Tag Archives: event

Virtual Game Night: Planning The Ultimate Night In

Virtual Game Night: Planning The Ultimate Night In

Right now, with the state of the world and the pandemic that continues to rage around us, it’s not possible to see our friends and family as much as we might like. Life is complicated, things are complex, and it’s difficult to spend as much time with those we care about the most, which can leave you craving social interaction in a normal way. Enter Zoom, FaceTime, and every other video chat app that’s taken the world by storm.

These video chatting apps have made virtual get togethers with friends and loved ones doable, and have meant that while we cannot be physically close, we can still spend time with those who mean the most to us, which is amazing. If you’re getting bored of virtual quizzes, then perhaps you might like to plan a virtual game night for you and a group of your friends. The great thing about virtual game nights is that they’re fairly easy to organize and can be a lot of fun for everyone involved.

Wondering what it takes to plan the perfect virtual game night? Below are a few tips and ideas for how you can get started:

Do your research:

A great way to make planning a virtual games night a little easier is to take the time to do your research to make your night a success. You don’t want your event to be stale or boring so that everyone has a great time from start to finish. Resources like Pinterest have lots of ideas available, so it might be worth taking the time to have a browse of those for inspiration as well as finding out everyone’s favorite games to possibly incorporate.

Additional research can include shortcuts in race games, special codes like the grief runeword in d2r to improve items, and bonus maps and characters in fighting games. You can prepare this and send it off to your friends to study up on – perfect if you and your crew have a competitive streak going!

Send out kits to everyone:

Don’t just rely on technology to make your game night amazing, get creative with the games that you play. Yes, utilizing resources like Jackbox TV which can be played via smartphones is a great idea, as there are various digital games to choose from, but it’s always fun to try something different. If you plan on organizing a more traditional game, make sure to send out kits along with dice from skullsplitterdice.com for everyone to use during the evening. Make the kits fun and exciting; you could even opt to theme them if you’re having a themed games night, such as a murder mystery event. The more creative you can be, the better.

Incorporate drinks and snacks:

Don’t forget to incorporate drinks and snacks into your games night, just like you would have on a face-to-face hang out. Send off snack packs to all of your guests and if you really want to go all out, incorporate the ingredients to a signature cocktail for everyone to enjoy.

Seeing your friends and family over the computer screen is not the same as real life but it’s sure better than not seeing them at all! A weekly or monthly virtual game night will be the perfect way to keep in touch until it’s safer to meet in person.

Featured Image By: Pixabay

Happy Birthday, Boyfriend!

Happy Birthday, Boyfriend!

Hello! Today is a very special, happy, wonderful day because it is my boyfriend, Johnny’s, 31st birthday. And, in exactly one week it will be my 26th… Ahhh! Johnny and I have been together for almost a year and it has easily been the best almost year of my life. Before the quarantine began, we were constantly going on adventures and enjoying nights out when his band, The Outside Voices, would play.

Now, we are hunkered down in the apartment with binge watching marathons and video games for our entertainment. But, I wouldn’t want to be stuck at home with any other person. Johnny knows how to turn anything into a good time, even if it is the most boring day on the planet. And, that is because Johnny is a person who is just full of light and a little bit of mischief when he lovingly pokes fun at me!

I have been waiting for a relationship just like this for forever and I wish that we could celebrate Johnny’s big day in the manner that he deserves. Instead, I’ll be picking up a steak dinner for him at Outback and FINALLY give him the presents that I have been begging for him to open since they arrived in the mail.

Is it the most exciting birthday event ever? No. However, Johnny knows how to make anything he does for me special and exciting and if I can take a few notes from his book, I think his birthday celebration will be a hit.


I love you, babe!

Happy Birthday! ❤

I’m So Excited!

I’m So Excited!

Hello! One of my favorite things about dating my boyfriend, Johnny, is that we always have so many exciting plans to look forward to. We both love being out and about, planning trips, and going to concerts and we definitely will be doing a lot of all of that as we continue trying to kick winter out the door in Ohio.

Upon the warmer weather, I can’t wait to go back to our favorite bars with a patio to have drinks and play games with our friends outside. But, I am absolutely chomping at the bit to get to our bigger plans, because we have quite a few! Including:

1) Seeing Jesus Christ Super Star at Playhouse Square in Cleveland. My dad got me and Johnny tickets for Christmas because it is my favorite musical and I am simply thrilled to be able to see it live. I am also lucky enough to see it twice because one of my old theater friends invited me to go with her, too! 😀

2) The Rolling Stones concert in Cleveland! Aw yeahhhh. Johnny, my parents, my brother, and I will be in nosebleed seats attendance for this show. My dad hasn’t seen the Stones since the 70s and Johnny and I have never seen them and they are his all time favorite band. So, needless to say, we are over the moon excited.

3) Johnny and I will also be attending a Marilyn Manson and potentially Ozzy Osbourne concert if his health permits. My MAN got me tickets for Christmas just like I asked him to and I cannot wait to see my other man, Marilyn Manson, perform for the third time. Johnny hasn’t seen him live before so I can’t wait for him to experience that! Ozzy Osbourne performing would just be the cherry on top.

4) And, finally, for Johnny’s birthday I got us tickets to Riot Fest in Chicago. Riot Fest is a three day music festival and My Chemical Romance will be headlining. We don’t know anything else about the lineup except for that but it was enough to make me buy tickets because Johnny is always talking about how he’d love to see them live again. Our long weekend in Chicago is one of the major highlights of this summer and I am so happy I was able to score tickets that sold out within eight minutes for the two of us!

It’s always nice to have something to look forward to and Johnny and I have an abundance of that. I can’t wait to fill all of you in on all of these exciting events when they happen so keep it posted!

What are you looking forward to? What concerts are you attending this year? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Wow Them With Your Wedding Favors

Wow Them With Your Wedding Favors

Planning your wedding gives you the perfect opportunity to create an exciting and personal event. When you’re choosing the venue, flowers, entertainment, and favors, for example, you’ll want each element to represent you and your new spouse.

With so many things to consider in the lead up to the big day, it’s easy to forget about some details. However, it can be the smaller things that really make an impression on your guests. Wedding favors are a great way to show your appreciation to your guests and to give them something that will remind them of the day in the future.

While some people stick to tried and tested favors, there are plenty of other options available. If you want to do something different on your special day, take a look at these top ideas for creative and original wedding favors:


Everyone loves a sweet treat, so donuts are always a crowd-pleaser. With frosting to match your decor or personalized icing, you can commemorate your day with a fun, edible snack. As many people travel a long distance to attend weddings, they’ll be thrilled with something they can tuck into the next morning, especially if they’ve got a sore head from partying a little too hard!


Giving guests a packet of seeds to take home is a stunningly simple idea yet one that’s memorable and personal. Choose something that’s easy to grow, so that even your guests who aren’t experienced gardeners can watch their plants thrive. Similarly, choosing something which can flourish in a pot will ensure guests who live in apartments or who don’t have gardens can take part in the fun too. You can even request that guests send you a quick snap of their shrubs or flowers on your anniversary and enjoy the fact that your guests have a forever reminder of your happy day.


Choosing candy as your wedding favor can be a great way to impress your guests. With personalized candy wrappers, you can create a gift that will keep you in their minds. As candies stay fresh for far longer than most other sweet treats, you know that guests will be enjoying them for a long time to come. What’s more, candy is easy to transport and won’t take up too much space, which is great for those who traveled to your wedding.


So cute!


If you’re using flowers to decorate your wedding venue, why not use them as wedding favors too? Giving guests a small vase or a miniature pail and inviting them to help themselves to the centerpieces is the perfect way to combine a gift they can cherish forever and a special memento from your big day.

With the right favors, you can commemorate your special day and show your guests just how much you appreciate their support. While the options are endless, you’ll find a variety of personalized and meaningful favors to suit any budget and any style of wedding.

Featured Image By: Pixabay

Four Tips For Planning A Safe And Comfortable Event

Four Tips For Planning A Safe And Comfortable Event

Pulling off a successful event, whether it is the big game, the hottest musical act, or trendiest trade show requires incredible attention to detail and a lot of logistical planning. However, of all the components that are required to achieve success, few are more important than preparing for the safety and comfort of all who are in attendance.

If you have been tasked with arranging the next performance, conference, or retreat for your company, let these four event planning tips help you along the way. From selecting reliable emergency equipment for east coast to making sure there are enough restrooms available, this guide is sure to make your job a bit easier:

1. Select the Right Venue

You may not have a lot of choice in the venue your event will be held at, but endeavor to find a facility that is designed for the number of attendees that you expect. To ensure the comfort of the guests, there should be ample room for seating, conference room tables, networking, and dining.

2. Properly Accommodate Needs

To keep people happy and attentive requires meeting their basic needs. If your venue does not have enough restrooms, shelter, or necessary lodging, you will need to supply them. Instead of managing a disgruntled crowd, look to mobile units instead for an easy solution to an age-old problem.

3. Train Your Staff

Though safety has always been a priority when large groups of people are gathered together, it is on everyone’s mind in this day and age. Taking the time to properly train all staff to handle emergencies and unexpected disturbances is key to establishing a secure environment.

4. Communicate Roles and Responsibilities

Every team needs a proper chain of command, and your event staff is no exception. Well before the big day, be clear about the roles and responsibilities of all participants and clarify how they should efficiently and effectively communicate with one another.

Follow the tips above for a smooth day on your big event!

Event Planners Can Help You Make Your Corporate Event A Hit

Event Planners Can Help You Make Your Corporate Event A Hit

If you’ve been placed in charge of organizing an upcoming event for your company, you want to make a good impression. That’s a tall order, considering everything that goes into planning a big event and ensuring it comes off without a hitch. In addition to paying attention to every detail, you also have to stay within the event’s operating budget. This can be difficult, but the right help can smooth out the process.

Most people try to do everything piecemeal when planning an event. They rent a venue, rent equipment, arrange entertainment, schedule speakers, hire staff, and on and on. Fortunately, an event planning company can take care of many of these details, while helping to keep spending low. Additionally, when you work with an event planner Westport CT, you can customize services, so you won’t be paying for services that you don’t need.

When you hire event planners, they will visit your venue personally to determine your specific needs. This is essential so that they can supply you with the right multimedia equipment to perform well in the environment. Otherwise, you may find that your equipment isn’t broadcasting sound loud enough to reach the farthest parts of the venue. You’ll also want to make sure that video monitors can be seen by all of your guests. Your event planning specialists will know how to give you a quality system without compelling you to overspend on more expensive machines that you may not need.

Your event planners will also pay close attention to lighting, seating, and other arrangements to help create an ideal setting. Since they will remain on-site for the event, you can rest assured that backup equipment will be available if anything happens to fail. This can be a major concern, especially if your event relies heavily on audio/visual equipment.

Hiring event planners can take a great burden off of your back, allowing you to concentrate on other aspects of planning the event. Leaving the set-up and management of the venue to the professionals lets you devote your efforts to arranging guest speakers, sending out invitations, and taking care of other details. Together with your event planners, you’ll be able to stay within your budget and pull off an exciting and memorable event for your company.

Featured Image By: Pixabay


Monday Update: Paint Nite Edition

Monday Update: Paint Nite Edition

Hi everyone and happy Monday! For Christmas my brother and sister-in-law got me a Groupon for two admissions to a Paint Nite. For those of you not familiar with the event, it’s a lot of fun! You go online and pick a bar as well as the theme of the picture that you would like to paint. Then you make your way to whatever location you picked and paint a beautiful picture and enjoy some drinks while doing so. My boyfriend, Kyle, and I went to the Paint Nite that we chose last Tuesday and we had a blast. Kyle took pictures of our progress on the canvasses throughout the night, so take a look and then let’s chat:

^^^ The one on the left is mine and the one on the right is Kyle’s.

Kyle and I spent close to a half hour browsing through Paint Nite’s website to find a theme and a location that we both liked. We settled on the Love Birds theme which would take place at the Canton Brewing Company in Canton, Ohio. This location was good for Kyle because he’s a beer drinker but looking back on the event, I would have preferred to be at a wine bar! We booked our tickets thanks to my Groupons a few weeks in advance so for two or so weeks all we could talk about was how excited we were for our night out.

Finally, our date night on Tuesday the 26th rolled around and it was all I could think about for the entire day! We arrived at the Canton Brewing Company which was gigantic and then headed down into the basement where the event was taking place. After we walked down the huge stairway we saw all of the canvasses set up on easels and a bunch of people gathered around to enjoy their evening. We snagged a spot where we could sit together which I was afraid was not going to happen because almost everyone was there by the time we arrived. After we established our spots we went to the bottom floor bar to get ourselves some drinks before the extravaganza began.

The Canton Brewing Company had a great selection of beers (obviously) and that was great for Kyle but not so good for me! I’m not a big beer drinker at all – mama likes her sweet white wines! Unfortunately, they only had two wines to choose from which was a red and a chardonnay which ended up being way too dry. I threw back the chardonnay even though it was extremely unpleasant and was then able to get a drink that I actually like upstairs at the main bar. After I got a vodka sour in my system, I was feeling much better!

Our painting party started promptly at seven o’clock and was led by a lovely hostess whose name I can’t remember for the life of me, so we’ll call her “Anne”. Anne is a high school art teacher and had a lively personality which made listening to her talk a lot of fun. The basic idea of Paint Nite is that Anne will paint a section of the canvas and tell you how to do it and then you repeat the process. This back and forth went on for about an hour and then we dispersed for a fifteen minute break to get more drinks, go to the bathroom, and let the paint dry.

Once we returned from our break we got to work on the second half of our painting. Our hostess did a really good job of explaining the process in laymens terms which was so helpful because Kyle and I don’t have an artistic bone in our body. It was also nice to have another art teacher there who made her rounds around the tables to give some pointers and replenish our paint supplies. Before we knew it, another hour and a half had passed and our paintings were finally complete! Again, here are the finished products:

I was really pleased with how our paintings turned out – everything except Kyle’s dumb old cardinals that he decided to paint hair on to differentiate which bird was which. He gave his alter ego bird spiky hair and he ended up giving mine a mullet…Thanks, babe. -_-

I had so much fun at Paint Nite but there are a few things that I would do differently. It was nice to be among such a lively crowd while we got our paint on but at times, it was almost too much. There were around thirty or more people there so it would get incredibly loud which made it hard to hear Anne teach us what to do. I would definitely prefer smaller groups because then you would be able to get some type of attention from the hostess and her helper. You also wouldn’t have to deal with the insatiable urge to yell “SHUT UP” at everyone. 🙂

Other than the over abundance of people, I’d say that Paint Nite was a wonderful time. I was so thankful for my Groupon Christmas gift because the cost to go to an event is forty five dollars per person. I honestly think that that’s a bit pricey which is too bad because I would love to go to another one but I don’t particularly want to break the bank for it – especially when you still have to pay for drinks, snacks, and parking.

My best friend, Lea, wanted to try a Paint Nite after I told her about how much fun it was so we looked in to going to an event together. We were both not too keen to spend sixty or so dollars for the evening so we planned our own Paint Nite to have at home. We searched on YouTube for instructional videos on painting canvasses so we’re going to get our own supplies, grab a bottle of wine, and let an over enthusiastic YouTube painter walk us through creating a picture. Hello, girls night in!

So there you have it, this week’s Monday Update: Paint Nite Edition! If you’re looking for a unique and memorable date night, girls night, or gift idea then I can’t recommend a Paint Nite outing enough. How many of you have attended a Paint Nite before? What did you think of it? I wanna hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah