Tag Archives: fun facts

Morning Hustle

Morning Hustle

Hello!! The past month has simultaneously felt like an eternity while also feeling like there isn’t enough time in the day to get anything done. Because I spent most of the afternoons making the drive and visiting a loved one at the Cleveland Clinic, I have turned into a very early bird. My mental alarm clock has shifted to waking up around five thirty every morning and, damnit, I am tired of getting the worm lol.

With no time in the afternoon or evening, every morning has turned into a scramble to jam pack as much as I can in before getting to work. It’s not all bad, though, because it gives me extra time to love on my bunny babies and that is a major bright side! My mornings used to be a leisurely time and I could often squeeze in a few episodes of my favorite animes before setting out for the day. Now, my mornings look like this after waking up:

As soon as my alarm goes off, the grind begins by practicing my languages on Duolingo. I am well over a two year streak and I will be a monkey’s uncle if I break it! Next and, most importantly, I rush down the stairs to take care of the bunnies. This can be a timely process because not only do I have to get them fresh food, water, hay, and leafy greens but I typically have to clean their litter boxes and the surrounding area. It is so nasty but necessary lol the things I do for those precious angels!!

Once Penelope and Mel are taken care of, it’s time to to take care of me. Every morning, I do one hundred and thirty push ups and as awful as that sounds, my day would not feel right without it. Then, it is time to shower, get my skin care on, get dressed and return downstairs to my computer. My days would definitely not be complete without creating daily content on lifewithlilred, doing blog jobs, and catching up on work emails. I also have to pencil in some time to get some Christmas shopping done too!

After the online portion of my morning is done, I tidy up the apartment, cook dinner if I have the time, and prepare my belongings for the day. Then, finally before leaving, I take Penelope and Mel out for a jaunt in the apartment for their rumpus time. It is SO cute to watch them explore and is also a primary factor in getting up way earlier than usual. Just like their mom, they need exercise too and I am more than happy to facilitate their recess. ❤

The Morning Hustle has never been realer and even though it’s exhausting, it sure is fulfilling. I am a creature of habit and schedules and now that this has been my life for the past month, something tells me I won’t be sleeping in too late any time soon!

When do you wake up in the morning? Are you an early bird or night owl? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Updated All About Me

Updated All About Me

Hello! In September, lifewithlilred celebrated its eight year blogiversary, so I figured it was high time to do an Updated All About Me post. So much has changed since I started my page as a twenty year old college kid – a husband, nieces and a nephew, and becoming bunny parents! Although I can’t say I’m thrilled to be approaching thirty in barely two years, it has been amazing to measure the time here on lifewithlilred. If you are just tuning in or have been a long term reader, here are some fun facts/updates about yours truly:

  1. After wanting bunnies for forever, I finally have them: I have always thought that having pet bunnies would be the best thing since sliced bread and it really is! Johnny and I are so obsessed with Penelope and Mel (a mother and son duo) and we have barely had them for over two weeks! Of course, we love their names but they have plenty of nicknames as well. Because, let’s be real, are you really a pet parent if you aren’t calling your pets anything but their real names? 😀

You can catch me calling Penelope:

  • Mama
  • Miss mama
  • Miss lady
  • Mama’s girl
  • Missy miss

Melvin’s nicknames include:

  • Mr. Melvin
  • Mister mister
  • Mister man
  • Mama’s little man
  • Tiny wanderer

2. Johnny and I are the “cool” aunt and uncle: Whenever Johnny and I are asked if we are going to be giving our parents grandchildren, we reply that the best we can do is grandbunnies lol. However, we LOVE being the cool aunt and uncle to our nieces and nephew, Valerie, Raya, and Patrick. They are the sweetest little humans and we revel in treat days when we can spoil them rotten. The best part? When the fun is over, we can give them back!

3. Married life rules: Johnny and I have been together for over three years and have been married for one of them. It’s actually literally no different than when we were dating but it’s still awesome because it was awesome when we were dating lol. The best part is definitely the novelty of saying “husband” and “wife” and I don’t think that it will ever get old. ❤

4. A new-ish apartment: Johnny and I moved into a new apartment in May that is much bigger than our old one but still in the same community we were already living in. Compared to our old place, this one feels like a luxury resort and I still can’t believe it sometimes! Having windows that actually open, a functional air conditioning unit, and better heating is so fantastic that it’s crazy to think about the pure discomfort we were living in before. The best part, however, is having two bathrooms – one on the upstairs floor and one downstairs. This makes me feel like queen of the castle when I don’t have to stumble my way downstairs to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. GREAT SUCCESS.

5. The Lil Red lifestyle hasn’t changed: lifewithlilred started out as a place for me to express myself, make some friends, and have fun and that hasn’t changed at all. I wanted to create a space to celebrate uniqueness because it’s safe to say that I’m pretty unique when you look at me! The Lil Red lifestyle is all about being true to yourself and living life in a way that makes you happy. I have tried to embody this since the start of lifewithlilred and am proud to say that I’m still holding to that eight years later.

6. Best jobs ever: When I am not doing freelance writing, I work with people with special needs and it is simply the best. I have been in the field for close to eight years and have been an Independent Provider for almost five of them. Every day, my clients teach me something new and it is such a joy to be an important part of their lives. Having a job where you feel genuinely happy at every day is a blessing that I don’t take lightly and I pay homage to that by being my best self daily for each person I care for.

7. Still a Diet Coke fiend: Diet Coke has always been my all time favorite drink and that has yet to change! Since being with Johnny, I have learned the joys of the Diet Coke from McDonald’s because, surprisingly, I have never had it until a year or so ago. Now, it is such a treat when I can get a real CRISPY DC from Mickey D’s and it’s a wonderful change of pace from the canned Diets that I am constantly guzzling lol. #blessed

While some things in my life have changed drastically, I am still the fun loving, goofy Lil Red that you met eight years ago. Thank you all so much for sticking with me on this crazy ride and here’s to eight more years of lifewithlilred! Although in eight years, I might have to change my page’s name to lifewithmiddleagedred… We’ll see what happens! -_-

What are some cool updates in your life? What are some fun facts about you? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

5 Common Kitchen Tools You’re Probably Using Wrong

5 Common Kitchen Tools You’re Probably Using Wrong

Kitchen gadgets and appliances are designed to make your life easier and there seems to be a new one coming out every five minutes. A lot of them are completely useless and probably not worth your money but there are plenty that are actually useful. The problem is, many people don’t know how to use their kitchen appliances and gadgets properly, so they’re not getting the most out of them. These are some of the kitchen tools you are probably using wrong:

Garlic Press:

The worst thing about using garlic in the kitchen is taking the skin off. It’s so fiddly and annoying to do, so you’d think that it would be more useful to have a tool for that instead of a garlic press. The thing is, you don’t actually need to remove the skin at all when you use a garlic press! Most people make this mistake and they waste a lot of time. But if you put the whole clove in there and use the press, it should do all of the hard work for you.


Nutribullets are one of the most popular kitchen gadgets on the market right now. They’re great for making smoothies, but that’s not all they’re for. People often make the mistake of using their Nutribullet for making smoothies and nothing else. But if you’re going to do that, you may as well buy a much cheaper smoothie maker. Nutribullets can actually be used for all sorts of things like blending soups, making sauces, and mixing batter. You can even use them for crushing ice and nuts too, so you get the most out of the one gadget.

If you have a Nutribullet of your own, check out these 19 nutribullet recipes at mykidslickthebowl.com to get some more ideas. Once you start experimenting with a few different recipes, you’ll see that your Nutribullet is capable of much more than just making smoothies (although it is great for that too).


There are a lot of ways that people use their dishwasher wrong. Sometimes, people just pile all of the dirty dishes in there without giving it a second thought. But if you don’t load it efficiently, things won’t clean properly and you won’t be able to get as much in there. Loading your dishwasher properly makes everything easier for the machine, which means that it will run more efficiently and even save you money on electricity bills if you do it right.

People also overlook the fact that they need to clean their dishwashers. If you don’t clean your dishwasher regularly, then the machine will get clogged up with food particles and it will start breaking down. It’s important to keep on top of this if you want your dishwasher to continue working properly. There are filters inside that you need to take out and clean yourself. You should also rinse plates properly before you put them in to prevent food buildup.


Most people don’t know how to sharpen their knives properly. If you want your knives to stay sharp, it’s crucial that you hand wash them and dry them thoroughly after each use. Don’t put them in the dishwasher because this will ruin the blade and make it duller very quickly. After cleaning, you should store them either hung up or on a magnetic bar (not loose).

Using the right knife for the right job is important too, and it’s something that people get wrong a lot. A standard chef knife is good for most tasks, but some jobs require a bread knife, fillet knife, carving knife, and so on. By using the right knife for each job, you’ll get much better results and you will be able to cut things more easily. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that sharper means more dangerous. In fact, a blunt knife means that you have to apply more pressure to cut, and that increases the likelihood of slipping and cutting yourself. So, it’s actually better to use a sharper knife.

Spaghetti Spoons:

Most people assume that the hole in the middle of a spaghetti spoon is for draining water. It does help with that, but that isn’t what it’s there for! Most people don’t realize that the hole in the middle of the spoon is actually for measuring the amount of spaghetti you should cook. The hole will take one average portion of pasta for a person, so you can avoid cooking way too much.

If you want to make life easier for yourself in the kitchen, make sure that you are using these tools properly!

Featured Image By: Pixabay

3 Reasons Why You Should Consider A Dog For Your Family

3 Reasons Why You Should Consider A Dog For Your Family

Anyone who has ever had a dog will know how affectionate they are, what good company they make, and how it can be a huge bonus to simply have one in your home. If you have never had a dog and you’re considering getting one for your family, there are some excellent reasons why that is a wonderful idea. Children (and adults) can benefit enormously from a dog. So if your children have asked you whether they can have one and you’re wavering on your decision, take a look at these reasons, and you might find yourself convinced:

Good Friend:

Children can easily fall out with their human friends. They can have arguments. They can be upset. Maybe they’re sick and can’t play. With a dog as a companion, however, none of that will happen.

A dog will never stop enjoying your child’s company, and will prevent them from feeling depressed and lonely. A dog can easily and quickly become your child’s best friend, and you can rest assured that there will be no bullying or disagreements that lead to a miserable, crying child who needs comforting. Your child might even find that they can confide in their dog when they have no one else to talk to, which reduces worry. Plus, a dog is great entertainment that can make your child feel better when they are angry, nervous, sad, or stressed.

Good For Health:

Having a dog as a pet is connected to having good health. Dogs love to be outside playing, running, chasing a ball, playing fetch, and learning tricks. Of course, they also need to be walked at least once a day. Therefore, if your child is the one taking care of their dog, they will also be outside more, be more active, and generally feel better and healthier all around. Walking their dog means that your kid is not sitting in front of a TV or computer screen, and it helps to maintain a healthy weight (along with a balanced diet). Breathing fresh air is a wonderful thing.

For younger children, parental supervision will be required on these walks away from home, so it’s good for the entire family. On top of all of this, studies have shown that having a dog gives your child a strengthened immune system, so they are less likely to get sick and will be less prone to allergies.

Good Life Skills:

A child will spend a lot of time playing with and caring for their dog, and in doing so, they will constantly be developing valuable skills for later on in life. Taking care of their dog will show your child what it’s like to look after another living being, which will add to their ability to parent if and when they choose to do so. This will include ensuring that their dog is well, feeding them, giving them healthy treats like CBD for dogs, and making sure that they are exercised.

Grooming a dog can boost motor skills, which is another important skill. Kids can even improve their reading by reading aloud to their pet; a dog won’t interrupt or criticize, so the child will have more confidence to attempt even harder words. Dogs are also great when it comes to learning how to socialize. Going out to the dog park and mingling with other dog owners will increase your child’s confidence in social situations.

Welcoming a dog into your home is special for the entire family. And, as always, adopt don’t shop when you are giving a pup a furever home!

Featured Image By: Pexels

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

Hi! Guess what?! We are officially THREE DAYS AWAY from my 1,000 post streak and I am so beyond excited! Make sure you keep it posted for a giveaway to celebrate this monumental accomplishment. 🙂 We all know that Lil Red loves to write, but what about my other favorite things? Read on to find out more:

Favorite Drink?

Every day I try to drink a lot of water and bring my travel mug from the Department Of Developmental Disabilities with me everywhere to stay hydrated. This makes me feel less bad about drinking two cans of Diet Coke every morning for a caffeine jolt before work lol! Diet Coke is, hands down, my favorite drink and I could drink it all day. When it comes to adult beverages, I love champagne and my life changed for the better when I learned that you don’t need a special occasion to drink it. 😀

Favorite Non-Writing Hobby:

I have always loved to read and I try to finish at least two books per month. Getting lost in a good book is one of my favorite forms of self care and it’s even better if it is raining outside! I also really enjoy learning different languages and am on a three hundred twenty-five day streak on Duolingo. French is my best language, by far, but it is such fun to try and improve my Spanish, Italian, German, and Czech too!

Favorite Season?

Fall, of course! Every year I look forward to fall time… Mainly for the fashion! I love layering, boots, and breaking out all of my favorite jackets. Fall time activities like apple picking, hiking, and corn mazes are also a blast and I live for haunted houses. I haven’t been in two years due to the pandemic and, sadly, probably won’t get to go this year due to the rises in COVID cases. But I cannot wait to get reacquainted with my favorite haunts when it’s safer.

My first job was actually as an actor at the Carnival Of Horrors and, even though I know a ton of haunted house tricks, I am still terrified at every one I visit!

Favorite Thing About Myself?

Well, I like to think that I’m frickin hilarious. But, my favorite thing about myself is probably my determination. Once I have a goal in mind, I try to stick with it and I wouldn’t be reaching a 1,000 post writing streak without that. Nothing pleases me more than crossing things off of my mental daily “to do” list and that’s what keeps me motivated to continue writing, practicing my languages, and working out every day.

Favorite Sport:

Ice skating! I skated competitively for about ten years and stopped when I was sixteen or so. Prior to the pandemic, I got back into it and lived for my weekly skate sessions. I actually just had my first lesson since the winter of 2020 a few weekends ago and it was amazing… Even though my legs felt like Jello all day afterwards!

When it comes to my favorite sport that I like to watch other than skating, I would definitely say gymnastics. My mind is blown every time I see it so, trust and believe that my brain was exploding during these past Olympic Games.

Favorite Memory:

My wedding!! Getting married this June was so amazing and I love being a wifey. Any time spent with my Johnny is my favorite. I also loved becoming an aunt when my niece was born, graduating from Cuyahoga Community College, and vacationing in Orlando, Florida with my family.

Favorite Game:

My husband and I are avid gamers and I love our weekend game nights together. Word games are my favorite so my preferred game is Scrabble, for sure. Johnny and I also love the game Horrified where you have to save a village from classic movie monsters. In terms of video games, I am still addicted to Animal Crossing and Pokemon Snap – I actually just played both last night! 😀

And, of course, another one of my favorite things is creating content every day for my dear friends and readers. I love you all so much! ❤

What are some of your favorite things? What are your goals? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

*Updated* All About Me

*Updated* All About Me

Hi! Every day is one step closer to achieving my 1,000 post streak of daily writing and I am so beyond excited! lifewithlilred will also be fast approaching its seven year blogiversary this September, as well, and I thank all of my friends and readers for joining me on this crazy ride. ❤

It has been a while since I have done an All About Me post and I figure there is no better time than the present to do an updated version, especially with all of these big milestones coming up! Some of these fun facts might be old news to my long term readers but that’s okay. 🙂 Let’s get to it:

1 – I got married this summer! Johnny and I tied the knot on June fourth and it was the best day ever. So many people have asked us if being married feels any different and we both always answer with no. Our two year anniversary is on September first and the honeymoon phase has never ended. The only main difference is peppering in “my husband” or “my wife” in conversations, which we are both incredibly fond of. 😀

2 – I work with people with special needs and have been in the field for over seven years. I recently changed up my work schedule and it has given me the opportunity to learn lots of new things, which I am so thankful for. This past month has actually been really busy because I am working on doing my training to become certified in providing job coaching services. I can’t wait to start this new chapter!

3 – My favorite way to spoil myself is with all of the pampering! In the words of Madonna, I am definitely a Material Girl and I live for shopping trips to TJMaxx, going to the nail and hair salon, testing out skin care and bath and body care, and getting new tattoos. I have over fifty tattoos in total and I have a very high pain tolerance so a day at the tattoo parlor qualifies as pampering for me, lol.

4 – I would never consider myself a “couch potato” but I love my evening and Lazy Sunday TV time with Johnny. We have a lot of favorite shows which includes Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Impractical Jokers, Law & Order, and The Last Kingdom. I am also a huge anime fan thanks to the recommendations from my brother and am currently watching Black Clover. I also love Demon Slayer, The Promised Neverland, Parasyte, and Castlevania.

5 – Since I changed things up at work, my mental health has improved twentyfold and I have really been enjoying cooking again. I have been having so much fun cooking dinner several times a week and love trying out new recipes so if anyone has any favorite vegetarian dishes, send them my way!

6 – Other than cooking, my favorite hobbies include: Reading, learning new languages, playing video games, and figure skating. I was a competitive figure skater back in the day and had just started getting back into it before the pandemic. I even bought new skates! I miss my weekly skate sessions dearly and plan on returning to the rink once I finish up the training for my new job.

7 – Although I love going out and about with Johnny and seeing his band play, I love our weekend at home date nights the best. If we don’t have anything going on, we will usually spend either Friday or Saturday night staying up late, playing video or board games, and listening to music. We each take turns playing our favorite songs and it’s so much fun to sing along and dance with him. In the future, we would like to do some ballroom dance classes and I can’t wait!

8 – My guilty pleasure would definitely be reality TV. I live for America’s Next Top Model, Dancing With The Stars, and literally anything on TLC. My 600 Lb. Life will always and forever be my favorite and Doctor Now is my best friend in my head. ❤

9 – I have had the same slide up keyboard phone for years and have prided myself on never having a smartphone. Unfortunately, my Old Faithful has been on the fritz in terms of getting reception so an upgrade to a smartphone is becoming inevitable. I can’t say that I’m thrilled about it but I am excited to have a good camera for blog pictures!

10 – I used to be a really big coffee drinker but after an oral surgery gone wrong, I lost my taste for it. Now, my mornings would not be complete without a can (or two) of Diet Coke. In fact, I’m drinking it right now. 😀

So there you have it, ten Lil Red fun facts! Once again, many thanks to each and every one of you who continue to get to know me better every day. ❤

What are some fun facts about you? What are your favorite things? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Random Lil Red Fun Facts

Random Lil Red Fun Facts

Hi! I bet none of you knew before my recent post about my old school phone that I was using such an outdated model. Meanwhile, I am constantly getting comments on it whenever people notice it in public in my neck of the woods! I am very open on both my blog and Facebook page (Sarah Mushenheim) about all of my little quirks and favorite things but I’m sure there are many that I have overlooked. So, today, I am going to share some Random Lil Red Fun Facts that you might not have known before:

  1. My favorite fast food restaurant on planet Earth is and will always be Taco Bell forever and ever, Amen.
  2. I am a Diet Coke fiend and I always have to have it in my apartment.
  3. I never don’t want to watch America’s Next Top Model and freaking love Tyra Banks even though she butchered hosting on Dancing With The Stars.
  4. I used to despise listening to the radio a few years back but now I keep fairly up to date on all of the top forty hits. My current favorite is Dua Lipa – I loved watching her perform on Saturday Night Live!
  5. It’s no secret that I am a die hard TJMaxx Maxxinista and my favorite thing to shop for is definitely shoes. Mainly because you don’t have to worry about them not fitting when you online shop lol.
  6. I worked retail for a good four and a half years as well as participated in theater throughout high school and my early twenties. I still have dreams to this day that I am running late to open up the clothing store I worked at or have forgotten all of my lines before a big show.
  7. I have worked in the care field for people with special needs for over five years now and enjoy my job so much!
  8. I am a really organized and clean person. However, there are just some chores that I freaking hate doing – taking out the trash and cleaning the bathroom, blegh.
  9. Saying I am obsessed with soup is a severe understatement and I will crave a big bowl of French Onion even in the summertime. Don’t even get me started on minestrone, tomato, broccoli cheddar, cauliflower cheese, butternut squash, and lentil soup… The list goes on!
  10. My boyfriend is currently on a huge Popeye’s kick and, I kid you not, just ordered it four times in one week lol. Their biscuits are heaven on Earth. ❤
  11. The things I miss the most during the pandemic include figure skating, seeing family and friends regularly, and going to see my boyfriend play shows with The Outside Voices.
  12. My blog will have its seven year anniversary in September!

What are some fun facts about you? Do you have any questions for me? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Random Lil Red Fun Facts

Random Lil Red Fun Facts

Hello! In coronavirus times, I have become a little bit “boring”. Not because I want to, of course. Safety trumps all and with multiple high risk clients that I care for, I can never be too, well… careful! A lack of going out and socializing/shopping has definitely made maintaining lifewithlilred more difficult but no one said being a blogger was easy and I still write every day.

If you are just tuning into my page, welcome! I hope you learn something new about me. For those of you who have been with me for the past almost six years, hi again! I also hope you learn something new about me with the following:

  1. I have well over fifty tattoos and have simply lost count of how many I have at this point.
  2. I try to read at least two books per month – sometimes three if I’m feeling especially reading ravenous.
  3. I wouldn’t consider myself a huge “gamer” but I have become obsessed with Animal Crossing since I have been at home more often. Johnny and I share an island called Dingusburg and my favorite thing is fishing for sharks and diving for undersea critters. 🙂
  4. I have been self employed for the past six years and run two businesses that I am very proud of.
  5. Johnny and I are celebrating one year together on September 1st and I couldn’t be happier!
  6. My last in store shopping trip was at TJMaxx in February and I miss it desperately.
  7. I also miss going ice skating a lot too! I used to figure skate competitively and just started taking up learning how to ice dance. I even bought new skates. Then, COVID happened, and I haven’t been on the ice since March. Whomp whomp.
  8. I am an aunt to an adorable niece and nephew. I am the baby of the family with two older brothers and an older sister. I also have two dog brothers named Archie and Ollie. ❤
  9. I allow myself two “treat” outings per month and I always opt to get my hair and nails done. I think I would go crazy without my monthly fill and color touch up!
  10. I have been a vegetarian for close to two decades and I love all kinds of food – especially Indian, Mexican, and Thai. Unfortunately, Johnny is on a much different diet of chicken nuggets, hot dogs, and Honey Nut Cheerios to lower his cholesterol so I usually have to eat my favorites by my damn self… More for me!

What are some fun facts about you? Do you have any questions for me? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

What Makes Your Dog Tilt Its Head At You?

What Makes Your Dog Tilt Its Head At You?

Humans and dogs have been living together for millennia. And in that time, they’ve co-developed, with people adapting to dogs and vice versa. In that time, domesticated pooches have developed a string of behaviors that are entirely different from their wolf ancestors. One of these behaviors is head tilting. Dogs will stare at you with their heads cocked to one side or the other, instead of being level. It’s often very noticeable. But what makes them do this? Is it just random?

Researchers think that it’s more than just a weird tick. The science suggests that it might be related to a pooch’s emotional intelligence. Dogs, it turns out, are very good at picking up on the state of mind of their owners. They know, for instance, when you’re excited, sad, angry, or annoyed. Researchers think that their head movements might have something to do with their interpretation of your mood.

Because dogs are not people, they can’t empathize with the same emotions that we have. Dogs do not share many of the thoughts and feelings that we experience. They have their own setup. However, they appear to have rudimentary skills of empathy. They can listen and recognise you as something separate from themselves. And this fact might be at the root of why they tilt their head.

Tilting seems to be context-independent. Dogs will do it whether you’re praising them for being a good pup or scolding them for eating the furniture. It appears to be a sign that they’re paying attention to what you’re saying and taking note (in their own way).

The Canine Ear Hypothesis:

Researchers also suggest that tilting may occur because of differences in the construction of the canine ear compared to those of humans. Dogs have very sensitive ears and can hear a similar range of sounds to us. However, their directional hearing might not be as good as ours.

Humans have particularly good directional hearing because of the distance our ears are from each other. The left and right ears pick up sounds with a slight delay, allowing people to determine where a noise is coming from. Dog ears are closer together and also more buried in the skull, meaning that differentiation is not as high.

Tilting of the head, therefore, might be a way for them to better hear where commands are coming from, by changing the angle of the sound. Adjusting their pinnae could let them pinpoint the location of noises in their environment.

What This Means For Owners:

Dogs that tilt their heads may be more empathetic than those that don’t. It may be a sign that they’re listening for specific words or inflections. It may also make dog training easier. Dogs who listen more intently can carry out your commands better.

The way your dog tilts its head is also an indication of their character. Cocking it to one side and looking right at you is a sign of health and strength. Pointing their nose towards the floor, however, suggests deference and worry. What signs is your dog giving you?

Featured Image By: Pexels

Get To Know Me In Quarantine

Get To Know Me In Quarantine

Hello! It has been a good long while since lifewithlilred began. Therefore, it has been a good long while since I laid down some fun facts on you about yours truly. I figured, there’s no better time than the present… Especially when coming up with daily content amidst a stay at home order is way harder than I thought it would be! Read on to find out more about your favorite lil red haired, pierced, tattooed blogger:


^^^ Normal me VS stay at home order me, lol!

All about me:

  1. My name is Sarah Mushenheim and, come September, lifewithlilred will be six years old!
  2. I love to figure skate, shop, read, go to concerts, and hang out with my boyfriend, friends, and family.
  3. I am an aunt to an adorable little girl named Valerie and a handsome little boy named Patrick.
  4. I am self employed as an independent provider for people with special needs. August will be my three year anniversary and I love my job!
  5. I have lost count of how many tattoos I have but I can’t wait to get more!
  6. My first post quarantine treats will definitely be getting my hair, nails, and some tattoos done. Oh you fancy, huh?!
  7. Learning new languages is one of my favorite hobbies. I speak English and French and am currently practicing American Sign Language, Czech, German, Spanish, and Italian. I plan on giving Portuguese a shot next.
  8. I write every morning. Literally every morning. And, on a random day where I can’t squeeze a post in before work makes me feel very off!
  9. My boyfriend, Johnny, and I have been playing hella Animal Crossing so if you play, come check out our island. 😀
  10. My family has two dogs, both of which are extremely precious and rescued. We have a little Terrier mix named Ollie and a goofy Golden Retriever puppy named Archie. ❤

Now you know a little more about me and I would love to hear from you! What are some fun facts about yourself? Or some of your favorite things? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah