Tag Archives: margaritas

Condado – Not Impressed!

Condado – Not Impressed!

Hello! Most people hate Mondays, but I absolutely love them. It may be a three AM morning for me, but I always look forward to it. I take a client to work, then I either work from home or go to my online boss’s office. Working with my online boss is just the best and it is so nice to collab face to face on all of our different projects. It’s also awesome to be able to work side by side with someone whose company I enjoy because I am so used to working by myself.

This past Monday, I had an in office day and decided to bring home a treat for me and Johnny: Condado! One recently opened by where I work and I haven’t had it in years. Not since a show Johnny played forever ago in Columbus. I remember it being really good then, but not so much now… Check it out:


For my meal, I did the build your own tacos with a double stacked Sweet Lucy shell (a soft and hard shell with guac and queso), elote queso, and a marg to go. I couldn’t wait to dig in when I got home because I didn’t have time to eat before I left for work. While it was good, it wasn’t that good. The rice was really bland, the queso and guac didn’t have much (if any) flavor, and the chips for dipping were basically cardboard. In fact, I thought the chips from Chipotle were infinitely better! One saving grace was that the to go margaritas were pretty strong and that definitely helped lol.

In my neck of the woods, Barrio reigns supreme in the build your own taco world. Barrio mainly has locations in Ohio, but also has a few scattered across random states too. Despite endless options to add to your taco, I always get the exact same thing every time because it’s just so good every time! Once you have found a combination that you like at a restaurant, it’s hard to try anything different because it simply isn’t the same. I’m happy that I gave Candado another try because it has been on my to do list, but Barrio will be the move from now on. Way better food and prices too!

I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t wishing my order from Condado was Chipotle or Barrio instead. If you already have a favorite build your own taco place like me, Condado is not going to blow your mind so you can save the trip! 🙂

Have you tried any new eateries recently? What was a restaurant you tried that was disappointing? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Looking Good, Feeling Awful

Looking Good, Feeling Awful

Heyyy everyone and happy Thursday! I’ve been pretty lucky as far as my health goes these past few months – no flus, no infections, nothing…So naturally, I got a cold from hell this week. It’s so awful that I seriously think it would make Satan cry. And who do I have to thank for my unfortunate snotty situation? My boyfriend, of course. What a guy! ❤

Kyle wasn’t feeling well over Thanksgiving so good thing we spent it together, right? He had the beginnings of a cold and sore throat as well as a debilitating sprained ankle…Lucky for me, those aren’t contagious, too! I was feeling fine throughout Thanksgiving weekend, I was healthy as an ox (is that a saying?) and sexy as hell (hubba hubba)! But then on Monday, things took a turn for the worse because I woke up more stuffed up than one of those stuck up Kardashians…Who I HATE!

Every unfortunate cold symptom there is, I had – the sniffles, sore throat, sneezes, body aches, headaches, and a nose that ran faster than Usain Bolt. It’s basically like my own personal form of purgatory which I get to experience right from my home front! Yay!

On Monday after school I make the trek up to Kyle’s place because we always spend Monday evenings together. I was SO hungry by the time that I got there so we decided to get some Mexican food in our sickly stupor. The food was awesome and we got a half pitcher of margaritas to share which might not have been the best choice to drink after having a stomach full of cold medicine and pain relievers.

By the time that we got home, my stomach was in knots and I had to spend some quality time with the toilet where I ended up throwing up a gigantic margarita mess…It was not pretty. I was hurling and my nose was running and I somehow managed to get vomit all over my legs while I was trying to push my hair back. I was a hot as fuck mess. In those moments of stomach weakness, my tummy did end up feeling better but I was so disgusted with myself! I had to call Kyle as I sat on the bathroom floor to have him hobble over and bring me my shower gel so I could scrub my vomit soaked legs clean…It was really great and I highly recommend it.

How was Tuesday and Wednesday, you might ask? Well I am so glad you did because THEY SUCKED TOO! Tuesday and Wednesday ended up being a repeat of Monday except without puking up a half of a half pitcher of margs. Not only are my days filled with agony but I can’t even find any relief at night either. I’ve been waking up three or more times each night to blow my nose, cough, or just lay in misery…And do you know how hard it is to blow your nose with FIVE NOSE PIERCINGS?? I’ll answer that for you…It’s pretty hard. -__-


^^^ Dandy is talking about me.

So there you have it, an update on your girl’s declining health in Looking Good, Feeling Awful. I hope all of you guys are having a wonderful and healthy week! Who’s experienced some nasty winter time sickness this year? What are your some of your go to remedies for helping with a cold? I wanna hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Hawthorne Heights Concert Recap

Hawthorne Heights Concert Recap

Hiii guys! I hope you’re having an awesome start to your week so far! So on Friday I had the pleasure of seeing my friends in Millstone perform as the openers for Hawthorne Heights at The Outpost in Kent, Ohio. I got to spend the day with the band and my boyfriend, Kyle, and it was honestly one of the best times I’ve had in a long time. Take a listen to Millstone’s debut full length album, The Dreams We Don’t Remember, and then let’s discuss:

Kyle and I had a somewhat early day on Friday, because we had to drive from Canton to Highland Square in Akron to meet up with the Millstone boys to help assemble all of their equipment for the show. Lucky for me, since I was the only girl all I had to do was watch as the guys did all of the grunt work! I did carry a few guitars though, so I guess you can say that I helped. 😉 After a break for a late Chipotle lunch, we (and by we I mean everyone but me) gathered the last of the amps and instruments into various cars and headed for The Outpost.

Once we arrived at the venue, all of the gear had to be hauled out of the car and onto the stage so everything was ready for the big show. A lot of other local bands were performing as well so tons of musicians were already there preparing for their set upon our arrival. It was basically like being in a co-ed fraternity for musicians and their friends. Thanks to the helping hands of people at The Outpost and the adrenaline for the evening kicking in, we were able to unload the car in record speed, which left us enough time to get some margaritas at Salsita’s, a Mexican restaurant down the street.

It was so much fun hanging out with the band, mutual friends, and my man in such a relaxed environment after a semi stressful afternoon. We got hella pitchers of raspberry margaritas and enjoyed our time out until the Millstone members had to get back to the venue. By the time we got back to The Outpost, bands were already performing on the multiple stages in the building. Kyle and I opted for a spot out on the patio where we had some time to kill with friends for two or so hours until Millstone was ready for their set. We had a few more drinks and I got to meet a lot of Kyle’s friends who I’ve heard so much about, so that was awesome!

Millstone was due to perform at 9:30 and we were all getting really excited. By the time they were getting themselves together on stage, I was lightweight freaking out from happiness for them. The last time I wrote about Millstone, their guitarist, Adam, told me that he would love to have the band eventually open for Hawthorne Heights and here they were a few months later doing the damn thing! Millstone one hundred and fifty percent annihilated their set. They sounded so amazing and were so much fun to watch. It was so cool to see their music come to life off of their album and to see all of the guys let their individual personalities shine through on stage. Millstone killed it like no other and I was so proud to be watching them in the audience.

After an amazing performance by my friends, it was time for Hawthorne Heights to take the stage. As I mentioned before, I saw HH live when I was sixteen or so and it was awesome. All of my emo kid fantasies of meeting the band and crying to “Ohio Is For Lovers” came true that night, so needless to say, I was pretty fucking stoked to see them again…And then, Hawthorne Heights appeared on stage…Oh.

As soon as the guys came on, I only recognized two of the band mates who I originally saw all of those years ago, which was kind of disappointing – but don’t even get me started on their appearances. All of the Hawthorne Heights players looked old, overweight, and tired. They were not the energetic and charismatic guys I saw five years ago. Here’s the thing, I wouldn’t have been so upset about the guys not living up to my memories appearance-wise BUT their music didn’t sound very good either. They mostly played songs off of The Silence In Black And White but all of it sounded slow and toned down. It was like watching a really bad cover band competing in a battle of the bands competition…It was shameful.

About three songs into their set, I was bored to tears, I wasn’t anywhere near as emotional as I wanted to be, and I just really wanted to go home…And that’s what we did. After a long day and despite not even bothering to stick around for “Ohio Is For Lovers”, Kyle and I left The Outpost and returned back to his place for Taco Bell and an episode of Dexter before bed. A perfect end to a perfect day!

So there you have it, the Hawthorne Heights Concert Recap! What did you guys think of Millstone’s album that I posted the link for? Have any of you had an experience similar to what I described when I saw Hawthorne Heights perform again? I wanna hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah