Tag Archives: fun in the sun

Summer Fun For The Kiddos

Summer Fun For The Kiddos

Hello!! As an adult, summer has definitely lost its luster. What I wouldn’t give for a whole three months off of work! However, ever since Johnny and I became an aunt and uncle, our summers have come back in a big way. There is absolutely nothing better than soaking up the sun with our sweet nieces. I also love that they love my favorite summertime activities from my youth – blowing bubbles and picking dandelions! If you are looking for some ways to give your kids the best summer ever, I have a few ideas in mind. Let’s check them out:

Camps Of All Kinds:

When I was little and as a teenager, I attended several summer camps for art and theater. It was such fun to meet new friends who enjoyed something that I did and it also gave me a sense of routine, which can be hard in the summer. One of my greatest joys is that my oldest niece has developed a taste for the theater and she will be attending some camps for that when school is out. No matter what your child is interested in, there is sure to be a camp for it!

While summer camps are a hoot, there is no denying that they can be expensive. However, there are ways to work around that! I would highly recommend taking a look at the different programs that your local libraries and Metro Parks are offering. Ninety-nine percent of the time, these activities are going to be free unless you have to chip in a bit for crafting supplies or what have you. Your local playgrounds might also have play groups that take field trips, do art, go swimming, and explore so that is also worth researching further.

All Of The Art:

As soon as school was out when I was a kid, my mom would take me and my siblings to the craft store. She would let us pick out different projects that would keep us occupied on rainy days and it was always such a treat. Of course, art supplies don’t just have to be bought at stores. Maybe you will go pick wildflowers together and make a gorgeous bouquet. Or how about a scavenger hunt? You could use whatever was found to make an awesome nature collage. There is art everywhere if you know where to look for it!

So Snacky:

In the summer, snack time is basically all the time lol. This can be a great learning experience for your kids! Every week, you could go on Pinterest together, find recipes for easy and healthy snacks, and pick up the ingredients at the store. Then, you can prep them once you are home. By the end of the summer, your child could have an arsenal of tasty snacks that they can make independently. This will teach them the merits of healthy eating, kitchen skills and safety, and will allow them to experience new food they might not have tried before.

Backyard Camping:

Often times, the most fun can be had in your own backyard. You can turn your home into the hub for your kiddos and their friends by making a backyard campground. They will be delighted by a pitched tent, projector screen for movies, and making smores over a fire pit. Backyard camping can be like a getaway for your kids and they can go all out with it. Perhaps they will like to make banners and posters, prepare trail mix, and plan activities to make it feel even more real!

The name of the game in the summer is keeping the kiddos occupied with fun and new experiences. They will have a blast with any of the above!

What was your favorite summertime activity? Do you have any big plans this summer? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Belated Easter Egg Hunt

Belated Easter Egg Hunt

Hello! With the craziness going on in Lil Red’s world, my family didn’t do anything for Easter and Johnny and I enjoyed a much needed day of rest. I still had grand plans for an Easter egg hunt for my sweet niece, Val Gal, and this past Thursday we spent the afternoon outside together in the summertime temps. Prior to the arrival of my sister, Raya, and Val, I filled up the eggs with prizes and placed them throughout the backyard to be found. I would say that it was a raging success; Val loved it!


This was Val’s very first Easter egg hunt and my girl came to WIN! She was finding eggs left and right and it was so fun to watch her scurrying around the yard and filling up her bag. Almost every single egg was found without a hitch and the only one she needed help finding was one directly in front of her lol. Once the hunt was over, we went back inside to evaluate the spoils which included money, chocolate, and Sweet Tarts. Some of the chocolate did melt so it was lucky we had backup supplies and Val was so sweet to offer the first Hershey Kiss in one of her eggs to me. Angel! ❤

After the eggs were all opened, we just had to go back outside and soak up the sunshine. My dad, Kristen, Val, Raya in the stroller, and Archie the dog went for a nice, long walk around the neighborhood. We taught Val about the different flowers that were blooming and, although every yellow flower was a sunflower, I think she learned a thing or two haha. To end our day, Val and I stayed outside and played with our favorites; Chalk and bubbles! We colored rainbows and the flowers we saw on our walk and, I hate to brag, but we popped a very impressive amount of bubbles. 😀

When my sister arrived back home with the kiddos, she sent me a picture of Val fast asleep in the car after our activity filled afternoon. The sure sign of the best Easter egg hunt ever and Val is already eager to do another one again soon!

What was your favorite thing to play outside with when you were little? Did you or your kids attend an Easter egg hunt this year? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Summer Beauty Tips

Summer Beauty Tips

Depending on the time of the year, your beauty regimens should fluctuate. Think of it this way, you wouldn’t use your super heavy winter moisturizer during a hot summer day! Today, we are going to discuss some beauty tips that are simply summer to have you looking your best during fun in the sun:

Hair Care:

If you have color treated hair, it is so important to protect it from sunlight and water as best as you can. This will fade that salon or box dye job in no time at all so bandanas, sun hats, and caps (ball caps or for swimming) will work wonders. Is it always the most fashionable of options to keep your mane contained? No. But, if you don’t want to be returning to the salon in a month, then it is the way to go.

If you notice that your hair is getting dried out during the summertime, deep conditioning treatments are your friend! Also, don’t forget to use heat protecting products when you are flat ironing or curling your hair. One stop shop places like TJMaxx or Target can assist in getting hair accessories and products all in one trip!


We have all experienced when a full face of makeup completely melts off during a hot day so keep it natural in the summertime. During the warm weather, all one needs is a lip gloss and mascara to avoid any makeup mishaps. The sun will naturally highlight your face! You can also discover the benefits of visiting a skin care clinic to further enhance a more natural look.

Skin Care:

As mentioned before, lighter skin care products are the way to go in the heat. Anything too heavy will clog your pores and this is not good – especially if you are already sweating a lot. Washing your face twice daily for squeaky clean skin as well as a gel moisturizer can really help with keeping summer breakouts at bay. Also, make sure that you are keeping yourself well hydrated in the summer because it will assist in all aspects of beauty!

And, of course, we can’t talk about skin care without mentioning the importance of sunscreen. Yes, this even applies on a cloudy day! How many times have you thought that you didn’t need sunscreen and returned home red as a lobster?! If you are a chronic forgetter of sunscreen, it helps to keep some in your purse or car. That way, you will have it on hand when you are on the go and realize that you didn’t apply any.

Look your best all summer long with the tips above!

Super Fun Sidewalk Chalk Paint

Super Fun Sidewalk Chalk Paint

Hello!! Johnny and I have a little niece and nephew and my mom is always looking for fun activities for them. We are both huge fans of Pinterest and JANE truly outdid herself by making some colorful sidewalk chalk paint from this McCormick recipe. Like any kid, the littles love making masterpieces with chalk and the paint was just as fun for the adults as it was for them:


The recipe that my mom followed to make the chalk paint was a simple one that only required corn starch, water, and food dye. It also included the formulas to make all kinds of different colors from classic shades to neon hues. My niece, Valerie, requested the colors of the rainbow and my mom delivered, which made their driveway the most vibrant one in the neighborhood!

Sidewalk chalk paint is a unique spin on a tried and true favorite childhood activity. And, in my opinion, it’s even better because you don’t get that weird feeling from chalky hands – lol you guys know how I am about certain textures! This fun activity is sure to keep your kids entertained all summer long and I think that the adults will end up enjoying it just as much if not more. 😀

What was your favorite childhood activity? What do your kids like to do in the summer? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Memphis Kiddie Park Day Trip

Memphis Kiddie Park Day Trip

Hello! I have been having so much summer fun last month and especially over this past weekend. My brother and his wife and son came to visit from Atlanta and we all had a blast hanging out. It was SO awesome for my niece and nephew to play together and they both solemnly announced that they would miss each other when it was time to go home. How sweet is that?!

Last Monday, we took the kiddos on a little day trip to Memphis Kiddie Park close to Cleveland and a delicious Mexican dinner afterwards. This was a very special outing, indeed, because my siblings and I used to go there all of the time when we were little. Whether we went with my parents or my grandma, it was always a huge treat to go to Kiddie Park and get ice cream after and I have so many fond memories of afternoons spent there.

When I was little, I remember thinking that Kiddie Park was a Cedar Point level amusement park. So, all of my siblings and I had a huge laugh when we saw through the eyes of an adult that it was the size of a large parking lot. It surely didn’t feel that way to my niece and nephew, though!


^^^ The white Love On A Hanger top is one of my faves!

When we got to Kiddie Park my nephew, Patrick, was ready to ride all of the rides. My niece, Valerie, on the other hand… Not so much. Lol, it definitely took her a minute to get warmed up and, surprisingly, the only thing she wanted to ride at first was the Little Dipper rollarcoaster with me. Of course, I obliged and it made me think of all of the times that I would ride it with my grandma and we would go on it again, and again, and again. ❤

Val’s reaction to the Little Dipper was either going to be really good or really bad because she had never been on something like that before. Even more surprisingly, she loved it and after a juice box and a pretzel she was good to go. I guess she was just hangry and it was, honestly, such a mood!

After Val rallied, her and Patrick rode so many rides together and it was SO. Freaking. Cute. They loved the boats, spinning turtles, airplanes, and mini cars and it warmed my heart to see them waving to all of us and having a ball. Naturally, neither of them wanted to go home afterwards and, despite having no more ride tickets left, they were asking for “just one more ride”. ❤

Something tells me that we will be taking Val to Kiddie Park again this summer and I’m sure we will go all together with Patrick next summer too. It was just as fun for the kids as it was for the adults and it was the best day!

Do you have something similar to Kiddie Park in your neck of the woods? What is one of your fondest childhood memories? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

I’m So Excited!!

I’m So Excited!!

Hello!! As you all know, I have never been a fan of summertime and I still wouldn’t call myself that now despite appreciating it much more. It’s probably because the pandemic made having summer fun impossible these past two years. While it still is a concern in my area of Ohio, we are currently in the green and it makes me feel way more comfortable with doing all of the ACTIVITIES!

There is so much that I’m looking forward to this summer, including the following:


Pre-pandemic, Johnny and I were always at different venues for his former band to play and it was a blast. However, we have never been to a big concert together and that is about to change this summer. Johnny and I are in a HUGE Willie Nelson phase and will be seeing him play at Blossom Music Center in Cuyahoga Falls this July.

We are also going to Riot Fest in Chicago this September to see My Chemical Romance’s reunion. I scored these tickets prior to COVID and it got rescheduled and I was so thankful to be able to transfer our tickets to this year’s show. The lineup is absolutely amazing and I cannot wait!!

Pool Days:

My apartment community has a wonderful outdoor swimming pool and I count down the days until it opens for summer every year. The pool features a deep area, a section for the kids with a waterfall, and a mini pool on an upper deck. Whether I am lounging in the water with a good book or enjoying the pool with my niece it is always nice to escape at our own personal oasis. I also love that I can now take a float with my new Taco Bell inner tube that my sister got me! 😀


Apartment Hang Outs:

Johnny and I still can’t get over our new digs in our bigger apartment and other than more space, the biggest upgrade is definitely a functional air conditioning unit and windows that open. Our last apartment would get unbearably hot in the summer and it was painful for us to be there let alone anyone else. This made it literally impossible to host friends and family and that always made me feel sad.

Now that we have somewhere that we can truly beat the heat in, we have guests over all of the time and that novelty will never wear off. We absolutely love having people over for dinner, game nights, and movies and it gives us something to look forward to almost every weekend. Our new apartment also features a lovely front patio that is so nice to sit on in the evening and have a chat!

Garden Veggies:

At the old apartment, my kitchen was a small galley one and it made cooking possible but unpleasant. The new place, however, has an open kitchen and it has turned cooking back into my favorite thing thanks to an abundance of counter space. Every summer, I look forward to my dad’s vegetable garden because there is nothing better than making a meal with fresh veggies. It just hits different and I am so ready to enjoy the harvest – both cooking and eating it! 😀

I am finally starting to understand why people like summertime and I guess it’s not so bad after all. Here’s to summer fun for everyone!

What are you looking forward to this summer? Are you going to any concerts? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Summer Fun!

Summer Fun!

Hello! After a long and dreary winter, it is so nice to finally be enjoying the sunny days of summer. I have certainly been making the most of it with lots of fun in the sun… And the sunburns to prove it. -_- Despite looking like a lobster, I am already fantasizing about more days spent by the pool at my apartment community with a good book!

This past weekend was one filled with ACTIVITIES and I think that I am still recovering from it:


This past Saturday, my sister and darling niece came over to go swimming and it was such a blast. To make it even better, Kristen surprised me with a Taco Bell inner tube that I am still freaking out over. Her and Valerie went to Five Below to stock up on pool toys and couldn’t not get me this TBell themed masterpiece. Val had so much fun hitching a ride on it with me and it will definitely be joining me every time I hit the pool!

My brother and his wife and son also came to visit from Georgia over the weekend and Johnny and I loved accompanying them to the park. We swung on the swings to our heart’s content and I have to laugh at Johnny’s outfit choice on such a hot day! He is nothing if not committed to our preferred OOTD choice of All Black Everything. 😀

I have never been a huge lover of summer and will forever be fall’s number one fan. However, I have a brand new appreciation for the season now that I can share in the joy with my niece. Trips to the pool, zoo, and park have never been more fun and will be even better once I remember to wear sunscreen smh!

What is your favorite summer activity? How about your favorite season? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


New Cobalt Blue & Hot Pink Nails

New Cobalt Blue & Hot Pink Nails

Hello! I was wayyy overdue for a fill at Elysian Nails because of my uber busy work schedule and was so happy to have some pampering time this past week. While I was excited to go, I can’t say I was thrilled because my absolute favorite nail tech I’ve ever had no longer works there. I miss her and our fabulous convos immensely, however, I am very happy with the end results from a tech I have never worked with before. Check it out:



Prior to getting my nails done, I always try and think of the color combination that I would like so that I’m not standing at the nail polish wall for ten minutes straight! For some reason, all I could think about was the commercials for the Malibu Barbie play sets with her hot pink car driving past the ocean. So, despite having turquoise nails last time around, hot pink and cobalt blue it was.

These nails just scream fun in the sun to me and I could sure use it as it has been super stormy in my neck of the woods. When I look at my nails, I am taken back to lounging in the pool and soaking up some rays even when it is thunder storming like crazy!

I sure wish that my go to gal was the one doing this fill because one of my favorite things about going to the salon is the girl talk. All of the nail techs at Elysian are crazy talented, though, so I always know that I am in good hands no matter what. ❤

What color of nail polish do you have on? Which colors remind you of summer? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

A Walk In The Park OOTD

A Walk In The Park OOTD

Hi! I had an amazing afternoon this past Friday visiting the Kingwood Center Gardens in Mansfield, Ohio with my family. I went with my parents, brother, and other brother and his family and, despite the rain, we had a blast exploring the beautiful botanical gardens together. Today, we are going to take a look at a summery little OOTD that wasn’t the most appropriate for the rainy day but what can ya do? Lol! Be sure to tune back in tomorrow for pictures of the Kingwood Center Gardens property – you will be blown away. Now, let’s get to it:

Who? What? Wear?

Prior to my shopping trip at Summit Mall with my friend, Danielle, I had seen Facebook ads for a website called Cider that featured adorable knit tops. I was really hoping to find something similar during my outing and Dry Goods delivered with the Thread & Supply knit tank. This top just screams “fun in the sun” to me and I thought that it would be the perfect option for a stroll in the botanical gardens.

As always, I think the shorts from American Eagle are just the tops and I love their mid rise fit. I liked how the Thread & Supply tank covered up the extra length on the waist of these shorts as it provided for a long, lean silhouette. To further exaggerate the illusion of length (I am only 5’1!), I opted for my slide on wedges from TJMaxx. Ankle strapless shoes allowed for the straight line to continue all the way down to my feet without an abrupt break in it.

As you all know, summer is my least favorite season to dress for because I prefer the variety in the clothing for cooler weather. My Walk In The Park OOTD was quite simple, which is something I normally shy away from. But, I have to say, I felt like a million bucks in this look. My knit tank from Dry Goods is, easily, one of my favorite summer tops and it made me feel like the sun was shining, despite the rainy day.

It wasn’t supposed to rain when we went to the Kingwood Center Gardens but I guess Mother Nature needed a good cry. Had I known that there was going to be inclement weather, a hoodie would have been the move, for sure. I really enjoyed being able to work this outfit, though, and my mood all day was as bright as a summer day to have such wonderful quality time with my family! ❤

What is your favorite season to dress for? What is one of your summer wardrobe staples? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Orange Sherbet & Turquoise Nails

Orange Sherbet & Turquoise Nails

Hi! I had not gotten my nails done since before my wedding and I was in desperate need of a fill. While it was a little sad to bid farewell to my amazing studded red stiletto nails, I am loving the summery color combo that I selected. For my fill, I went with an orange sherbet and turquoise polish. I drew inspiration from the embroidery on my new Luna Moon peasant blouse and the polish colors just scream “fun in the sun” to me. Check it out:

As always, my favorite nail tech, Gabby, completely knocked it out of the park with my fill. All of the people who work at Elysian Nails are incredibly skilled but there is nothing better than being pampered and having lots of girl talk too. I had been looking forward to filling Gabby in on my wedding and it was so nice to sit down and chat after a long, stressful day at work.

Despite having such summery nails, I am not a huge fan of the season at all. I hate being overly hot and, although I had quite a few recent clothing hauls, summer fashion is my least favorite. Lil Red loves to layer! It’s hard not to smile whenever I look at my new nails, though. The orange sherbet and turquoise combo takes me right to the beach on a perfect seventy-five degree day. 😀

This past month has, truly, been a whirlwind for me between getting married, change ups at work, and mine and Johnny’s double birthdays. Being at Elysian Nails for barely over an hour with the sole purpose of relaxing and hanging out with my nail tech was so needed and I felt much more at peace after my appointment. The power of pampering!

What color are your nails? What is your favorite season to dress for? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah