Tag Archives: reader map

Reader Map DIY Craft

Reader Map DIY Craft

Hi! One of the things that I love about blogging on WordPress is how they tell you what countries are reading you every day on your stats page. When I first started lifewithlilred, it was always exciting to get a new country reading me and it still is. So, I decided to pin a world map to a bulletin board and placed a thumbtack in the designated position for each country that I had readers in:


Over five years ago when I began my reader map, my dad and I spent an entire afternoon locating each country so I could place a pin to start keeping track. It was a fun and downright educational way to spend some time and I thought that it was a great craft for my blogger friends to work on, especially when we all should be practicing self isolation.

Dig up an old map from your school days or print one out for yourself and you will get a visual representation of your blog’s global klout by the end of the project. I love having a reader map and the best part? Adding new thumbtacks to it as new countries start reading me! My most recent pin being in Seychelles. 🙂

What have you been crafting to help pass time in quarantine? Which DIY project that you made are you most proud of? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Reader Map Update

Reader Map Update

Hiiii everyone and happy weekend! So yesterday I was hanging out and listening to a little I’m From Barcelona and their song “Collection Of Stamps” came on. This song, a little ditty that gives an ode to friends and locations world wide reminded me that it’s been a while since I posted an updated reader map picture. So first, take a listen. And then, take a look!

(As always, I have no rights to this song. I just like it a lot.)


I started making my reader map once I had a little over forty countries reading me with the pure intention of keeping track of them all. But now, with over one hundred and seventy different countries that are hip to lifewithlilred, this map serves as so much more than a location tracker. This little project that I began gives me such an immense feeling of pride every time I look at it – which is frequently, considering it’s located in my bedroom!

To know that the page that little old me started two and a half years ago is reaching locations that I never even knew existed completely blows my mind. This map has also made me SO much better at the geography questions on Jeopardy, which is a really nice added bonus! As soon as “Collection Of Stamps” came on, it made me think of all of my wonderful readers, friends, and followers in the blogging community and I just knew that I had to send a shout out to them in an Updated Reader Map post.

Thank you all so, so much for stopping by my page. If it’s as a one time reader or a loyal follower, I appreciate it far more than you know. Many well wishes and a ton of love to each and every one of you!

What country on my reader map would you like to visit some day? Where are you located? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Reader Map Update

Reader Map Update

Hi everyone and TGIF! As you guys know, I love keeping track of all of the fantastic readers that I have in over ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY FIVE different countries via a world map and push pins in my room. I haven’t posted an updated picture of my map in a while so I figured that there was no better time than the present since I broke the one hundred and sixty barrier. Take a look! And also enjoy my featured image photo which is a picture of my boyfriend’s dog, Karma! I love her big ol’ puppy smile SO much! :)))


^^^ Hurray! Hurray!

I am so very thankful for all of my fabulous readers located from all of the different ends of the earth and I feel so proud every time I look at my reader map. It used to hang on display in my room but unfortunately, the wire that runs across the back of the board snapped months ago and both my dad and I have yet to address it. Every time it gets brought up, the classic phrase “I’ll do it later” comes up but rest assured that it is propped up on a very special place on my floor. 😉

I hope everyone is having a great day so far! Stay tuned for some new posts coming from my vacation cabin in North Carolina! What is everyone up to this weekend? Any big plans? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Lifewithlilred By The Numbers

Lifewithlilred By The Numbers

Hi everyone and happy Tuesday! I was blown away by recently hitting my 2,000 followers mark here on lifewithlilred. Since I’ve had my page up and running for over a year now, I thought it would be fun to do a stats post and see just how much things have progressed on my little old blog. Let’s take a look:

   My Stats:

  • Posts: 562
  • Comments: 1,553
  • Followers: 2,105
  • Categories: 32
  • Tags: 2,335
  • Countries: 150
  • Views: 43,679

*** Note that I am prewriting this so these stats are slightly off!

If you would have told me when I first started blogging that after over a year I would have posted 562 times, I would have said that you’re crazy! But now, I feel strange if I don’t get to write at least a quick post every day! Once a week I take twenty or so minutes to plan out my posts for the week as well as ideas for days to come. I love coming up with new and exciting articles to write and it’s always so fun to me to see how you guys react to them.

I always find so much joy in looking at my stats and seeing how all of my hard work paid off. If you haven’t already, I can’t recommend making a post like this enough – or at least going through your accumulated stats to see how you’re doing. It felt awesome to look through these numbers and see how much they’ve grown since my very first blog post! For once, it was a trip down memory lane that was enjoyable to take!

So there you have it, Lifewithlilred By The Numbers! A short and sweet post that took ten minutes to write and that brought a smile to my face. So worth it. How long have you been blogging for? How many posts have you wrote? I wanna hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Over 2,000 Followers!

Over 2,000 Followers!

Hello everyone and happy Thursday! On Tuesday I made it to Over 2,000 Followers here on lifewithlilred and I’m just pleased as punch. I appreciate all of my followers and readers so very much so it was so exciting to finally be over the 2,000 mark. It’s also really cool to know that I have readers in over 150 different countries! I have a world map in my room with push pins in every country that I have readers in and it’s so rewarding to continue to add on to it. There are a few other landmark numbers that I need your help to reach so please check out the links that I’m providing below:

  1. I would really like to get to the 5,000 friend mark on my personal Facebook page so please shoot me a friend request! I also ask that you send me a message letting me know that you read my blog so that I don’t delete you on accident!
  2. I am also very close to 350 likes on my page for lifewithlilred so please give it a like!!
  3. Help me start out strong on my journey to 3,000 followers by giving lifewithlilred a follow. 🙂

And as always, if you’re interested in signing up for the media company Twistfire Media (whose ads you can see on my personal Facebook page) then please email me at sarah.mush6794@gmail.com.

Thank you so much to everyone for their help on making lifewithlilred a success – I couldn’t do it without each and every one of you! What is your favorite way to promote your blog? How long have you had your page for? I wanna hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Thanks A Bunch!

Thanks A Bunch!

Howdy everyone and happy Tuesday! It’s my 450th post here on http://www.lifewithlilred.com so I just wanted to take the time to thank all of my fantastic readers for their continuous love and support! As you can see by my featured image photo, my reader map is growing nicely as is my amount of followers! Over 750?! What even?! You guys are awesome, seriously.

There are a lot of really fun posts coming up which I’m so excited to share with you all soon! In fact, I’ll be starting a new one tonight for one of my clients that I think all of my jewelry lovers on here will appreciate. Which brings me to the next thing that I want to bring up…As you guys know by now, I freelance write through my blog for local artists, businesses, and musicians in the Akron, Ohio neck of the woods. So if any of you ever need any type of advertising for your product, art, music, or anything else that you can think of, please let me know!

You can get in touch with me in an abundance of ways, like:

  • Leaving me a comment on this post
  • Emailing me at: sarah.mush6794@gmail.com
  • Sending me a friend request on Facebook at: Sarah Mushenheim
  • Messaging me on my Facebook page for lifewithlilred at: https://www.facebook.com/lifewithlilred?fref=ts

If you plan on friend requesting me on Facebook, I do insist that you shoot me a message to let me know that you’re one of my readers. Usually I end up deleting the request when I get one from people who I have no mutual friends with or who don’t live in my general area. Once you contact me we can discuss the post, payment, and whatever else you might need! 🙂


I hope all of you guys are having a great week so far, I know I am! Who’s excited for the new episode of American Horror Story: Hotel tomorrow? Whose blog should I immediately start following? I wanna hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

PS: Make sure you give my Facebook page a like! Pretty please?!

Don’t Hate, Redecorate!

Don’t Hate, Redecorate!

So after my latest shoe haul at Kohl’s which you guys read about in “Monday Update: Shoes, Shoes, Shoes Edition!” I came to the sad realization that I no longer had room on my shoe wall for all of my beauties. I was extremely distressed at this, so I scoured through the house in search of some new shelving to add on with. Luckily, in my dining room we have a white shelf with a bunch of random odds and ends on it that wasn’t really serving much of a purpose, so I emptied it off and hauled it up to my room. (Now the random odds and ends are on the dining room table, which I’ll clear off EVENTUALLY!) Anyways, here’s the finished result of me getting my Martha Stewart on:


^^^ A girl can never have too many shoes, right?

Lugging the shelving on the bottom left side of my shoe tower up the stairs was a pain in my ass, but it was so worth it! Now all of my precious shoesies have a home! And if you notice in the middle green shelf, there’s a picture hanging up….and before you ask, yes, it is a picture of One Direction. Ha! I mentioned before that I got some 1D notebooks for my college classes on sale at Target, and after filling up one of the notebooks I couldn’t resist tearing the cover off and hanging it up. Now the beautiful One Direction boys will forever be guarding my shoe wall, which is fine by me! HUBBA HUBBA. My shoe wall is my happy place, and now that I have a little cubby for all of my children I can rest easy at night. While rearranging all of the random this and thats in my room, I decided to finally hang up my reader map (which you guys know all about) on my wall. Take a look:


My reader map found its forever home in my room right below my picture of the Seinfeld cast, so now when I look up at my wall I’ll see two of my favorite things! I decided to add some decorations to the map as well, now it has this silly tomahawk craft that me and my boo thang, Tyler made together on one of our Middle Aged Monday hangouts and it’s also donning a paper fan that I got at Disney World when my family went forever and ever ago. I have some very precious memories hanging up on my map now and I love having it hanging on the wall for the world to see, rather than on my floor and pushed up against my closet.

Snazzing up my room was such a fun little project that boasted great results. I love when minor changes make a huge difference. I’ve had my room laid out the same for as long as I can remember, so walking into something fresh and new almost feels like entering an entirely different room! If you’re ever looking for something to do on a boring or rainy day, I totally recommend doing a little bedroom (or any room for that matter!) switch up! New is fun, and there’s nothing better than refreshing something blah with quick and easy changes!

I hope all of you are having a fabulous Hump Day! What was one of your favorite redecorating projects? Did a DIY project ever go severely wrong? I wanna hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Goodnight! -Sarah

The Ever Growing Reader Map!

The Ever Growing Reader Map!

Whatsup everyone! I hope you’re all enjoying the rest of your weekend! As you guys know, I keep a world map in my room with a pin in every country that I have readers in. The pins have been increasing quite nicely since the last time I showed it to you guys, so I figured now would be the perfect day to show you all the progress! Take a look:


So cool, right? Thank you so much to all of my readers, followers, commenters, and likers on here – I appreciate all of you so much! Words can’t even explain how happy I am with how much lifewithlilred has taken off over the past few months, and it’s all thanks to each and every one of you! I welcomed some new readers from Estonia and Jordan this weekend which I’m thrilled about. But I’m just as excited about those of you who keep coming back to read what I’ve been up to and those who randomly stumbled upon my page after a random internet search. New readers or old, I welcome you all and welcome you back and I’m so pleased to have all of you showing love and support. I wish I could meet you all and give you a hug, but until then, you know where you can find me in the 330 (AKA Akron, Ohio #represent) or on http://www.lifewithlilred.com so you can all stay up to date on my crazy antics, rants, interests, and some good old fashioned tom foolery.


^^^Damn right!

Have a fabulous Sunday night and I’ll be in touch later this week, so make sure you tune in for the latest and greatest! Where are you guys right now? What’s the weather like? It’s about to be super rainy in my neck of the woods, so hopefully you’re all being treated with much better weather! I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

PS: If you like what you see, please make sure you give my page a follow! #shamelesspromotion 😉