Tag Archives: forever home

Happy Gotcha Day, Bunnies!

Happy Gotcha Day, Bunnies!

Hello everyone!!! November first was Melvin and Penelope’s Gotcha Day and I guess I’m a horrible bunny mom because I didn’t realize it until the second lol. I have been thinking about their Gotcha Day for months and naturally it slipped my mind the day of SMH. In my defense, it has felt like Johnny and I have had Mel and P for forever ever since we brought them home over a year ago. They are the best little bunnies that we could ever ask for and it is such a joy to be bunny parents:


^^^ Lol at this picture of Penelope!

Mel and P have grown so much since we have brought them home. Not in size, but in spirit haha. For the first several months of having them, they were pretty skittish and it took a decent amount of time for them to get fully acclimated to their new setting and owners. These first months were a testament to patience being a virtue as we slowly but surely increased our interactions with them. A year ago, they barely wanted to be pet. Now, they love to be picked up and cuddled while Johnny and I hang out in the evenings. It’s great!

The best part about this year of pet parenthood has been watching Mel and Pen’s personalities finally come out. Penelope is not as shy as we originally thought and is such a cuddle bug. Our clothes are proof of this because she sheds like crazy. The way to her heart has always been with her favorite treats and she will literally melt over an apple lol. Melvin, on the other hand, is all about adventure. He loves to explore and is currently zooming around our bunny proofed zone as I type this. Mel is such an adolescent and doesn’t like to be held for too long so he can get back to playing. Thankfully, he is never too old for lots of pets from his old mom and pop. 🙂

Johnny and I took our fur babies home during a very dark place in my life and they made every day better. It was a comfort to have these two little gremlins to wake up to and return home to, knowing that they depended on me for their care. No matter how bad I was feeling, just being around them always helped to lift my spirits. Even though they can’t clean their own litter box (I wish!), they take care of me too. My mental health has improved one hundred fold because of them and they truly came into our lives at just the right time. I love them so much! ❤

Happy (late) Gotcha Day to my sweet Melvin and Penelope. The most wonderful bunnies in all the land! Johnny and I love you both!!!

Do you celebrate your pet’s Gotcha Day? How has your pet helped you? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Are You Ready For A Dog?

Are You Ready For A Dog?

If you are thinking about getting a dog, then you will need to make sure that you are actually ready to look after them. It can be a lot trickier than you might think, and there are going to be many things that you need to do to make sure your pet is getting the best care possible. In this post, we are going to discuss some of the things to focus on to ensure that you are genuinely ready to look after a dog in your home and make one part of your life:


First of all, having a dog means that you need to have quite a bit of time in your daily life, and that is something that you just can’t really get around. Only by having plenty of time can you ensure that you are able to look after your dog as well as you would hope – because you need to walk them and so on, and all of that simply takes time. Look at your general schedule and be honest with yourself about whether or not you are able to care for a dog with the amount of time you normally have available.


You will also need to devote a lot of personal energy to your pooch, because walking with them, playing with them, and generally caring for them all requires that you have a lot of energy to give. You need to again be honest with yourself about what kind of energy levels you think you can muster, so that you are likely to effectively care for a dog. You might have a breed that loves to play, in which case this is going to be especially important to consider.


^^^ Pexels Image


Your home needs to have plenty of space if you are going to look after a dog effectively, and again this is something that you can’t really expect to get around. Think about what breed you want and how much room they are likely to need, and then make sure that you are working with that as well as you can. Only by offering up the right amount of space can you hope to care for your dog as well as necessary, so this is something that you should definitely think about here.


And last but certainly not least, a dog needs a lot of love, more than many other kinds of pets. You will probably find that this comes naturally, but it’s something to be aware of in any case. If you can give them the right amount of love, they are going to be happier and you will find that looking after them is a lot more enjoyable too. That is a major part of getting ready for having a dog in your home and in your life, so be sure not to overlook it.

A dog is a huge commitment if you are up to it, but it is so worth it. They will add so much joy to your home and life!

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Bunny Care Essentials

Bunny Care Essentials

Hello!! Johnny and I brought our sweet mother and son bunny duo, Melvin and Penelope, home this past November. They are our lil besties and our apartment has so much more joy in it ever since we adopted them into their forever home. The longer that we have had them for, the more amazed I am by the day that rabbits are often given as pets or gifts for children – they are a lot of work and Johnny and I are adults!

Today, I thought I would discuss some Bunny Care Essentials that are 100% necessary for their well being. Bunnies are not just cute balls of fluff to look at through their hutch and require a decent amount of care to keep them happy. Like the following:

Clean Up Crew:

Bunnies are social animals and it is best to have a pair of them. With a pair of bunnies comes double the expenses and double the cleaning up!! We have a designated area in their hutch for their bathroom breaks and both Mel and P are pretty good about using the litter boxes. However, that doesn’t mean that they don’t have accidents! Every morning, it is an absolute must that I clean out their potty area of any soiled bedding and refresh their litter boxes. Bunnies are rather picky and as soon as their litter boxes get nasty, they refuse to go in it. It’s obviously not the most enjoyable chore in the world, but having bunnies means having to clean up after them. And, be warned – bunnies go to the bathroom a lot lol.

Play Time:

Bunnies are energetic AF and they are currently zooming around the apartment as I type this. Yeah, bunnies get the zoomies too! Johnny and I are in the process of bunny proofing a section of our apartment for them to free roam all day every day, but for now, they are in their hutch while we are at work and asleep. Any other time, though, their door is open and they have free reign to go in and out as they please. Throughout the play area, we have a wide variety of Chewy boxes, toys, scratch mats, and hideaways for them to interact with. Despite everything at their disposal, their favorite plaything will always be the Chewy boxes! Playtime is so important to Mel and P’s well being and bunnies should never be confined to their hutch for more than a day.

Care Packages:

I love to online shop for literally anything and Chewy has become the site where I now purchase from the most frequently. Since two bunnies is a standard, that means that their essential items run out fairly quickly. Every month and a half or so, I order more bedding, hay, pellet food, toys, and cleaning spray and it typically totals out to around $100 each time. Johnny and I also visit the grocery store weekly for their fresh veggies and occasional fruit treat. While I love to spoil them constantly with new toys, the rest of the order really isn’t spoiling them at all – it is all needed for them to live their best bunny lives.

Consideration Is Key:

If you think that bunnies are animals that you can instantly snuggle up to, pick up, and coddle then you are wrong. Bunnies are, honestly, a lot like cats and you truly have to let them come to you. Bunnies are also prey animals and it is ingrained in them that they don’t like to be picked up. It took time and patience to gain Mel and P’s trust and they show their affection in their own way. They both love to be brushed and pet and, if I’m lucky, they’ll let me pick them up. You are not going to become trusted by your rabbit immediately and you have to be okay with that. Pushing them out of their comfort zone is only going to terrorize them and will ruin any progress you have made. Slow and steady is key and they will come around in their own time and respecting that is essential.


Although I knew what I was getting into before Mel and P came home, all of their requirements still came as a bit of a surprise and it’s important for other people considering bunnies as a pet to know them too. I wouldn’t trade one minute of their care for the world, though, and I am the proudest pet parent to two wonderful little gremlins! ❤

What are some care essentials for your pet? What is your pet’s favorite toy? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Common Mistakes People Make When Getting A Pet

Common Mistakes People Make When Getting A Pet

Whether you are living alone, with a partner, or with a family, something that many people wish to do is get a pet of some kind. There is a lot more to being a pet owner than most people think, and unfortunately, some people find out they are not ready for a dog or a cat after it is too late. Here are a few common mistakes that people make when getting a pet for you to consider:

Not considering if your children are ready for pets:

If you have children (especially young ones) who have not yet lived with a pet of any kind, then something that you should consider before getting one is how the child will react to living with a pet. This is a mistake that many people make as all they want to do is find a pet and bring it home. It is not until they bring the new family member home that they realize, or start to see, potential issues between the new pet and the child. It may be that your child is scared of particular animals, that they do not have the right temperament to be around them, or simply that the child’s age is not compatible with the type of pet that has been brought. So, before you buy one, make sure that you prepare your child for getting a pet.

Not thinking about the end of life care and pet loss:

When getting a pet, it is often a fun experience that is full of excitement, making memories, and love. However, a mistake that a lot of people make is not considering the other end of their pet’s life, and if they will be able to handle all of the extra responsibilities and care that come with the end of life. Not only that but how the loss of a pet will affect them, losing a pet is just as painful as losing any other member of the family. To make sure you don’t make this mistake and are prepared for this, just consider the steps you will potentially and inevitably have to take. For example, more frequent vet trips, medications, alterations to your pet’s lifestyle, and the things that come after, such as pet cremation and grief.

Not preparing your home adequately:

Some pets will have specific requirements or living conditions that need to be met, others could have some form of disability that needs to be considered, or they might even just be a certain size that will require alterations to a home for them to live there safely and comfortably. This is another mistake that people can make, or not realize until the pet is already at home with them. To avoid putting yourself in this situation, take some time to think whether or not you need to prepare your home for a pet that you plan on getting.

Regardless of what kind of pet you want to bring home, make sure that you are ready to look after it correctly, and take into consideration these common mistakes that people make!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Keeping Your Home Clean – Even With A Pet!

Keeping Your Home Clean – Even With A Pet!

Are you thinking about bringing a pet into your life? If so, then it’s important to make sure that the right precautions are taken to keep your home in good shape during the process. New pets have lots of exploring to do in their new digs, which can sometimes lead to disaster! Here are some of the key points to consider:

Choose The Right Option:

First, you need to make sure that you are choosing the right pet. If you have a smaller home, for example, you might want to avoid bringing home a larger breed of dog. It could be in your best interest to think about a smaller dog like a Terrier rather than a German Shepherd. Larger dogs can also be more difficult to train and control. You should also think about how much time you are going to have for your pet. Some dogs need almost constant attention or company to keep them happy. If you’re out a lot of the day, then a cat could be a better choice. They are more independent.


With a new pet, it is crucial to put in the time and effort to train them from day one. There are lots of training options that are going to make your life a little easier in the long run. For instance, you might want to think about training them to chew their toys instead of your furniture. This is particularly important when your pet is teething. If you don’t train your pet, you can’t be mad when they do something you don’t like!

Pest Treatment:

Pets can mean pests in your home. Some of the common pests include fleas and tics. The good news is that this doesn’t have to be an issue. You just need to make sure that you invest in the right pest treatment. A lot of vets will provide this as a standard. As such, you don’t have to worry about it costing you a fortune. Dog flea treatment and other pest solutions are available to purchase directly at a low cost from a wide range of sources.

Cleaning Products:

Finally, you need to make sure that you are choosing the right cleaning products and equipment. If you are bringing a dog into your home, it’s important to be aware that some breeds shed more than others. The best way to stop your home from becoming a furry nightmare is to make sure that you have the right pet vacuum. The best pet vacuum will ensure that your floors are spotless in a matter of seconds. You should also research carpet cleaners if you are worried about your pet causing stains that can permanently damage your carpet. Or, alternatively, consider switching to flooring that is easier to maintain such as laminate tiles.

Bringing a new pet home is exciting! Keep the good vibes in check by preparing accordingly so you can focus on your new friend as opposed to a potential mess!

Featured Image By: Pexels

How To Prepare Your Child For A New Dog

How To Prepare Your Child For A New Dog

A new pet can be a wonderful experience, but it’s important to make sure your children are prepared for the responsibility that comes with it. Try these tips out to get everyone in your family fully prepared for the arrival of your four legged:

Teach them How to Look After It:

Before you get a dog, make sure your kids understand the basics of dog care, such as feeding, grooming, and exercise. For instance, explain to your kids what type of food the dog (such as using the best supplements for poodles) will need and how often they should be fed. You can also show them where the food and water bowls will be kept and how to measure out the appropriate amount of food. Take a trip to the pet store together and select some toys to keep your dog entertained and active. Your child will love picking out toys just for them to play with together!

Involve Them in Choosing It:

It always helps to take your kids along when you go to choose a dog. Let them help pick out the breed, color, and size of the dog they want. This will make them feel invested in the process and more connected to the dog. You can also research together. Before you go to choose a dog, look at different breeds and talk about which qualities would be a good fit for your family. This can help narrow down the options and give your kids an idea of what to expect from their pets.

Start with a Smaller Pet:

There are around 76 million domestic dogs in the USA alone. But if your kids have never had a pet before, consider starting with a smaller animal, such as a hamster or fish. This will help them learn the basics of pet care and they will feel more confident when it comes time to take care of a larger animal like a dog. This is because even with a small pet, it’s important to teach your child about the importance of caring for it by encouraging them to take an active role.

Teach the Kids Responsible Ownership:

It also goes a long way if you make sure your kids understand what is expected of them when it comes to caring for the dog. Together as a family, create a schedule for feeding, walking, and grooming and make sure your kids understand their responsibilities in pet care. However, this can be hard for younger kids to grasp. So, if your child is struggling to meet their responsibilities or if issues arise, take the time to address them in a calm and supportive manner as a caregiver.

Make Caring for the Dog Fun:

Getting a dog should be a fun and exciting experience for kids so encourage them to play with the dog. This can be as simple as walks or teaching them new tricks such as sitting, staying, and shaking paws. This will help them bond with the dog and create a lifelong friendship. Going for walks with the dog is not only good exercise, but it’s also a great way to bond with the dog. Encourage your child to come along on walks and get their exercise too.

As you focus on making caring for your dog fun and engaging, it’s also important to consider their safety. This is where looking into the Halo Collar can be very useful. Many dog owners have shared their experiences and reviews about the collar, highlighting its features. By reading these Halo Collar reviews, you can better understand how this technology might fit into your routine, ensuring your dog’s safety while out on walks or playing in the yard.

Every Dog (And Child) is Different:

Every dog breed is different. Research the one you’ve settled on thoroughly. Go to the experts like Great Danes of the Ozarks for info on Great Danes, and find professionals for other breeds. This way, you better understand what you’re getting into. And every child is different too. Some will take to the new dog quickly. Others might take some time. Just let them go at their own pace and stay flexible enough to accommodate their and the dogs needs.

Start your new adventure as a pet owner on the right foot with the tips above and encourage your kids to take an active role in the dog’s care. They will be inseparable soon enough!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Is A Bunny The Pet For You?

Is A Bunny The Pet For You?

Hello!! Johnny and I have had our sweet Lionhead bunnies, Melvin and Penelope, for over two months now and they are the absolute best. I have wanted pet rabbits for so long and it was worth the wait because I couldn’t imagine having anything but Mel and Pen. Prior to bringing our bunnies home, I did extensive research to make sure that Johnny and I could provide amazing care for them because they deserve nothing less. Having a small animal as a pet might seem easy but there is so much more that goes into it than you would think. If you are considering adding a pet bunny to your family, think about all of the following before you make your choice. Remember, pets are a life commitment!


Constant Cleaning:

The girls who I adopted Mel and Penelope from were working on litter training them and Mel was pretty good about using his. Penelope, on the other hand, would go potty right outside of the box and that meant not only cleaning litter boxes daily but the surrounding bedding too. It took a little over a month to get both of them going consistently in their boxes and it took a lot of trial and error with the placement, amount of boxes, and hay and treats in the litter area. The fact that they use the boxes now is so awesome but it is still something that needs cleaned daily so they can live their best lives.

Oh yeah, the cleaning outside of the hutch is a constant too so make sure you have a broom and pan as well as a Dustbuster. It is astounding how much bedding, bunny hair, hay, and food pellets can make its way outside of their hutch in just one day. Thankfully, this is one thing that I don’t deal with because it’s Johnny’s chore! 😀

Time Commitment:

Mel and Penelope live in a great big hutch but come out twice daily (Morning and evening) to play and explore our bunny proofed area of the apartment. Their “recess” can last anywhere from a half hour to two hours and is such a necessary part of their well being. They deserve to run around, jump, and go on bunny adventures to decrease boredom, have fun, and keep them at a healthy weight. If I didn’t mainly work from home in the mornings, I would have had to take a second thought about adopting them. Because their rec time is so important, I get up at 5:15 during the work week to make sure they can come out before I leave for my other job.

Nonstop Chewy Orders:

Bunnies are surprisingly more expensive than you would think and I put in an order for supplies on Chewy at least once a month. These orders include essentials like bedding, food, and hay as well as their toys, treats, and spray cleaner for the hutch. Not to mention going to the grocery store weekly for their leafy greens and other safe veggies and fruits for them to consume (This is very important to research!). If this is a monetary commitment that you can’t make, it is best to hold off because every item listed (and others not included) are absolutely necessary for them to live healthy, happy lives.

Adequate Space:

There should be at least one bunny proofed area in your home that you are okay with your bunnies roaming in and I highly recommend it to be hard floored. My bunnies rarely have accidents outside of the hutch but it would be such a pain if they aren’t litter trained and are playing on a carpeted area. The hard flooring also helps keep their nails filed! Be vigilant about bunny proofing your area because they are such curious little things and that can really increase their chances of hurting themselves (IE: A stack of something falling, a space that is too tight of a squeeze, etc).

The list above isn’t even scratching the surface of how much care pet bunnies entail and you must think realistically if a bunny is a good pet for you. Despite all of the hard work, they are truly the perfect pets for me and Johnny and it makes me feel so good to care for them every day. I promised that Mel and Penelope would have healthy, happy lives and I know I am making good on that! ❤

What kind of pet do you have? Are you considering adding a small animal to your family? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Bunny Baby Angels

Bunny Baby Angels

Hello! Johnny and I have had our bunny baby angels, Mel and Penelope, for over five weeks now! They are settling into their routine so nicely and it’s impossible to think of life without them. I have wanted pet rabbits for SO long and it is, honestly, everything that I wanted it to be and MORE. Both rabbits are so sweet and special in their own ways and as soon as I leave for work, I can’t wait to get home and see them again… And Johnny lol. ❤


Prior to bringing Mel and Penelope home, Johnny and I did a lot of research to make sure we were going to be able to provide above and beyond care for them. There are some things, however, that you just won’t know until you bring them home. For example, the litter box was giving us a lot of grief. Both rabbits were semi litter trained before we got them and Mel was doing pretty good with using theirs once they were home. Penelope, on the other hand, was a totally different story and went anywhere in the litter box area but the box. *Face palm*

Thanks to reading lots of tips from The Bunny Lady, trial and error, and a ginormous litter box from Chewy, I am so happy that within days Penelope figured it out. With that final obstacle out of the way, they are both now fully litter trained and have never had an accident when we let them explore the bunny proofed area in our apartment (All compliments of Johnny’s handiwork!). It sounds a bit silly but oh my goodness was I proud. 😀

Depending on the day, I provide most of the general maintenance care and play time for our mother and son duo. Johnny definitely falls under the category of the Cool Dad! Whenever I’m not home and he takes them out after work, he always plays the banjo for his rabbit audience and it’s so cute to me. He went into our bunny parenthood with sheer ambivalence at best and has transformed beautifully into a full on bunny dad!

Johnny and I are a family of four and I am beyond happy. If you have the means, space, and time for a pet and have wanted one for a while, my advice is: GET IT. You will be kicking yourself in the butt when you realize you should have done it forever ago!

Do you have a pet? What is your favorite thing about being a pet owner? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Best Bunny Dad Ever!

Best Bunny Dad Ever!

Hello!! Johnny and I have had our sweet bunny babies, Penelope and Mel, for two weeks now but it feels like we have had them for forever. They are the most wonderful pets and it is an honor and a privilege to be their parents! The most pleasant surprise of this experience is, easily, Johnny’s transformation into a full on bunny dad. I knew from the jump how much I was going to love them but it is so adorable to see how equally obsessed my husband is with them too:


^^^ Proud papa!

When we brought our mother and son duo home, it was safe to say that Johnny didn’t seem particularly thrilled about it. However, that changed drastically the following day! When I returned home in the evening, Johnny couldn’t wait to tell me about all of the fun him and the bunnies had together. They spent hours on end snuggling and playing and Johnny even treated them to a banjo concert lol. It was also VERY NICE to hear every wife’s favorite words of “you were right”!!

Johnny, Penelope, and Mel have been best buddies ever since and it’s so hilarious to me. The whole situation is such a classic turn around from “I don’t want a pet” to constantly snapping pictures of them and oohing and ahhing over every single thing the bunnies do. Johnny is always calling Mel his “special boy” and Penelope his “favorite girl” and it melts my heart every time. 🙂

Now that we are the proud parents to our furry little children, our evenings our spent watching them explore our apartment. Johnny actually went to Menard’s and got a bunch of baby proofing stuff so Mel and Penelope can safely go on their adventures. I’m sure everyone at the store thought he was preparing for a new baby so I would have loved to see what they had to say if Johnny told them it was for his bunnies lol. He is truly the best bunny dad ever! ❤

Becoming pet owners has been so exciting and every day with our precious babies brings me so much joy. Having Johnny so clearly feel the same sentiments is the cherry on top!

Has anyone else had a similar experience to Johnny over a new pet? What are some of the nicknames you have for your pets? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Aivituvin Rabbit Hutch Review

Aivituvin Rabbit Hutch Review

Hello!! Before welcoming my sweet bunny babies, Mel and Penelope, into our home, the thing that I had the most difficulty with was selecting a hutch. It seemed like every single rabbit hutch that I saw online had some great reviews, while others commented with glaring issues. After a lot of back and forth between several hutches, I finally settled on one by Aivituvin and I have no complaints so far. I don’t think Mel and Penelope do, either! Check it out:


^^^ Don’t mind their mess lol the bunnies are always flinging their bedding!

What attracted me the most to this hutch, other than it being freaking adorable was its size. This hutch was, easily, one of the biggest ones available on Amazon and it was also a fair price minus the expensive shipping rate. While Johnny and I have the bunnies out in the morning and most of the evening, I wanted something big enough for them to be comfortable and have their own spaces. Mel loves hiding out in the top portion of the hutch and you can usually find Penelope chilling directly beneath him on the first floor. When they are not out of their hutch, Johnny and I can hear them running amuck constantly and I am thrilled that they are able to do that. Both bunnies are especially partial to going up and down the bridge too. 🙂

Of course, not all hutches are going to please every single owner and pet and there were some reviews that definitely made me nervous. For example, lots of people said that their bunnies were chewing the hutch up and, luckily, Mel and Penelope have not shown any interest in doing that at all. I have several chew toys and other toys to keep them occupied in the hutch that they play with a lot and I almost wonder if some of the bunnies were chewing at their cage out of sheer boredom.

The only complaint that I do agree with from some of the reviewers is how the bedding gets stuck in the cracks of the pull out trays. Johnny and I experienced this the first time we cleaned the cage and it made it really difficult to pull them out to clean. This is more of an annoyance than anything, though, and we were still able to fully clean the cage. It just took a little extra time and innovation to be able to remove the soiled bedding from the hard to reach areas.

Overall, I am very happy with the Aivituvin hutch and I know that Mel and Penelope are too. It took Johnny less than an hour to assemble and it is sturdy and spacious. If you are considering this hutch, I say go for it – I think your fur babies are going to love it!

What kind of hutch do you have for your rabbits? What are some of your small pet’s favorite toys? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah