Tag Archives: taco bell

A Night At The Theater OOTD Bloopers

A Night At The Theater OOTD Bloopers

Hello everyone and welcome to the blooper reel from my Night At The Theater OOTD! Johnny and I had a wonderful date night seeing Moulin Rouge at Playhouse Square and it was a whirlwind event. We had to stop by my parents’ to get the tickets, make the fifty minute trek to the Taco Bell and the Funhouse where we kick started the night, and make it to Playhouse Square by seven when the doors to the theater opened. With so much to do and no time to waste, we had to take OOTD shots in record timing. In fact, it might have been one of my most successful shoots yet because there weren’t too many bloopers to choose from! Check it out:

That look of pre TBell anticipation


Willing our food to get done faster with my gaze. We were hungry!


Don’t mind my face, just mind how cool the fringe looks in this shot! ๐Ÿ˜€


I LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Finesse, style, poise. Straight working it.


I genuinely have no idea what warranted this reaction!! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


When I say we took rapid fire pictures outside of the Funhouse, it was the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. After we got our Taco Bell, we walked over to the bar to eat it there. However, one of my pre OOTD quirks is that I’d really rather not eat before I take pictures. No, this is not because of a weight thing as I could truly care less. This is just pure laziness on my part lol. Once my makeup is on and lipstick is applied, the last thing that I want to do is eat, do touch ups, wipe the remnants of lipstick off, and put it back on again. I mean Iย could… I just don’t want to! And, at the end of the day, Johnny and I would rather get pictures out of the way at the jump so I can be done working and enjoy the date.

I promised Johnny that our photo shoot would be and I quote “so, so fast” and I delivered results, baby! I think we might have taken two minutes worth of pictures and called it. In that time, I checked on progress once, adjusted a few things, checked on progress again, and was happy with what we had and that was good enough for me. It’s funny because in this speedy session, I was pleased with more pictures than I usually am with an upwards of ten minutes shoot. Hence, the lack of bloopers. What can I say, I guess I thrive when it’s crunch(wrap) time!

The moral of this story? I should start treating every OOTD shoot like Johnny and I are about to dig into Taco Bell. Hey, whatever works right?! ๐Ÿ˜€

What is a “lazy” quirk about you? What is something that you don’t like to do before taking pictures? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah




Beauty & The Bell

Beauty & The Bell

Hello! Mine and Johnny’s Moulin Rouge date night came as a surprise to us. We knew we were going, but we thought we were seeing it on the eighth instead of the first! I planned on making us reservations at my favorite restaurant, Pepper’s, but that plan got foiled with the mix up of dates. Lucky for us, I have another favorite eatery – Taco Bell, and that is where we went for our pre Moulin Rouge meal. Lol, check it out:


^^^ VERY NICE!!!!

Taco Bell is, was, and always will be everything I could ever want and more. We strolled into The Bell in our theater’s best, used the touch screen ordering device like seasoned pros, and naturally took pictures. You’re not going to not when you’re at the Taco Bell in fancy clothes! There was another perk to this particular TBell location, the fact that it is right next to a really awesome bar called the Funhouse.

After we got our food at the happiest place on Earth, we brought it over to the Funhouse to eat there and enjoy a libation. The combination of TBell and the boozy blue raspberry slushie was a match made in heaven! Not only does the Funhouse have great drinks for on the cheap, but it is literally the coolest bar I have ever been to. It is decorated with pictures of carnival side shows, coffins, and skulls everywhere. There is also a nice selection of arcade games. So, obvi it’s right up mine and Johnny’s alley!

Once we were done breaking bread or should I say burritos, we played ski ball which is both of our favorites. We started out pretty rusty because we haven’t played in almost two years. By the time our quarters were gone, we were scoring left and right and that was much more like it! Then, I dragged Johnny into the photo booth to get a commemorative photo strip of our night on the town:


Lol these pictures sum up our relationship beautifully and I love them so much! I truly can’t think of a better, more fun, more us beginning to our night at the theater than a trip to Taco Bell and the Funhouse. We had such an amazing date night and I can’t wait for more. BTW, we deff got Taco Bell again on the 4th of July lol!

What is your favorite bar in your neck of the woods? What about your favorite fast food eatery? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Updated Vegetarian Cheesy Gordita Crunches

Updated Vegetarian Cheesy Gordita Crunches

Hello!! Last year, I began making vegetarian cheesy gordita crunches as an homage to my beloved Taco Bell. It has become a staple in mine and Johnny’s dinner arsenal ever since, which is fine by me because they are so yummy and crazy easy to make. Also, can we talk about how freaking expensive Taco Bell is now? What used to be a constant in my life has quickly become an every once in a while thing because of it. While it saddens me deeply, I have upgraded my at home gordita game quite a bit and truly consider it to be a Taco Bell taste alike. Check it out:


^^^ Note that Taco Bell doesn’t use sour cream on their gorditas. I love it though and the Daisy sour cream squeeze bottle is perfect for tacos!

Although I miss TBell something fierce, I do find comfort in the fact that some of their products are available in grocery stores like the taco seasoning and Baja sauce. It takes the edge off, but only slightly lol. I have already been using both of these when making my gordita crunches and the real game changer happened when I discovered Old El Paso made nacho cheese shells. My mind was blown during my last curbside order and so was Johnny’s! The nacho cheese cheesy gordita crunch is his go to order at Taco Bell. ๐Ÿ™‚

When I made this dish last week, it was definitely the best ever. I love to cook, but I have never made anything that I considered to be even remotely close to a restaurant or fast food chain before. What made it even better was how simple it was to make. This dinner took under a half hour to prepare with minimal work involved. All I did was make the taco meat for Johnny, heat up vegetarian refried beans for me, and melt cheese lol. This is a meal that I am so fine cooking regardless of how busy my day is and the leftovers turn into more easy peasy dinners throughout the week. You can’t beat that!

With some upgraded ingredients, I was able to invoke the taste of Taco Bell from the comfort of my own kitchen. Even if the prices of TBell went down, I will absolutely still be making my taste alike cheesy gordita crunches at home! ๐Ÿ˜€

Do you have any restaurant or fast food taste alike recipes? What is your favorite dinner to cook? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah




Out & About OOTD Bloopers

Out & About OOTD Bloopers

Hello everyone and welcome to the blooper reel for my Out & About OOTD! On Saturday, Johnny and I planned on having lunch at The Basement after running our errands. We actually DoorDashed it the week before but I was craving their spinach artichoke dip something fierce! By the time we finished running around, however, we were both really hungry and verging on hangry. Sitting around at a restaurant instantly became the last thing we wanted to do so we ended up at Taco Bell, instead. It’s all good, though, because it slapped AND we were able to snap some pics while we waited for our food. Take a look at what definitely didn’t make the first cut:

A tip of the cap and a howdy doo to all of my fine readers


Lol hey, if you’ve got it; flaunt it!


I LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Practicing my red carpet wave for when I’m not frequenting the Taco Bell


Don’t mind me just gathering my bearings


Not sure what’s going on here, but obviously I thought I was really working it!


My about to eat food face or just my losing my balance face? The world will never know!


Feeling fierce, but looking like OOTD amateur hour


Have I told you all about my recent falling out with Taco Bell? Well, we are clearly on the mend now but for a month I refused to get it no matter how badly I wanted it. The cause: At least one item in not one, or two, but THREE vegetarian orders in a row were contaminated with meat. The first time, I considered it to be a fluke. The second time, I was annoyed. But the third time? I was pissed because it was just flushing money down the toilet.

After the third offense, I went on strike and planned on saving my business for when the wounds weren’t so tender. It took some convincing on Johnny’s part to get me to eat one of my favorite foods on the planet, and I am so glad that he persisted. While my strike was difficult, the absence certainly made the heart grow fonder and the Taco Bell ordered after this photo shoot was the best ever and had no mistakes. I can handle OOTD bloopers, but TBell bloopers are a totally different story!

All in all, it was a pretty good Saturday this past weekend! Stepping out with my main squeeze even if it’s just for errands is always fun and the outing ended with a reunion worthy of the greatest love story ever told. #blessed โค

Have you ever had a falling out with your favorite eatery? Do you still frequent it or no? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Delicious Guacamole Recipe & Cilantro Lime Rice

Delicious Guacamole Recipe & Cilantro Lime Rice

Hello! This past Saturday was a very busy one. We visited my mom at the Cleveland Clinic, I cooked up a feast, and watched my niece while her baby sister was born. For dinner, I treated my dad, brother, and Johnny to homemade Cheesy Gordita Crunches. This is the second time that I have made them and the meal turned out excellent. And in the words of Emeril Lagasse, I definitely kicked things up a notch.

The last time I made Taco Bell style Cheesy Gordita Crunches for dinner, I used the beef crumbles by MorningStar. While I didn’t care for it, Johnny liked it well enough so I just decided to use real beef for the guys and vegetarian refried beans for me. I have never cooked ground beef in my life and apparently it turned out good lol. Not that I was surprised because, I hate to toot my own horn, but Johnny says I cook bacon better than someone who eats meat. GREAT SUCCESS! ๐Ÿ˜€

Not only did I make all of the fixings for our taco dinner but I also prepared some extra additions to enhance the meal. I made a new Pinterest recipe for cilantro lime rice, which can be found here at Downshiftology. I also whipped up a batch of my own personal recipe for guacamole that I think is simply the best. Check it out:


^^^ Obviously I should have taken a picture of my guac before we chowed down!

Of course, Taco Bell was the source of inspiration for this meal and my life in general. However, I was also trying to serve major Chipotle vibes. The recipe that I used for the cilantro lime rice claims to be a Chipotle taste alike and I completely agree. It. Was. Delicious. The zingy lime and cilantro balanced out the garlic and salt perfectly and I honestly think that I could have ate the entire bowl. I highly recommend making it during your next taco dinner!

I also hate to toot my own horn again but I truly believe that my guacamole is a Chipotle taste alike too. It is SO easy to make with minimal ingredients and tastes divine. This is my recipe:


  • 2 mashed avocados
  • A small portion of red onion, finely chopped
  • Juice, pulp, and zest from one lime
  • Several sprigs of cilantro
  • Course sea salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper to taste

While you can add anything you please to your guacamole like chopped olive or tomato, I always say that simple is best. All of the different flavors and textures in my recipe blend together so well and that extra dose of lime in the zest and pulp sends it over the top. I also just mash up my avocado with a spoon, which makes it very similar in texture to Chipotle’s, which is definitely more chunky. Now, if only I could make a taste alike for their tortilla chips. YUM!

As you all know, I love cooking for Johnny but it was SO nice to be able to make a meal for my dad and brother too. Cooking soothes my soul and watching people enjoy what I make makes it even better. โค

What are some of your favorite taste alike recipes? How do you prepare the perfect taco? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Vegetarian Cheesy Gordita Crunches

Vegetarian Cheesy Gordita Crunches

Hello!!!! Cooking in the kitchen of mine and Johnny’s new apartment will, honestly, never get old to me because it feels like an actual kitchen. Counter space for days and lots of room to spread out makes for a very happy me and I have had a blast cooking lots of yummy Pinterest recipes for dinner. Even the simplest of meals feels like a special event!

As you all know, Johnny and I are avid fans of Taco Bell and I decided to try my hand at vegetarian Cheesy Gordita Crunches. I drew inspiration from my undying love of TBell, of course, but I also took a peek at Texas Cookin’ At Home on Pinterest. I didn’t end up using the recipe, which featured a homemade sauce because Taco Bell has graced us with their own Baja sauce that can be bought in store. Now, let’s get to it:


Cheesy Gordita Crunches are super easy to make and only requires dressing a hard taco shell to your liking, microwaving a soft shell tortilla with cheese on it, and putting two and two together. Viola, a TBell level dish in under twenty minutes. For my crunches, I made MorningStar vegetarian beef crumbles, refried beans, lettuce, tomato, cheese, and the Taco Bell brand Baja sauce. They were so incredibly delicious and filling – Johnny and I couldn’t have had another bite after two Gorditas no matter how much we wanted to!

Prior to going vegetarian in my youth, I had never tried actual taco meat before for no other reason than that it looked gross to me lol. I had never made the MorningStar crumbles before and was curious to try it on a taco. I love that Johnny will eat and actually enjoy the fake meat that I make and he ended up really liking the crumbles. Myself, on the other hand? Not so much. I couldn’t get down with the texture, I didn’t like the taste, and was so happy that I made some refried beans just in case this were to happen.

Although I wouldn’t eat the crumbles again, Johnny would and I definitely plan on making this meal often. It was fun to make, different than what I’ve been cooking, and that TBell Baja sauce? *Chef’s kiss*!

What are some of your favorite meals to cook? Have you ever made a recipe inspired from a restaurant before? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Summer Fun!

Summer Fun!

Hello! After a long and dreary winter, it is so nice to finally be enjoying the sunny days of summer. I have certainly been making the most of it with lots of fun in the sun… And the sunburns to prove it. -_- Despite looking like a lobster, I am already fantasizing about more days spent by the pool at my apartment community with a good book!

This past weekend was one filled with ACTIVITIES and I think that I am still recovering from it:


This past Saturday, my sister and darling niece came over to go swimming and it was such a blast. To make it even better, Kristen surprised me with a Taco Bell inner tube that I am still freaking out over. Her and Valerie went to Five Below to stock up on pool toys and couldn’t not get me this TBell themed masterpiece. Val had so much fun hitching a ride on it with me and it will definitely be joining me every time I hit the pool!

My brother and his wife and son also came to visit from Georgia over the weekend and Johnny and I loved accompanying them to the park. We swung on the swings to our heart’s content and I have to laugh at Johnny’s outfit choice on such a hot day! He is nothing if not committed to our preferred OOTD choice of All Black Everything. ๐Ÿ˜€

I have never been a huge lover of summer and will forever be fall’s number one fan. However, I have a brand new appreciation for the season now that I can share in the joy with my niece. Trips to the pool, zoo, and park have never been more fun and will be even better once I remember to wear sunscreen smh!

What is your favorite summer activity? How about your favorite season? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


Blogging Bestie Birthday Gifts

Blogging Bestie Birthday Gifts

Hello!! When I first began lifewithlilred almost eight (!!!) years ago, it put me in touch with the amazing Kate of Live In The Nautical. We became fast friends and bonded over our Gemini twinhood, figure skating, shopping, and a shared love of Harry Potter. Ever since, it has felt weird to have a day when we are not in touch and I live for our FaceTime dates.

Kate is, truly, the best friend a gal could ever ask for and we love spoiling each other for gift giving occasions. And, spoil me she did with these glorious gifts:


My love for Taco Bell knows no bounds and if I wouldn’t blow up like a balloon, then I would eat there every day lol. Kate knows this all too well, which is why she went with that theme for my birthday gifts! Her and I both love collecting coffee mugs so I was thrilled to be able to add a new one to my always growing coffee mug shelf. And, yes, my princess name absolutely would be Taco Belle. ๐Ÿ˜€

I also received an amazingly comfy cute sweater that featured my favorite color and my favorite place on the graphic on the back of it. I can’t believe I’m saying this because it still feels so foreign but it actually gets chilly in my new apartment! This was far from the case in the old one where the heat was suffocating. It feels so good to cozy up in this sweater in the air conditioning. And, of course, I can’t wait to rock it while out and about this fall!

My almost decade long friendship with Kate will always be the best gift that I could ever ask for. She brings me so much joy and I am thankful for her every day – especially since we talk literally all day every day! Her birthday gifts to me are so thoughtful, hilarious, and perfectly showcases everything I hold dear lol. Make sure you check out her page at Live In The Nautical! โค

Who is your best friend? What do you admire about them? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

If You Were To Visit Me…

If You Were To Visit Me…

Hello! When I was younger, I used to consider where I lived in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio to be somewhat boring. However, my opinion has changed with age and, while it isn’t the best, it’s definitely not the worst, either! There are many staples in the greater Akron area that I just love and if you were to visit me, we would most certainly be hitting up the following:

Elysian Nails:

Elysian Nails has been my preferred salon for several years now and it would be a must to go get some pampering there if you came to my neck of the woods. The salon is absolutely beautiful and the work there speaks for itself. At Elysian, you will enjoy the best company with their wonderful staff, a huge selection of treatments, and a wide variety of polish and gel colors. It is the perfect place to unwind after a long day!

The Shear Shop:

The Shear Shop is the hair salon that I have been going to for forever because the only person who I trust with my hair works there. A pampering day isn’t complete without a fresh cut and color, after all. The staff at The Shear Shop are insanely talented and I love the boutique feel of the salon, making the time spent there even more luxurious. As soon as my appointment is over, I am always already counting down the days until I head back. However, fair warning that you will fall in love with this place too and will need to come to Ohio every time your hair needs done. ๐Ÿ˜€


Okay, so everywhere has a TJMaxx but my local TJs holds a very special place in my heart. My dream day would be visiting every single TJMaxx in my area but the one in Cuyahoga Falls will do just fine. It is where I find shelter from the storm and the only place where the world makes sense lol. And, of course, a brand new outfit is a must after new hair and nails!

Lemongrass Grill & The Saffron Patch:

My two favorite restaurants in my neck of the woods has to be the Lemongrass Grill and The Saffron Patch. I love ethnic cuisine and, as a vegetarian, you can’t beat the variety of choices that Thai and Indian food offers. It’s nice to be the majority shareholder on the menu for once! I actually just had Thai food at the Lemongrass Grill with my sister and her family a few days ago and it was divine, as always. My only regret is that I didn’t order an extra helping to eat at home. ๐Ÿ˜€

Taco Bell:

The piece de resistance of visiting Lil Red would, obviously, be fine dining at the local Taco Bell. I honestly could eat there every day of my life and still not grow tired of it. TBell would be the ideal way to end a day of tomfoolery in the 330 and, while each one in my area has its own unique qualities, the one in Cuyahoga Falls just hits different. 20/10 would recommend. โค

Are these the most exciting places to go to if you visited me in Ohio? Not necessarily. But, they are a major reason of why I love my stomping grounds. Wish you were here!

Where would you take someone if they visited you? What do you love about where you live? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Jeans & A T OOTD Bonus Pictures

Jeans & A T OOTD Bonus Pictures

Howdy and welcome to some bonus content from my Jeans & A T OOTD! I don’t know if it was my hair, my outfit, or the setting at Taco Bell but I liked so many of the pictures that Johnny took for me that I had an insanely difficult time narrowing it down. That’s why we are going to look at some extra pics as well as a few blooper ones as well as discuss how we ended up at Taco Bell in the first place! Let’s get to it:

^^^ Can you guess which ones the bloopers are?! ๐Ÿ˜€

On Saturday morning, Johnny told me what every girl wants to hear when she wakes up: “I’m getting us Taco Bell for lunch”. It was the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to me and I couldn’t wait for my husband to return home from errands with TBell in hand.

While Johnny was out, I texted him what I wanted and, instead of putting a “medium Baja Blast” I just texted “medium Baja”. I assumed that he knew I meant the drink but assuming makes an ass out of U and ME. Once he got home, I didn’t see my blue drank and figured that he left it in the car. When I asked Johnny where it was he told me: “I thought you meant a medium amount of Baja sauce on your food”. LOL!

The Taco Bell was delicious, as always, but it would have been even better to wash it down with a Baja Blast. I joked with Johnny about it and in between laughter, my sweet husband told me that we could go back to TBell on our way to taking pictures at a new hiking trail.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, we drove around everywhere and could not find this trail to save our own lives. I also still really wanted my Baja Blast so I told Johnny let’s just forget it and take pictures at Taco Bell. At first, he didn’t think I was serious but I meant it with every ounce of my being. So, we turned around and headed to TBell and after getting a drink for the both of us, the photo shoot commenced!

Taking pictures for my Jeans & A T OOTD was a mini road trip and one hundred percent hilarious. It also gave me some of my favorite pictures that I have ever taken for my blog. Johnny’s silly mistake ended up being a blessing in disguise! โค

What is your favorite fast food place? What is your usual order from Taco Bell? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah