Happy Memories

Happy Memories

Hello!! I am one of those people who opens up Facebook as soon as I get up in the morning. It’s part of my little wake up ritual. I check my notifications, I look at my memories, I complete a French lesson on Duolingo, then I get up and start my day. Sometimes, the Facebook memories are nice. Sometimes, they are a reminder of total assholes (lol). And, sometimes, they are the most cringy statuses I have ever seen in my life!! On March 13th, however, was a very happy Facebook memory indeed. It was the three year anniversary of when Johnny and I got engaged!!


^^^ We look so young!! Also LOL at how big the ring was – definitely needed that resized!

Before I met Johnny, I was in bad relationship after even worse relationships. I had completely sworn off dating after things ended with the guy I was dating before Johnny… Until my now husband asked me out for a drink, of course! It was a real deal instance of love at first sight and we were inseparable after our first date. In fact, we often say that we could have gotten married the day we met and would still be exactly where we are right now. In my heart of hearts, I genuinely believe that to be true.

I hate to admit, but I kind of forgot about our engagement anniversary these past few years because we weren’t engaged for long. We got married less than three months later so that’s the day that is always on my radar. As I said before, Facebook memories can be the worst or they can be the best. Waking up and seeing the picture we took after Johnny popped the question was the most wonderful way to start my day. Johnny and I spent the brief time we have together in the morning reminiscing about it and he was just as surprised by the three year anniversary as I was. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one and I’ll be looking forward to seeing upcoming memories of our wedding prep and day as we approach June 4th and celebrate our birthaversary week. 🙂

Although Johnny and I needed a Facebook memory to remember the actual anniversary of our engagement, we remember the day like it was yesterday. Maybe I’ll have to upload the video of when Johnny proposed soon because it was literally perfect! ❤

Are you good at remembering special dates or do you need reminders? What is something cringy from your Facebook memories today? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

14 responses »

  1. Aw. I rarely remember the anniversary of our engagement, but it was on his birthday, because he thought that was his best chance of surprising me. It was also pre-Facebook, because we are old. I do love looking back at the memories each day. 12 years ago I had just signed up for a triathlon. 11 years ago I had just started P90x. Today my back hurts. Sigh.


  2. It’s always nice when a sweet memory pops up. I’ve had my FB back for a little over a year after it got hacked and FB decided to permanently disable it due to something the hacker posted. So I no longer have those memories. 15 years just gone. It was and is still hard sometimes with certain things like my grandparents are both passed away and I can’t look at messages from them or little happy birthday messages. After that happened, I don’t post much and have become really reserved. Some days I don’t even have memories from last year just because I wasn’t posting anything. Congrats to you both! I have a customer at work, she said she went on 1 date and knew her husband for 3 days before they got married. They were together until he passed away. She said she wouldn’t have it any other way.


      • I honestly thought about it for a while. I was leaning that way. But I’m back on it and I think last year I only posted like 25 pictures and none of them had any context. So it was just be random pictures of me, my husband, kids, etc. but no long drawn out information. We completely remodeled our kitchen and didn’t post a single thing about it. We built a fireplace in a living room a few months ago, right in time for Christmas and didn’t say anything. It’s very freeing to not have to need that validation from others.


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