Tag Archives: housewarming

New Guitar Shelf

New Guitar Shelf

Hello!! Johnny’s dad is an incredibly handy guy and has the gift of being able to fix and make seemingly anything. I love hearing Johnny’s memories of building Lego and pinewood derby cars with his dad when he was little and I love hearing his dad’s wisecracks about it even more!! For our housewarming/birthaversary party last year, we knew that we were going to receive a hand crafted gift from Johnny’s dad, but we didn’t know what. Until now!! Check it out:


For our gift, my father-in-law made us a shelf using one of Johnny’s numerous beat up guitars that are still tucked away at his parents. I couldn’t believe my eyes when Johnny brought it in the other day and, at first, I thought he treated himself to a new guitar! It is, hands down, one of the coolest and most thoughtful gifts that we have ever received and I can’t wait until Johnny hangs it up in his man cave/music room. The good lord knows that we have plenty of knick knacks to fill it up with!

Johnny and I are so lucky because we both truly couldn’t ask for better parents and in-laws. We try to visit both sets as often as we can because we enjoy spending time with them so much. Ever since Johnny and I started dating, it was really special that we both essentially stepped into each other’s families without missing a beat. The guitar shelf that Johnny’s dad made is going to be perfect for housing trinkets from family vacations as well as hand me down decor from our fams. I can’t think of anything more appropriate to place in it and we will forever treasure this amazing gift. ❤

Huge shout out to both mine and Johnny’s parents for being awesome! Another shout out is also in order for my friend, Simon, for answering my Social Media Call To Action. Thank you so much and everyone please check out his page, Simon’s Space!

What is the best gift you have ever received? Do you play any instruments? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Housewarming/Birthaversary Party Success!

Housewarming/Birthaversary Party Success!

Hello!! At the end of May, Johnny and I had a housewarming/birthaversary party to celebrate our big move. We also decided to clump it together with Johnny’s birthday on the first, our first wedding anniversary on the fourth, and my birthday on the seventh. It was such fun and we were so proud to show off all of our hard work on the new place to our friends and family.

In my humble opinion, the event was a GREAT SUCCESS and I thought that I would share some pro tips on get togethers now that it’s all said and done. I definitely learned a lot for next time:

Prepare & Prepare Some More:

I am the planner in mine and Johnny’s relationship and he is, easily, the more spontaneous one. Therefore, I insisted on hardcore party prep the entire week beforehand and I am so glad that I did. No one wants to be stuck with a monumental task the day before the big event. The week leading up to the party, we kicked our unpacking, cleaning, and rearranging into high gear. And, the night before, Johnny finally (!!!!) finished readying his domain of the game room and it turned out great.

Preparing the home is a given before a get together but don’t forget about food prep and table caps to display your dishes on! I spent a good amount of time planning a menu and making a shopping list so that we had everything we needed. The night before the party, I spent a solid four hours cooking everything that could be made ahead of time. Any food prep that you can do in advance should be taken advantage of because it can be such a time consuming task. Also, no one wants to be frazzled in the kitchen before guests start to arrive. I couldn’t imagine doing all of the food preparations that I did the day of!

Have Plenty Of Seating:

Johnny and I have two small love seats, a chaise lounge, and four chairs for the kitchen table and that is it when it comes to seating. We knew that this wouldn’t be enough and were lucky to have been able to borrow folding chairs from Johnny’s parents. I highly recommend having additional seating as a backup if what you already have is limited. Folding chairs can be borrowed, rented, or bought on the cheap at a secondhand store. You want your guests to be comfortable at your party and that means having the seating arrangements to back it up.

Stay On Top Of Cleaning:

As the host of a party, you are in charge of everything. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the excitement of the day but it will really help you to stay on top of cleaning throughout the party. When there were lulls between guests leaving and arriving, Johnny and I were cleaning up spills, taking the trash out, and making additional drinks. An overflowing garbage can is a disaster waiting to happen! Also, if you clean as you go during the day, then you won’t have a huge mess to take care of after everyone has went home.

Ice, Ice Baby:

Johnny and I don’t have the space in our freezer to account for bags of ice. If this is the case for you too, then buying a cooler for the event is the way to go. Johnny bought a cooler and ice the morning of the party and that worked out so well. The ice stayed frozen all day, we had somewhere to put canned drinks, and it took up a small amount of space. Plus, a cooler will come in handy afterwards for picnics and outdoor events!

Make Use Of Outdoor Areas:

If the weather is nice the day of your party, making use of outdoor areas will add additional space to the event. The new apartment has a great front balcony that was perfect for people to hang out on and get some air. Even if you don’t plan on using your outdoor space, opening windows and doors with a screen will help keep your indoor space from getting stuffy. As always, comfort for your guests is key.

At our old apartment, a party like the one we had simply would not have happened because we didn’t have the room for it. It was an absolute delight to be able to host our friends and family the way we have always wanted to. I already can’t wait to do it again on a smaller scale!

What are your party pro tips? Do you have any big events happening soon? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

House Plant Party

House Plant Party

Hello!! Last month when Johnny and I had just moved into our new digs, my best friend, Lea, paid us a visit. She also came bearing gifts – a turtle vine! This was my very first house plant and, surprisingly to all of us, it hasn’t died yet. Rather, it is thriving and I can’t believe how big it has gotten in a month and some change. I have to say, I am very proud of it and take lots of pleasure in caring for it and watching its progress.

While I wouldn’t consider myself a full blown plant mom (Yet!), I did receive a few more at mine and Johnny’s housewarming/birthaversary party:


At the party, my cousin gifted us with a Jade plant and my aunt and uncle brought us a great big spider plant. When Lea first gave us the turtle vine, I almost contemplated giving it to my dad for fear that I would accidentally kill it. I quickly found that this wasn’t the case and was thrilled to receive some more plants to keep it company. 😀

In the old apartment, there wasn’t much opportunity for house plants to thrive. We had very limited space and there was little access for direct sunlight. The new apartment is a totally different story, however, and I have a huge window in my sitting area perfect for plants. And, yes, I wouldn’t be opposed to a few more to add to the collection. In fact, I already have grand plans for some plant stands so that they don’t have to sit on a foot stool anymore lol.

As you all know, my dad has the most amazing green thumb and my parents’ house is filled with plants and their outdoor property is glorious. I could always appreciate how fulfilling it would feel to make things grow but I never got to experience it firsthand in my own place. While I won’t be at my dad’s level probably ever, I am loving this small house plant party that’s forming at chez moi! ❤

Which house plants would you recommend for me? Do you have a green thumb too? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Sugar Cookie Fruit Pizza (SO Good!)

Sugar Cookie Fruit Pizza (SO Good!)

Hello! This past weekend was mine and Johnny’s housewarming/birthaversary party and we had the best time! We worked hard for almost an entire month to get our place into tip top shape for guests and it was so nice to be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor… And also, actual fruit. The evening before the party, Johnny was on a cleaning spree and, myself, a cooking and baking spree.

Rather than ordering pizzas or pre-made dishes, I decided that I wanted to be the one making the food for the party. I spent about five hours in total making cold veggie pizza, pasta salad, spinach artichoke dip, and sugar cookie fruit pizzas. I had made everything but the cookies before and was pleased, as always, with how the dishes turned out. The cookies are definitely what I was most proud of, though:


I found this recipe from Cooking Classy on Pinterest.

When it comes to baking, I like to leave that to my mom and sister because they are both excellent at it. I much prefer to cook but you can’t have a party without some sweet treats! Prior to the big event, I spent a lot of time scouring Pinterest for party dishes and thought that the sugar cookie fruit pizzas would be perfect for a warm day. Not to mention that any leftover fruit could be used as garnishes for drinks… I am nothing if not economical!

For my take on Cooking Classy’s delicious recipe, I used the Pillsbury pre-made sugar cookie dough to save time. I also have never baked sugar cookies before and didn’t want my first time being an epic fail. That is the only thing I strayed from, however, and used the recipe for frosting that was provided and the recommendations for fruit toppings. And, I hate to toot my own horn BUT it turned out amazing and was, easily, the biggest success from my spread.

I am really not a huge dessert girl and am all for savory treats, instead. I don’t like things that are overly sweet and that wasn’t the case with these cookies at all. The cream cheese frosting used salted butter in it to balance out the powdered sugar. And, as my mom always taught me, I added a lot more vanilla extract!

This not too sweet base was ideal for the variety of fruits that Cooking Classy used as a topping. I went with strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, peaches, pineapple, and kiwi and the only thing I left out was grapes. This medley of fruit provided for a sweet/tart sensation thanks to the zippy flavor of pineapples and berries paired with the softer strawberries and peaches. SO. Good.

I would happily make this recipe by Cooking Classy again and her page is full of yummy recipes so do be sure to check it out. I can’t recommend these cookies enough for your next party or event and they are sure to be as big of a hit as they were at mine!

What is your favorite dessert? What is your favorite food to make for a party? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Happy Housewarming Gifts

Happy Housewarming Gifts

Hello!! It isn’t even our housewarming/birthaversary party yet and Johnny and I have already been gifted with so many amazing things from our loved ones. Some of our favorite gifts so far have definitely come from Johnny’s Aunt Eileen and her husband, who I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time a few weeks ago at Johnny’s concert. They so generously sent us all of these goodies and we have been making great use of them since:


My Johnny is a HUGE history buff and enjoys his free time by watching documentaries, listening to podcasts, and reading up on his favorite subject. He is a wealth of knowledge and is always teaching me something new. So, he was especially excited by the BenShot glasses with a bullet in it! Aunt Eileen got us four of these glasses and Johnny has made sure that he has drank from every single one lol. Saying that we have a TON of glasses is an understatement and these are, easily, the coolest ones we have.

Aunt Eileen also gifted us with a video game themed clock and beer themed wall art (Two of our favorite things!) that Johnny hung up in our game room. It was just what we needed too since a majority of our wall art was used on the art wall. They are both perfect pieces of decor for our game room and now all we need is batteries to make them work… and a new Rolling Stones neon light which I accidentally broke. WHOOPS!

Johnny and I are so appreciative of everyone’s generosity as we celebrate our big move, wedding anniversary, and birthdays. Many thanks again to Aunt Eileen for the super thoughtful and very us gifts – we love them and you! ❤

What is your home decor style like? Do you have any exciting events to celebrate coming up? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Happy Housewarming Gift

Happy Housewarming Gift

Hello! My bestie, Lea, came by a couple of weeks ago to check out mine and Johnny’s new place. Even though it isn’t perfect yet, I was so excited for her to see it. I was also excited that Johnny would have his own room to hang out in where he could shut the door so we wouldn’t have to listen to his war documentaries lol. Oh, the perks of our new place!

Lea was so sweet and brought by a little housewarming gift and, I admit, I didn’t really know what to do with it at first:


Lea got us a Turtle Vine for the new place and I have never owned a house plant before! In my old apartment, there wasn’t really a good place to put plants so I just never bothered. The great news, is that I haven’t killed my little Turtle Vine yet… In fact, it’s thriving! When Lea brought it over, the vines didn’t have any length to them at all and I can’t believe how much it has grown in a few short weeks.

My dad is the one with the green thumb in our family and I almost contemplated just having him care for it. But, I think I am doing alright! I love this plant’s soft leaves and the pot that it lives in is so pretty. Whenever Lea comes by, all she needs to do is bring herself and I’m happy so I was tickled by her thoughtfulness. I don’t think I’ll turn into a full on plant mom any time soon but, now, I wouldn’t be opposed to my Turtle Vine having a friend or two. 😀

The best housewarming gift that Johnny and I have is actually being able to host friends comfortably in our bigger apartment. However, this sweet prezzie from my best friend is a very close second! ❤

Do you have a green thumb? How many house plants do you have? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Housewarming Party Pro Tips

Housewarming Party Pro Tips

Hello! Johnny and I have been working hard to get our new apartment in order after our big move with a housewarming/birthaversary party as our goal at the end of the month. With the party in mind, it has encouraged us to pick up the pace with our unpacking to get our place in as good of order as we can for when our guests show up. Here are some of my pro tips to help you prepare for a housewarming party that I have been following closely:

Preparing The Home:

Moving is incredibly stressful and a big bash afterwards is the best reward! While your new digs don’t have to be completely perfect, there are some things that need to be in order before your party:

Make use of closet space: Some things simply can’t be unpacked yet due to needing additional furniture, which is definitely the case for me and Johnny. Make good use of your closet space and place these items accordingly so they’re not taking up room around the house. Out of sight, out of mind!

Get rid of packing supplies: One thing that is taking up lots of room in our new apartment is empty boxes! Do not fall for the trap of “I might need them eventually” because I promise you will be able to acquire more. Post on social media if anyone else might need them or get them to your nearest recycling center. I am lucky enough that one of my best friends is moving so she is getting all of our packing supplies as we continue to unpack.

Have plenty of seating areas: As I said before, the place doesn’t need to be just right for your party and things can be stowed away for the time being in rooms that guests won’t be in, like bedrooms or offices. However, plenty of seating areas is a must for your guests. Arrange your chairs and couches so everyone has a comfortable place to be.


I sent out a Facebook invite well in advance so that I know how much food I will have to prepare and order (Which we will discuss more in the next header). In the invites, I let our guests know that in the afternoon, it will be mainly family coming by and if you want to rage, then arrive in the evening. That way, your invitees will know which time slot better applies to them.

Food & Drinks:

While you don’t need a ten course meal for your party, food and drinks are an obvious must. I have been scouring Pinterest for yummy dips and finger foods to make and then Johnny and I will just order a couple of pizzas. As far as drinks go, do make sure you have nonalcoholic options too if you plan on having booze. Mocktails, pop, water, and juice are a necessity if you have friends and family who don’t indulge in the drink! I plan on making up some mocktails as well as a party punch for the guests who are so inclined.


Parties where everyone sits around and talks are fine but everyone likes games! Have an area with some table top or video games set up for your guests to play. Classic games are sure to go over well like Uno, Catch Phrase, or the Five Second Rule. If you have games that others haven’t heard of, just make sure you’re around to explain the rules to make the gaming experience more fun. And, of course, don’t forget to have some great music playing but not too loudly!

Our party has Johnny and I working double time after our move and I am so not mad about it. The place is looking wonderful and I can’t wait to celebrate! 😀

What are some of your party planning pro tips? How did you reward yourself after a big move or life event? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

What Have We Been Up To?

What Have We Been Up To?

Hello! Johnny and I have been diligently unpacking away after our big move at the end of April. While that has taken up a majority of our free time, we have still been enjoying ourselves and making time for fun things too. And, yes, part of the fun has shockingly come from the unpacking process itself – which I never thought I would say!


Actually… Let me rephrase that… It’s not so much the unpacking that’s fun rather than all of the opportunities that come with it. Johnny moved into my apartment so there wasn’t much for us to decide on when it came to furniture placement and decorating together. Now, however, with much more room, it has been nice to come up with our apartment layout as a team.

For example, we have a little nook under our staircase that we decided would be perfect for bookshelves to house our massive collection. When I got home from work, it was a huge surprise because Johnny assembled and filled the new shelves while I was gone. This opened up considerable space having the shelves neatly tucked away and we were able to have a lot more options when it comes to placement of other furniture. It looks so nice!

Another fun part about the unpacking process is that we have a goal in mind: A housewarming/birthaversary party. We can’t wait to welcome friends and family into our new place at the end of the month to celebrate all kinds of big events: Our move, Johnny’s birthday, my birthday, and our one year wedding anniversary. I’m so excited! 😀


Because of having a functional AC unit in our new apartment, it has become the place to chill both literally and metaphorically. We have been having a blast relaxing in a comfortable climate and watching all kinds of good movies and TV. We are currently binging The Man In The High Castle, which is absolutely EXCELLENT. We have also been enjoying lots of movies including The Imitation Game (One of my faves!), Schindler’s List, Indiana Jones, and Role Models (Both of our faves!).

Of course, this was something that we would have done at our old place regardless of the extreme heat. Actually feeling cold and snuggling up with blankets is a brand new sensation to us, though, and we still can’t get over the novelty of it!

Out & About:

Actual spring weather is finally here with some summer like temps peppered in for good measure. We have been making the most of it with outings in downtown Cuyahoga Falls, at hiking trails with my family, game nights with friends, and meeting our new neighbors. It was easy to stay cuddled up at home with the snowy and rainy days last month. But, there is no excuse now that the weather is nice out and we have been trying to have outings together at least once a week.

It has been an exciting and jam packed few weeks for us and I have been enjoying every minute of it… I’ll enjoy it even more, though, when we are fully unpacked and celebrating at our party!

What have you been up to? What are you currently binge watching? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah