Tag Archives: morning routine

Happy Memories

Happy Memories

Hello!! I am one of those people who opens up Facebook as soon as I get up in the morning. It’s part of my little wake up ritual. I check my notifications, I look at my memories, I complete a French lesson on Duolingo, then I get up and start my day. Sometimes, the Facebook memories are nice. Sometimes, they are a reminder of total assholes (lol). And, sometimes, they are the most cringy statuses I have ever seen in my life!! On March 13th, however, was a very happy Facebook memory indeed. It was the three year anniversary of when Johnny and I got engaged!!


^^^ We look so young!! Also LOL at how big the ring was – definitely needed that resized!

Before I met Johnny, I was in bad relationship after even worse relationships. I had completely sworn off dating after things ended with the guy I was dating before Johnny… Until my now husband asked me out for a drink, of course! It was a real deal instance of love at first sight and we were inseparable after our first date. In fact, we often say that we could have gotten married the day we met and would still be exactly where we are right now. In my heart of hearts, I genuinely believe that to be true.

I hate to admit, but I kind of forgot about our engagement anniversary these past few years because we weren’t engaged for long. We got married less than three months later so that’s the day that is always on my radar. As I said before, Facebook memories can be the worst or they can be the best. Waking up and seeing the picture we took after Johnny popped the question was the most wonderful way to start my day. Johnny and I spent the brief time we have together in the morning reminiscing about it and he was just as surprised by the three year anniversary as I was. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one and I’ll be looking forward to seeing upcoming memories of our wedding prep and day as we approach June 4th and celebrate our birthaversary week. 🙂

Although Johnny and I needed a Facebook memory to remember the actual anniversary of our engagement, we remember the day like it was yesterday. Maybe I’ll have to upload the video of when Johnny proposed soon because it was literally perfect! ❤

Are you good at remembering special dates or do you need reminders? What is something cringy from your Facebook memories today? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Make School Mornings Easier With These Tips

Make School Mornings Easier With These Tips

Are you struggling to get out of the door on time in the mornings? If you’re like most parents, you’re probably trying to juggle getting yourself ready for the day while also getting your kids ready for school. It can be a challenge, to say the least! But there are some things that you can do to make your mornings go more smoothly. Here are a few tips that may help:

Get Up Earlier Than Your Kids:

Getting up earlier than your children is an excellent way to set yourself up for success during the day. It allows you time to get ready for the day, plan meals and activities, and finish any last-minute errands. Waking up a few minutes before your kids also leaves you feeling more refreshed, allowing you to focus and be productive throughout the day. Not only are there obvious benefits for you, but setting this example for your children can influence their behavior as well – showing them that getting a good start each morning sets their day off on the right foot.


Have a Set Morning Routine:

Starting your day with a set morning routine can do wonders for your productivity and focus. Ease into the day with something that engages your senses. Here are some activities to add to your morning routine:

Take a few minutes for meditation:

Meditation is a great way to ease into your morning routine, as it can help you relax and recenter before the day begins. Taking just a few minutes each morning to meditate can have lasting effects throughout the day. It can reduce stress, improve concentration and focus, and even increase creativity.

Make a cup of your favorite tea or coffee:

A cup of coffee can instantly invigorate you as the aroma of freshly-brewed beans wafts through the air. If you’re a coffee lover, consider investing in an electric kettle for pour-over coffee. The kettle gets the water heated to a precise temperature, allowing those precious coffee beans to awaken their delicious flavors. Those aromas, in turn, energize and help drive concentration, setting your mind up for whatever task may lay ahead.

Write in a journal:

Journaling is another great way to kick-start your day. Writing down your thoughts, feelings, and plans for the day can help you stay focused on what’s important. It can also be a helpful tool if you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed – just take five minutes to write down anything that comes to mind.

Listen to music:

Putting on some upbeat music can instantly lift your mood and get you in the right frame of mind for the day. Music is a great tool to help motivate you when it feels like no amount of coffee can do the trick. It’s also a great way to kick-start your creativity and add fuel to any task that requires focus.

Make Breakfast the Night Before:

Making your breakfast the night before can be an effective way to start your day on the right foot. Not only does this save you time in the morning, but it can also help you stick to a healthier diet. Eating a nutritious breakfast is essential for providing enough energy and preventing overeating during the rest of the day. Take a few minutes before bed to assemble an easy breakfast, such as overnight oats or yogurt parfait, so that your body gets what it needs to stay energized and focused throughout the morning.


Set Out Clothes the Night Before:

Setting out your clothes the night before – shoes, socks, shirt, and trousers – can help you to move with speed and confidence when it comes to fashioning a look. To save yourself time and stress in the mornings, pre-select your clothing items ahead of time while you still have mental reserves and are better able to pick out the ideal apparel for whatever task beckons from the day ahead.

Pack Snacks and Drinks for the Car Ride:

Going on a long car trip? Don’t forget to pack snacks and drinks for the ride! Non-perishable snacks like crackers, energy bars, or nuts can easily fit in your bag without taking up too much space. Beverages are essential; water is always a must-have when traveling. Make sure to include an appropriate drink container, such as a reusable bottle or cup with a lid, to prevent spills during your journey.

Make Sure The Kids’ Homework Is Done:

It is important to stay on top of the kids’ homework and make sure it’s getting done on time. Without proper intervention, kids are unlikely to follow their own timelines for getting assignments completed. To help keep them on track, establish a routine by establishing a set amount of time each day for studying and work and stick to it! Put down distractions (such as video games or TV) while they are working, support them with resources they need, like books or tutors, and recognize if there’s an issue that needs extra help.

By following the tips we outlined above, you can make mornings less chaotic for everyone in the family. You’ll be able to get out of the house on time and start your day feeling calmer and more collected. Plus, by taking care of everything the night before, you won’t have to worry about forgotten homework or lost lunch boxes come morning. Give it a try – it’s worth it!

Morning Hustle

Morning Hustle

Hello!! The past month has simultaneously felt like an eternity while also feeling like there isn’t enough time in the day to get anything done. Because I spent most of the afternoons making the drive and visiting a loved one at the Cleveland Clinic, I have turned into a very early bird. My mental alarm clock has shifted to waking up around five thirty every morning and, damnit, I am tired of getting the worm lol.

With no time in the afternoon or evening, every morning has turned into a scramble to jam pack as much as I can in before getting to work. It’s not all bad, though, because it gives me extra time to love on my bunny babies and that is a major bright side! My mornings used to be a leisurely time and I could often squeeze in a few episodes of my favorite animes before setting out for the day. Now, my mornings look like this after waking up:

As soon as my alarm goes off, the grind begins by practicing my languages on Duolingo. I am well over a two year streak and I will be a monkey’s uncle if I break it! Next and, most importantly, I rush down the stairs to take care of the bunnies. This can be a timely process because not only do I have to get them fresh food, water, hay, and leafy greens but I typically have to clean their litter boxes and the surrounding area. It is so nasty but necessary lol the things I do for those precious angels!!

Once Penelope and Mel are taken care of, it’s time to to take care of me. Every morning, I do one hundred and thirty push ups and as awful as that sounds, my day would not feel right without it. Then, it is time to shower, get my skin care on, get dressed and return downstairs to my computer. My days would definitely not be complete without creating daily content on lifewithlilred, doing blog jobs, and catching up on work emails. I also have to pencil in some time to get some Christmas shopping done too!

After the online portion of my morning is done, I tidy up the apartment, cook dinner if I have the time, and prepare my belongings for the day. Then, finally before leaving, I take Penelope and Mel out for a jaunt in the apartment for their rumpus time. It is SO cute to watch them explore and is also a primary factor in getting up way earlier than usual. Just like their mom, they need exercise too and I am more than happy to facilitate their recess. ❤

The Morning Hustle has never been realer and even though it’s exhausting, it sure is fulfilling. I am a creature of habit and schedules and now that this has been my life for the past month, something tells me I won’t be sleeping in too late any time soon!

When do you wake up in the morning? Are you an early bird or night owl? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah