might be expressly designed for plumbing and drainage, but it can be repurposed to make your home life more convenient. If you have a basement, garage, or attachment, you probably have some extra space overhead, so why not make it work for you with PVC storage? Source some PVC piping from your local hardware store and attach it to the wooden beams overhead. Create U-shaped sections to place copper piping on for cross beams. Once the copper beams are in place, you can use the space above for storing lightweight garden tools.

Gutter Cleaning Hack:

Home gutters need to be cleaned regularly, especially in the fall when leaves gather as it increases the risks of flooding and water damage. Water damage in the home is not only difficult to repair, but it is also a health risk for a family due to mold growth. Here is an easy gutter-cleaning hack. Again, PVC piping is your friend, so make sure you buy plenty of it at the hardware store. PVC piping is durable and hollow; it is also versatile, with plenty of attachments. Place an elbow joint on one end with a rinsing cap and attach a hose to the other end to clean gutters with ease.

Bike Storage:

Do you walk into your garage and bemoan the sight of the family bikes stacked precariously in the corner? What you need is a bike rack, but they can be expensive to buy and install. If you have some DIY skills, you can use this PVC piping hack to create your own at a far lower cost. PVC piping is an easy material to work with; you can put it together like Lego, so even low-skilled DIYers can create helpful home hacks with ease. What you need is a row of rectangles with gaps at either end and a stand at the back as per these helpful instructions.

Carpet Cleaning:

In recent years there has been a trend towards wooden floors in the home, but many homes still choose carpet and for good reasons. In colder climates, carpets retain more heat and create a warmer atmosphere in the room. But they need to be cleaned regularly to protect family health. Dust mites, allergens, and bacteria build up in the carpet and can cause health conditions like asthma for family members. There are a ton of carpet cleaning hacks that you can use, such as lint rollers, squeegees for pet hair, and stain removal using an iron or a professional service.

If you don’t have the time or desire to do the carpet cleaning yourself, the best hack of all is going with the pros! Your carpets will never look better. To find an expert near you, simply enter a search for “minnesota carpet cleaning” or your local area.

Lighted Screwdriver:

Whether you are working in the garage, the basement, or the attic, you could benefit from a lighted screwdriver. A lighted screwdriver is a conventional screwdriver with an LED light on the end that illuminates the space you are working on. Lighted screwdrivers can also be created. Buying one of these devices in the store or online is likely to cost significantly more than one might expect, especially if it’s a brand-name device. A better option is to go to the counter and pick up a small LED keychain for a fraction of the price, then simply tape it onto your screwdriver end.

Draft Excluders:

Draft excluders come in different varieties and depend on the type of gaps you have in your home. Some homes have ceiling registers that can be fixed with a plant pot base glued over the gap in winter. Gaps in the bottom of the door can be sealed with a strip of materials or a soft toy.

Screen Cleaning:

Computer, laptop, smartphone, and TV screens all collect dust and need to be cleaned regularly. If you don’t have any screen cleaning products around, you can use household items like window cleaner, kitchen cleaner, rubbing alcohol, or wipe with vinegar for a sparkling surface.

All of these hacks are easy to complete and will make your life easier too! Happy DIYing!

Featured Image By: Unsplash

Reduce Your Bills With A More Energy Efficient Home

Reduce Your Bills With A More Energy Efficient Home

Household expenses are continuing to rise, all thanks to inflation. Many individuals and families are being forced to look for savings to stop their expenses from getting out of control – which is often easier said than done. Making your home more energy efficient is a great way to help you reduce your bills, and can help you develop less wasteful habits too. Making a few small changes could add up to big savings, and teach you some things about your energy use. Take a look at some of the best and most effective ways to reduce your energy bills:

Turn off your lights and appliances when they’re not in use:

It’s easy to leave your lights on in another room or keep your TV on standby throughout the night, but these things and various other habits can add unnecessary costs to your energy bill. Being better at turning things off or pulling the plug can make a big difference in your energy use. While it’s easy to forget to do these things, you’ll soon see a noticeable difference in your energy use if you make it a habit.

Make your home a smart home:

Another way to manage things like your lighting and heating is to make your home smarter. Smart home devices can make it easier to control your home so you can control what you spend on energy. From dimming the lights with the sound of your voice to shutting off the heating when nobody is home, a smarter home can help you take a much more economical approach to your energy spending. Adding smart technology is also one of the ways you can increase the value of your home, making it more modern and appealing for potential buyers in the future.

Upgrade your windows:

Better insulation can make your home more energy efficient. This is because newer windows are better at keeping the heat in your home, meaning you could reduce how much heating you use throughout the colder months. Explore local energy-efficient window installation companies to help you find someone to replace your windows. New windows can make a huge difference to your home, helping to make it warmer and more modern if you choose contemporary frames.

Consider changes to your heating system:

Older heating systems can use a lot more energy than newer systems, which are designed with energy efficiency in mind. Choosing a different type of home heating system can reduce your bills, and make your home warmer or cooler where needed. It’s also important to maintain your heating system regularly to ensure it’s not using excessive energy to compensate for poor performance caused by a fault.

Making your home more energy efficient can future-proof your home while reducing your bills in the process. Look at your current usage rates and set targets to bring them down. You’ll be amazed at the difference and can feel proud of your efforts to reduce your energy bills!

Featured Image By: Unsplash

How To Better Protect Your Money

How To Better Protect Your Money

If you want a secure life, then you need to look after your money. Money buys security and can prevent you from a lot of stress and worry. It is not a good feeling wondering if you can pay the heating bill this winter. As we get older, this security is ever more needed. We are going to have to retire with no real set income coming in and making do with the money we protected in our youth. So, let’s discover a few ways we can protect our money better:

Get Out of Debt:

If you have debts, then you must get out of debt and stay out of it too. There is nothing worse for your finances than paying interest rates. This is a great way to have nothing. If you can, contact your creditors and increase your payments to get rid of the debt as fast as possible. For some of you, it may be wise to enlist the help of a financial planner. You may be able to consolidate all your debts to make them far easier to understand and more manageable. 

Learn to Live Within your Means:

A lot of people spend more than their wages every month, which means they dip into their overdraft. If this is a continual thing, you will end up further and further into your overdraft and this leads to debt. It is not like a mortgage where you will have something at the end of it, it is simply wasted money. So, you need to start living within your means. There are many methods to do this. First, you need to become more financially aware so you need to track your spending better. You can download a banking app if you have not done this already and keep an eye on your balance. You can even set alerts to message you when your account is running low. Other methods include disabling the contactless feature on your bank card, trying to save your income that is not used for essentials, and only using a set amount for spending cash. You also need to learn how to practice delayed gratification. Instead of caving into your urges to buy something, you need to wait and see if you still want it in thirty days or once you have saved the cash for it.


Investing wisely is one of the best ways to protect your money. Unlike savings, you can actually invest and keep up with inflation. One of the best ways to do this is invest in property. Buying your own home is wise. It can actuary end up being a lot cheaper than renting. A dual occupancy home from Meadan Homes, for example, allows you to rent out part of your home and make money on it too. Other ways to invest are with bonds, either corporate or government, the stock market, and collectibles. Investing in yourself is another great one, meaning paying for a higher education. You can do things like side hustles too, which is essentially running your own business and giving you valuable experience.

Spending money is an obvious part of life but you need to be smart about it to keep increasing your savings. Get started with the tips above today!

Featured Image By: Pixabay