Tag Archives: girl power

Groovy Movies: Barbie Edition

Groovy Movies: Barbie Edition

Hello!!! This past Friday, I saw the Barbie movie with one of my dear friends from my retail days and it was amazing! It was such fun to get all dolled up and share in the collective excitement that has been revolving around Barbie for so long. I had no idea what the basic plot of Barbie was and, honestly, I didn’t care lol I heard so many fantastic reviews that I just knew it was going to be great. And, it sure was! Without giving any spoilers away, let’s discuss this adorable flick further:

^^^ As always, I have no rights to this video!

In Barbie Land, everything is perfect. Everything was perfect yesterday and everything will be perfect tomorrow too. In Barbie Land, life is dance parties, going to the beach, and amazing fashion. It is also a land of girl power where the girls can do it all and Ken is just… Ken. Then, things take a major turn when Barbie starts thinking about death. Her feet turn flat, she has cellulite, and is being introduced to all kinds of new feelings that she has never experienced before.

After a trip to the “Weird Barbie”, our heroine learns that whoever is playing with her in the real world is putting her own emotions into the doll. To return life back to the perfect status quo, Barbie must go to the land of humans, find her owner, and get the bad vibes to go away. As Barbie takes off in her pink car, she is surprised by Ken joining her for the trip. They travel by boat, spaceship, snowmobile, and roller blades to California and the human world is nothing like they imagined.

In the human world, men rule and women are an afterthought. While Barbie searches for her owner, Ken learns a thing or two about patriarchy and resolves to make some changes in Barbie Land. And, once Barbie finds her owner she decides to make some changes herself. With the help of new friends, it is up to Barbie to return her home back to normal after Kens take over and make a choice. Stay as a doll in her perfect land or stay in the imperfect world of humans. What will she choose? See the movie to find out!

The Barbie movie was just pure fun through and through. The clothes, the sets, humor, music, and actors all worked in tandem to create a movie that was unforgettable. I have never seen anything like it before and it reminded me of the joy that I felt when I would use my imagination to play with dolls in my youth. It was impossible not to smile ear to ear the entire movie and as soon as it was done, I wanted to see it again… and again, and again.

Margot Robbie brought Barbie to life beautifully and her performance never came across as shallow, but endearing. Yes, Barbie can do it all. But, when she began to experience human emotions like depression, it was a reminder that Barbie will always be what you make her. Ryan Gosling as Ken was hysterical and never felt like himself without being by Barbie’s side. He, too, was on a mission of self discovery and even though it went horribly wrong, things always have a way of working out in Barbie Land.

The Barbie movie taught that imperfect is the most perfect thing of all and that you are “Kenough”. I left the theater buzzing with positivity because the movie just makes you feel good. It was silly, sweet, empowering, and something that can be enjoyed by anyone. If you haven’t seen Barbie yet, I can’t recommend it Kenough!

Have you seen Barbie? What did you think about it? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

PS: Stay tuned for my All Dolled Up OOTD!! ❤

Women’s Golf, Is It Time To Increase Its Popularity?

Women’s Golf, Is It Time To Increase Its Popularity?

Golf club managers have a lot of questions about Millennials. However, we must not forget that there are still too few women in the field. According to our statistics, approximately 75% of the millions of golfers who use our software are male. This proportion is enormous! If women’s attendance equaled men’s, our bookings could increase by 47%. Golf is not a sport physically inaccessible to women so why are so few playing? Rather, the problem lies in the culture of the golf community itself and within the media. Changing your club culture is no easy task, but there are several steps you can take to gain the interest of women:

Organize camps and lessons for young women:

The earlier and the younger the players start playing, the better. Learning is through teaching and instruction. Setting up training camps for young women is the perfect way to get more girls to play golf, besides giving parents a break during summer vacation. During camp planning, take the time to find inspiring leaders. It is more motivating and interesting for young girls to refer to a female model. Your young golfers could be marked for life by the teaching of a strong and talented woman. If you have an interest in golf from a young age, then this hobby should certainly be nurtured.

Host an event to celebrate Women’s Golf Day:

If you didn’t know, Women’s Golf Day is an internationally successful initiative celebrating current and future golfers. The event is repeated every year in June. Normally, this celebration lasts about four hours and is divided into two: two hours are spent on golf and two more on networking. The first half can consist of playing a nine-hole game, taking lessons, doing practice sessions, showing new product demos, or just practicing on the driving range. After golf, participants are encouraged to socialize over a drink or a meal. In some cases, golf clubs invite speakers and promote business networking.

Golf clubs that have organized an event to celebrate Women’s Golf Day have said they have witnessed an increase in their female clientele. Some participants continued with the lessons, and others even bought an annual membership! There is certainly a shift in the sports industry when publicity is used to its advantage. The media are responsible for the success of many marketing campaigns, and with sports becoming a more intrinsic part of our lives, for fitness and pleasure, it is certainly important to look out online for all the newest news and information relating to women in the industry. It’s a great way to promote women’s sports proactively.

Get Fashionable:

Sports clothing has become much more fashionable recently. We appreciate the comfort and the style of sportswear, and it has been incorporated into our everyday life. When women play golf, there is no reason to say that they can’t look dazzling in their apparel. Ladies golf clothing is now better than ever. Golf fashion is timeless, elegant, and a real must-have on the golf course.

Hit the green with more girl power than ever with the tips above!

Featured Image By: Unsplash

There Are Good Ships, There Are Bad Ships…

There Are Good Ships, There Are Bad Ships…

You know… I think the best ships are Auntships and yes I definitely made that up on the spot, lol. This past weekend, I had the absolute joy of watching my sweet niece Miss Valerie Jane. Val Gal is almost twenty months old and she is my sister, Kristen, and brother in law, Ramon’s, little girl. Valerie is honest to god my best friend and my life has been so much happier since she was born.

Despite having Blue’s Clues on in the background for the entire evening, Val and I had the best time playing, snacking, and enjoying a pajama party while her mom and dad were at work. Between her French lessons from her auntie, reading books, putting puzzles together, working on her flash cards, and cooking in her pretend kitchen we had a jam packed Saturday night!

I love being able to see Val’s happy and silly personality continue to develop every time I see her. I swear, she is always giggling, belly laughing, and on the move and I don’t know how her parents keep up with her. Especially considering that Kristen and Ramon have five pets, as well. Three dogs named Tydus, Winston, and Platinum and two cats called Mary and Gloria (All rescued). 🙂

I know I’m biased because Val is my niece but I am just so proud of her, Kristen, and Ramon because she’s legit the best kid on the planet. In fact, I tend to not like children that much to begin with but I wish I could see Valerie every day.

Being able to go to chez Kristen and Ramon’s for an evening and do nothing but make Val laugh hysterically from the “Where’s Val? I can’t find her anywhere” game was a high point of this entire year, lol. I was so tired after caring for a constantly on the move kiddo but all I have to do is think about our “auntie and me” time together and it never ceases to put a smile on my face.

Being an auntie to lil Valerie Jane is one of the best gifts I’ve ever had and I really do think the best ships are Auntships. ❤

Are you a proud aunt or uncle? Which TV shows are the kiddos in your life obsessed with? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

October 2020 Funky Time Jams

October 2020 Funky Time Jams

Hi! One of the big things that my clients and I do together now that we don’t really go anywhere is listen to music. I swear, we are constantly having concerts starring each other and honestly can make an afternoon of it. Sometimes I’m dancing the YMCA and other times I’m spitting bars to Cardi B! Lol, my job is never boring and it’s impossible to hear the following songs without thinking of the people I work with:

^^^ As always, I have no rights to these songs or videos!

This is such a random compilation of songs but each set of three are usually the first songs that come to mind when I think of a specific client. I really get a tour of different styles of music each week, going from girl power anthems to golden oldies all the way to rap and, yes, Marilyn Manson. (I got one of my guys hooked on him!)

Impromptu dance parties, sing alongs, and at home concerts have become primary sources of entertainment when I’m at work and my clients have a blast every time. In some way shape or form, I’m pretty sure we’ve developed some kind of hand movement routine or different melodies to all of my client’s top picks. We even make music videos of us singing our favorite songs together!

Coming up with enticing activities to do at home is the name of my work game now. Whether that be dancing the Hokey Pokey or the Electric Slide in someone’s kitchen to going for a drive with the windows down and music blasting, my brain is always working overtime to help my clients stay safe while still enjoying themselves. I love having “our songs” with each person I work with and nothing warms my heart more than when one of them hears a tune and says “this is our jam”. ❤

Is there a song that reminds you of someone whenever you hear it? What is your favorite song to dance to? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Picking The Best Bridesmaid Dress For Your Wedding Party

Picking The Best Bridesmaid Dress For Your Wedding Party

Hello everyone!! A few months ago, I was asked to be a bridesmaid in my best friend, Lea’s, wedding. I am so excited for her big day in October and this month, we are going to David’s Bridal to do some shopping for the bridesmaid dresses. Ah, the bridesmaid dress. Notorious for making some girls look heinous and others phenomenal. This creates massive eye sores in the photographs and just might make your BFFs bitter for years to come. So, to avoid these complications, here is a quick guide to making sure all of your bridal party looks amazing on your big day:

Universally Flattering Color:

Choosing a universally flattering color for your bridesmaid dresses is probably the most important thing you can do to ensure that all of your ladies are looking fly. Now is not the time to bust out the hot pinks, lime greens, or highlighter yellows. Rather, stick with soft hues, which will make the bridesmaids not have to work hard to pull it off.

Pale pinks are an especially pretty option and is just about as universally flattering as it gets. If you’re having a wedding later in the year and want something a bit darker, navy blue and oxblood are also safe choices to implement!

Universally Flattering Shape:

The next key thing that you can do to keep your bridesmaids looking their best is to use a universally flattering shape for the dress. I promise, your bridesmaids aren’t going to outshine you and you will still look like the HBIC of your girl gang. But, I can also promise that none of the ladies in your girl gang want to be stuck in a dumpy dress all day.

The beauty of your girl gang is that all of them are made up of different shapes and sizes. If you are not having your bridesmaids wear dresses in a different style but same color, then it is imperative that the shape you pick makes each girl feel comfortable. I find that maxi or tea length dresses are especially flattering because those tend to not be skin tight, which is not everyone’s cup of tea! Keep things flowy but elegant for the best results on each bridesmaid’s body.

Different Dress, Same Color:

If you are going this route for your bridesmaids, make sure that you provide a guide line for the lengths you would prefer them in. It’s going to look very awkward in your pictures if there’s one girl in a mini dress among the rest of your bridesmaids in something longer. If you let your expectations be known to your girls, they can still pick out a dress more specific to their body type while being mindful of your vision for your wedding.

Same Dress All Around:

If you want all of your bridesmaids in uniform dresses, that’s your prerogative and neither way is wrong. However, let your bridesmaids have some fun by choosing their own shoes or accessories to wear with the dress. This will keep your bridesmaids feeling spicy without straying from the path of what you have in mind. And, what girl doesn’t love shoe shopping?!

Use the tips above to keep all of your bridesmaids looking like the belle of the ball on your big day!

What is the best bridesmaid dress you have ever worn? How about the worst? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Planning The Ultimate Girls Night In

Planning The Ultimate Girls Night In

Hi! The recent drop in temperatures in my neck of the woods has left me feeling like doing anything but heading outside and braving the cold. In fact, I’m perfectly content in my living room bubble! However, you can’t watch America’s Next Top Model alone all of the time… Even though you totally can. 😉 So, today, we’re going to talk about Planning The Ultimate Girls Night In for the next time it’s too frigid in your area to remove even one layer of fleece blankets! Let’s get to it:

Create A Theme:

If you are hosting a girls night in at your place, then activities must be agreed upon before the party shows up. The easiest way to plan activities for the night is to come up with a theme to base them around. Having a wine and paint night? The answer is in the question! How about a chick flick marathon? Mani/pedis, face masks, and chocolate for all!

Planned activities help keep the night moving at a fun pace and will also prevent any of those awkward pauses that come after everyone has caught up with each other. Of course, every waking minute doesn’t have to be accounted for in a Task Journal, so save some time for spontaneity, too. 😀

Food & Drinks:

To some of the girls attending your little shindig, the refreshments are the most important part! I often find ordering in to be the best way to go, especially because I’m sure not every gal will feel like cooking for a potluck style meal (I never do!). Everyone could pop for pizza or just DoorDash whatever sounds the best to them to their heart’s content.

If this will be a boozy event, encourage each girl to bring a bottle of their favorite wine. If your ladies aren’t the biggest drinkers, create some delicious mocktails or ice cream sodas for a sweet treat to enjoy.

Encourage A Rotation:

A girls night in could become a monthly or however frequently you want it event with your besties. Create a rotation of which house you will be posting up in for the night and that girl will become the master of ceremonies for the evening. This will allow for each girl to participate in the favorite activities of all of their friends. It will be a blast seeing what each friend comes up with and how creative they can get for the evening’s entertainment.

Still Pressed For Activity Ideas?

If your turn to host girls night in is fast approaching and you are pressed for activity ideas, feel free to use any of the following:

  • Game night
  • Cake/cookie decorating
  • Arts and crafts (Pinterest party, anyone?!)
  • Clothing swap
  • Pampering party
  • Dinner party

Get ready, get set, and girls night in with the tips above!

How would you spend a girls night in with your BFFs? What is your favorite snack to bring to a party? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

September 2019 Funky Time Jams

September 2019 Funky Time Jams

Hello everyone! September is always a happy month for me because I know that fall is just around the corner and that means my favorite season will commence. It is also when my family normally takes our annual vacation, which all of you will be reading the highlights of very soon! So, this month’s funky time jams is all about my go to road trip music because my dad refuses to fly anywhere, lol. Take a listen:

^^^ And, as always, I have no rights to these songs or videos!

When it comes to road trip music for me, it is all about the songs that I can sing along to. These are the ones that entertain me the most and help the time seem to go faster during grueling double digit hours of driving. I have been on a HUGE girl power kick lately with a lot of Christina Aguilera, Rihanna, Madonna, Lizzo, and, of course, none other than Britney Spears. Nothing makes a drive more fun than dancing along to your favorite girl power anthems that make you feel like a strong, independent woman who don’t need NO man!

Road trips also give me time to revisit old favorites, which usually includes listening to every album by The White Stripes ever as well as U2, Modest Mouse, Wolf Parade, Arcade Fire, and Los Campesinos. It’s so easy to get lost in a marathon of some of your tried and true go to’s and, before you know it, another hour has passed by. 😀

What is your favorite road trip music? What is your preferred method of travel? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

October 2018 Funky Time Jams

October 2018 Funky Time Jams

Hey everyone and happy Hump Day! As all of you know, the only social media that I have is Facebook. Between the blog and my FB page, anything else would just be too much to maintain. And, I’d be a liar if I said that I didn’t enjoy scrolling through my newsfeed throughout the day! During one of my scroll sessions, I saw lots of people post a status encouraging others to put their iTunes on shuffle and comment what song it ended up on. It seemed fun, so I thought that I would do that with my October Funky Time Jams. Check it out:

^^^ And, as always, I have no rights to these songs or videos!

As you can see from eight songs on shuffle, I have a pretty eclectic taste in music. From girl power queen Christina Aguilera to funky legend Prince and punk icons The Ramones, I truly never know what I’m going to get when my iTunes is on shuffle. But, above all else, I am definitely an indie girl at heart when I’m not feeling super emo! I love upbeat Los Campesinos! and the more experimental Handsome Furs and Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes. Pepper in some of The 1975 and Tears For Fears and I’m golden! 😀

What song shows up when you put your music on shuffle? What is your favorite music to put you in a spooky October mood? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

My Girl Power Anthem

My Girl Power Anthem

Hello! Once upon a time when my sister and I were on our way to X-Fest, my ex-boyfriend and I had just broken up and your girl was not really FEELING HERSELF. Even though that day ended up being one of the best days of my life, it initially started out very mopey until things turned around by hearing one song. Kristen decided that I was in desperate need of hearing “Smile” by Lily Allen and, as always, she was totally right. Take a listen:

(I have no rights to this song or video.)

I feel like this song is the perfect Girl Power Anthem. It completely sums up the feelings of a break up all while telling you to just smile instead of wallowing in your own misery for days on end. Being happy and moving on with your life is the best revenge in any relationship or friendship that has turned sour and there is nothing like a totally catchy song encouraging you to do just that to motivate you to do it, too. This has been my go to song whenever I start feeling even a little sad for the past month, and with Lily and her devil may care attitude on my side, nothing can stop me.

What are some of your girl power anthems? Are there any songs that you like to start the day with? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

High Paying & High Powered: The Careers You Can’t Afford To Dismiss

High Paying & High Powered: The Careers You Can’t Afford To Dismiss

There is a lot of conflicting advice out there about how to pick the perfect career after college, with many experts emphasizing how vital it is to do what you love. However, it is also important to acknowledge that 99.9% work because we need the money to survive. With this in mind, careers at the top of the pay scale should always be considered before you make your choice. Read on to find out about some of the highest paying and highest-powered careers there are out there that might be a good fit for you:


Fancy working on Wall Street, wearing smart suits, and partying as hard as you work? Then the role of stockbroker may be for you. Of course, it’s not all champagne lunches and, in fact, it can be a pretty stressful environment to work in. Because along with the potential for high returns, dealing in stocks and other financial investments is super risky.

Now, as a stockbroker working on Wall Street, you can expect an average salary of around $300,000 a year. Although, you won’t be investing your own money but currency provided to you from commercial or private clients. You may even work with mutual funds where a collection of investors group together so that they can secure a bigger stake in the market.

You will also need to be highly knowledgeable about stocks and shares as well as other investment opportunities such as forex, ISAs, and CFDs. The latter being entirely different to actual stocks because the money is not exchanged for tangible assets. Yes, it’s a complicated process, but luckily you can get some more info about CFDs by researching them online. Although, do note that unless you have a stellar track record, it’s likely you will need a fiance or mathematics degree to get into this field.


Everyone thinks of medical doctors as being at the top of the pile when it comes to high paying and high powered jobs. Such a role is certainly high powered, as doctors end up making life or death decisions on a daily basis, and have to take the responsibility for these, as well.

Doctors need to use their salary to offset their student loans. However, regarding pay, you might be surprised as to how little doctors earn. In fact, the average MD wage in the US is £200,000 per annum. Although, this can be increased by specializing in a specific area or going into private practice.

Unfortunately, as there is so much schooling needed to become a doctor in the first place, the high loan debts that newly qualified medical professionals have often absorb a significant part of their salary. Perhaps making it a less wise choice for those to whom salary is the most crucial factor.


Pixabay Image


A CEO or chief executive officer is the person within a company that makes the high powered and high pressured decisions. The ones that whether the company will sink or swim are based upon. Of course, this makes it a super stressful environment, but many people thrive on this and enjoy carving out a name for themselves and their company in the commercial market.

Also with the average US CEOs salary being at around 13 million a year, the monetary reward is there, too; making it a fantastic career goal you cannot afford not to consider.



We live in a world where the moolah is everything, and the above jobs can definitely give you a lot of it!

Featured Image By: Pixabay