Tag Archives: daffodils

Spring Flowers

Spring Flowers

Howdy!! One of my favorite times of the year is right now. Winter is almost over, the promise of spring is so close, and it feels like anything is possible. The thing I look forward to the most is seeing spring flowers begin to pop up because it just makes me happy. After the grey, snowy days of winter, there is nothing better than seeing beautiful blooms and spring flowers are some of my favorites too. Daffodils, crocuses, and hyacinths brighten my day and I always try to take a moment to appreciate them. This past week, I was thrilled to see yellow daffodils in my parents’ yard – even though it was snowing!


Last week was a bit of a doozy for yours truly. I, unfortunately, had to stop going to therapy because mine and Johnny’s insurance is garbage. As you can imagine, this was really disappointing for me. It felt like I had literally just found a therapist I was comfortable with and then it got taken away. However, there wasn’t anything I could do after paying over seven hundred dollars in under one month. And, on top of that, my beloved Little Red Love Machine started making some crazayyyy noises so it was an expensive repair on top of the medical expenses. Talk about stressful!

As I left my mom and dad’s house feeling not my best, I noticed the daffodils in the yard and couldn’t believe I didn’t see them on my way in. I guess I had my blinders on! Instead of getting in my car and going straight home, I took some time standing as the snow fell to take it in. Even though the flowers were getting snowed on, they were still adding gorgeous color to the world. It was a nice metaphor for what I was going through in that immediate moment. Despite feeling sad, I can still do my best to continue to shine and that made the situation a bit more bearable. ❤

Spring Flowers are short lived and I am glad that I took those extra moments to let that fleeting beauty sink in. I needed some daffodils that day and I left chez parents feeling better than I did before.

What is your favorite flower? What is your favorite time of the year? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Finally, Flowers!

Finally, Flowers!

Hello!! Spring and autumn are the seasons when your favorite Lil Red blogger thrives. I live for not too hot/not too cold weather as I don’t do well in extreme summer temps and I am a huge freeze baby come winter! While I love the weather that comes with spring and fall, I love the way the world looks even more; Blooming flowers and trees coming back to life and leaves changing colors and Halloween decor. While driving this past week, I have noticed lots of pretty spring flowers popping up. And, finally on Friday, flowers were in my parents’ yard too. It made me so happy!


After a winter that felt like an eternity due to crap weather and a massive amount of stress, these past few days of true springtime have hit different and in the best way. Although it has been technically spring on the calendar, I don’t consider it to be spring until the weather and the outside world reflects it. Seeing the sun and feeling its warmth, brisk winds, and new life growing all around has been so invigorating and healing. While everything still isn’t awesome in my world, it makes it a bit easier to go about the day with a newfound pep in my step.

I look forward to seeing flowers in my parents’ yard every year because it is a perfect reminder of better times ahead. It’s hard not to smile and feel hopeful when tiny blooms and bursts of color are making their way onto the scene. It is also a great time to reflect on how flowers grow. Despite heavy rainfalls, grey days, and unstable temperatures, flowers still grow and turn into something beautiful when they open up towards the sun. It’s a great metaphor to help myself remember that when things absolutely suck, there is still going to be a light at the end of the tunnel. ❤

I have been waiting for springtime basically since winter began and all I have to say is: Bring it on. Here’s to warm days, birds chirping, and flowers blooming everywhere!

What is your favorite flower? What is your favorite part about the spring? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


Everything’s Coming Up Daffodils

Everything’s Coming Up Daffodils

Hello! The last time I went to my mom and dad’s house, I was completely amazed by all of the lovely yellow daffodils lining their driveway. I had been there two days ago and there wasn’t a single bloom – then, out of nowhere, there was color everywhere. Yellow flowers always put a smile on my face because they remind me of my grandma and the daffodil surprise felt like a special hello from her. Check it out:


The Daffodil Day was, indeed, a glorious one with temperatures in the seventies and it put me in a hopeful, happy mood. I have been enjoying my time outside so much after being cooped up all winter and have already been making the most of the nice weather with photo shoots with Johnny, going on walks with my brother, and playing at the park with my niece and sister. All of the beautiful flowers blooming is an added bonus. 🙂

I hope all of you are experiencing mild temps and flowers and here’s to a wonderful and safe spring!

What is spring weather like in your area? What is your favorite outdoor activity? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Darling Daffodils

Darling Daffodils

Hellooo! Despite the random spring snow flurries in Ohio, the flowers have began to bloom! Although the weather isn’t perfect, it is so nice to see spring staples starting to emerge like our patches of hyacinths, crocuses, and the lovely daffodils that line our driveway:

Not only are these flowers beautiful but they sure are inspiring. They are so delicate and even though snow is falling and the wind is blowing them every which way, they hold strong and their beauty seems all the more radiant for it. What a life lesson that you can learn from such a little bloom!

What is the weather like in your neck of the woods? What kind of flowers are blooming in your area? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah