Tag Archives: memory lane

Happy Memories

Happy Memories

Hello!! I am one of those people who opens up Facebook as soon as I get up in the morning. It’s part of my little wake up ritual. I check my notifications, I look at my memories, I complete a French lesson on Duolingo, then I get up and start my day. Sometimes, the Facebook memories are nice. Sometimes, they are a reminder of total assholes (lol). And, sometimes, they are the most cringy statuses I have ever seen in my life!! On March 13th, however, was a very happy Facebook memory indeed. It was the three year anniversary of when Johnny and I got engaged!!


^^^ We look so young!! Also LOL at how big the ring was – definitely needed that resized!

Before I met Johnny, I was in bad relationship after even worse relationships. I had completely sworn off dating after things ended with the guy I was dating before Johnny… Until my now husband asked me out for a drink, of course! It was a real deal instance of love at first sight and we were inseparable after our first date. In fact, we often say that we could have gotten married the day we met and would still be exactly where we are right now. In my heart of hearts, I genuinely believe that to be true.

I hate to admit, but I kind of forgot about our engagement anniversary these past few years because we weren’t engaged for long. We got married less than three months later so that’s the day that is always on my radar. As I said before, Facebook memories can be the worst or they can be the best. Waking up and seeing the picture we took after Johnny popped the question was the most wonderful way to start my day. Johnny and I spent the brief time we have together in the morning reminiscing about it and he was just as surprised by the three year anniversary as I was. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one and I’ll be looking forward to seeing upcoming memories of our wedding prep and day as we approach June 4th and celebrate our birthaversary week. 🙂

Although Johnny and I needed a Facebook memory to remember the actual anniversary of our engagement, we remember the day like it was yesterday. Maybe I’ll have to upload the video of when Johnny proposed soon because it was literally perfect! ❤

Are you good at remembering special dates or do you need reminders? What is something cringy from your Facebook memories today? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Welcome To The Rainbow Bridge

Welcome To The Rainbow Bridge

Hello…. We interrupt our scheduled broadcasting of Halloween accessories to deliver some very sad news. This past Tuesday, one of my sweet family pups, Ollie, joined our other beloved fallen four leggeds on the Rainbow Bridge. Ollie was the gentlest most darling little boy and fought valiantly through heart failure. Needless to say, mine and my family’s hearts are absolutely broken and we miss lil Ollie terribly.

We are all so thankful for the time that he had with us and to Canine Lifeline for helping us welcome him into our home. I don’t think anyone could see a picture of our tiny Terrier without welcoming him into your hearts too:

On February 13th of 2014, we brought Ollie home and adopted him officially on Valentine’s Day. I fell in love with him as soon as I saw him and will never forget how he pranced out the door of the pet store and into the car when we took him home. I don’t think he left my arms for hours! As we’ve always had medium sized dogs, a little one that you could scoop up was a novelty to all of us.

Ollie had so many funny quirks like his absolute refusal to walk down stairs so we would have to carry him down when he would wander onto the second floor. We would also always joke that he was part cat because he had so many cat like mannerisms! He would bat all of his toys and his wittle face whenever he had an itch. He was also incredibly particular about his treats but I’m sure he is chowing down on his preferred soft peanut butter bites up in doggy heaven.

It is never easy to part with our furry friends but I take so much comfort in the fact that he is in a happy place and back to his normal, perky self. We love you so much, little Ollie, and it is never goodbye but see you later. ❤

Do you have any pets? Do they have any quirky habits? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

4 Creative Ways To Make Lasting Memories With Your Partner

4 Creative Ways To Make Lasting Memories With Your Partner

Sustaining your relationship with your partner requires hard work, commitment, and creativity. Making memories with each other can be beneficial in many ways, including positively affecting your well-being. If you’re wondering what ways you can make unforgettable memories with your special one, here are some simple tips worth considering:

Be creative with your gifts:

Gifts are an exciting way to remind your partner that you love them and are worth remembering. It’s even more special when you give them something without waiting for a special occasion. Getting the right gift can be challenging at times, but considering their interests and being attentive to their needs can make it easier for you to choose the perfect gift. If you want to playfully communicate to your partner how much they mean to you, why not try a love book? Not only will it be a memorable present, but it also allows you to record some of your best-loved memories with your partner and remind them why they mean so much to you.

Plan a getaway:

Sometimes, you and your partner need to get away from the hustle and bustle of life to spend quality time with each other. It doesn’t have to be anything too fancy or faraway. You can go somewhere you both love and unplug from everything else like your phones, busy schedule, etc. Doing this could work wonders for your bond with each other and help you to have some moments worth cherishing. You can do this for a short period like a long weekend. Alternatively, you can get away for as long as you both would like so that you can return refreshed with a renewed spark.

Take advantage of your skills:

Another great way to make memories with your partner is by using your skills. For instance, if you love to cook, you can prepare a hearty meal for breakfast or a new dinner recipe and have a meal together while you relax on a picnic blanket or in the candlelight. You can also make handmade gifts that your partner will always appreciate and remember if you’re an artistic person. Aside from your skills, you both can spend time enjoying your favorite hobbies, such as reading together, singing your favorite songs during karaoke night, etc.

Have clear boundaries between work and home:

Another way to let your partner know that they’re a priority in your life is by separating your work from your time with them. No matter how busy you may be, it would help to put everything away when you get home. Doing this will make your partner feel valued, and you can spend time, no matter how short, doing things that you both enjoy. It also allows you to listen to your partner, share how your day went, and enjoy each other’s company just hanging out at home.

Making time for each other is essential in helping you both spend memorable moments together. These practical and thoughtful ideas will help you and your partner create some exciting memories and remind each other why you fell in love in the first place.

Featured Image By: Pixabay

Our Two Year Anniversary!

Our Two Year Anniversary!

Hello!!! Today is a special, happy day because it is mine and Johnny’s two year anniversary of couplehood! We are also fast approaching three months of being married. 🙂 Two years ago today, Johnny and I made our relationship “Facebook official” and we have been together almost every day since. It has been the best adventure of my life and every day I am excited for what is in store for us next. In these next few weeks, I predict it will be lots of LEGO building thanks to our anniversary gifts! 😀

Now, let’s go down memory lane with some of my favorite pictures of us:

^^^ I could go on forever!

Although Johnny and I agree that being married doesn’t feel any different than our relationship felt before, we both freaking love being married! We truly have never left the “honeymoon phase” from when we first started dating and it makes each moment spent with him special. In fact, I still get butterflies whenever I see him and it is the best thing to come home to him every day after work.

While I love our date days more than I can say, my favorite times are spent in our apartment enjoying each other’s company. There is nothing better than sitting down with him after cooking dinner, tuning into our “programs”, and spending the evening talking and laughing. And, believe you me, we never are hurting for things to laugh about because we could bring up a quote from a show that we watched when we first started dating and are instantly in stitches… Much to everyone else’s annoyance! 😀

Being married to Johnny makes every day a good one and I never take that for granted. It always feels like a sunshiney day with him no matter what weather Ohio serves to us in the given hour lol! Here’s to our permanent honeymoon phase and a lifetime of happiness. ❤

Are you celebrating anything special this month? What are you looking forward to? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Lifewithlilred By The Numbers

Lifewithlilred By The Numbers

Hi everyone and happy Tuesday! I was blown away by recently hitting my 2,000 followers mark here on lifewithlilred. Since I’ve had my page up and running for over a year now, I thought it would be fun to do a stats post and see just how much things have progressed on my little old blog. Let’s take a look:

   My Stats:

  • Posts: 562
  • Comments: 1,553
  • Followers: 2,105
  • Categories: 32
  • Tags: 2,335
  • Countries: 150
  • Views: 43,679

*** Note that I am prewriting this so these stats are slightly off!

If you would have told me when I first started blogging that after over a year I would have posted 562 times, I would have said that you’re crazy! But now, I feel strange if I don’t get to write at least a quick post every day! Once a week I take twenty or so minutes to plan out my posts for the week as well as ideas for days to come. I love coming up with new and exciting articles to write and it’s always so fun to me to see how you guys react to them.

I always find so much joy in looking at my stats and seeing how all of my hard work paid off. If you haven’t already, I can’t recommend making a post like this enough – or at least going through your accumulated stats to see how you’re doing. It felt awesome to look through these numbers and see how much they’ve grown since my very first blog post! For once, it was a trip down memory lane that was enjoyable to take!

So there you have it, Lifewithlilred By The Numbers! A short and sweet post that took ten minutes to write and that brought a smile to my face. So worth it. How long have you been blogging for? How many posts have you wrote? I wanna hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah