Tag Archives: early bird

ALL Of The Coffee

ALL Of The Coffee

Hello!! Back in the summer of 2022, the Great Kitchen Flood happened when a pipe burst in mine and Johnny’s apartment building. It was insane! The water was literally pouring out of the walls and it was so gross because the water was straight up dirty. It completely waterlogged all of my countertop appliances, including my Keurig, toaster, and air fryer. At the time, I wasn’t using my Keurig very often so I never bothered replacing it. Fast forward to this past year and my schedule changed to having to get up at three AM three days a week. Needless to say, I need ALL of the coffee those mornings!


For Valentine’s Day, Johnny and I simply told each other what we wanted and then we ordered it. A new single cup Keurig for me and a new Levi’s jean jacket for him. I have been using my gift religiously since receiving it and all I have to say is: How did I survive this long without it?! Prior to V-Day, I was more than fine with stopping at Starbucks for a coffee or McDonald’s for a crispy Diet Coke during my early mornings. While I miss my little treats during those shifts, I am perfectly content with the K-Pod challenge… AKA just using my Keurig now lol.

I have been enjoying testing out all of the different K-Pods and my mind is never not blown by the infinite selection at the grocery stores. I started out with French Vanilla by Green Mountain Coffee and have since graduated to a Snickers flavored blend by The Donut Shop. They are both pretty good! My favorite part of the Keurig, however, is not so much the coffee as it is the coffee mugs. Lol, I have a substantial collection of coffee mugs and although I use them for any beverage, they hit different with coffee! It is also nice to remember the occasions that they were given to me for because a majority of them were gifts. In fact, the one pictured above was a mug that I got forever ago from my bestie and the sentiments ring true… Coffee always comes first! 😀

I have had my Keurig for well over a month now and I am just as obsessed with it as the day I got it. So glad that my fallen friend from the Great Kitchen Flood of 2022 finally got replaced!

What is your favorite kind of K-Cup? How many cups of coffee do you drink per day? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Morning Hustle

Morning Hustle

Hello!! The past month has simultaneously felt like an eternity while also feeling like there isn’t enough time in the day to get anything done. Because I spent most of the afternoons making the drive and visiting a loved one at the Cleveland Clinic, I have turned into a very early bird. My mental alarm clock has shifted to waking up around five thirty every morning and, damnit, I am tired of getting the worm lol.

With no time in the afternoon or evening, every morning has turned into a scramble to jam pack as much as I can in before getting to work. It’s not all bad, though, because it gives me extra time to love on my bunny babies and that is a major bright side! My mornings used to be a leisurely time and I could often squeeze in a few episodes of my favorite animes before setting out for the day. Now, my mornings look like this after waking up:

As soon as my alarm goes off, the grind begins by practicing my languages on Duolingo. I am well over a two year streak and I will be a monkey’s uncle if I break it! Next and, most importantly, I rush down the stairs to take care of the bunnies. This can be a timely process because not only do I have to get them fresh food, water, hay, and leafy greens but I typically have to clean their litter boxes and the surrounding area. It is so nasty but necessary lol the things I do for those precious angels!!

Once Penelope and Mel are taken care of, it’s time to to take care of me. Every morning, I do one hundred and thirty push ups and as awful as that sounds, my day would not feel right without it. Then, it is time to shower, get my skin care on, get dressed and return downstairs to my computer. My days would definitely not be complete without creating daily content on lifewithlilred, doing blog jobs, and catching up on work emails. I also have to pencil in some time to get some Christmas shopping done too!

After the online portion of my morning is done, I tidy up the apartment, cook dinner if I have the time, and prepare my belongings for the day. Then, finally before leaving, I take Penelope and Mel out for a jaunt in the apartment for their rumpus time. It is SO cute to watch them explore and is also a primary factor in getting up way earlier than usual. Just like their mom, they need exercise too and I am more than happy to facilitate their recess. ❤

The Morning Hustle has never been realer and even though it’s exhausting, it sure is fulfilling. I am a creature of habit and schedules and now that this has been my life for the past month, something tells me I won’t be sleeping in too late any time soon!

When do you wake up in the morning? Are you an early bird or night owl? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Happy Early Birthday To Me!!

Happy Early Birthday To Me!!

Hello! I am one of those people who simply cannot wait to give and receive presents for special occasions. I am probably the most impatient person when it comes to that! When Johnny and I first started dating, he was pretty good about waiting until a holiday or birthday for gift exchanges. However, over time, he has adopted my early bird method and gifted me with an early birthday prezzie this past weekend:


Lol, the answer is: Yes, my husband did buy me a sword cane for my birthday – it is exactly what I wanted! As you guys know, I am extra enough to be carrying around parasols, wrapping myself in faux fur, and wouldn’t be caught dead in the summer without a huge sunhat and sunglasses. A sword cane is yet another thing to be added to this arsenal of extraness and I am SO there for it.

At least once a year, Johnny and I have a Harry Potter movie marathon and this present was inspired by Lucius Malfoy’s cane wand. I remember vividly saying that I loved it when watching The Chamber Of Secrets and Johnny filed it away in his mental rolidex for a gift giving occasion. And, as always, he did really good because my cane is incredibly similar to a one Mr. Malfoy’s.

Johnny, apparently, was just as enamored by this purchase as I was because he accidentally ordered two! Instead of canceling the order, he decided to keep it for himself and we have definitely already had fake sword fights at the apartment. Fear not – the blade is less sharp than a butter knife but we both had a blast getting our imaginary Aragorn on!

As you might know, Johnny’s birthday is on June 1st, our wedding anniversary is June 4th, and my birthday is June 7th. We refer to this as our “birthaversary” and it’s such a monumental week that we can’t help but celebrate early… Especially considering that Johnny has known his gift for the past month – an immersive Sleepy Hollow cocktail event. We can’t wait! 😀

Are you an impatient gift giver like me? How do you like to celebrate special occasions? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah