Tag Archives: weather

Easter Extravaganza OOTD Bloopers

Easter Extravaganza OOTD Bloopers

Hello everyone and welcome to the blooper reel from my Easter Extravaganza OOTD! My Easter was short and sweet with a quick visit to my mom and dad’s for some lunch. We just ended up getting a take out meal from Giant Eagle and everything was so good. So good and SO very filling! After our lunch paired with champagne, I was ready to go home, put on my pajamas, and sleep for the rest of the week lol. Of course, it wouldn’t be a holiday without getting dressed up in your Sunday best to just eat food. Despite being in my Sunday best, these pics were the absolute worst:

Just out here trying my best


FE FI FO FUM ready or not here I come


TFYM when you know you’re about to fall over


The leaning tower of Lil Red


Action shot of me kicking the winning goal


How I looked after my food coma


I’M SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Although Easter breaks my rules of never doing anything on a Sunday, I was pretty excited for it. We were going to do an Easter egg hunt for my sweet nieces and I couldn’t wait to assemble the eggs with candy treats. Then, my sister ended up having to work and Ohio did that typical Ohio thing… It rained all weekend so any outdoor egg hunts were no longer an option anyways. I’ll be looking forward to having a belated egg hunt with better weather soon. ❤

Another Ohio uh oh will actually be happening today. In my neck of the woods, we are in a path of full totality for the solar eclipse. It has been the hot buzz here for over a month and there are countless festivals and events taking place. For once, people are traveling from all over just to come to Ohio lol. Unfortunately, I don’t think anyone is going to be getting the show they expected because it will be cloudy all day. This has been a “what if” joke online and leave it up to my state to make good on it. Maybe next solar eclipse four hundred years later… 😀

Like the weather in Ohio, the blooper pictures are never the best. But, hey, at least that’s to be expected with both of them!

Are you going to view the solar eclipse? Are you going to an event for it? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Spring Flowers

Spring Flowers

Howdy!! One of my favorite times of the year is right now. Winter is almost over, the promise of spring is so close, and it feels like anything is possible. The thing I look forward to the most is seeing spring flowers begin to pop up because it just makes me happy. After the grey, snowy days of winter, there is nothing better than seeing beautiful blooms and spring flowers are some of my favorites too. Daffodils, crocuses, and hyacinths brighten my day and I always try to take a moment to appreciate them. This past week, I was thrilled to see yellow daffodils in my parents’ yard – even though it was snowing!


Last week was a bit of a doozy for yours truly. I, unfortunately, had to stop going to therapy because mine and Johnny’s insurance is garbage. As you can imagine, this was really disappointing for me. It felt like I had literally just found a therapist I was comfortable with and then it got taken away. However, there wasn’t anything I could do after paying over seven hundred dollars in under one month. And, on top of that, my beloved Little Red Love Machine started making some crazayyyy noises so it was an expensive repair on top of the medical expenses. Talk about stressful!

As I left my mom and dad’s house feeling not my best, I noticed the daffodils in the yard and couldn’t believe I didn’t see them on my way in. I guess I had my blinders on! Instead of getting in my car and going straight home, I took some time standing as the snow fell to take it in. Even though the flowers were getting snowed on, they were still adding gorgeous color to the world. It was a nice metaphor for what I was going through in that immediate moment. Despite feeling sad, I can still do my best to continue to shine and that made the situation a bit more bearable. ❤

Spring Flowers are short lived and I am glad that I took those extra moments to let that fleeting beauty sink in. I needed some daffodils that day and I left chez parents feeling better than I did before.

What is your favorite flower? What is your favorite time of the year? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Jeans & A V (Neck) OOTD Bloopers

Jeans & A V (Neck) OOTD Bloopers

Howdy! A brand new OOTD means brand new bloopers so it’s time to peep those from my Jeans & A V (Neck) outfit. Taking OOTD pics in the wintertime just freaking sucks lol. It’s cold, windy, and unpleasant and it’s the kind of weather that makes you want to go inside as soon as you step out. The day we took these pictures, we anticipated pleasant temps because *shocker* the sun was actually out! We got SO much more than we bargained for, however, and it freaking SUCKED! Find out why after these yikes shots:

Wikky wikky wikky DJ Red in the house


Just trying to pretend like I’m not freezing… It didn’t work


Playing a fun game of imaginary catch


A classic “what did you just say?” face


Setting up the shot…


Nailed it! Not.


Before I begin this story, let me first start by saying that Johnny and I have amazing neighbors in the Timber Top community. We are most fond of all of those we have had the pleasure of meeting and it makes the sprawling property feel more like a neighborhood rather than a billion apartments in close proximity to each other. Having said that, when Johnny and I take pictures in the winter – we don’t want to talk to anyone! We want to go out, be as quick as possible, and go back in to get warm.

As I mentioned, the sun was shining and it looked like it was going to be nice out. WRONG! It was frigid cold and the blustery wind was nonstop. Naturally, we would get stopped by one of our neighbors who was bundled up warm and ready for a chat. Johnny and I were not in the slightest. We ended up staying in the conversation for over fifteen minutes before it was blessedly over and still had pictures to take! I shit you guys not, after ten seconds of shooting Johnny goes “Can you try not looking so cold in every picture?” LOL, so much easier said than done and we were frozen solid by the time we got back inside. We both had to sit in front of the space heater to thaw out afterwards!

You never know what’s going to happen during an OOTD shoot and, in this case, it was near hypothermia haha. I guess Johnny and I are great neighbors too! 🙂

Do you have any awesome neighbors? How about any terrible ones? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Thanksgiving Pt. 2 OOTD Bloopers

Thanksgiving Pt. 2 OOTD Bloopers

Helloooo everyone and welcome to the blooper reel from my Thanksgiving Pt. 2 OOTD! For Thanksgiving, I had four days off in total and it was absolutely magnificent. I cannot remember the last time I had that much time off in a row – probably not since we vacationed in the Poconos over two years ago! It was basically a Thanksgiving miracle, but it was SO hard to get back to work come Monday. I feel like I went through most of the week half asleep lol. During this OOTD shoot, however, I was wide awake because holy shit was it cold haha check it out:

What an amazing action shot, amiright?


Just leaning on my imaginary friend


I LOVE WHEN MY HAIR STICKS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Serving straight up sass appeal


Maybe I was half asleep in these pics seeing as how I can’t keep my eyes open


WTF is this, guys? lol YIKES


Back in the day when I was ice skating a lot, I would say that I had a very high tolerance to cold weather. I was so used to it that it never really phased me. Fast forward to when I have not skated in forever and any semblance of tolerance to the cold has flown out the window. Whatever the weather, I will never stop shooting OOTD content. Having said that, these Thanksgiving photo shoots were freaking miserable! Not only was the temperature frigid, but it was windy as all get out and made things so much worse. It was the kind of cold that literally just goes right through you.

Speaking of being cold, it is forever freezing in my apartment compliments of my sweet husband. ❤ Johnny runs hot both in looks and temperature wise. Myself, on the other hand, am a huge freeze baby. We are constantly turning our thermostat up and down, much to each other’s displeasure. While I never back down from a challenge, I have admitted defeat in the Great Thermostat Battle of 2023 because I cannot win! That’s not to say that the cold apartment doesn’t have its perks because there is one… I put my freezing hands and feet on Johnny and lovingly remind him that he is doing it to himself. How adorable are we? 😉

I don’t miss the scorching days of summer, but I would be elated if I could transport to a 70s and sunny location right about now. I guess I’ll make do with make believe as I wrap myself in yet another blanket SMH!

What is winter weather like in your neck of the woods? What is your perfect temperature? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

5 Ways To Better Animal Health During Winter

5 Ways To Better Animal Health During Winter

Animal health during the winter is just as vital as our own. As an animal or pet owner, you have a responsibility to care for any animals at your home or farm. Staying active with animals always helps, but you can also keep an eye out for local wildlife that might need help as well. Take a look at some tips to keep your pets healthy all winter long:

Keep Up with Medical Treatment:

Like humans, animals require medical treatment to stay healthy. If you have any pets, then you will be well aware of the medical problems they can get and the effects these can also have. From simple eye infections to kennel cough and worms, dogs are susceptible to all kinds of issues. Yet even strong horses are also prone to worms, so products like Questplus dewormer are highly recommended during winter as worms occur mostly during December and January.

Stay Active with Your Pets:

Pets need lots of exercise, and this can be easy or challenging, depending on what pet you have. For instance, a rodent will go all day if you provide a wheel for exercise. Yet a dog has no such amenity. You must walk your dog and ensure they get the exercise they need, even in winter. This is harder, of course. But you can bear it with some reliable winter clothing. You can also get some clothing for your dog. This looks amazingly cute but will also help keep them warm.

Shelter Provides Animal Health During Winter:

Almost every animal needs shelter, from mighty elephants to rodents. Livestock such as cows, pigs, and chickens (which are common in backyards) need somewhere safe from the elements. The number of deaths from poor shelter during extreme weather runs into the hundreds of thousands every year. This can be avoided with adequate shelter for the animals you keep. Ventilation, dry bedding, and enough feed are also essential for maintaining animal health.

Help Local Wildlife Stay Safe:

You may or may not have pets. But what you will have is local wildlife. From frogs in the pond to birds, badgers, and foxes visiting your garden, there is abundant wildlife almost everywhere. And every now and then, they need a little help from us. For instance, there are toxic gasses that can build in frozen-over ponds, so check that there is always a hole for these to escape. You can also help birds find food with bird feeders. And be careful of hibernating animals when clearing debris.

Be Aware of the Human Dangers:

Winter is a savage time for humans in some places, and we need ways to get through it. Just maintaining your car can be a nightmare. But it can also be deadly to animals, especially cats. Ethylene glycol, the main component of antifreeze, is sweet, and cats are drawn to it. So, store it correctly and clean up spills. Antifreeze can also leak from your car, so be sure to check underneath the vehicle and clean up any residue that could possibly be an antifreeze solution.

Avoid winter health conditions for your beloved pets with the tips above and stay warm!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Cozy Decor Details For Your Home

Cozy Decor Details For Your Home

Ever walked into a space and instantly felt like snuggling up with a hot coffee and a good book? That, my friends, is the magic of cozy decor. And the great news? You don’t need to remodel your entire living space or spend a small fortune to get that oh-so-comfy vibe. With just a few touches here and there, you can transform your space into a snug paradise:

Snugly tone Veneer:

It’s hard to picture a stone veneer being cozy but prepare to be pleasantly surprised! There’s something incredibly comforting about the ruggedness of stone, and veneer brings that warmth without overwhelming a space. Whether you’re dressing up a fireplace or creating an accent wall, stone veneer introduces a texture that’s both rustic and inviting.

Chunky Knit Throws:

You’ve probably seen these draped over couches in every dreamy Pinterest living room picture. Chunky knit throws aren’t just trendy; they’re the embodiment of cozy. Just looking at one makes me want to wrap myself in it like a burrito!

Dimmable Lights:

Nothing kills the cozy decor vibe faster than harsh, bright lights. Opt for dimmable lights or, better yet, a few strategically placed table or floor lamps with soft white bulbs. The gentle glow creates a calming atmosphere, perfect for unwinding after a long day.


^^^ Pexels Image

Oversized Pillows:

If your couch or bed doesn’t resemble a marshmallowy cloud, you’re doing it wrong! Just kidding, but seriously, oversized pillows are where it’s at. They’re perfect for propping yourself up with a book or creating a makeshift bed for a movie night on the floor.

Candles, Candles, Candles:

No cozy list is complete without mentioning candles. Whether you’re into woodsy scents or prefer the smell of fresh linen, there’s a candle out there that will make your space feel like a warm embrace. Just remember to blow them out before snoozing!

Book Nooks:

Even if you aren’t an avid reader, having a designated nook stocked with books (or even a few pretty magazines) screams comfort. Add a soft chair, a plush blanket, and maybe a small table for that cup of tea, and you’re golden.

Wooden Elements:

From wooden beams to wooden trays and coffee tables, there’s an undeniable warmth that wood brings to any space. It pairs wonderfully with other cozy elements, adding depth and a touch of nature indoors.

Rugs Galore:

Cold feet? Not in a cozy home! Layer rugs or choose an ultra-plush one. Whether it’s a fluffy sheepskin rug by your bed or a Persian rug in the living room, they instantly warm up a space — both visually and literally.

Indoor Plants:

A plant or two (or ten) can breathe life into your home. They purify the air, add a touch of green, and studies show they can even improve your mood. If you often forget to water, don’t worry; there’s a variety of low-maintenance plants like snake plants or ZZ plants that thrive on neglect.

There you have it – your very own cheat sheet to achieving peak coziness in your home this winter, so what are you waiting for? Make coziness happen!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Scary Fun Fall Activities

Scary Fun Fall Activities

Hello!!! Fall is the happiest time of the year for me and Johnny. The weather suits our vampire selves beautifully and autumn is when we finally emerge outdoors after a hot summer. We do not do well in the heat whatsoever and it’s so nice to be able to comfortably step out and do ALL of the fall activities together! Below are some of the things that we definitely plan on doing the next few months as well as some ideas for more fall fun. Check it out:


There are countless gorgeous Metro Parks in Ohio and Johnny and I live by a ton of them. Within a ten mile radius of our apartment are at least ten different ones that I can think of off the top of my head! During the week, we are hoping to fit in one or two hikes after work on the days that I get home early. It is such a joy to take a stroll through the woods during a crisp day and admire the changing leaves! Maybe we’ll even try to complete the annual Fall Hiking Spree this year, which is something we always talk about but never do lol.

Drive-In Movies:

I have only been to a drive-in movie once in my life and it freaking sucked! It was a rainy day, the car was cramped, and I was beyond over it. Johnny, on the other hand, loves a good drive-in and we plan on hitting up the one we live somewhat close to in October. The drive-in will be hosting scary movie marathons with old school horror flicks, slashers, and campy classics. It sounds like a hoot and will be a nice change of pace from our at home scary movie viewings.

Scavenger Hunts:

I think it would be so much fun to have a Halloween scavenger hunt with our friends and I would love to organize one. Perhaps a walk or drive through neighborhoods scouring Halloween decor to cross off our list? Or even visiting one of the numerous Spirit Halloweens in our area building a goofy costume on a budget. We could end the hunt making our own concoctions of spooky themed cocktails OR apple cider mimosas which I am dying to try. They sound delish! 😀

Pumpkin Partay:

One thing that Johnny and I haven’t done together is carve pumpkins and that feels like a must this year. I would love to take an afternoon trip to a pumpkin patch, pick out the perfect carving pumpkins, and make some masterpieces. Granted, no one could really see them from our balcony but we can and that’s all that matters. Here’s to me not injuring myself because this will be my first go at jack-o-lanterns – we’ll see what happens haha.


This past Christmas, I got my dad a fire pit and Johnny and I can’t wait to use it this fall! We even have the kits to make the fire different colors, which will be super neat. Last year, Johnny and I had a blast passing out candy during Trick-or-Treat and we plan on creating a spooky setup with the fire pit, Halloween music, and of course dressing up too. I am SO excited to go costume shopping, although I don’t know how I’ll beat dressing up as Johnny last year!

Johnny and I are ready to live our best lives this fall and how can we not with so many Scary Fun Activities on our agenda?! Fall fun, here we come!

What is your favorite fall activity? What are you going to be for Halloween this year? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Early Fall OOTD

Early Fall OOTD

Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new OOTD here on lifewithlilred!! The weather in Ohio is slowly making its way towards fall like temps. The mornings and evenings are chilly, but it still is getting close to the eighties during the daytime. With this fluctuation between fall and summer temps it can be hard to decide what to wear. So, I decided to create an Early Fall OOTD to make the most of the weather, whether it is warm or cool! Check it out:


Who? What? Wear?

Ivory Sweater: Jessica Simpson, TJMaxx

Floral Crop Top: Altar’d State

High Waisted Skinny Jeans: American Eagle Outfitters

Barbie Pink Platforms: Marc Fisher, TJMaxx

The bracelet ring is from Claire’s and I have no idea where the earrings are from lol

When I began styling my Early Fall OOTD, I already had my Jessica Simpson sweater in mind. It is brand new and I couldn’t wait to wear it! A sweet sweater or cozy cardigan is also an ideal way to go when creating an outfit for a questionable temperature. All you need to do is slip it off or on at your convenience! An important thing to note about this layering piece is to make sure what you have on underneath still forms a cohesive look in case you want to take it off. The rest of the OOTD still matters even if it’s covered up at first!

With the sweater already a must for my outfit, it was onto forming the rest of the base. I pulled from the creamy color of the sweater and chose a lavender crop top with white flowers from Altar’d State. This crop top is cute as can be and is a great piece to keep cool in once the day begins to warm up. Remember when you are layering that you never want two heavy pieces together – IE a thick sweater underneath a cardigan. All this does is create width. This crop top was just right for underneath my sweater because it laid comfortably without competing in color, shape, or style.

Since the top half of this look was oh so sweet with the soft colors and florals, I wanted to edge things up with the jeans. I went with my distressed high waisted skinnies from American Eagle Outfitters to help the cause. The high waist complimented the crop top and sweater alike because its waistline hit close to where both of the hemlines ended. The huge holes in these jeans also provided some extra ventilation in case the day started getting hot!

With the base of my Early Fall OOTD settled, it was time for shoes and accessories. For shoes, I put on my Marc Fisher platforms. I thought the Barbie pink heels paired with the lavender crop top looked darling. It also matched my nails beautifully! To complete the look, I chose a pair of dangly owl earrings and my ring bracelet. I didn’t feel the need for too many pieces of jewelry since my arms were covered by the sweater for most of the day. I also didn’t want to take away from that fabulous square neckline on the crop top!

The beginning of fall is the time to give those summer clothes a final hurrah and I consider that mission accomplished for my Early Fall OOTD. This blended look of seasons was exactly what I needed to keep me both warm and cool throughout the day!

When do you put your summer clothes away for the season? What is your favorite sweater or cardigan like? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


All Dolled Up OOTD Bloopers

All Dolled Up OOTD Bloopers

Hello everyone and welcome to the blooper reel from my All Dolled Up OOTD! I felt amazing in my interpretation of Lil Red Barbie and I had such a fun time seeing the movie. Taking OOTD shots, though? Surprisingly, not so much! It was hot as bejeezus when Johnny took my pictures, but it wasn’t as hot as these pictures you’re about to see. 😉 Can I have a modeling contract now, or? Lol, check it out:

Probably my reaction when Johnny said it was hot out. Groundbreaking!


Strutting my stuff and SERVING


Lol, I had such high hopes for pictures in this pose and they all turned out like this


Just out here catching flies in all of these shots!


Is my Barbie pose perfect or what?!


I LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Getting my phone and getting back in the air conditioning. Did I mention it was hot out?


Now, where was I? Oh, yes. It was hot as BEJEEZUS out during this shoot and it was miserable. We started taking some pictures by the greenery around our apartment complex and by the time we were done, Johnny and I were sweating bullets. It was freaking gross. To make matters worse, I hated every single picture we took at the first location. I don’t know if it was the heat or the fact that each picture sucked or the crappy lighting or a combination of all three. I just wasn’t feeling it and I was so mad because I knew I looked awesome and it wasn’t being captured!

After cooling off momentarily in the apartment, I decided that pictures would have to be taken on the balcony where I knew the lighting was reliable. I also wanted to get things done ASAP before my entire face melted off! Johnny was such a good sport about it, as always, and our conversations during part two of OOTD shots went a little something like this: “It’s hot”. “I know”. On the bright side, I did get shots I was happy with even though I sweated my fanny off and my hair frizzed like I just got electrocuted. Not so glamorous for a Barbie glam OOTD, but what can ya do?!

Rain, heat, or snow, you can always count on Lil Red for an OOTD post. I’m basically the postal service of bloggers, but I am ready for cool fall weather anytime now after this shoot!

Do you love the heat or are you a vampire like me? Can you relate to looking great but not being able to take a good picture? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Eye Spy In Nature

Eye Spy In Nature

Hello!! In Ohio, it is currently hot AF and is a drastic change from the cool to moderate temps we experienced last week. That is my preferred style of summer weather, so it made for perfect days to go on hikes with my clients. During our walks, we were seeing wildlife left and right – Oriels, frogs, and turtles too! In total, I saw two Oriels, six turtles, and six frogs and I truly felt like the nature whisperer lol. It was a blast and it felt like a real life version of Eye Spy! Check it out:


On my first walk of the day, my client and I saw a HUGE turtle in the middle of the path. From far away, it looked like a rock or a bundle of dead leaves. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I realized what it actually was! I was a bit worried about my turtle friend because of how little movement I saw and the fact that the water he was trying to get to was a bit of a trek away. Thankfully, after snapping a few safely distanced pics and walking away, the turtle was back on the move. I guess he just needed a little break. Also, when you see a turtle in the road (or path, in my case) it is said to be good luck and something great happened on Monday so maybe I have the turtle to thank for it! 😀

On my next walk with a different client, we went to a local Metro Park that has lots of ponds and not quite lake size bodies of water. We were determined to find frogs and on the first trip around a pond, I didn’t see jack. Then, I decided to take a closer look and realized the error of my ways. They were all around us, but camouflaged and I just wasn’t looking hard enough! It was so cool to see the frogs hiding in plain sight and they did a great job – if I didn’t inspect further, I definitely wouldn’t have seen them. We also saw five turtles lounging on logs from afar that also did a very nice job of blending into the scenery. It was a hoot. 🙂

Nature walks are always fun, but they’re even better when you can see the local wildlife. I am still delighting over the pictures of my froggy and turtle friends!

What kind of wildlife is in your neck of the woods? What is your favorite summer activity? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah