Tag Archives: thank you

1690 Day Blogging Streak!!

1690 Day Blogging Streak!!

Hellooo everyone!! The other day, I was pretty impressed by myself with my 1250 Day Duolingo Streak. This equals out to be about three and a half years of daily practice! Then, I looked at my amount of days of daily content on lifewithlilred and had an “omg” moment. I am on a 1690 plus day streak which is four and a half full years of every day latest and greatest on my blog! I never pay too much attention to these numbers because I am so used to doing daily practice and writing. As you can imagine it comes as a huge surprise when I do notice and do the math lol.


Some four and a half years ago, I made the decision to start publishing daily content on lifewithlilred. Rather, I made the decision to do the best I could and no big deal if I miss a day or two. As you all know, I am a very goal and schedule oriented person so that day started the streak with no ifs, ands, or buts for a skipped day. A little bit crazy? Maybe! But I could not be more proud of myself and I look forward to writing every day. It is my release and it’s exciting to have a little corner of the internet that I carved out through this dedication.

Part of the motivation behind this streak came from me, myself, and I. However, a majority of it came from each and everyone of you. The most rewarding thing about blogging for me has always been making new friends. So, even if just a handful of people were reading and interacting, I’d still consider it a great success! lifewithlilred introduced me to one of my best friends almost a decade ago and countless others that make logging in every day a joy – not a chore in the slightest. Every morning, I can’t wait to see my notifications from the blogging community because it is what makes me happiest. A world full of friends that find enjoyment in my page as much as I enjoy writing on it. ❤

I am SO stoked to achieve a five year daily writing streak on lifewithlilred and it makes every day feel like a victory. Thank you to all of you for sticking with me – my blog would not be the same without you!

What is something that motivates you? What goals are you working towards? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Take The Compliment

Take The Compliment

Hello! One thing that I have always struggled with is receiving compliments and I’m sure that I am not the only one who has similar sentiments. When I was at my lowest, I genuinely couldn’t understand why anyone would want to compliment me and all it did was make me paranoid and even more miserable. It’s hard accepting compliments when you don’t feel worthy of getting them in the first place! It’s also so easy to deflect a compliment and just turn it around to the other person, instead. IE: “You look great”. “No, you look great”.

For several years, I was never able to simply say “thank you” for a compliment and it took a lot of mental health work on my part to get to that point. After coming to terms with my own problems and gaining some self esteem, I realized that I have improved tenfold in my compliment accepting abilities. It actually didn’t really click until I saw these two pictures taken at Playhouse Square this past weekend:


^^^ When snapping some pics before seeing Beetlejuice, someone told me they liked my outfit mid-pose and the second picture is of me being ecstatic about it!

As I was scrolling through photos of my night on the town, these two pictures really stuck out to me. As I sat and mused, I wondered what the second picture would have looked like if I was back to my depression days. Chances are, I wouldn’t have had a huge smile – rather, a look of confusion as if someone was trying to play a joke. Recognizing that and being able to see it so plainly in front of me made me feel proud of my own personal growths.

lifewithlilred played a big role in helping me muster up some confidence about myself in general and my appearance. Through OOTDs, I was able to develop my sense of style and writing about my issues in early posts assisted in sorting out my emotions and learning from them. And, while saying “thank you” for a compliment online isn’t the same as in real life, it was a great first start. Having people comment specifically on my page was a turning point and I was able to see the compliments for what they really were – something nice.

As I began testing my new skills in public, it began getting easier and easier to say “thank you” to the point where I didn’t even have to think about it anymore. I also loved how much more genuine it felt to give a person an actual compliment back instead of just replying with an Uno Reverse card lol.  It wasn’t until seeing the pictures above that I put some thought into it and saw what a major improvement has been made. 🙂

If you can relate to this post, my best advice is to Take The Compliment when you receive one. It might be really hard at first but just saying “thank you” is a small step in making some big changes!

What is something that you struggle with? Is it hard for you to accept compliments? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!!

Hello everyone and a very Merry Christmas to you!! Whatever holiday you celebrate this winter season, I hope that all of you have been having the best time enjoying great company and food and making wonderful memories. This is the eighth holiday season that I have had the pleasure of wishing good cheer to my dear friends and readers throughout the blogosphere and it never gets old. Each and every one of you are the reason why I get up extra early to write every morning and my page would not be what it is without that constant motivation. You are all so amazing!

I’m sure all of you have family gatherings to attend and gifts to open so I will keep this post short and sweet. I just wanted to personally send my well wishes to you and yours for a fantastic holiday season and prosperous new year. Thank you for being my friend and for taking the time out of your days to keep up with Lil Red. I love you all!

Merry Christmas!! ❤


Liebster Award #20

Liebster Award #20

Hi! A few days ago I was nominated by one of my dear friends, Sheryl, of Sheryl’s Light for lifewithlilred’s twentieth Liebster Award! You might remember her guest posting on my blog, which is how we became fast friends. Now, it seems like we are always chatting in some way over Facebook or our blogs! Sheryl is an absolute joy and I am so lucky to have her in my “circle”. Do be sure to give her blog some love, too! Here are the rules for the Liebster Award:

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers.
  • Ask your nominees 11 questions.
  • Notify your 11 nominees.

Q & A:

What is your favorite childhood memory? Other than all of the wonderful vacations we would go on I would probably have to say watching the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics with my dad. That was the year Sarah Hughes won the gold for America in figure skating. My dad asked if that was something I would like to try and, of course, I said yes. The rest is history because, after that, he signed me up for ice skating lessons and I fell in love. I still am in love with the sport to this day, eighteen years later. ❤

Why did you start blogging? For fun! My blog is like my online journal and all of the amazing friends I’ve met along the way are the most wonderful bonus!

Who is your favorite actor? I love Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie.

What is your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving! Lol, I was literally just telling my client I can’t wait for Thanksgiving because all I want to do is eat food… Thanksgiving food is one of my faves!

If you could go anywhere all expenses paid, where would you go? Definitely to France so I could put my French speaking skills to good use.

What is your favorite music? I like all kinds of music. Everything from indie and alternative to rock and emo all the way to gangster rap, opera, and musicals. You never know what you’ll end up listening to if you’re ever a passenger in my car!

What is your favorite food to eat? I love all kinds of food and am always willing to try something new as long as it’s vegetarian. I’d have to say that Indian food is one of my top faves, though.

What positives have come out of the coronavirus for you? Johnny and I have saved so much money from no longer going to bars, restaurants, movies, etc. so that rocks!

What would you tell your teenage self in a letter? That things will get much better.

If you could turn back time where would you go? Back to before Donald Trump was president, lol.

My Nominees (I’m only doing three):

My Questions For You:

  1. Which shows have you bingewatched compliments of COVID?
  2. How do you safely go out right now?
  3. What is your favorite place to get take out from?
  4. What is fall weather like in your neck of the woods?
  5. What are COVID precautions like where you live?
  6. What is the last book you read?
  7. Last movie you saw in theaters?
  8. What do you love the most about blogging?
  9. What do you admire about your best friend?
  10. Do you have a celebrity crush? Who?
  11. How early do you start your holiday season shopping?

Thank you so much again to Sheryl for the Liebster Award nomination! How would you answer some of Sheryl’s questions for her nominees? How about some of my questions for mine? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

lifewithlilred Domain Renewal!

lifewithlilred Domain Renewal!

Hello!!! On August 21st, lifewithlilred’s domain of http://www.lifewithlilred.com has been renewed for its seventh year online. It feels like just yesterday when I started my blog and it’s hard to believe that it has already been going on for the better part of a decade. lifewithlilred originally started out as more of an online journal and ode to fashion and from such simple beginnings, I now have readers and friends in over one hundred and ninety different countries. Wow!

Since lifewithlilred’s conception, I have been writing every day. I get up early before work to get my blogging done and I can’t believe I still have stuff to talk about after all of this time! No one ever said blogging was easy and that is the truth – it takes a lot of dedication and perseverance to write Every. Single. Day. Luckily for me, such amazing friends tuning in makes this task a joy instead of a burden.

I want to thank literally everyone who has viewed lifewithlilred because all of you serve as my motivation to continue on with this blogging journey. So thank you all from the bottom of my heart and here’s to another lucky seven more years of lifewithlilred!! ❤

And, as a reminder, my blog is a safe place for everyone and if you are ever interested in guest blogging for me, then shoot me an email at: sarah.mush6794@gmail.com 🙂

Mother’s Day Bouquets

Mother’s Day Bouquets

Hello and a very happy belated Mother’s Day to all of my lovelies who celebrated! Although I normally love getting creative with gift giving, I always find Mother’s Day to be a bouquet occasion. So, I went to our local grocery story and picked out some beautiful flowers and floral decorated mason jars for them all to go in for my giftees.

Over Mother’s Day weekend, my boyfriend and I made our flower delivery rounds and, although these pictures are admittedly not the best (I was half asleep!), take a look at my handy work:


Once I bought my Mother’s Day flowers, I took them home so that I could begin arranging them into their jars. My dad is an amazing bouquet arranger so I thought back to all of the million times I’ve seen him prepare a bouquet for my mom and gave it my best shot. And, I think they ended up looking great – the recipients definitely thought so!

I am partial to receiving flowers, myself, but there’s nothing like giving them on a special occasion to all of the strong, beautiful women that you love. Again, a very happy belated Mother’s Day to all and I wish I could have given flowers to all of you. ❤

How did you celebrate Mother’s Day? What is your favorite flower? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Special Delivery

Special Delivery

Hello! For those of you who don’t know, I am an independent provider and work with people with special needs. The services provided through the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities are considered essential and I have still been going to work Monday through Friday. Going to work has now consisted of just staying at each client’s home instead of getting them out and about in the community. And, no matter where I am, I’m still just as bored as if I was in my apartment. Lol, we all are!

I am sure many providers have said the same thing. I mean, there’s only so many movies you can watch, games you can play, and crafts you can complete until there is literally nothing left. So, my county’s board of Developmental Disabilities held a donation drive to help provide us with some new activities for our clients.

Last week, a reusable bag full of goodies was left on my parent’s porch. When I opened in up, I was so surprised to see all of the following:


Something new is always exciting and I’m looking forward to sharing all of these treats with my clients. There seems to be something for everyone I work with in my care package and I am so thankful for such a generous and thoughtful gift. I definitely feel a new found pep in my step when it comes to going to work. Because, let’s be honest, I think everyone who is still working right now doesn’t really want to! But, I just know I’ll have some great days on the job ahead and that is a wonderful change of pace! 🙂

How are you helping your community during this crazy time? What helps keep you occupied at home? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

7 Ways To Say Thank You

7 Ways To Say Thank You

The most difficult thing to do these days is to tell someone “thank you”, and do it with feeling. There will be people in your life who you are grateful for every day, and sometimes, the words are just not enough to convey how thankful you are. The best thing to do is to go the extra mile and make your thank you the best one ever. This means getting a little more creative sometimes; more than just firing off an email and hoping for the best.

With our help below, you’re going to have seven new ways to say thank you to those whom you love the most. Let’s take a look:

A New Gift:

We don’t mean running to the nearest store and buying bath salts. Sometimes, only the most unique Hawaiian gifts will do! You can pair this with a beautiful home made gift bag like the ones that you find here. It’s a great way to show your appreciation to someone who deserves it!

A Toast To Them:

Not many people enjoy public speaking – we get that. However, giving a toast at an event you’re both at can make them feel so good! A sincere toast is one that is well-received, so practice in front of the mirror so that you can see that your toast is done with eloquence!

Write A Heartfelt Poem:

Words really are all you need. Go online and do some searching for the best poetry rhythms around and you’ll likely find something that is perfect for you and the person you want to gush to! Write a poem according to that rhythm and make them feel fantastic about themselves.

Take Them Out:

There are times where a thank you cannot be put into words or gifts and you need to do a little more. Does your friend or relative love musicals? Why not take them to a show and treat them to dinner while you’re there? It can make a huge difference: your time is all they need.

Think About A Gift Card:

Choosing a present isn’t always easy, but a gift card for a store that you know that they love is always a good way to go. They’re not impersonal if you know the best stores that they shop in, and if you make the amount on the gift card generous enough, you’re going to find that you have the perfect present.

Write A Letter:

You can say why you are thanking someone on the phone but it never seems to have the same impact as the written word. Never panic about how long the letter is – it can be as long as you feel is necessary to get your feelings across.

Declare Thanks On Social Media:

Everyone knows that social media has an impact on people these days; a positive one for the most part. So, put out a blast on social media and let them know how much they mean to you there, too. Social media blasts can then be shared, and everyone will know how grateful you are to that person.

The holiday season is the perfect time for giving thanks to your loved ones. Do so with the tips above!

Featured Image By: Pexels

My Favorite Thank You Gift

My Favorite Thank You Gift

Hiiii! Sending out thank you gifts has become a snap thanks to the almighty Amazon and it is one of my favorite things to do. Of course, it’s always great to verbally tell someone that you appreciate them and I try to do that often. But, when someone goes the extra mile or you just want to thank them for being a wonderful friend, I think that a little extra something something is needed.

I have always loved Willow Tree figurines and have been gifting them for holidays and as thank you’s for years. My dad used to work in a religious gift store and they were sold there and I can remember seeing them for the first time when I was way young and thinking they were beautiful. In fact, we have quite a few at home that I’ve gifted to my mom:


^^^ Lol, never mind the dust!

What I love about these figurines is that they really invoke whatever feeling that they portray. The item, animal, or even a person being held by the willow figure is usually what’s in color, so it pops against the cool taupe palette. I don’t know about you guys, but nothing makes me think of love more than a big red heart!

There are Willow Tree figures (Or keepsake boxes like the one seen above.) for birthdays, losses, babies being born, marriages, friendship, family, and basically anything that you can think of. I think that these figurines are such a lovely way to show someone that you’re thinking of them. I know that I would love to receive one as a gift and that is why I enjoy giving them so much. And, the fact that Amazon has them available to purchase makes that process so much easier. 😀

What do you love to give as a thank you gift? How do you show appreciation for your friends? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Nail Passion Website Shout Out

Nail Passion Website Shout Out

Howdy! Okay, so you know how on WordPress you can see the referral links to how someone stumbled upon your blog? It’s super handy and I’m super thankful for it, because a certain special website has brought me TONS of new blog viewers. At the beginning of April, someone linked to lifewithlilred on a website called Nail Passion, which discusses all things real and fake nails.

As you all know, part of the signature Lil Red look is my long, talon acrylics that I am totally obsessed with. And, I guess other people are, too! I want to thank whomever it was that thought my nails were fierce enough to put on the Nail Passion page. It was most flattering and I am so appreciative of all of the new blog viewers that came my way because of it!!


Who else has a love for all things nail care? Do you wear acrylics or keep your nails natural? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah