Tag Archives: driving

How To Prepare For An Electric Vehicle Road Trip

How To Prepare For An Electric Vehicle Road Trip

It’s not unusual to have some anxiety concerning electric vehicles and whether you can rely on them or not for long distance travel. However, they are a great eco-friendly option if flying is too expensive or you want to go by road. And with adequate planning, you could drive your EV for hundreds or thousands of miles. If you partake in the American tradition of going on a road trip during the summer, here are four tips to prepare for an electric vehicle road trip:

Properly plan your route:

Manufacturers continue to improve their EV route planning tools but are still lagging behind Tesla in this aspect. This is why it is always best to find a good route planner to help you set your EV route to your destination. It is better to be prepared than surprised when taking a long road trip. Fortunately, a few freemium route planning tools allow you to enter your vehicle and charging state and input your desired destination and battery percentage. The tool will do the rest and advise the best route to use. You can pay a few dollars to activate advanced weather and traffic data features.

Ensure your EV is 100% ready:

Electric cars are still more expensive to acquire than conventionally powered rivals but often less expensive to maintain due to economical home charging. This doesn’t suggest that EVs are maintenance-free. Aside from the usual tire rotation, cabin air filter, and wiper blades replacement, it can be useful to take your EV through the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule. It is best to allow trained technicians like Infinite Electric to handle EV checks to guarantee you get the most from the car.

EV driving tips:

There are several strategies to increase your driving range. For example, the ‘eco-modes’ accessible in most automobiles can help you improve your car’s efficiency by limiting how much power it receives. Accelerator and brake usage have been linked to this. Like diesel and petrol automobiles, the more force you use, the more energy is consumed, decreasing the car’s overall range. Keeping this in mind can help you to drive attentively and increase your mileage.

Have a backup:


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The latest EVs are designed with advanced technologies to guarantee you don’t run out of power on the road. For example, some feature a huge orb over a map displaying how far you can travel before the next charging station. You also get several warnings before you run low. However, chargers are likely to be in use, especially when you don’t arrive early. In some cases, they may be broken or faulty, so it is best to have a backup in case the first charger is unavailable. Some websites or apps like ChargeNet can tell whether the station is in use or has a problem and enable you to plan ahead of time.

The above are some top tips before taking your EV on a summer road trip. Have fun hitting the open road – eco-friendly style!

Featured Image By: Pixabay

Eco Friendly Options To Consider

Eco Friendly Options To Consider

Being eco friendly is one of the best ways to show that you care about the planet and those who inhabit it. While we hear the words “eco friendly” often, it can be hard to know where to get started. The best way to begin a more eco friendly lifestyle is by making small, immediate changes to your day to day life. Nothing is too small as long as you are committed to sticking with them! Let’s look at a few ways to incorporate some eco friendliness into your life:

Your Commute To Work:

Driving to work might be the only option for some people due to a range of different reasons like the distance, lack of a metro system, or poor weather. However, if you can bike, walk, ride share, or take the bus even one day out of the week, it can make a big difference! Alternate modes of transportation also help save you money. What’s not to like?!

Give An Item A New Purpose:

Reusing items in a different way is always an eco friendly option. For example, did you know that some companies will remove old appliances for you, repair them, and sell it at a discounted rate so people can buy used appliances for sale? Not only is this environmentally friendly as it will prevent the appliance from ending up in a landfill but it provides safe and cheaper options for people who might not be able to afford a brand new model.

Secondhand Shopping:

When moving into my apartment, I furnished it almost entirely with thrifted or handed down items. When it comes to clothing, furniture, or little odds and ends that you didn’t know you needed, you can’t go wrong with secondhand shopping. There is nothing better than finding a treasure that no one else will have and it will provide you with a space and style that is totally unique for you.

Donate What You Can:

When doing a home haul away, there are plenty of different routes that you can take instead of just throwing things away. Clothing can be donated to homeless or battered women’s shelters. Old bath or beach towels can make an animal in a shelter much more comfortable. Furniture can be given to a family in need or could be sold on virtual marketplaces. You could even have a yard sale! Repurposing items is always the way to go and can make a big difference for the people who will receive it.

Living an eco friendly life helps this great big wide world and is an amazing way to assist people who might not be as fortunate as you. ❤

Planning The Most Amazing Road Trip

Planning The Most Amazing Road Trip

Gaining the chance to plan an amazing road trip is an opportunity that should not be missed. Road trips offer an experience like no other kind of travel or vacation. Figuring out how to organize a memorable road trip doesn’t have to be as difficult as you might expect, as there are several simple tips and tricks that you can make the most of to ensure you and your passengers can enjoy the adventure of a lifetime. So, if you’re interested in finding out more, then read on to uncover some of the most important planning recommendations that you can utilize today to plan the best road trip ever:

Choose The Right Vehicle:

Choosing the right vehicle should be your first priority when heading out on a road trip. If you want to experience ultimate comfort throughout your trip, then you’ll likely prefer a camper of some kind, since these are well equipped with living quarters, hygiene facilities, and more. For those who are aiming to camp outdoors and need space for equipment, a 4×4 SUV truck is going to be the best bet – you’ll have enough storage space to pack up everything you need, whilst having the off road capabilities to travel to hard-to-reach spots.

If you want to live life on the wild side and experience your road trip in a totally different manner, finding a local KTM dealers garage will give you the chance to ride on the back of a top quality motorcycle. Obviously you’ll be exposed to the elements on a motorbike and this could be a blessing or a curse depending on the weather!

If you’re opting for using your own car, make sure you get any major repairs taken care of with time to spare. Don’t forget to get your oil changed and tires rotated too! You can get your car looking brand new again with Car Detailing Brisbane so you can ride in style during your trip.

Pick Your Destination:

Going on a road trip allows you and your friends to make a ton of memories and create an unforgettable experience. It doesn’t necessarily matter where you go, it’s what you make of the entire adventure. However, if you really want to turn your road trip into a success, you may want to choose Europe as your destination. Not only are there so many beautiful sights to see, but you will also discover so many incredible group tours to Europe. From visiting Big Ben in London, to The Eiffel Tower in Paris, you can plan your ultimate road trip around your planned sightseeing tours.

Pack Your Bags Properly:

Throwing in a couple of pairs of underwear and some trail mix to see you through until the end of your road trip is one of the worst mistakes that you can make. Start off by packing your clothing, considering all situations such as exploration, swimming, sleeping, and even dramatic weather changes – you don’t want to find yourself stuck in a surprise heatwave with nothing but jumpers and sweatpants to wear.

Next, think about what food you can pack inside your vehicle because you need to have enough food to last your entire trip with a couple of days backed up for safety. Find foods with a long shelf life that don’t need to be stored in a fridge or freezer and be sure to bring some cooking equipment with you even if it’s just a saucepan to hold over an open fire! Don’t forget to bring some form of first aid kit to tend to any wounds or illnesses that you might encounter during your road trip. Something as simple as a migraine could halt your journey if you don’t have immediate access to pain relief.

Summer is not over yet and now is the perfect time to head out on an adventure with your family or friends!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Loud & Clear!

Loud & Clear!

Hello all!! A few days ago, I posted about how the radio in my car has not been working for the past several months. I drive a lot for work, so it has been a huge drag not being able to have my singalongs when I hit the road. Before, my radio would always turn back on after a day or two of not working but after months had gone by, I had all but given up hope of hearing anything in my car until I got it fixed. So, you could imagine my surprise when the radio began playing music out of nowhere!

I was about to leave work for the day, turned my car on, and was immediately greeted by The University of Akron’s radio station blasting. Needless to say, it completely shocked me and I dropped my iPod as I was selecting music to play at full volume for the ride home! It’s a little thing, but listening to the radio while I drive makes my work day better and, despite being stuck in rush hour traffic, it was the best drive I have had in months.

I wouldn’t say that I had a bad day at work that day, but I definitely have felt like I could use a pick me up and my radio working was just the surprise I needed. I was eager to hear what the hits have been after two months of radio silence and I walked into my apartment with an ear to ear grin because the last song I heard was one of my jams by Machine Gun Kelly. Small thing. World of difference.

While I love my job so much, we all have those days where we just don’t feel like going to work. However, as I write this, I am itching to get in my car and start my day so I can listen to the radio and enjoy the eighty degree weather in Ohio with my windows down. Let’s have a great day today!

What is your favorite radio station? Who is your favorite Top 40 artist? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Radio Silence

Radio Silence

Hello! For the past year or so, my radio in the Little Red Love Machine would do this adorable thing while I’m driving and stop working. Lol, I used to joke that the ghost from my apartment had made his way into my car because it would always start working again after a day or so. While super annoying, I was never too bothered by it because I knew it would turn on the next time I ran over a bump in the road.

Your girl doesn’t know anything about cars but I knew that there was definitely some type of issue and, unfortunately, my radio stopped working altogether about two months ago. I drive a lot for my job and this has meant no more Top 40 singalongs, CDs, or using the aux cord for my iPod. The only thing I can do is play my iPod at full volume and continue recycling the exact same songs that I have been listening to since I was fourteen! Haha.

Normally, it’s a good thing when you don’t hear any noises from your car because that means everything is in working order. However, radio silence is a whole different ball game – especially for me. I work for myself and provide care for people with special needs. My time in the car with my music while driving between clients or returning home from work allows me to decompress from the stresses of the day and it is very hard being without.

“Then why haven’t you gotten your radio fixed, Sarah?” I was just getting to that! Between paying taxes, repairs for my car in April, and purchases for my wedding I can’t justify another charge to my bills. But trust and believe that my car radio will be fixed sooner rather than later and the Little Red Love Machine will return to her former glory in no time!

What is your go to driving music? Do you have a name for your car? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Moving House? Location Is Everything

Moving House? Location Is Everything

While some people seek out locations to move house that are off the beaten path, for the most part, a more convenient location tends to be a huge factor when deciding to move. It’s important to think about how far you are willing to drive to get from point A to point B and to consider the following when determining if a potential home’s location is right for you:

In Case Of Emergency:

Being within close proximity of adequate medical care should be a high priority in case of a health emergency. You will want your new home to be nearby to a hospital that takes your insurance and that can easily be accessed by an ambulance. For that reason, a house on a street that easily gets backed up with traffic is not ideal.

Don’t forget to consider home emergencies, as well. Is there going to be an emergency locksmith handy in case you lose your keys? How about a highly rated local plumber if one of your pipes burst? Do your research about the professionals in the area you might be moving into to make sure they can quickly be available if need be.

Consider Your Commute:

The location of a potential home should never make your drive to work less convenient for you. Find out what your new route to work would be and if the drive doesn’t feel doable, especially during peak traffic times, then it might not be for you. Remember, you will be stuck with that commute until you move again.

Access To Education:

Are there good local schools around the home you are considering if you have children or are planning to? Or are you thinking about going back to school? Driving an hour plus to the closest college can instantly put a damper on a potential home. Think about your future goals and plans and ask yourself if the home’s location can accommodate them.

Highways/Shopping Centers:

Is the home you are looking at close to local shopping centers for groceries, clothing, home maintenance, etc.? If not, is it in close proximity to a highway that can get you to the nearest stores quickly? I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to drive a half hour every time I had to go grocery shopping!

“Location is everything” is an often heard phrase when it comes to moving house and it usually rings pretty true. Unless you don’t mind more driving, that is!

Important Safety Tips When Driving In Ice And Snow

Important Safety Tips When Driving In Ice And Snow

Regardless of how long you have been driving, you need to consider safety every time you get behind the wheel. Cars are dangerous and there are always hazards that you need to be aware of because any mistakes could potentially be fatal.

There are a number of driving rules that you should follow at all times, but you need to be particularly careful during the winter. When there is ice and snow on the roads, the dangers are amplified and you need to pay extra attention to what you are doing. This is especially the case if you are a nervous driver or you have just passed your driving test after finding a slot available thanks to a site like Driving Test Cancellations and are finally allowed on the road by yourself. If you are concerned about driving in the ice and snow, here are some important tips to help you stay safe:

Check the forecast before you leave:

The weather can change at any moment, and you need to be prepared for whatever may come your way, especially if you are out in the car all day. You don’t want to make the mistake of leaving the house while it’s dry, only to find that you are unprepared when it starts snowing later on in the day. Always check the forecast before you leave the house in the morning so you can allow extra time if it’s likely to be wet or icy. You may also want to change your route and go on safer roads when the weather is particularly bad.

Keep your tires in good condition:

Your tires are among the most important safety features on your car, so it’s vital that you make sure they are in good condition, especially during the winter. Make sure that you check the tread on your tires on a regular basis and replace them when necessary. Even if you have a big 4×4 and you think that you can handle any condition, it’s still vital that you keep the wheels in top shape. Make sure to invest in new 4×4 rims and tires when you need them. When you are buying new tires, look for ones with a high silica content because they provide more grip. You can get specific winter tires, which have a shorter stopping distance, so it may be worth investing in a set.

Check your visibility:

When the weather is cold, your windows will get covered in ice, making it impossible to see. Visibility is vital to your safety on the road, so make sure that your windows are completely clear. Scraping a small gap that you can look out of is not enough so make sure that you clear the windows properly. This means that you will need to leave yourself enough time in the mornings, so plan ahead. You should also check that your window wipers are working correctly so you don’t lose visibility in heavy rain or snow.

If you are driving at night, make sure that you check your lights too. You can’t always tell right away if a light is out while you are driving. It’s best to be safe and quickly check them before you leave the house at night.

Pack a winter breakdown kit:

Breakdowns are never good, but if you get stranded in the middle of winter, you could find yourself in a very difficult situation. That’s why it’s important to bring a winter breakdown kit so you can stay safe and get somebody to help you out. A snow shovel, scraper, and some de-icer will help you stop the car from freezing over or getting stuck in the snow. You should pack a flash light, as well, so you can see what you are doing if you get stranded at night.

Keeping everybody warm while you wait for the breakdown recovery van to show up is important too. It’s worth packing a few blankets in the car and maybe even a thermos with some hot drinks. Make sure that you pack a car charger for your phone so you can still call for help if your battery runs out. But if you get stuck somewhere without a phone signal, you might be forced to walk a while to find help. In this case, it’s a good idea to have some snow boots to change into.

A reflective sign will help other cars spot you if you get stuck at the side of the road. This improves safety and encourages people to stop and give you a hand. This winter breakdown kit can get you out of some sticky situations if you break down in the middle of nowhere while the weather is bad.

Adjust your driving:

You need to adjust the way that you drive to stay safe in the bad weather. Slowing down is the most obvious change to make because your stopping distance will be much greater when roads are wet and icy. It’s also much easier to lose control of the car, so you should always reduce your overall speed when driving in the winter. Using higher gears is important when driving on ice. Setting off in a higher gear will help you to avoid wheel spin and sticking to a higher gear generally will give you more grip. Always accelerate slowly so you maintain control of the car at all times.

When approaching a bend, always brake gently before and take the turn carefully to avoid skidding. If you do feel the car skidding, it’s important that you don’t panic and slam the brakes on. Instead, you need to turn in the direction that the car is skidding and keep off the brakes as much as possible. If you adjust your driving and slow down, you will be much safer. It will take you longer to get places, so leave with plenty of time to avoid rushing and putting yourself in dangerous situations.

The risks are much greater when driving in bad weather, so it’s vital that you change your approach. Make sure that you prepare your car properly and pack a winter breakdown kit. You also need to cut your speed and take your time to keep yourself and those around you safe.

Featured Image By: Pixabay

The Best & Easiest Ways To Go Green In 2021

The Best & Easiest Ways To Go Green In 2021

The challenges faced in 2020 have given us all a new sense of perspective. As such, living a more eco-friendly lifestyle is likely to be one of the most common New Year’s Resolutions in 2021. Even if it’s not your main target for the year, you will probably want to implement change. The first step to success is to build a winning strategy.

Going green should be convenient and deliver noticeable benefits. Otherwise, you will struggle to find the motivation needed to maintain the improvements. Focus on the following ideas, and you can’t go wrong:

Become a green homeowner:

Given that you will spend more time at home than any other location, it makes sense to start the process here. Renewal by Andersen window replacement services can combat the threat of wasted heat energy. When added to the fact that this will boost the property value, you cannot ignore the benefits.

Further improvements can be made by adding efficient appliances to reduce water waste as well as learning to switch items off. Adding Smart tech to control various aspects of the property will allow you to stay on top of the situation in the immediate and long-term future. Better still, the positive moves should boost your financial health in the long run. Perfect.

Become a green beautician:

Unlocking a better appearance is a goal shared by millions. While plenty of lifestyle changes can be implemented to boost your look, we all need a little help to achieve the best results. My guide to eco-friendly beauty will put you on the path to success. It’s great for your health, looks, and environment.

Eco-friendly products and habits will spark improvements on a daily basis. Meanwhile, your choice of salon or spa for professional care can take the rewards to another level. Alongside beauty, you should also consider fashion choices. Backing brands that manufacture goods in a sustainable way will give you an extra source of smiles. The indirect impact on your carbon footprint is huge.


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Become a green socialite:

In addition to personal upgrades, your desire to lead a greener lifestyle can actively influence your friends and family. It is undoubtedly the best way to maximize the impact of your efforts, as well as the sense of satisfaction. Transparent discussions with those people will create a stronger message.

However, the key is to lead by example. This is something you can think about when planning your next vacation. Meanwhile, simply creating less waste in daily leisure activities can work wonders. With a little creativity, you can repurpose old clothes into unique fashion pieces. Living an eco-friendly lifestyle needn’t cause an impact on your sense of style and general aura. In fact, it could make you look better than ever.

Green living and healthy living are very closely linked. Southern Living’s easy Crock Pot recipes offer a great starting point. The stats show that food waste is one of the worst sources of environmental damage. Cooking and freezing extra portions reduces the threats while also saving valuable time.

Nutrition is one aspect, but you must also consider physical exercise. Running and cycling are among the best cardio aspects while free weights are ideal. Sure, you may still use machinery from time to time, but the use of electricity is unnecessary energy consumption. Travel to the gym or fitness club could increase your carbon footprint. Healthy lifestyles are great, but conscious decisions bring even better rewards.


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Become a green driver:

We make hundreds of decisions that impact our output each day. But some are more significant than others. Driving is the biggest cause of emissions by most. Switching to electric vehicles or hybrid cars will quickly reduce the damage you cause. If you drive a lot, it’s the single greatest upgrade you’ll make.

The right choice of vehicle is the biggest step towards greener driving by far. Still, you can support the process further by embracing new habits behind the wheel. Combining multiple journeys into one, organizing a car pool, and improving your usage of the brakes are all key steps.

If you genuinely have the motivation to lead a greener lifestyle, 2021 is the perfect time to make it happen. Now that you know how, there’s no excuse to ignore the process any longer. Ease yourself into the process throughout December, and you’ll never look back!

Featured Image By: Pixabay

The Hidden Dangers Of The Daily Commute

The Hidden Dangers Of The Daily Commute

Before the coronavirus pandemic shut down the economy, many of us used to travel to work. (Do you remember those days?) But even back then, the subject of the commute was a thorny one. Employers expected you to spend large parts of your day sitting on buses and trains to get to the office. And they didn’t usually pay for it (even if it was a necessary cost of the job).

The commute, though, could be more dangerous to you than you think. It’s not just a matter of getting to and from work and the time you lose. It could also be taking its toll on your health.

It Is Hazardous:

Getting on the train to go to work seems like a perfectly normal and safe thing to do. After all, workers have been alighting at railway stations ever since the Victoria era. Trains, though, are hazardous. Accidents are waiting to happen around every corner.

Research suggests, for instance, that the average worker faces risks around 32 times every week when they use trains to get to work. Being packed into a tin can with dozens of other people and having to navigate the step down to the platform is dangerous. The chances of a slip or fall are high, especially when workers are in a rush and their minds on other things. Data from the UK suggest that 1.7 million people have to take time off work every year because of injuries they sustain while commuting.

The risks are even higher than that, though, in some cases. One of the worst New York city derailments of all time, with more than 200 people sustaining injuries, occurred in Union Square in 1991, proving that accidents can still happen on the railway.

It Could Damage Your Body Clock:

Evolution designed humans to wake up with the rising sun and go to bed soon after it sets. Modern working lives, however, disrupt this natural process. We’re no longer in a routine. Instead, we organize our lives around our shift patterns – and they’re not always healthy.

The commute may actually make things worse. When you get on a brightly-lit train or bus in the morning or evening, you send signals to your body that it is day time, and you should wake up. Suddenly, your body releases a flood of hormones designed to perk you up and give you a buzz. When this happens in the morning, it is healthy. But when it occurs at night, it is anything but. You wind up fizzing all evening, and when you hit the sack, you can’t sleep.


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It Could Affect Your Cardiovascular System:

Finally, commuting to work could harm your cardiovascular system. The combination of sitting still for a long time with the added stress of being around so many people can lead to increases in blood pressure. When your body goes through this daily, it can lead to conditions like hypertension, which are risk factors in more severe diseases. Standing up more on transport may help.

Stay aware during your commutes to work and keep yourself and those around you safe.

Featured Image By: Pixabay

5 Top Tips To Help You Stay Safe On The Road

5 Top Tips To Help You Stay Safe On The Road

Whether you’ve just passed your driving test or you’ve been driving for several years, it’s vital that you stay as safe as possible when on the road. Driving is something that you should take very seriously. Therefore, you should make sure that you’re not doing anything that will risk either your safety or the safety of those around you.

So to ensure that you’re on the right path (or road!), here are the five top tips that you can use while driving:

Avoid Any Distractions:

When in control of your vehicle, you need to make sure that your full attention is on the road. It’s good to turn the radio down (or off), try not to get distracted when you have passengers with you, and to avoid texting while driving, etc.

You don’t want to find yourself in an accident because you were distracted while driving. There are so many implications that could come from this, from physical injuries that prevent you from secure employment to life-threatening conditions. So make sure that you avoid these from the get-go.

Check the Weather:

Before you head out on the road, it’s a good idea to check the local weather report. Rain and snow can cause dangerous driving conditions. So being prepared is vital in these situations. If you have to go out, you need to do it carefully – but if it’s not essential, it might be worth staying at home.

Keep Your Vehicle Maintained:

Another top tip is to make sure that your vehicle is maintained throughout the year. This isn’t just meant in the sense that you should check your oil and fuel regularly (an essential thing to do if you use it every day – for example, if you’re a delivery driver), but that you take it to a local repair shop if you notice anything wrong with it. Driving when there is a problem with it will only be hazardous and end in disaster.

Don’t Rush Yourself:

You should never feel pressured while driving – you must feel calm and collected. If you feel rushed, you might be tempted to speed or your mind won’t be fully focused – two things that can be very dangerous. Give yourself plenty of time when you’re driving anywhere so you don’t get last minute road rage.

Be in the Right Frame of Mind:

Following on from the above, it’s vital that you’re in the right frame of mind when you’re heading out on a drive. For example, if you’re upset or angry for any reason, it might not be the best idea to go on a long drive. Similarly, if you’re under the influence or hungover, you’ll be putting yourself in danger by getting in the vehicle. The latter is also illegal – so avoid doing this.

So, there you go! These are five top tips that will help you to stay safe while on the road, as well as those around you or riding in your car. Buckle up and hit the road!

Featured Image By: Cleyton Ewerton from Pexels