Tag Archives: 2017

lifewithlilred By The Numbers In 2017

lifewithlilred By The Numbers In 2017

Hellloooooooo and happy Sunday! With a brand new year upon is, it’s time to explore lifewithlilred By The Numbers In 2017. My blog is my pride and joy, and I am so pleased with the progress that I have made this past year to keep my page running smoothly. As always, thank you to all of my readers and friends who stop by on my page – all of you have helped to make 2017 the best year yet on lifewithlilred! These stats and the progress made since 2016 would be simply impossible without each and every one of you!

2017 Stats:

  • Overall Views: 66,000
  • Followers: 6,730
  • Likes: 27,000
  • Comments: 4,300
  • Countries I’m Read In: 170+

Wow!!! I love how WordPress gives you your stats by the day, month, and year so that you can really track the strides that have been made on your page as time passes. It helps me so much in deciding feasible goals for each month and the entire year. Do I wish that I could get 100,000 views in 2018? Who doesn’t?! But, I would be SO pleased with 75,000 and am going to do everything in my power to make that happen this year. #GOALS

How do you create goals for your blog? What is something about your page that makes you proud? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!

Hellooooo everyone and welcome to 2018! Here’s to hoping that this is your best year yet, that you keep up with your resolutions, and that you accomplish great things in the new year. Enjoy your celebrations and thanks for sticking around with lifewithlilred! Much love. -Sarah

December 2017 Finishes

December 2017 Finishes

Helloooo everyone and welcome to my final finishes post for 2017! Crazy, right? December brought me two of my favorite fruity flavored finishes, so this post is going to be short and sweet. Here’s to health, happiness, and more empties in 2018!


Would I Use Again?

  • Bath & Body Works Country Apple body spray: YES
  • The Body Shop Vineyard Peach lotion: YES

Why/Why Not?

B&BW Spray: We all know by now that all apple everything is one of my all time favorite scents. I love me some Country Apple fragrance and I use it constantly. I pay about three dollars per bottle when Bath & Body Works brings back their discontinued products and it takes me approximately five months to finish one. I can definitely swing that! This scent is so refreshing – a sweet, crisp apple with just that perfect bit of bite to it. Country Apple brings you fresh from the orchard deliciousness in a bottle!

TBS Lotion: We all know by now that my other all time favorite scent is all peach everything! I got this lotion of my fave scent from The Body Shop for five bucks at TJMaxx and it lasted me five full body uses. It’s not the best cost per use but, hey, sometimes a girl has to throw caution to the wind and pamper herself! The Vineyard Peach scent is divine. It’s so light and sweet but not the overpowering kind of sweet. It’s more the “I just bit into a ripe peach” kind of sweet and it is such a treat.

Although I didn’t finish a ton of products in December, I got to enjoy two of my favorite scents in perfume and lotion form and there is really nothing better than that! Which products did you finish up this month? What is your favorite scent? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

November 2017 Finishes

November 2017 Finishes

Hi everyone and happy weekend! I can’t believe that it’s already time for another monthly finishes post as November begins to draw to a close. This month, I happened to love all of the beauty products and bath and body goodies that I finished up so take a look and let’s discuss:


Would I Use Again?

  • Softsoap Honey Creme & Lavender body wash: YES
  • Dickinson’s Witch Hazel: YES
  • The Body Shop Strawberry scrub: YES
  • The Body Shop Vitamin C Skin Boost: YES
  • The Body Shop Vitamin E body butter: YES
  • Yes To Coconuts moisturizer: YES

Why/Why Not?

Softsoap Body Wash: I absolutely loved this product. IT SMELLS SO GOOD!!! Normally, I’m not a lavender fan in the slightest, but the floral hints are so subtle that it makes for a totally delicious scent combination. The honey creme fragrance is so rich and creamy – it makes showering feel like a luxury. And, because the body wash is a cream instead of a gel, it left my skin feeling silky and hydrated. In my efforts to make my products last longer, it took me two months to finish this body wash. Woah!

Dickinson’s Witch Hazel: Witch Hazel is a must in my beauty routine and I use it religiously every day once I get out of the shower to clean my piercings and then I use it all over as a toner. This wonder product tightens my pores, relieves any redness, and helps remove any leftover makeup that I didn’t get off in the shower. Talk about incredible! And the best part? It took me about five months to finish this product!

TBS Scrub: I got this scrub from TJMaxx for five dollars and it provided me with at least twenty full body uses when I’m shaving during bath time. I love the strawberry scent from The Body Shop and this scrub gives me a close shave and doesn’t dry out my skin in the process. Now, I need to find me a Satsuma scrub at TJs so I can change it up!

TBS Skin Boost: Yes, yes we all know that I love this product. It took me about three months to finish it.

TBS Body Butter: I love all things Vitamin E from TBS and this body butter is no exception. I got it for six bucks at TJMaxx and it provided me with five full body uses, which lasted me one month and one week. I can’t describe the Vitamin E scent in any way but creamy. It just smells so lush and I love being able to wrap my body in a souffle of it. The pretty light pink color is another added bonus!

Yes To Moisturizer: This product cost me six bucks at TJs and I probably got thirty uses of it on my face and neck. I love, love, love this moisturizer. The whipped coconut scent is simply to die for and the ultra moisturizing concoction leaves my skin glowing with peaches and cream perfection.

November was definitely a successful month for finishes and I loved being able to use up so many products that I genuinely enjoy! Which products are you finishing up this month? Have you used any of the above products before? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Special Olympics 2017 Banquet

Special Olympics 2017 Banquet

Hi everyone! This past week, the Special Olympics hosted their yearly banquet to celebrate the athletes, coaches, volunteers, and families that dedicate themselves to such an incredible organization. I have been coaching Special Olympics figure skating for three years now and every practice, competition, and event is such a joy to be a part of. This year, I was honored as the Volunteer Of The Year for my involvement as a coach. It was such an amazing surprise and I have my award displayed proudly already! Check it out:


^^^ Isn’t that cute?!

I know that I used this word already, but “honored” really describes how I feel about receiving this award. Out of all of the incredible coaches that volunteer their time to the cause, yours truly was chosen, and that is such an indescribable feeling. I am so proud to have been celebrated by my beloved athletes and their families, and I am looking forward to working with my skaters to be the best that they can be, on and off the ice, at our next lesson. ❤

What is something that you are proud of? Which organizations do you volunteer for? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Featured Image By: CBS DFW

October 2017 Finishes

October 2017 Finishes

Hi everyone and happy November! Today we are going to kick off the month with a look back on my beauty empties from October. It feels like it was just yesterday! To me, October felt like it dragged on for an eternity. And, to make matters worse, it was a really shitty month for yours truly in general. Needless to say, I’m excited to be rid of all of these products that I finished up last month and am looking forward to hopefully brighter times ahead. Take a look at my October empties and let’s discuss:


Would I Use Again?

  • St. Ives Blackhead Clearing Green Tea Scrub: YES
  • Bath & Body Works Pretty As A Peach lotion: YES
  • The Body Shop Nutriganics eye cream: YES
  • Lush Don’t Look At Me face mask: MAYBE
  • IT Cosmetics Secret Sauce moisturizer: NO

Why/Why Not?

St. Ives Scrub: As you guys know, I have a problem with blackheads around my nose piercings. Is it a huge issue? No. But would I prefer them gone? Of course. I can’t say that the Green Tea scrub by St. Ives is my favorite one out of their selection. However, I wouldn’t say no to using this again if it were bought for me during my birthday/holiday skin care restock or if it were on sale.

My main issue with this scrub is that it just isn’t gritty enough to completely clear away blackheads. It does get some of them, I’ll give it that. But, for the majority of the pesky pen marks on my nose, you can see that the black tip is gone but the skin where it was is still raised, which shows that the problem is still lurking underneath the surface. I will say that my skin does feel and look nice after using this scrub but the purpose of eliminating blackheads is far from achieved. It took me a month and a half to finish using this scrub.

B&BW Lotion: We all know by now that peach is one of my favorite fragrances when it comes to bath and body care. We also all know that I really like this lotion a lot so no further explanation is needed, lol. It took me about six or seven full body uses to finish this product.

TBS Eye Cream: Obviously, I used up some old favorites in October, because everyone knows by now that this is my eye cream of choice. The Body Shop’s Nutriganics eye cream keeps any premature wrinkling of the sensitive skin around my eyes at bay. However, I do wish that this eye cream did more to help out with dark under eye circles. We can’t always get what we want, though, and for the value of this eye cream (I got it on sale for about eleven dollars.) and the fact that it lasts me around five months definitely keeps me from complaining too much!

Lush Face Mask: The Don’t Look At Me face mask is the first skin care product from Lush that I ever used and, although I enjoyed it, I don’t think that I would ever make the forty-five minute trip to the nearest Lush again to purchase it. If this mask or any other Lush product were given to me as a gift, I would be all over it. But, in my opinion, the trip out to Lush just isn’t worth the reward. Despite not making a special trip out to buy this mask again, you can see in my Face Mask Festivities post that it did make my skin look radiant and, although the mask was cold when you first apply it, it was quite pleasant to use. I was able to get seven or so uses from the Don’t Look At Me mask.

IT Cosmetics Moisturizer: I got this sample sized moisturizer for free while doing some early holiday shopping online at Sephora. This mini IT Cosmetics Secret Sauce moisturizer gave me five uses, which really isn’t enough to tell if it did anything or not. I can’t say that I was really impressed with it either way, though, and would rather just ball on a budget with my drugstore/sale price TBS moisturizers.

As I mentioned above, I am so happy to be rid of all of these products – even the ones that I liked. October sucked for Lil Red so it will be nice to have some happier memories associated with the bath and body and skin care goodies that I use up in November.

So there you have it, my October 2017 Finishes! Have you used any of the above products before? What are your thoughts on them? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

September 2017 Finishes

September 2017 Finishes

Hellooo everyone and TGIF. Holy moly – can you believe that it’s already the end of September?! Time is completely flying by, and the end of another month means that it’s time to talk shop on all of the beauty products that I finished up during September’s thirty day run. Take a looksee and let’s discuss:


Would I Use Again?

  • Softsoap Sweet Honeysuckle & Orange Peel shower gel: YES
  • CPR Heat Protecting spray: YES
  • St. Ives Pink Lemon & Mandarin Orange scrub: YES
  • The Body Shop Vitamin C Skin Boost: YES
  • The Body Shop Vitamin E moisturizer: YES

Why/Why Not?

Softsoap Body Wash: I loooove me my Softsoap body washes. They lather so well, smell amazing, and are a wonderful value. The Sweet Honeysuckle & Orange Peel scent is definitely my favorite, though. I love citrus scents and this gel is so bright and invigorating, even when it’s combined with the soft, floral sweetness of honeysuckle. It took me about a month to finish this gel. However, as I was not the only one using it while I was on vaca for a week earlier this month, it would have lasted longer.

CPR Spray: I won this from a giveaway (Woohoo!) and I really enjoyed using it. I flat iron my hair almost every day, so a good heat protecting spray is a must. This CPR protector worked very well in not only saving my hair from damage, but leaving it shiny and sleek because it’s infused with argon oil. I don’t remember exactly what this product smelled like, but I know that it was good or I wouldn’t have been putting it in my hair! It took me about three or so months of daily use to finish this protecting spray.

St. Ives Scrub: I love all of the different scrubs that St. Ives has to offer, but the Pink Lemon & Mandarin Orange is my favorite, aside from the Apricot one! Facial scrubs are a must in my skin care arsenal and this one definitely did its job well. Not only did the sweet/tart scent smell fantastic, but it left my skin completely glowing after every use. The moderate amount of grit that this scrub offers helped buff away all of my imperfections and my skin looked and felt totally radiant. It took me one month of daily use to finish this scrub.

TBS Skin Boost: You guys already know how much I love this product, so nothing needs said here! It took me about two and a half months to finish my Skin Boost.

TBS Moisturizer: You guys also already know how much I love this product, so nothing needs said here, either! It took me one month to finish this moisturizer.

September gave me a perfect month of product empties, because I would use all of them again in a heartbeat. There was nothing about any of the products listed above that I didn’t like and I feel like each one gave me the most bang for my buck and tons of beauty benefits, to boot!

So there you have it, my September 2017 Finishes! Which products did you finish up this month? Have you used any of my empties before? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

August 2017 Finishes

August 2017 Finishes

Hi everyone and welcome to my August empties! Today, we have quite a few skin care and bath and body products, as well as a mascara to discuss, so let’s get to it:


Would I Use Again?

  • Softsoap Juicy Pomegranate & Mango Infusions body wash: YES
  • Bath & Body Works Mango Mandarin body spray: YES
  • Simple Micellar Cleansing Water: MAYBE
  • Bath & Body Works Pretty As A Peach lotion: YES
  • The Body Shop Vitamin E moisturizer: YES
  • Lancome Monsieur Big mascara: MAYBE

Why/Why Not?

Softsoap Body Wash: I would absolutely use this industrial sized body wash again. It lathered well, smelled amazing, and was great for bubble baths. Not only that, but the value was excellent, as it took me three months to go through it. I think that Softsoap shower gels are underrated and I always really enjoy using their products, so more for me, I guess!

B&BW Body Spray: You guys know that I love me my Bath & Body Works! Whenever B&BW has their summer sale, I always stock up on my Country Apple and Mango Mandarin body sprays because you can’t beat three bucks a pop for five months of use! I like layering this scent with my Satsuma body spray from The Body Shop for a longer lasting fragrance. The Mango Mandarin scent was perfect for the summer time, but now it’s all about the Country Apple with fall coming in hot.

Simple Cleansing Water: I feel very meh about Micellar Cleansing Water. I genuinely don’t understand what the big deal about it is, so it just makes using it kind of disappointing. It took me a month of daily use to finish this product and I can’t say that I noticed any differences in my skin or even remotely enjoyed using it, for that matter. I labeled this product as a “maybe” for using again because it acts as a pretty good makeup remover, but that’s about it. Whomp whomp. -___-

B&BW Lotion: Anyone who is a true lifewithlilred fan will know that my two favorite scents are anything apple or peach. With that in mind, of course I would use this lotion again! I got this product as one of my B&BW freebies so it didn’t cost me a penny and I got about six full body uses out of it. I love the sweet and fresh scent of this lotion and it left my skin feeling creamy and hydrated. The Ultra Shea ingredients for Pretty As A Peach were no joke, and my body felt like peaches and cream perfection after a nice, long bubble bath. Freaking love!

TBS Moisturizer: You guys know the drill for this product already. It took me a month to finish, I would use it again, blah, blah, blah.

Lancome Mascara: I got the sample size of Lancome’s Monsieur Big mascara from Ulta for my birthday and I really liked using it. It took me a little over a month to finish up the tube, which I would say is pretty good for a sample size. I thought that the length and volume that it gave my eyelashes was excellent, but I do wish that it would have been more black in color so that’s where points get taken off, for me. Regardless, if given the opportunity to use this mascara again, I would, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to buy it.

All in all, August was a really successful month for finishes. I got to use up a lot of products that were taking me forever to complete, and I got to start some goodies that I’ve been looking forward to using because of that. Here’s to more amazing empties in September!

So there you have it, my August 2017 Finishes! What products did you finish up this month? Has anyone used any of my empties before? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

July 2017 Finishes

July 2017 Finishes

Hi everyone and TGIF! My goodness, the months are just flying by, which brings us to another wrap up post for all of the beauty goodies that I used during July. This month brought to an end some products that I’ve been using for what seems like forever as well as some short lived lotions that were still enjoyable, just the same. Take a look at my July Finishes and let’s discuss:


Would I Use Again?

  • Bath & Body Works Beach Nights lotion: YES
  • The Body Shop Satsuma Body Puree: YES
  • Destiny Boutique Charcoal face wash: YES
  • The Body Shop Vitamin C Skin Boost: YES
  • The Body Shop Amazonian Acai Energizing Radiance Mask: NO
  • Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara: YES

Why/Why Not?

B&BW Lotion: You guys all know that I love me some Bath & Body Works so, of course, this lotion was no exception. I got this full sized lotion as a freebie months ago and just now got around to using it and am so glad that I did! The Beach Nights scent smells amazing!! It literally smells like vanilla mixed in with the crisp sea breeze scent of the ocean and marshmallows roasted over a big bonfire. It’s absolutely delicious. A fair warning, though, – the lotion is quite pungent. I never wear lotion unless it’s at night, but even if I were a day time wearer, this would be my last choice to use. It took me about six full body uses to finish this product.

TBS Body Puree: I looooooove all things Satsuma from The Body Shop. To me, it is the most divine citrus scent on the market and I am always so happy when I can snag some of its energizing deliciousness. I would never buy The Body Shop bath and body care products from there because the prices are absurd, but when TJMaxx is stocked with their items, it’s hard not to indulge! I got this lotion for four bucks and it was such a wonderful treat. The Body Purees are so much lighter than a normal lotion – it feels like using a lush, aquatic gel and it feels so nice on the skin. The Purees also absorb almost instantly, which is another amazing touch! It took me about seven full body uses to finish this product.

Destiny Boutique Face Wash: Destiny Boutique is a brand that I discovered through TJMaxx that I freaking love. I am obsessed with all things charcoal and loved using their charcoal face bar so much that it seemed silly to not buy their cleanser. This face wash was well worth the ten dollar price tag as it took me OVER FIVE MONTHS to finish it. Every day, this cleanser left my skin feeling fresh, clean, and blackhead free – which is a fantastic way to feel! I’m so happy that I have another one of these washes in my hoard for another five months of beauty bliss!

TBS Skin Boost: I don’t need to explain my love for this product anymore, you guys already know all about it! It took me over two and a half months of daily use to finish my Vitamin C Skin Boost from The Body Shop.

TBS Face Mask: I really enjoy using face masks but, unfortunately, this Amazonian Acai Energizing Radiance Mask from The Body Shop really missed the mark. In its title, this mask has everything that I look for when selecting a product – something invigorating that provides bright radiance to the skin. This mask did none of that and my skin was left looking and feeling no different after about a month and a half of using it two times per week. The product smelled lovely, but it was far from effective. Whomp whomp.

Too Faced Mascara: I rarely write about makeup finishes during my monthly empties posts, but this mascara is a different story. Too Faced’s Better Than Sex mascara has been a complete game changer to my makeup routine. My sister got me hooked on the stuff and after using this mascara for close to FOUR MONTHS, I had to get more to feed my addiction!

This mascara is AMAZING. It does for my lashes what using multiple different tubes of mascara during my routine couldn’t even come close to doing. Better Than Sex gives you gorgeous fanned out, jet black, lush, plush lashes that stay in place but still feel soft to the touch. There is literally nothing better and I am so willing to shell out the twenty-three dollar price tag for a mascara that does what the classic drug store brands can’t. It’s worth every penny and then some.

Besides for my face mask from The Body Shop, July was a very successful month for my finishes. I am so happy with the empties that I did like and would happily purchase them again in a heart beat!

So there you have it, my July 2017 Finishes! Which beauty products did you finish up for the month? Has anyone used any of my empties before? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Monday Update: June 2017 Finishes Edition

Monday Update: June 2017 Finishes Edition

Hello everyone and happy July!! The month of June brought about a massive amount of beauty finishes for yours truly. As I try to be as detail oriented with product reviews as possible, this post will definitely be a long one! Not only did I finish a bunch of products but I actually liked ALL of them this time around, which doesn’t happen often. Take a look at my June empties and let’s discuss:


Would I Use Again?

  • Suave Everlasting Sunshine body wash: YES
  • Paul Mitchell Color Protect Locking Spray: YES
  • Simple Micellar Cleansing Water: YES
  • Bath & Body Works Sweet Pea lotion: YES
  • The Body Shop Vitamin C Skin Boost: YES
  • The Body Shop Vitamin E moisturizer: YES
  • The Body Shop Drops Of Youth Bouncy Sleep Mask: YES
  • The Body Shop Vineyard Peach body butter: YES

Why/Why Not?

Suave Body Wash: I think that Suave shower gels are incredibly underrated. They smell amazing, they hydrate, lather well, and leave your skin feeling supple and fresh. And they’re so reasonably priced that it seems like a no brainer to use their products. Everlasting Sunshine is one of my favorite scents by them. It’s floral and bright without being overpowering and it’s such an invigorating scent to hop into the shower with in the morning. It took me a little over one month to finish this product.

Paul Mitchell Spray: As a fake redhead, protecting my color at all costs is crucial. This Paul Mitchell spray kept my red looking bright and shiny throughout the month until I dyed it again. I would spray a generous amount into my hair after dyeing it and would use it before straightening my hair, as well. No matter what color you dye your hair, using a heat protecting and color locking product is essential in keeping your color looking freshly dyed until you hit the salon or boxed dye again. It took me over six months to finish this product.

Simple Cleansing Water: I’ve wanted to try Micellar water for a while but never felt a strong desire to buy a bottle. My mom snagged the Simple brand Cleansing Water on sale for me and I like it well enough. I’ve never seen a huge need to use a toner but I like that this product doubles as a super cheap makeup remover. Every day I dab this product on my face and neck after showering. I haven’t noticed a difference in my skin but it does feel good to use after I wash my face. It took me over a month of daily application and makeup touch ups to finish this bottle of Micellar water.

B&BW Lotion: Bath & Body Work’s Sweet Pea fragrance is fresh out of grade school but I don’t mind! My best friend got me this for some gift giving occasion or another and I just now used it up. I do love me some B&BW goodies so, of course, this lotion was no exception. I think that their lotions are the bomb. They are SO moisturizing while still feeling quite light and that’s really important to me. I’m a very tactile person, so when a lotion doesn’t absorb well or leaves behind a greasy residue, I have a really hard time with that. Bath & Body Works lotions have never given me a problem in regards to it not absorbing quickly or making my skin feel slimy after so it always has an A+ in my book! It took me about six or seven full body uses to finish this lotion.

TBS Skin Boost: Lol, I don’t even need to go into detail about my love for this product. You guys already know that. Anyways, it took me over two months of daily use to finish my Vitamin C Skin Boost.

TBS Moisturizer: Yeah, you guys know that I love this stuff, too. It took me a month of daily use to finish this moisturizer.

TBS Mask: I LOVE THIS FACE MASK SO MUCHHHH. The Body Shop’s Drops Of Youth Bouncy Sleep Mask is the truth. The texture of this mask is unlike anything I’ve ever used before. It’s such a thick, gel-like product but it absorbs like a dream. You would think that because it feels almost “gooey” that it would leave your skin feeling heavy or greasy after but that’s just not the case in the slightest. This mask sinks into your skin so quickly and a little bit of it will easily cover your face, neck, and cleavage.

This mask smells amazingly clean and crisp and damn does it make my skin feel good after using it! Hydrated, supple, smooth, radiant. After letting this mask soak into your skin as you sleep you will notice a difference as soon as you see your reflection in the morning. Your skin just glows. I cannot recommend this product enough and everyone should go get it STAT! It took me about two months of using three or four times a week to finish this mask.

TBS Body Butter: Vineyard Peach is my absolute favorite scent from The Body Shop. I really just love all peach everything. It’s such a sweet, crisp scent but it has this little bite of tartness to it and that’s what I like in a fragrance. This also explains why I adore apple scented products, too. ANYWAYS, I got this body butter at TJMaxx for a whole SIX BUCKS and I was so overcome with joy at that find. A general rule of thumb for me is that I would never pay the whopping twenty-one dollar price tag when it comes to The Body Shop’s body butters, so when TJ’s started carrying them it really was a godsend. The Vineyard Peach scent is to die for and it took me about seven full body uses to finish this product.

HOLY MOLY. Okay, so many finishes so little time amiright?! June definitely was a successful month when it came to using some amazing beauty products and I had a blast applying all of these goodies to my skin and body care routine. Hopefully July will be just as fabulous!

So there you have it, this week’s Monday Update: June 2017 Finishes Edition! What beauty products did you use up this month? Who has used some of the products that I just finished up before? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah