Tag Archives: hosting

Make Game Day Even Better With These Tips

Make Game Day Even Better With These Tips

Do you love sports? Do you love spending time with your friends? If so, then you’re going to want to read this blog post! This blog will discuss a few tips for having an awesome sports-watching experience. Whether you’re rooting for your favorite team or just there for socializing, it has got some great ideas to make game day even better. So grab a few drinks and some snacks, and get ready to enjoy the big game:

Make sure your viewing setup is ideal:

Your viewing setup should be comfortable and conducive to socializing. That means you’ll want plenty of seating for everyone, a good view of the TV, and easy access to snacks and drinks. You might even want to consider setting up a stereo system so you can listen to the game commentary. Comfort is key so be sure not to overcrowd the room so everyone can enjoy themselves.

Dress the part:

Wearing your favorite team’s jersey is a great way to show your support. But you don’t have to stop there! If you really want to get into the spirit of things, break out the face paint and body paint and go all out. You could even set up a painting station so everyone can show off their team pride.

Snacks & Drinks:

No game day is complete without snacks and drinks! So make sure you have plenty of both on hand so everyone can have their fill. And if you’re feeling generous, you can even make some homemade snacks to share with your friends. Appropriate snacks include chips, pretzels, popcorn, and anything else that’s easy to eat without getting your hands too messy. As for drinks, beer is always a popular choice, but you can also have soda or water on hand for those who don’t drink alcohol.

Place bets on the game:

Placing bets on the outcome of the game is a great way to add some extra excitement. For example, you can bet on who will win, how many points will be scored, or which player will score the most points. Your group of friends can try out Free Sports Picks to add an extra level of fun to your game day experience. Just make sure you agree on the terms of the bet ahead of time, so there’s no confusion later on.

Play some games at halftime:

If you’re looking for a way to keep your guests entertained during halftime, why not play some games? Games like cornhole, Cards Against Humanity, or charades are always popular choices. Or, if you want something that’s more sports-related, you can try your hand at fantasy football or video games.

Have a post-game celebration:

No matter whether your team wins or loses, it’s always fun to celebrate with your friends after the game. You can head to a nearby bar or restaurant or just keep the party going at home. And if your team happens to win, make sure you have a victory dance ready!

Sports are meant to be enjoyed all together so invite your friends over for the next big game and have a blast!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Hosting Halloween? Try These Ideas!

Hosting Halloween? Try These Ideas!

Hello!! It is almost Halloween weekend and I am so excited for it!! On Friday, Johnny and I are going to have a scary movie night with one of our friends (my bestie and her husband had to reschedule) and then passing out candy to trick-or-treaters in my parents’ neighborhood on Saturday night. Whether you are hosting a huge bash or a small get together, these ideas will be sure to be a hit for major Halloween fun:

Food & Drinks:

Let’s all be honest here, one of the most important aspects of a holiday party is the food and drinks! You could do a potluck style situation and have everyone bring a drink or snack. Or, you could go the route that I planned on doing and preparing things yourself. Since my party of five will be a party of three on Friday, I will be keeping things fairly simple – tacos for dinner and apple cider cocktails while the movie night commences.

There are so many amazing recipes for cocktails (nonalcoholic too) and spooky snacks on Pinterest. You could try some of the following at your party:

  • Caramel apple bark
  • A trail mix station
  • Apple butter or pumpkin cheesecake
  • Cupcakes or cake pops
  • Crockpot dishes like soups or dips
  • Themed cocktails – Bloody Marys, anyone?

So Many Activities:

Movie nights are an easy way to go for a Halloween party. To keep things fair, have everyone write down what they would like to watch and draw from a hat to leave things up to chance. If you’re looking for more “active” activities, you could incorporate any of these ideas:

Costume Contest: What good is a Halloween party if everyone isn’t dressed up? You could create a makeshift runway, have your guests model their look, and vote on which costume is the best. A goodie bag of candy or a small Halloween decoration could be the prize for the winner.

Pumpkin Carving Or Painting: Decorations are always a must for a party and you could all make your own with a pumpkin carving or painting station. How cool would it be to have your whole front yard lit up with jack-o-lanterns that your guests created? This is also a great activity to do outside if the weather is nice and it’s still light out.

Dance The Night Away: If you have space to allow for some dancing, then go for it! Of course, you will need a fantastic spooky playlist. Johnny and I recommend our main jams of the Monster Mash, Alice Cooper, and Ghost.

Scavenger Hunt: A nighttime scavenger hunt would be so much fun! You can hide clues throughout your yard and home and have a prize for whomever completes the task first. Be sure to supply flashlights if this is going to be an after dark activity.

Set The Space:

Any host with the most knows not to leave preparing your party space for the last minute! You might have to move furniture around or have additional seating depending on how many people are attending. As long as you can accommodate your guests comfortably, then you are good to go. If you are going to be watching movies, make sure you have lots of extra blankets or pillows or have the party-goers bring their own.

Do Good:

A get together during this time of the year is perfect for doing some good as we are quickly approaching the holiday season. The “buy in” for your party could be a donation to a homeless shelter, animal rescue organization, or charity of your choosing. This is a simple but effective way of giving back!

With these tips, your Halloween party will be the talk of your friend group for years to come. Now, can Johnny and I get an invite or…?!

What are you doing for Halloween? What will you be dressing up as? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Housewarming Party Pro Tips

Housewarming Party Pro Tips

Hello! Johnny and I have been working hard to get our new apartment in order after our big move with a housewarming/birthaversary party as our goal at the end of the month. With the party in mind, it has encouraged us to pick up the pace with our unpacking to get our place in as good of order as we can for when our guests show up. Here are some of my pro tips to help you prepare for a housewarming party that I have been following closely:

Preparing The Home:

Moving is incredibly stressful and a big bash afterwards is the best reward! While your new digs don’t have to be completely perfect, there are some things that need to be in order before your party:

Make use of closet space: Some things simply can’t be unpacked yet due to needing additional furniture, which is definitely the case for me and Johnny. Make good use of your closet space and place these items accordingly so they’re not taking up room around the house. Out of sight, out of mind!

Get rid of packing supplies: One thing that is taking up lots of room in our new apartment is empty boxes! Do not fall for the trap of “I might need them eventually” because I promise you will be able to acquire more. Post on social media if anyone else might need them or get them to your nearest recycling center. I am lucky enough that one of my best friends is moving so she is getting all of our packing supplies as we continue to unpack.

Have plenty of seating areas: As I said before, the place doesn’t need to be just right for your party and things can be stowed away for the time being in rooms that guests won’t be in, like bedrooms or offices. However, plenty of seating areas is a must for your guests. Arrange your chairs and couches so everyone has a comfortable place to be.


I sent out a Facebook invite well in advance so that I know how much food I will have to prepare and order (Which we will discuss more in the next header). In the invites, I let our guests know that in the afternoon, it will be mainly family coming by and if you want to rage, then arrive in the evening. That way, your invitees will know which time slot better applies to them.

Food & Drinks:

While you don’t need a ten course meal for your party, food and drinks are an obvious must. I have been scouring Pinterest for yummy dips and finger foods to make and then Johnny and I will just order a couple of pizzas. As far as drinks go, do make sure you have nonalcoholic options too if you plan on having booze. Mocktails, pop, water, and juice are a necessity if you have friends and family who don’t indulge in the drink! I plan on making up some mocktails as well as a party punch for the guests who are so inclined.


Parties where everyone sits around and talks are fine but everyone likes games! Have an area with some table top or video games set up for your guests to play. Classic games are sure to go over well like Uno, Catch Phrase, or the Five Second Rule. If you have games that others haven’t heard of, just make sure you’re around to explain the rules to make the gaming experience more fun. And, of course, don’t forget to have some great music playing but not too loudly!

Our party has Johnny and I working double time after our move and I am so not mad about it. The place is looking wonderful and I can’t wait to celebrate! 😀

What are some of your party planning pro tips? How did you reward yourself after a big move or life event? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Creating The Perfect Backyard Dining Area

Creating The Perfect Backyard Dining Area

The optimists among us are already thinking about the end of winter and the start of the warmer months of the year. While there’s nothing wrong with curling up with some hot cocoa and looking at the snow or frost from inside your home, there’s something about enjoying your backyard that makes summer special.

If you want to transform your backyard into the perfect place for party hosting or outdoor dining, then now is the time to start planning. Here are some great ways to create a perfect place to eat together in the great outdoors.

Section Your Backyard:

If you have a large backyard, then you have plenty of options for creating a place to eat and hang out. Chances are, you won’t need the whole area for your dining needs but you at least need a place to sit and eat, and if you plan to grill your food, somewhere to cook it.

It’s also beneficial to plan an area for outdoor activities. If you’re inviting family and children, then the kids will want to run around and play. Leave a section of your lawn free for games, and consider adding a paddling pool for particularly hot days. This way, everyone can enjoy themselves while beating the heat.

Shelter and Foundation:

If you want to sit and eat, then you’ll need to think about your chosen dining area. A picnic is more flexible, as you can simply lay out a blanket on a flat part of your lawn and settle down. Most events, however, require more solid seating.

This means that you need to create flat and solid ground to comfortably eat. Stone tiles or a patio area is perfect for this, as the tiles won’t be damaged in the same way as your lawn. Some people also like wooden decking or a pavilion space. This will also look attractive and make partitioning your backyard easier.

If you’re grilling outside, then make sure that the flat space is fire proof. Wooden decking is fine to sit on, but it can be a bit risky if you drop some hot charcoal onto it. Stick with stone or brick paving.

As well as a solid foundation, you should consider adding some shelter to your dining area. This gives sun shy guests a place to hide in the shade. A parasol can keep away the sun, but some more solid shelter will be better in difficult weather. Slidetrack blinds are even better, as they protect you from the sides as well. Even if the weather turns bad, you don’t have to cancel early.

Outdoor Furniture and Decor:

Eating outside is far more comfortable if you have a nice table set to eat from. A picnic blanket is a lot of fun, but it isn’t practical for everyone. It also makes it harder to serve your food. Outdoor furniture can also be attractive and stylish but you will want to find pieces that can withstand the climate outside. Don’t forget twinkle lights and solar light accents throughout the yard for some lovely ambiance as the sun sets.

Even though there’s snow on the ground, it’s never too early to think about summertime fun in your own backyard!

Featured Image By: Unsplash

Hosting The Perfect Brunch Party

Hosting The Perfect Brunch Party

Brunch parties are an excellent way to bring your friends together for any type of social event, whether it is a bachelorette party, baby shower, or just a general get together. When it comes to brunch, you do not have to plan an elaborate setup for a fun gathering because it’s a much more laid back event. Here, we look at how to host the perfect brunch party:

Think about who you are inviting and your budget:

It is important to work out the kinks in the plan before inviting everyone to your brunch of the century via group text. Decide how many people you can comfortably seat and go from there because this will help you plan your budget accordingly. Figuring out the amount of money you intend to spend on food for a brunch is your next task. Having a rough idea of your spending limit in advance will help you plan a menu with a reasonable budget.

Plan your menu:

It is time to start thinking about brunch menus after you have a guest list and a ballpark budget in mind. In order to please everyone in attendance, it is critical to include a variety of foods, both sweet and savory, on your menu. Creating your meal can be accomplished in many different ways including:

  • The first alternative is to prepare a number of little plates, similar to those served at a tapas restaurant. This allows you to experiment with all of the recipes you have saved on Instagram and Pinterest throughout the years.
  • Traditional meals can also be served with just one main dish and a few side dishes. With this method, you do not need as many components, which saves time and money.
  • In order to make a brunch truly memorable, you will want to serve dishes that highlight your culinary prowess and leave your guests clamoring for the recipe, such as this shrimp and grits recipe.

Don’t forget the cocktails:

Brunch drinks like mimosas, Bloody Marys, and sangria go well with the meal. Offering a selection of alcoholic beverages will help your guests relax and unwind. The longer a drink like sangria sits, the better it tastes. You do not have to worry about being a bartender because you can make them a few days ahead of time.

Nonalcoholic components can still be mixed in advance if you are making bubbly drinks like mimosas. All you will need to do is pour the champagne and mix it well before guests arrive. Make sure you have a selection of virgin mocktails for guests who would like a nonalcoholic option.

Lay the table the night before:

If you are hosting a brunch for a large group, it is a good idea to set up the table the night before. Putting out food and decorations may not seem like a big deal, but if you are a perfectionist, you could spend hours nitpicking. Take your time and create the party layout you have envisioned. The mood can be ruined if you are not thrilled with your setting because you had to rush.

Good food, yummy drinks, and great company will make your next brunch get together the best ever!

Featured Image By: Unsplash


Preparing Your Backyard For Parties

Preparing Your Backyard For Parties

After being tucked away from the cold this winter, it’s only natural to be daydreaming about warm weather, outdoor activities, and parties hosted from your own backyard. Not only are outdoor get togethers a lot of fun but they are much safer from a COVID perspective too. If you have hosting an outdoor gathering on the mind, think about the following as you make your preparations:

Set The Space:

If you don’t already have a patio in the backyard for lawn furniture, this could be a great project to undertake. Stone or terracotta tiles set in a pleasing arrangement can provide the perfect space to set up an outdoor dining arrangement for your cookouts. If you’re not keen on doing this yourself, there are sure to be lots of local professionals who can make this happen. Getting the driveway interlocking services will greatly elevate the curb appeal. It’s a win/win situation!

Outdoor Activities:

Enjoying the great outdoors with your friends is a good way to get active so take advantage of it! Badminton, volleyball, cornhole, croquet, and bocce ball are all sure to be a hit. Hosting tournaments for some friendly competition will definitely get you moving! If you and your guests have green thumbs, you could have a literal garden party and plant flowers or veggies together. Don’t forget the lemonade and finger food to snack on.

Add A Fire Pit:

Your new patio will also be a nice space to set up a fire pit for an evening get together. Roasting marshmallows and hot dogs while the sun sets is always fun and will provide a touch of warmth during those chilly summer nights. A fire pit can also serve you well in the wintertime too to sip hot chocolate and munch gingerbread cookies around.

Keep Pests At Bay:

There is nothing worse than getting bit up by mosquitos during an outdoor gathering so a supply of citronella candles will go a long way. You also might want to consider calling in local experts if you have a lot of burrow holes on your lawn. You don’t want anyone tripping and spraining an ankle during your volleyball tournament!

Spring and summer activities are not as far off as we might think! Put your daydreaming of fun in the sun to good use by preparing your backyard soon.

Using Events As A Powerful Business Tool

Using Events As A Powerful Business Tool

As a business owner, you always need to concern yourself with how you are going to get your brand in front of others. What can you do to stand out from the crowd and make a real impression? Events are an opportunity for brands to show themselves in the best possible light. You want to make sure that you are networking effectively and giving off the real impression of what your business is all about.

There is a lot that needs to be considered here. You need to start marketing from the office before the event takes place. You also need to think about how you are going to follow up with excellent content after the event too. Soona is a great content creation platform for visual photographs and the like, so it’s worth checking out this Soona Photography review for more information so that you can make your event a massive success.

Of course, you need to consider the room itself when branding any sort of corporate event. You will want it to have excellent styling and to represent your brand well. To do this, you will need to incorporate your corporate color and you should make sure that you have posters and other forms of advertising hanging up, as well.

In some cases, you may even use catering services to provide refreshments or a fantastic business lunch. This can work well at award shows, upscale client meetings, or even professional events such as when you bring all of the district managers together for the yearly ball. There’s nothing like food to bring people together.

You will want to consider the venue that you select for the occasion. There are a lot of quirky venues, which are different from the norm. This gives you a unique way of marketing effectively and making a lasting impression. After all, this is the sort of thing that people are going to be talking about for a long time, which is exactly what you want.

In addition to the points that have been mentioned so far, think about the different ways that you can go that extra mile to make the guests feel special and hammer home the point that your business is a professional one. Little touches can go a long way in this regard, so it is something you should think about carefully. From the food you serve to the way the venue is decorated, think about what this says about your brand.

Of course, you may also want to spend a little bit of time online looking for ideas and inspiration. Social media is a great tool because you can learn about the things that people did wrong and the mistakes they made, as well as the things they got right. You can also use the likes of Pinterest and Instagram for image inspiration on how to make your venue look incredible too.

As you can see, there is a lot that needs to be considered when it comes to branding your business through events. We hope that the ideas we have mentioned above will be a great helping hand for you. Events can be powerful but only if you approach them correctly!

Featured Image By: Unsplash

Lil Red Loves: Game Night

Lil Red Loves: Game Night

Hello! Prior to the pandemic, you could usually catch Johnny and I hanging out at our favorite bar called the Zephyr on a Friday or Saturday night. Now, I can’t tell you the last time we have been to a bar so it is all about nights in when we want to hang out with our friends. Johnny and I have always been avid gamers and we have a huge collection of board games and a variety of gaming systems including a Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Nintendo 64, GameCube, and Wii. With this expansive collection, game nights are now the move for our weekend activities.

While you don’t need much to make a game night a success, here are a few tips that I have found effective to make your evening even better:

Ready The Room:

Prior to hosting a game night, please do a deep clean of your space! Lol, this should go without saying but it is so true. You want your space to be the perfect set up for people to relax and have fun which means clearing clutter, taking out the trash, and doing the dreaded cleaning of your bathroom. Have fresh hand towels at the ready, light some candles or fairy lights, and prep your space to be the ultimate chill zone. (Keep in mind that if you are partaking in dranks, a guest room and comfy couches are a must so no one risks the safety of themselves and others to drive home.)

Location Is Everything:

Normally, Johnny and I will alternate which home we are having our game night at and this always works out well for us. However, if you are having multiple people over, a small apartment like mine might not cut it so that’s something to think about. If you are having guests from several different areas over, it’s best to choose a home that is it at the center of all of yours so no one has to drive super far.

Food & Drinks:

I absolutely love cooking for people so for mine and Johnny’s game nights, our friends will alternate between who is cooking dinner. This doesn’t need to be a fancy five star meal but just something tasty that everyone can enjoy. For example, I made a big pot of homemade mac n’ cheese for one of our game nights while our guests brought sides of salad and garlic bread. That being said, there is nothing wrong with ordering Chinese takeout or pizza if you want a quick and easy meal! (Also, make sure you are attentive to any of your guests with dietary needs or preferences. Last game night, our friends brought veggie burgers for their favorite Lil Red vegetarian!)

If your game night is one that tends to run longer, don’t forget the snacks. You can get creative with themed snacks like decorated cookies or cupcakes that look like the mushrooms in Mario games but a bowl of chips will also be just fine. Fruit salad, a sundae bar, and a Chex or trail mix station can also be a big hit.

For drinks, it is important to think about all of your guests because some might not drink alcohol. Always have your Britta pitcher full or water bottles at the ready as well as a variety of different sodas and juices. If you are partaking in dranks, there is nothing wrong with a good old fashioned White Claw lol but you can also play bartender and make a signature drink. How about a pitcher of Sangria or white wine spritzers? Every game night house could have a different signature drink!

Playlist Perfect:

Any good game night will have some music playing in the background. For this, Johnny and I have our record player but we also have a Bluetooth speaker which we love. Remember, you don’t want the music to be too loud to disturb your neighbors or that you have to yell to talk to your friends. Just something quiet that everyone can agree on to add to the party ambiance.

Games Galore:

Now, most importantly, are the games! Are you having video gamers over? Mario Party and Super Smash Bros. will be a huge success. Board game lovers? How about a night based off of classics like Monopoly and Sorry or a co op game to solve together? Word game fans? Scrabble or Catch Phrase will go over well! Card game aficionados? Try a Magic The Gathering tournament or a casino night.

You know your guests best so it is up to you to choose the perfect selection of games to keep your evening rolling. A good rule of thumb is to avoid overly involved games that are difficult to explain or have a ton of rules. You want to play things that are easy to catch on to for maximum enjoyment for everyone. There are also some party games that can truly become annoying if you are playing with a group of people who have a ton of inside jokes that everyone might not be in on, so definitely be mindful of that.

With the tips above and your own special take on a game filled evening, your game nights will turn into an event that your friends will spend the week looking forward to. Play well and have fun!

What are your favorite games? What are your tips for hosting game nights? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Hosting The Perfect Game Night

Hosting The Perfect Game Night

When your favorite sports team sets the date for an important game, hosting a party with your fellow supporters is one of the best ideas you can indulge in. Organizing an amazing games night needn’t be as difficult as you might expect, as there are a few key tips and tricks that you can make the most of today:

Decorate The Space:

Whether you’ve booked out a venue or you’re just hosting your games night in the comfort of your living room, decorating the space in preparation for your fellow supporters arrival is an essential step to take. Prepping your venue to make it fun and inviting will add to the atmosphere dramatically, setting the scene for a brilliant game night that’s full of laughter and excitement! You can start off by sourcing a few balloons that match your team’s colors, as this is the most affordable option to upgrade your space. Investing in personalized banners or posters that show your support for your team can be a more flashy choice.

Don’t forget, if you’re hosting at home, it might be a good idea to prepare for mess – putting any fragile, breakable decor away is recommended, as you don’t want a happy celebration to turn into an apologetic embarrassment.

Provide Food & Drink:

Having some tasty snacks and a few delicious drinks to wash them down with will add a whole new level to your game night, and your guests will go home happy with full tummies no matter what the score ends up being! A finger food buffet of easy-to-eat no-mess options is going to be your best bet, as you don’t want to have to sit down and eat with a fork and plate when celebrations can occur at any moment. Sliders, fries, pastries, crisps and dip, cupcakes, and similar options are usually great crowd pleasers! If you’re stuck on what to create, take a look around online to find a wide variety of game night recipes that you can whip up in record time to impress your fellow supporters.


Purchasing some personalized team shirts or scarves from a uniform store will give your guests something to take home with them and use again, and they’ll remember the game night night every time they see it! Make sure that you find a reputable provider from whom you can place an order with confidence, as you don’t want to waste money or time with poor quality souvenir options.

Hosting the best game night for you and your fellow supporters to enjoy has never been so simple with the tips above!

Featured Image By: Pexels

Five Rules For The Perfect Game Night

Five Rules For The Perfect Game Night

If there is one thing that you should be doing at least once a month, it’s hosting a game night. You can switch off with your friends so that you all take turns, but you have to host at least once every single month so that you can enjoy an evening with your friends on your terms. Some people like to make game night an evening thing, with a game of cards and takeout. Others like to make games night one of board game and chips ‘n’ dip.

No matter how you do it, game night needs to be something you’re all going to enjoy and you need to plan it to perfection for that to happen. Game night is all about your friendships, laughter, camaraderie, and total enjoyment of each other’s company. If it’s your turn to host game night, try adhering to the following rules:

Enough Space:

The first thing that you need for game night to go smoothly is the right space. You need enough room for all of you to sit down and if you want to have Pictionary, you need room to be able to get up and draw! Charades requires some moving space, so clear the floor of a room and throw around some beanbags for seating.


Games night requires games. Break out the board games, pens, and paper for writing things down and a good Word Unscrambler. You need to be able to choose five or six games to play with friends to make your night a successful one.

Snacks & Drinks:

Whether you decide to have your game night outside or inside, you need food and drinks to keep the night flowing. You can choose to make a meal for people to pick at, like a vat of chili and a basket of hot dogs to add, or you can go with the chips ‘n’ dip route. It’s entirely up to you which way you do it. Add drinks – cold and hot, soft and alcoholic – it’s good to have options!


You need a good playlist for music in the background. You should consider a karaoke machine for when things get a little silly later in the night. You need to think about ensuring that the playlist is a palatable one for all, and keep it low for background music and not blasting through the night.


Not many people do this for game night, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t! You need to think about offering a prize pot for your winners, and you can make it cheap. You can put together prizes from the local dollar stores or you can have a prize pot of cash for the overall winner of the night. If everyone puts in ten dollars, you could have a great prize pot at the end of the night.

Games night: It comes with rules and it’s going to be great!

Featured Image By: Pexels