Tag Archives: outdoors

Total Solar Eclipse

Total Solar Eclipse

Hello! The solar eclipse this past Monday has been the buzz in Akron, Ohio for months because we just so happened to be in the path of totality. For once, something cool was happening here and everyone was SO excited for it and for good reason. The Total Solar Eclipse was one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced and Ohio delivered. I mentioned earlier that we were fearing a cloudy day and, thankfully, that wasn’t the case whatsoever. We had the most perfect, sunny weather for the ultimate view of the big show and it was truly spectacular.

These pictures I took are not the best and they do not do justice to the solar eclipse at all. But, I did the best I could with limited visibility lol! Check it out:


There were countless eclipse festivals that Johnny and I could have attended on Monday, but we opted to stay home and watch it with our downstairs neighbor from the porch. I’m so glad we did because we were delighted by what we saw when we walked out the door. It seemed like every single person in our apartment community was outside watching too and it was such fun to be all together and cheering as the sun and moon performed. Even if we did go to a festival, I highly doubt we would have had a better view because ours was crystal clear and mainly unobstructed.

The total eclipse happened around 3:15 and Johnny and I were able to go outside as soon as we finished up with work at 2:45. During that time, the moon was moving and grooving closer to the sun and rapid progress was being made every time we looked up. This was neat to see, but the magic happened when totality was reached. During that four minute window, everything went completely dark. Street lights came on and the temperature dropped ten degrees. You could feel it immediately! It was such a surreal feeling to experience nighttime in the middle of the day and I think everyone was simply blown away. I sure was!

Minutes after the total eclipse, we were back to a typical afternoon level of sun and warmth. However, the feeling of witnessing a once in a lifetime phenomenon remained. Johnny and I are still not over it and why should we be? It was beautiful. ❤

Did you watch the solar eclipse? What is something cool that you experienced in nature? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

The Joys Of Eating And Cooking In Your Backyard

The Joys Of Eating And Cooking In Your Backyard

One of the best ways to enjoy food these days is to take a seat outside and put something nice on the grill. The smell of grilled food, the warm sunshine hitting your skin, and the relaxing conversations of your friends and family members in the background – these are the types of things you can expect when you start eating and cooking more in your backyard. All that and so much more:

Encourage socializing in your family:

If you want to create a family-friendly backyard that also makes your friends and neighbors feel welcome, then consider cooking and eating outdoors. You don’t need to be in a separate room cooking food while your guests are interacting with each other. Instead, you can cook food in the open and have conversations with people. You won’t feel glued to the burner, watching things closely to ensure they don’t cook. In short, cooking in an open area such as a backyard is often a great way to encourage more socialization because we’re not stuck in the kitchen with our back to our guests and family members all the time.

Fresh air is always a plus:

Enjoying some fresh air is always nice, especially if the climate allows for it. Far too many of us are cooped up inside, working from home, and cooking indoors. Opening the windows and doors doesn’t cut it either – it doesn’t replicate the joy of cooking outside and breathing in the fresh air as we enjoy a delicious home-cooked meal.

Even putting together a backyard bar just to enjoy a refreshing drink outside can be a great idea. People often underestimate just how relaxing and soothing it can be to enjoy some good food outdoors surrounded by nature. It’s something we urge you to try at least once to see what it’s like!

More cooking options:

Most people who try grilling food indoors will quickly realize that the flames rarely get hot enough, and it generates a lot of smoke that fills the kitchen and makes things harder for you. Grilling outside on a more powerful cooking device means you can get to higher temperatures, and you don’t have to worry about the area getting filled with smoke or heat from your cooking.

And that’s not to say you can’t use your kitchen either. You can bake goods or prepare food in your kitchen that is ready to be cooked outside. Combine cooking and preparation methods to open up more cooking options that you can try.

Eating and cooking outside might be different at first, but it’s well worth the try. It can transform your cooking, give your family a new place to socialize, and you’ll be encouraged to invite friends and neighbors over too!

Featured Image By: Unsplash (CC0)

Creating An Outdoor Oasis In A Limited Space

Creating An Outdoor Oasis In A Limited Space

Imagine stepping outside into your small yard, and instead of feeling cramped, you feel transported into an idyllic green retreat. A real escape from everyday stressors awaiting just outside your door. Now that’s what we call an outdoor oasis! Having a small yard may feel like creating any sort of garden retreat is impossible. But don’t despair; we’re here to help make it so. Let’s get started:

Examine Your Space:

First and foremost, let’s get an accurate lay of the land. So get out your tape measure and get crackin’. Don’t get carried away with size. What really counts most is what you do with what you’ve got. Make sure to take note of any quirks or limitations such as an oddly placed tree stump or pesky AC unit when measuring. This will make designing much more straightforward.

Establish Your Goals:

Close your eyes (but keep reading!) and imagine how you’d use your outdoor oasis in an ideal world. Would it be relaxing with an icy lemonade on a bright afternoon or hosting some barbecue festivities with friends? Do you want it full of useful storage barns and sheds? Whatever floats your boat, write it down, and we can get this vision underway!

The Right Elements:

Now that you know what you want and how it will fit into the space, it’s time to put together your outdoor paradise. For something a bit different, think vertical. Vertical gardens, wall hanging, and even trellises all add dimension and make any area appear less dull in an instant. Use every bit of available space efficiently. Soon your yard will transform from drab to fabulous in no time at all.

Optimizing Greenery:

Scatter greenery across your space like confetti. Combine different plants and flowers together for an eye-catching yet relaxing atmosphere. Add plants in a way that optimizes your space. Got a lot of shade? Opt for shade-loving greenery. Don’t want to spend a lot of time caring for plants? Choose a low maintenance garden. There’s no point installing things that won’t thrive.

Creative Storage:

Looking for a place to stash your tools? No worries. Creative storage solutions have got this covered. Build benches with hidden compartments, purchase ottomans with built-in storage, or simply hang shelves creatively to store all that clutter away for good.

Strategic Lighting:

Let there be light! And not just any old light. Imagine starry-night hues from string lights and fairy lights all the way to solar-powered lanterns illuminating your outdoor oasis after sundown! Let it sparkle like diamonds during every evening stroll and you’ll have a truly magical space.

Design for Comfort:

Comfort reigns supreme here. Grab some luxurious cushions, create an intimate corner with a hammock, or add some swings for added zen-like vibe. And don’t forget about shade when the sun makes its appearances. Keep yourself cool with pergolas or stylish umbrellas.

Your small backyard has now transformed into an incredible outdoor retreat filled with charm and personality. Enjoy it!

Featured Image By: Kanu Jacobson / Pexels

BFF Garden Party

BFF Garden Party

Hello!! My bestie, Lea, recently moved into a beautiful new house and it is awesome! I am so proud of her and want to do everything I can to assist in the projects that she needs help with. That’s what best friends are for, after all. One of the major things that needs done on her property is the gardening. The upkeep from the previous owners had been nonexistent and it all fell on Lea’s shoulders. Luckily, I am a huge fan of gardening and couldn’t wait to get to work! 😀

This past week, Lea and I headed to Meijer’s to buy some plants, Peach White Claw, and sushi for dinner. After our surprisingly good store bought sushi, we set off to our first task of clearing the planter boxes around her porch and filling it with hostas in various colors and sizes. It turned out GREAT! Check it out:

How It Started:


How It’s Going:


Our first order of business was to give ourselves a blank canvas for the hostas. We began pulling out the weeds, rocks, and random plants that peppered the planter boxes. Everything was going swell until I noticed an ant crawling on my arm. Then, I looked down to find that my gardening gloves were covered with them. It. Was. Awful. While pulling out a bushel of dying tall grass, Lea and I discovered that I had unearthed a ginormous ant colony. It. Was. Terrifying. Lol they were literally everywhere! 😮

The Attack Of The Ants happened at the far edge of the planter box and we refused to go anywhere near it. But, we completed the opposite end and stopped about two feet shy of the scene of creepy crawlies. To start, I taught Lea about the merits of cutting the plastic container the hostas were in so we wouldn’t hurt the plant while attempting to pull it out. Then, I showed her how to break apart the roots to make it perfect for their new home. After the demo, we began working separately and she did wonderfully. With the know how to DIY, she planted the remainder herself once the ants cleared out a bit. We were both very happy with the end results. 🙂

Lea and I had a fantastic time during our Garden Party hangout and we already have our next project planned out. I can’t wait to get our hands in the dirt again and get some flowers planted soon!

What projects are you working on around the house? What is your garden like? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Eye Spy In Nature

Eye Spy In Nature

Hello!! In Ohio, it is currently hot AF and is a drastic change from the cool to moderate temps we experienced last week. That is my preferred style of summer weather, so it made for perfect days to go on hikes with my clients. During our walks, we were seeing wildlife left and right – Oriels, frogs, and turtles too! In total, I saw two Oriels, six turtles, and six frogs and I truly felt like the nature whisperer lol. It was a blast and it felt like a real life version of Eye Spy! Check it out:


On my first walk of the day, my client and I saw a HUGE turtle in the middle of the path. From far away, it looked like a rock or a bundle of dead leaves. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I realized what it actually was! I was a bit worried about my turtle friend because of how little movement I saw and the fact that the water he was trying to get to was a bit of a trek away. Thankfully, after snapping a few safely distanced pics and walking away, the turtle was back on the move. I guess he just needed a little break. Also, when you see a turtle in the road (or path, in my case) it is said to be good luck and something great happened on Monday so maybe I have the turtle to thank for it! 😀

On my next walk with a different client, we went to a local Metro Park that has lots of ponds and not quite lake size bodies of water. We were determined to find frogs and on the first trip around a pond, I didn’t see jack. Then, I decided to take a closer look and realized the error of my ways. They were all around us, but camouflaged and I just wasn’t looking hard enough! It was so cool to see the frogs hiding in plain sight and they did a great job – if I didn’t inspect further, I definitely wouldn’t have seen them. We also saw five turtles lounging on logs from afar that also did a very nice job of blending into the scenery. It was a hoot. 🙂

Nature walks are always fun, but they’re even better when you can see the local wildlife. I am still delighting over the pictures of my froggy and turtle friends!

What kind of wildlife is in your neck of the woods? What is your favorite summer activity? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

May Flowers

May Flowers

Hello! This past week when I got to my parents’ house after work, I found my dad in the backyard preparing his raised planters for spring flowers. It was a gorgeous day outside and it was going to rain that night, making for the perfect conditions to plant. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to bask in the sunshine and spend some quality time with my dad and even though I was dog tired, I offered my assistance which he happily accepted. We spent a glorious hour or so together creating beauty and I am so pleased with our handiwork. Check it out:


Ever since I can remember, my dad has been an avid gardener and all spring, summer, and fall long you can catch him outside tending to the yard. During the warm months, we enjoy the bounty of his vegetable garden and the bouquets he makes weekly for my mom. Not only does he have two green thumbs, but he is also a very gifted flower arranger and his bouquets are stunning. Last year, his veggie garden went into overdrive with hauls so big we simply didn’t know what to do with everything. So, he decided flowers were the way to go this summer since all of our lives are crazy at this current juncture.

When I was younger, I loved to help in the garden and as I grew up, I tried to help as much as I could with planting and upkeep. It had been a while since I gardened and I forgot how much fun it was! Seriously, all of it was a blast from donning ridiculous gardening gloves, handling the delicate flowers, and cleaning up the dirt that got on us with the garden hose. And, of course, doing it all side by side with my dad. For the past few months, the time we have spent together is almost always driving to the Cleveland Clinic, so it was SO awesome to be able to do something with him for the joy of it.

Our garden day was the first time I had spent a considerable amount of time outside in so long. It only recently got nice out in Ohio and the previous weather had been absolute garbage. Being outside, soaking up the sun, and making something grow was just what I needed. Once we returned inside, I wanted to go back out again to plant more and I found myself thinking that I would like more house plants when I got to my apartment. I might just have a green thumb yet!

My dad has now started to plan his garden projects with my help in mind and I am more than up for the task. In fact, we will be planting flower seeds later this week. I can’t wait! 🙂

What is your favorite outdoor activity? What do you and your parents do to spend quality time together? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Finally, Flowers!

Finally, Flowers!

Hello!! Spring and autumn are the seasons when your favorite Lil Red blogger thrives. I live for not too hot/not too cold weather as I don’t do well in extreme summer temps and I am a huge freeze baby come winter! While I love the weather that comes with spring and fall, I love the way the world looks even more; Blooming flowers and trees coming back to life and leaves changing colors and Halloween decor. While driving this past week, I have noticed lots of pretty spring flowers popping up. And, finally on Friday, flowers were in my parents’ yard too. It made me so happy!


After a winter that felt like an eternity due to crap weather and a massive amount of stress, these past few days of true springtime have hit different and in the best way. Although it has been technically spring on the calendar, I don’t consider it to be spring until the weather and the outside world reflects it. Seeing the sun and feeling its warmth, brisk winds, and new life growing all around has been so invigorating and healing. While everything still isn’t awesome in my world, it makes it a bit easier to go about the day with a newfound pep in my step.

I look forward to seeing flowers in my parents’ yard every year because it is a perfect reminder of better times ahead. It’s hard not to smile and feel hopeful when tiny blooms and bursts of color are making their way onto the scene. It is also a great time to reflect on how flowers grow. Despite heavy rainfalls, grey days, and unstable temperatures, flowers still grow and turn into something beautiful when they open up towards the sun. It’s a great metaphor to help myself remember that when things absolutely suck, there is still going to be a light at the end of the tunnel. ❤

I have been waiting for springtime basically since winter began and all I have to say is: Bring it on. Here’s to warm days, birds chirping, and flowers blooming everywhere!

What is your favorite flower? What is your favorite part about the spring? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


Tips For A Low Maintenance Garden This Spring

Tips For A Low Maintenance Garden This Spring

Love the idea of a garden but don’t want to put in the work? You’re not alone! Luckily, there are plenty of ways to make the most of your garden and breathe fresh life into your landscape design with minimal effort. Here are some tips to add a low maintenance garden to your home:

Choose Suitable Plants:

The first step in creating a no-fuss garden is choosing plants suitable for your climate. Choose drought-tolerant plants such as succulents, cacti, wildflowers, and native grasses. These types of plants require little watering and can survive with minimal care. It would help if you also looked into low-maintenance trees such as palms, cypresses, or junipers that won’t need pruning or trimming every few months. You can always get a local tree service to help maintain your trees if you don’t have the time or energy.

Consider Synthetic Grass:

Synthetic grass might be the perfect option if you’re looking for a grassy area but don’t want to maintain it. Artificial turf requires no mowing or water, making it easy to manage. Plus, good quality synthetic grass can last up to twenty years without replacement.

Try Vertical Gardens:

Vertical gardens are a great way to bring a little greenery into your home without wasting too much space or effort. You can install wall-mounted planters and hang them in any area with direct sunlight, such as on the side of your house or balcony. All they need is watering and pruning now and then, and you will have a beautiful garden all year round.

Invest in Quality Soil:

Good soil quality is essential for any garden. Invest in quality topsoil enriched with organic matter like compost or mulch. This will ensure that your plants get the nutrients they need to thrive in your area. It’s also essential to choose soil that drains well as this will help prevent root rot in case of heavy rain or flooding. Finally, raise the beds slightly so water can quickly drain away from the roots during heavy rains.

Add Paving Stones and Paths:

Paving stones are a great way to create pathways through your garden without constantly maintaining them. Look for natural stone pavers that blend in with the existing landscape and require little upkeep over time. Additionally, adding stepping stones throughout your garden will help keep weeds down while providing easy access between yard sections without regularly mowing grassy areas. You can also add benches and other furniture to create seating areas in the garden.

Creating a beautiful outdoor space doesn’t have to be complicated. With just a bit of effort upfront, you can enjoy a stress-free outdoor area year-round!

Featured Image By: Pixabay

Think Spring With These Backyard Projects

Think Spring With These Backyard Projects

We are in that stage of winter when we have officially reached the “blah” phase. We’re cooped up, nothing is appealing on streaming services, and the warmer days of spring are heavy on the mind. While we still have a few months of winter to go, it never hurts to start daydreaming now! Let’s explore some backyard projects that you can get to work on as soon as the snow thaws so you can rid yourself of cabin fever:

Pergola Party:

What is your ideal outdoor space? Lush greenery? A garden, pool, or patio? Breathtaking pergolas for your backyard? I can see it now, a barbecue on the warm days of spring and cozy cocktails at night. Pergolas turn any backyard into the ultimate hang out that you can deck out with furniture, grills, and games. Deck out in fairy lights for best results and perfect selfie lighting.

Swimming Pool: 

A swimming pool in the backyard really is the tops and will turn your house into the place to be all summer long. Pools are great for parties, exercise, and relaxing. Not to mention that they are a huge property value and curb appeal boost. Remember if you are getting a pool installed or already have one that maintenance is key. If you don’t have the time or energy to properly care for your pool, you might want to look into some services like this https://pinnaclepoolservice.com/pool-service/texas/plano/ to keep it in excellent condition.

Fairy Garden:

An especially fun idea for those with little ones is to create a fairy garden together. Your local craft stores are sure to sell fairy garden supplies like toadstools, houses, characters, and scenery. Spoiler alert: It’s going to be adorable. Take a trip with your kids and create the fairy garden of your dreams! You can even create a special backstory for each of your characters. Keep an eye out because your garden is sure to attract all kinds of wild life.

Bird Feeding Stations:

Okay, let’s be real for a second – nature windows are awesome!! Set up a bird feeding station in front of one of your lower floor windows and enjoy! The entertainment is in itself because there is never a dull moment when it comes to birds and squirrels. Anyone who says it isn’t fun to watch is lying. Include bird baths and feeders at various heights for the ultimate effect!

Fire Pit:

It is so easy to want to burst down the doors on the first days of spring but it is still going to be cold, regardless of the date on the calendar. Beat the chill in the air with a fire pit, which will be so amazing for hosting outdoor movie nights, cocktail hour, or afternoon coffee. How about hot chocolate and s’mores during a brisk night? Fire pits are a great investment for all year round enjoyment.

Think spring by envisioning your perfect backyard with the tips above. It will be here before we know it!

Safe Haven: Improve Your Home’s Security

Safe Haven: Improve Your Home’s Security

Your home should be your ultimate safe haven and it can be scary when it doesn’t always feel that way. Whether your place needs extra protection or you simply could benefit from the peace of mind, there is a fix for whatever you need! Let’s look at a few ways to improve your home’s security so you can feel perfectly safe and sound:

Meet The Neighbors:

Socializing can, admittedly, be a pain. However, knowing your neighbors is a free way to have an extra set of eyes on your home. And, who knows? You might just make a friend! A neighbor who you’re on friendly terms with will be able to keep an eye on your house while you’re on vacation or simply pick up a package while you’re at work all day. Regardless, it can only help!

Outdoor Property:

It makes sense that your belongings indoors are easier to protect than the things outside of your home. This goes for cars, outdoor furniture, and gardening equipment. To rectify this, you can protect the Range Rover with an anti theft system and the same goes for any other type of car. You can also install motion lights on your property, which is a great deterrent for an uninvited guest.

Privacy Hedges:

Whether you want extra protection or simply some beauty is your call! Privacy hedges can come in all shapes and forms from huge hydrangeas and rhododendrons to tall grass and trees. Either way, it’s going to be pretty and keep your windows or outdoor seating areas out of the line of sight of people who pass by. Hello, most beautiful house on the block!

Make Necessary Repairs:

Flimsy doors, windows, and locks are an open invitation into your home. For your replacement fixtures, think strong and durable. While you don’t need to turn your home into a bank vault, a little extra oomph in the sturdiness department will certainly go a long way. Don’t forget a camera doorbell when you are revamping your front door for an additional peace of mind.

Better home security doesn’t always mean spending a fortune on cameras and systems. Sometimes, it just means planting some large growing flowers or getting to know the people who live next door to sleep easier at night!