Tag Archives: fml

Monday Update: NAIL HELP!!!

Monday Update: NAIL HELP!!!

Hey everyone and happy Monday! I hope all of you had a fab weekend. So as you guys know, I was beyond obsessed with my stiletto style claws back when I was wearing acrylic nails. But, because I am ballin on a budget as a college kid, I decided to cut back on my favorite way to pamper myself besides from dying my hair. I haven’t been wearing acrylics for about a year but in the past four months I have been attempting to grow my nails out because I’ve been missing them badly.

So far, my nails have been doing pretty good. I began a regimen of taking Biotin and Calcium vitamins and I really think that they have been helping. I have also started soaking them in olive and coconut oil as a moisturizing treat. My nails are now quite strong as opposed to the brittle, flimsy mess that they were before. I am a little less than halfway to the length that I would like them to be at but then…the unspeakable happened. The nail on my thumb broke clean off yesterday. 😦

I am genuinely at a loss of what to do. There was no salvaging the nail and now I have nine long and beautiful nails and a mere stump on my right hand thumb. What do you guys do in a situation like this? Do you cut the rest of your nails and let everything start fresh? Or do you just wait it out and let the broken nail grow again? I suppose it’s a matter of preference but I have no clue what to do and I feel like I would benefit greatly from hearing what all of the amazing beauty gurus out here have to say.

As a reminder, this is where I last left my nails in acrylic land and I am a little less than halfway to that length now. Ironically enough, I’m wearing those exact same colors right now! All I need are my middle finger crosses and I’ll be all set! #thosewerethedays


I am in desperate need of advice and also some comfort because I am so upset about this nail breaking. The worst thing, though? About an hour before the nail broke I literally told my mom “wow, it sure would suck if one of my nails broke now”. FML!!!

As of now, I’m leaning towards letting my little thumb stump grow out because it is not as noticeable as say, if the break happened on a pointer or middle finger. However, this is subject to change! So what do you do when a beloved nail breaks? Let it grow or hack off (so violent!) the rest? I want to hear from all of you, so PLEASE leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

^^^ Acrylic nail jams! 😉

Nourish Organic Face Cleanser Review

Nourish Organic Face Cleanser Review

Helloo everyone and happy weekend! I recently started using a new cleanser by Nourish Organic that I snagged from my skin care hoard and I have been nothing but disappointed with it. The worst part? That once I start a product, I completely refuse to not finish it. So now, I’m stuck with using one of the worst cleansers of all time until there’s none left. #FML. I desperately need a vent session about this cleanser so take a look at the packaging and then let’s discuss:


Okay, first things first is the smell. The packaging claims that it’s fragrance free but it seriously smells like rotten sunflower seeds. That in itself completely turned me off from the cleanser because waking up and having to scrub that on your face is seriously hell. I’m okay with a fragrance free product if it truly is fragrance free or close to it but the marketing for the Nourish Organic Face Cleanser is a blatant lie. Not cool.

On top of the faulty marketing that Nourish Organic used, the packaging for it kind of sucks, too. The cleanser is so thin in texture that as soon as you pop the lid, the face wash starts pouring out. The first time I used the cleanser, I ended up with a substantial amount on my shower floor because I wasn’t prepared for the flood gates to burst free as soon as I opened it. Once again, not cool.

And finally, the fact that this cleanser doesn’t lather in the slightest is a major issue. Because the texture of the face wash is so runny, it feels like you’re just rubbing slime on your face. The result? That your face feels tight, dehydrated, and not even clean. Every time I finish using my cleanser, I’m always so thankful that I use an exfoliator afterwards to pick up the slack. I would almost be okay with the horrid smell and the shitty packaging if the product actually made my skin feel good but if anything, it just leaves it feeling worse.

So how do I rate this product, you may ask? I’m so glad you did! I give the Nourish Organic Face Cleanser: negative one million billion stars and I would not recommend it to anyone. All I can hope for now is that I finish this cleanser quickly so I can use something different because anything is an upgrade from this!

So there you have it, my Nourish Organic Face Cleanser Review! Has anyone used a product lately that they’re completely disappointed in? What face wash are you currently using? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Sick Day

Sick Day

Hello everyone and happy Hump Day! I hope all of you are having a great week so far. Unfortunately, I’ve been feeling pretty under the weather since Saturday. My mom had a killer cold last week which she passed on to me and it hit me with full force. Stuffed up nose, body aches, cough, fever, no appetite – you name the symptom and chances are I’m feeling it. I’ve been running on a diet of Powerade since Monday and I have to say, I’m pretty friggen miserable. The only good thing about my killer cold stint is the Sick Day that I had with my boyfriend, Kyle, on Monday. Let’s discuss:

Let me start off by saying that I usually despise super sappy “I love my boyfriend” or “look what my significant other did for me” posts. I kid you not, there’s a girl on my Facebook newsfeed who literally posts about how much she loves her boyfriend and blah, blah, blah at least five times a day – it drives me absolutely freaking crazy. I will never be the girl who goes overboard with boyfriend posts but this one is SO necessary. Especially considering Kyle risked the possibility of getting sick himself just to take care of little old me.

Monday has always been me and Kyle’s day together and apparently not even the worst cold of all time can change that. Kyle showed up at my house around three bearing candy, tea from Teavana, brownies from his work, and a movie rental of Crimson Peak. He also showed up with knowledge from articles that he Googled on “how to take care of your sick girlfriend without getting sick yourself”. Lol, he seriously thought of everything!

After Kyle unloaded the bag of goodies that he brought for me, we headed into my basement to have a Curb Your Enthusiasm marathon. We were armed with a wad of tissues, a bag full of Sour Patch Kids, Starbursts, and Skittles, as well as the rules of: 1) Refrain from breathing on Kyle and 2) NO KISSES. We deemed the sign of affection “mouth kissin” thanks to me being silly and constantly asking him for a kiss anyways. Kyle tucked me in on the futon and we began our TV marathon which we decided to do in the afternoon so we could watch our movie in the evening.

As soon as we were done with Larry David for the day, we took a break so that I could get something to drink and refill my tissue stash. Kyle came upstairs with me toting my trash can full of tissues to empty which I thought was the sweetest thing ever. It was also one of the suggestions that he found in his research to empty the trash can often. Once we got everything we needed we headed back into the basement to start the movie.

Crimson Peak was a movie that Kyle and I planned on seeing in theaters but we never got around to it. It finally came out on video and I’ve been eager to see it so I was so happy when Kyle rented it for me. Unfortunately, the movie was severely disappointing so I’m glad we didn’t bother seeing it when it first came out. Even though the movie sucked, it was still fun to be able to watch it together!

By the time the movie was done, I was exhausted so we decided to start bringing my Sick Day to an end. We concluded our day by watching Malcolm in the Middle on the computer which is what we usually do before bed when we’re at his house. Kyle then tucked me in under my seven blankets (I like to be really warm when I sleep!) and hit the road. Even though I felt like death, it was sure a perfect end to an awesome day.

I can’t get over how sweet Kyle was to take care of his poor sick girlfriend. He filled my day that shouldn’t have been very fun with so much joy and at some points I even forgot how sick I was feeling. A tell tale sign that Doctor Boyfriend did a great job. Thank you so much for taking such good care of me, babe! I love you!! ❤

I think it’s safe to say that I had one of the best Sick Days in the world thanks to Kyle! As I write this, I’m still feeling pretty shitty but I’m feeling better than yesterday so that’s a plus! Has anyone battled a tough cold or flu recently? What are some remedies that you swear by to feel better? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Jergens BB Hand Cream Review

Jergens BB Hand Cream Review

Hi everyone and happy Super Bowl Sunday! I hope all of you are having a wonderful weekend so far. Over the holidays, I was lucky and won a giveaway by my friend, Victoria, over at livingdisrobed. I won some Jergens body care goodies which included the most fantastic hand cream ever. The Jergens BB Hand Cream is the best thing that has ever happened to my hands and their tendency to get insanely dried out. I have nothing but good things to say about this cream, so let’s discuss:


If I could describe myself in one word when it comes to body care products, I would use “picky” with a capital P. If the product is greasy – no can do. If it has a scent that I don’t like – see ya never. And if it’s ineffective – girl, BYE. Lucky for me, the Jergens gods heard my prayer for the perfect cream and they responded by making their BB Hand Cream.

My hands are incredibly sensitive so it doesn’t take a lot to get them dehydrated. On top of this sensitivity, I’m a bit of a germophobe so I’m a hand washer as well. When my hands get dry, they get extremely red, they crack, and they legitimately hurt. You would think that with all of these problems, I would have found the perfect hand cream by now. Unfortunately, I’ve never been so blessed. #fml

It seems like every product that I’ve tried has missed the mark and I don’t like to pay for products unless I’m 110% sure that they’re going to do the job. My last attempt at a hand cream was when I used The Body Shop’s almond cream which worked well but was much too greasy for my liking. I thought that my days of red and raw hands was never going to end and then I ended up winning Victoria’s giveaway.

When my package arrived in the mail, I opened it with the enthusiasm of a child on Christmas. I inspected my goodies and then eagerly squeezed some of the hand cream onto the palm of my hand. I took a whiff of the cream and was pleased that it was a nice and light fragrance that wasn’t overpowering in the slightest.

After the cream passed the smell test, I began to rub it into my skin. The only way that I can describe it was that it was like my hands were taking a long and much needed drink of water. The hand cream went in so smoothly and within seconds I couldn’t even tell that I had applied a healthy helping of the cream. There was no grease, no residue, and no strong fragrance left behind.

After just one use of Jergens BB Hand Cream, the redness of my skin was reduced, the scaliness was smoothed down, and my hands felt perfectly hydrated. I’ve never experienced a cream that truly helped revitalize my skin without leaving behind any kind of residue. Honestly, I thought that it was impossible. My Jergens BB Hand Cream has helped my winter hands become a thing of the past and that is something that I am so thankful for.

I would be ridiculous to rate my Jergens BB Hand Cream with anything less than: five stars. This is easily the best cream that I’ve ever used and I can’t recommend it enough. Thank you so much again, Victoria, because it was all thanks to you! ❤

So there you have it, my Jergens BB Hand Cream Review! What is your go to hand cream? What body lotion do you swear by? I wanna hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Weekend Off

Weekend Off

Hiii everyone and happy weekend! I hope all of you are having a wonderful and relaxing time and are up to a lot of fun. Unfortunately, things in the world of Lil Red are not going so hot right now so I’ll be MIA for the weekend to be depressed and miserable. -__-

I do have one nice thing to look forward to today though! My Special Olympic figure skaters who I’ve been coaching are having a performance at a skating rink in my neck of the woods this morning. A sensory friendly winter fest will be happening and it should be a lot of fun! I can’t wait to have some proud mama moments when I see my skaters perform their routines that we’ve been working so hard on! So there’s that. 🙂

Asides from that, I’m just really not feeling my life right now. So, if you need me you know where to find me via comments, email, or Facebook. But fear not, I’ll be back with you for the Monday Update soon! Does anyone participate in any winter sports? Who has some big weekend plans? I wanna hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


^^^ Thanks, Sweet Brown. ❤

Looking Good, Feeling Awful

Looking Good, Feeling Awful

Heyyy everyone and happy Thursday! I’ve been pretty lucky as far as my health goes these past few months – no flus, no infections, nothing…So naturally, I got a cold from hell this week. It’s so awful that I seriously think it would make Satan cry. And who do I have to thank for my unfortunate snotty situation? My boyfriend, of course. What a guy! ❤

Kyle wasn’t feeling well over Thanksgiving so good thing we spent it together, right? He had the beginnings of a cold and sore throat as well as a debilitating sprained ankle…Lucky for me, those aren’t contagious, too! I was feeling fine throughout Thanksgiving weekend, I was healthy as an ox (is that a saying?) and sexy as hell (hubba hubba)! But then on Monday, things took a turn for the worse because I woke up more stuffed up than one of those stuck up Kardashians…Who I HATE!

Every unfortunate cold symptom there is, I had – the sniffles, sore throat, sneezes, body aches, headaches, and a nose that ran faster than Usain Bolt. It’s basically like my own personal form of purgatory which I get to experience right from my home front! Yay!

On Monday after school I make the trek up to Kyle’s place because we always spend Monday evenings together. I was SO hungry by the time that I got there so we decided to get some Mexican food in our sickly stupor. The food was awesome and we got a half pitcher of margaritas to share which might not have been the best choice to drink after having a stomach full of cold medicine and pain relievers.

By the time that we got home, my stomach was in knots and I had to spend some quality time with the toilet where I ended up throwing up a gigantic margarita mess…It was not pretty. I was hurling and my nose was running and I somehow managed to get vomit all over my legs while I was trying to push my hair back. I was a hot as fuck mess. In those moments of stomach weakness, my tummy did end up feeling better but I was so disgusted with myself! I had to call Kyle as I sat on the bathroom floor to have him hobble over and bring me my shower gel so I could scrub my vomit soaked legs clean…It was really great and I highly recommend it.

How was Tuesday and Wednesday, you might ask? Well I am so glad you did because THEY SUCKED TOO! Tuesday and Wednesday ended up being a repeat of Monday except without puking up a half of a half pitcher of margs. Not only are my days filled with agony but I can’t even find any relief at night either. I’ve been waking up three or more times each night to blow my nose, cough, or just lay in misery…And do you know how hard it is to blow your nose with FIVE NOSE PIERCINGS?? I’ll answer that for you…It’s pretty hard. -__-


^^^ Dandy is talking about me.

So there you have it, an update on your girl’s declining health in Looking Good, Feeling Awful. I hope all of you guys are having a wonderful and healthy week! Who’s experienced some nasty winter time sickness this year? What are your some of your go to remedies for helping with a cold? I wanna hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Monday Update: Ain’t That A Kick In The Head Edition

Monday Update: Ain’t That A Kick In The Head Edition

Hellooo everyone and happy Monday! Unfortunately, I didn’t have the best of weekends because Lil Red suffered from a concussion on Thursday night. Homegirl was not feeling too hot thanks to the most random head injury of all time and now I’m here to tell you all about it! Let’s discuss:

One thing about me is that I sleep like the dead. I usually stay in the same position all night and am completely out like a light once I’m asleep. But on Thursday night, my body decided to do a switch up on me and make me the biggest roley poley of all time in my sleep. I think it might have had something to do with the dream that I was having…

I dreamt that I was in an enchanted Walmart where everything in the store was HUGE – we’re talking gigantic! I was running around throughout the store trying to rescue all of the silly minions from Despicable Me who were captured by Kathy Bates? Haha, yeah, Kathy made a cameo in my dream, too. She was in character as Iris from American Horror Story: Hotel and she was some sort of evil sorceress who kidnapped all of the minions, so it was up to me to return them to Gru, their rightful owner. Things were intense in my dream – I did more physical activity in it than I’ve ever done in my entire life! I was starting to get the hang of it until…


I woke up from my head whacking the arm rest of my bedside chair while I was rolling off of my bed. (I must have been rolling under an obstacle in my dream!) The chair by my bed is nice and comfy in the middle but the arm rests are hard as hell and once my head smacked it at full force I was jolted awake. I found myself on my bedroom floor in a sea of blankets and a world of pain. I got myself up to go to the bathroom and assess the situation and as soon as I started walking I knew that something was wrong because I was so dizzy I could barely make my way down the hall. I vividly remember thinking to myself “I wonder if I have a concussion” and then I found my way back to my bed and fell asleep.

On Friday morning I woke up with a pounding in my head that felt like I was getting hit with a hammer. I went to the bathroom and from just the short walk to the loo and back to my room I felt so faint and lightheaded that I had to get myself back in bed. My vision was blurred and it kept going dark and hazy and my stomach felt nauseous. I called my mom who is a doctor to tell her what happened as well as my suspicions that it was a concussion and she told me that I was probably right. Then I consulted Dr. Web MD and my symptoms matched a lot of the ones that were listed as well. Great. -__-

I was officially concussed and was ordered by my mom and Web MD to stay in bed because rest is the best thing that you can do for a concussion. Most of my weekend was spent laying around feeling like ass and also feeling sorry for myself. I got my injury in the strangest way and it left me with symptoms that felt almost flu-like. It was the antithesis of fun and head injuries are NO JOKE. I was so shocked by how awful one blow to the head left me feeling. I guess I’m going to start sleeping in a crib from now on to prevent any further instances of rolling off of my bed! Haha, #FML.

So there you have it, this week’s Monday Update: Ain’t That A Kick In The Head Edition. Thankfully, I’m feeling much better, but Lil Red was definitely hurtin’ these past few days! What was everyone up to this weekend? Anything exciting? I wanna hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah




Hellooooo everyone and TGIF! If you’re familiar with my blog, lifewithlilred, then you’ll know that I have a deep love for the hashtag. No, I don’t have a Twitter, where the hashtag is most commonly found…But that doesn’t stop me from finding it hysterical to post witty words and phrases next to the number sign! Take a look at this funny Jimmy Fallon video on hashtags and then let’s discuss:

Throughout my blog, I primarily use four hashtag phrases to get my point across. They are: #shameful, #blessed, #ihatemyself, and #FML. I thought it would be fun to elaborate further on these by listing some situations where the use of my favorite hashtags are appropriate. Let the hashtagging commence!


  • I ate five items off of the Taco Bell menu and I’m still hungry. #shameful (and sad but true)
  • I wet the bed one time when I was seventeen. #shameful (also sad but true)
  • I find joy in eating spoonfuls of mayonnaise when I’m feeling blue. #shameful
  • Shania Twain karaoke in the shower is how I start my day every day. #shameful


  • Four green lights in a row. #blessed (compliments of Parks & Rec)
  • After an extremely stressful day, I’m so thankful that my BFF, Pizza Hut, was there for me. #blessed (true story, too)
  • My thunder thighs prevented my phone from dropping in the toilet. #blessed
  • I called my home nine times in a row and no one picked up the phone. #blessed (also true)


  • I still make Santa Claus beards out of bubbles when I take a bath. #ihatemyself
  • Nothing is better than pouring nacho cheese all over yourself on a hot day. #ihatemyself
  • I read porno mags as my bedtime stories. #ihatemyself
  • When I get lonely I stroke my hairy legs and pretend that they’re a dog. #ihatemyself


  • Walked an entire mile on hot coals. #FML
  • Got caught digging deep in my butt to pick a wedgie while grocery shopping. #FML
  • Got too turnt. Slept in a sewer. #FML
  • Winked at my crush. He thought I was twitching. #FML


^^^ Favorite Parks & Rec episode EVER!!!

So there you have it, some of my favorite #Hashtags and situations where they are not only appropriate but necessary. What are your favorite hashtags to use? What situations can you come up with where #shameful, #blessed, #ihatemyself, or #FML is tweet-worthy? I wanna hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

So Far So Good!

So Far So Good!

Heyyy everyone! So I know you’re all awaiting with baited breath to hear how my summer classes are going – and for the most part they’re all going great! I started my math and Sociology class on Tuesday, and apparently I won’t be starting my Social Psychology course until June 8th which came as a rude shock. (So now I only have eight weeks to complete that course. -__-) At first I was pretty overwhelmed by everything because let me tell you – it’s a lot! In all of my classes we’re going through about two chapters worth of work and information per week to finish each course in a ten week time period…it’s a bit much! (And by a bit I mean a lot.) Despite the excessive work load, I’m feeling pretty good about everything for the most part. I’ve been tucked in at the local Starbucks basically every day this week with a bag full of my textbooks, laptop, laptop battery, headphones, notebooks, planner, and writing utensils to keep me company. Each day I usually spend four hours at Starbucks, then I go home and take a little break to let my brain breathe, and then I start up again for another two or three hours. I’ll tell you what – by the end of the day I’m exhausted and my brain feels fried. I’m learning a lot of information every day and I swear my brain is running out of room to store it all in. My Sociology class is easy peasy, it’s basically just reading the textbook. But my math class is already a major frustration. I’m taking all of my courses online this summer and it’s just so difficult trying to learn new math skills over the computer. Yesterday the chapter we were working on had to do with subsets and yada, yada, yada and I was so confused. I read the chapter multiple times, I watched the videos about the subject, I looked through the Power Point presentations, and I “chatted” online with a tutor for a solid thirty-five minutes and I still didn’t understand a damn thing. That’s what I get for taking a math class online, I guess. Luckily, I posted a Facebook status yesterday asking for help from anyone good at math and one of my favorite customers from PacSun messaged me saying that he would help! So we’re gonna meet up for coffee tonight so he can try to explain things to me. Fingers crossed that I walk away with a new understanding on stupid subsets! 😉

On the bright not school related side, my 21st birthday is coming up very soon! June 7th, to be exact!!! So rest assured that this entire upcoming week will basically be me telling you guys how excited I am to turn the big 2-1 like a million times…Sorry not sorry! 🙂 And if you feel like sending Lil Red some birthday lovin, you can always get me a box of my Vidal Sassoon Runway Red hair dye from the London Luxe collection! I like to have multiple boxes handy at all times, so feel free to add to my stockpile! THANKS! 😉 ❤


Well I must be off to finish my Sociology work and then I’ll be done with everything until Monday! Hurray! I’m so ready for a fun filled stress free weekend – god knows I need it! Does anyone else have a birthday coming up? What are you doing to celebrate? I wanna hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah



Hey everyone and Happy Thursday. So let’s start with some good news to get a bummer of a post started and then we’ll go from there. I got my very first 100% on a math quiz today since like the fifth grade, so that’s pretty exciting! I was seriously so proud of myself I could have cried! Now, onto the sad stuff… (WARNING: This post contains references to self harm, so feel free to not read it!)

I had a bad night last night and ended up having a bit of a slip up on my self harm sobriety. Honestly, things are going to shit at home and I feel so overwhelmed I can’t even take it. I’m not going to put my family’s privacy on the line so I’m not going to go into detail about what’s going on, but just know that it fucking sucks. Things have been not so great for a while, but yesterday night it just seemed unbearable. People were crying, question after question was being asked to get to the bottom of the problem that was happening, it was all just one gigantic shit show. The thing is, the stuff that was occurring really didn’t even have to do with me, but I constantly get thrown into the middle to act as a mediator or messenger or whatever the hell and it just gets SO stressful. I’m always getting problems that I don’t want tossed at me like it’s nothing and I just can’t take it. So last night I was laying in bed with so many different thoughts swarming around in my head like an army of flies. I was worried sick about everything, I was thinking of possible solutions to the millions of difficulties, I was trying to think about anything but cutting…but it didn’t work. Literally as soon as I got the idea in my head I got up, turned the light on, and grabbed my chosen sharp object. I haven’t cut probably since the beginning of February, but the thought of backtracking was only in my mind for a split second, because as soon as I made the first incision I was in heaven. Seriously, it was euphoric and I fucking hate that it feels that way to me. Slicing up my arm should hurt, but it doesn’t. I get into this void like place in my mind where I think about nothing, and I only snap back to reality when I realize I’m bleeding and my arm feels like it’s on fire. The worst part is, is that I didn’t even feel bad about it last night. After I was through doing what I had to do all I could think about was the fact that my arm hurt and that took away all of the other thoughts flying through my mind at a hundred thousand miles per hour. I’m paying the consequences now because I feel like shit about it, but I know that I can’t beat myself up about it for forever. If I get into the guilt trip mode I’ll just keep on slipping up and I can’t have that. So now it’s time to just take the situation for what it is and get back on the horse and try again. It just sucks that it’s always so fucking hard.

^^^^ My sister and I are seeing The Used in concert in Cleveland in like two weeks and I’m so excited! My emo kid fantasy is finally coming true!!!

Sorry that was such a bummer guys, but I really needed to vent about it before I go on with my day. I hope all of you are having a beautiful Thursday and please know that if any of you ever need to talk, I’m always ALWAYS here! What’s going on this weekend? Any exciting plans happening? I wanna hear something fun from all of you so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah