Tag Archives: vaccination

Boosted Up!

Boosted Up!

Hello! This past Tuesday, I got my updated Moderna booster and flu shot in tandem. While I am SO happy to have received both to continue to do my part in keeping others safe, I will say that it was about a bitch lol. I reacted pretty poorly to both the second vaccine and the first booster so I’m not sure why I expected this one to be any different. I’m also not sure why I scheduled it smack dab in the middle of the work week SMH!

For about three days, I experienced a lot of fatigue, aching joints, and soreness at the injection site. It honestly felt like someone took a hammer to all of my joints, especially around my pelvic area. Not only did I deal with the aches and pains but, come evening time, I had the chills. Then, it would transform into a fever and I would sweat all night in my sleep. I have hair dye all over my pillows and sheets to prove it. Double SMH!!!!

When Johnny and I got our second vaccine, he had to keep reminding me that this was better than having Covid and I had to keep reminding myself of that this time around. While that’s easier said than done, it would do everyone well to think of it this way. After having a rough go of it post vaccine, I could not even comprehend having unvaccinated Covid. In fact, when Johnny and I did finally get it this past Christmas, we experienced no symptoms whatsoever because of our vaccines and boosters.

I have read several articles where the side effects from the boosters and vaccines are a huge deterrent from getting them. And coming from someone who has had such bad reactions, I truly get it. However, I’ll continue on with every additional installment because it’s important to do so. Johnny and I have so many high risk people that we love and we are terrified of getting them or complete strangers sick. This alone makes every two or three days of feeling downright awful worth it every time.

As the weather gets colder and gatherings move indoors, it is so important to get yourself vaccinated and boosted as well as following Covid protocols. If you are worried about it, you can take some comfort in the fact that you more than likely won’t experience as horrible side effects as yours truly. Let’s all continue to do our part to keep ourselves and others safe!

How did you react to your Covid vaccines and boosters? Are you team Moderna or Pfizer? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

All Boostered Up!

All Boostered Up!

Hello! This past Friday, I enjoyed a much needed day off to get my hair done for the holidays. As always, my time at the Shear Shop was fabulous and the excitement of the day didn’t end when I left the salon… If you want to call getting the COVID-19 booster shot exciting, that is. Lol, but I do! After my appointment, I met up with Johnny at Walmart to get our Moderna boosters just in time for the holidays and I am so happy!

Originally, we had our booster shot appointment scheduled at CVS only to learn that they didn’t carry the Moderna booster. Luckily for us, though, Walmart had it readily available and you can schedule an appointment or just walk in for your vaccines. We went with the latter option and were on our way home in under ten minutes. 😀

Despite my eagerness to get my booster shot, I’ll be the first to admit that I was a little nervous. For those of you who don’t remember, my second shot of Moderna knocked me out for about three days and I wasn’t exactly looking forward to feeling crummy all weekend long. So, imagine my surprise when I woke up on Saturday morning not feeling completely miserable.

That’s not to say that I didn’t experience any side effects at all. On Friday night, I woke up several times in the middle of the night either feeling really hot or freezing cold. I also had a lot of tenderness in my arm and was tired all day Saturday. But that was about the worst of it and it was a vast improvement from shot number two so I’ll take it. 🙂

With the holidays fast approaching, I can’t recommend getting vaccinated enough to keep yourself and your loved ones safe while you celebrate. Do make sure that you call the location of where you’re getting vaccinated beforehand to make sure that they have your preferred vaccine available. Let’s kick COVID’s butt all together!

Shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots OF MODERNA!

How are you safely celebrating the holidays this year? Where did you get your COVID vaccine? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah



Hi!! Johnny and I have a lot to smile about and I am so excited for all of our upcoming adventures. We recently got fully vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine and are looking forward to a much more active summer than last year! We also recently got engaged and have really been enjoying planning our nuptials. Our wedding will be short, sweet, and small so the ceremony didn’t need much thought but our outfits most definitely did! We have even begun making plans for our honeymoon, hopefully, next year. 😀

Getting vaccinated has lifted our cloud of constant anxiety significantly and while we will always err on the side of caution, it has felt so good to do things we never would have considered at the start of the pandemic. For example, when my brother and his family came to visit from Georgia, we all went to the zoo and ate at a restaurant. That was mine and Johnny’s first big outing since March nineteenth of last year and it was a blast. Spending time in public with my whole family is what I have been waiting for for so long and not experiencing crippling fear the whole time was the cherry on top!

Returning to some semblance of normal has felt like coming home after a long vacation. What never will be normal, however, is my fiance’s process when it comes to taking selfies with me! Lol, I swear getting a regular, smiling picture with Johnny can be like pulling teeth but it always makes me laugh until we snap just the right pic:

^^^ He loves me! 😀

Every day with Johnny is the best day and I feel so thankful for all of the wonderful things we have to smile about. ❤

What are you looking forward to this summer? What can always make you smile? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

All Better!

All Better!

Hello!!! Johnny and I got our second shot of the Moderna vaccine on April 29th and it completely knocked us both off of our feet. I am pleased to report that after two days of full on misery, I am back to normal and can better explain what we went through because I have the energy to sit at my computer! The following may sound awful but it is so worth it to have the vaccine and be better protected for ourselves, loved ones, and strangers. Let’s get to it:

About four to five hours after our shot, we both experienced pain in our arm and a very restless night of sleep. I also think we both had a fever that night too. Upon awakening the following morning, absolutely everything hurt. My arm, my legs, head, stomach – you name it. All day, Johnny and I experienced a fever and chills and went from bundling up in blankets to blasting the air conditioning almost every half hour.

The day after our shot, moving felt physically impossible and I slept off and on for a majority of the day. Johnny did not experience any nausea from the shot but I was very queasy and could only drink water or juice while he could snack on bland foods like crackers. I cannot recall a time when I felt sicker than the day after our second shot and I was excited for the day to end so I could wake up and, hopefully, feel much better. Unfortunately, that was not the case for yours truly although Johnny felt almost back to normal two days after aside from being tired.

We both had a fever that night and I woke up so nauseous that I still couldn’t eat anything. Even if I wanted to, I had no appetite whatsoever. From about ten in the morning to two or so, I vomited five times and laid on the couch or in bed while Johnny played video games. By four thirty and several Tums later, my nausea subsided enough that I was able to eat two small bowls of my mom’s homemade mac n’ cheese and half of a piece of pizza from Pizza Hut. It was one of the best meals I have ever had!

After eating a little bit, the haziness of the past few days lifted considerably and I felt more worn out than anything. Once again, I woke up the following morning in a sweat through nightgown so I am sure I ran a fever throughout the night and was happy to no longer feel any nausea. I just felt weak and tired from all of the strain on my body and lack of food. However, what I felt wasn’t debilitating because I am sitting here writing and that definitely cannot be said for the day before!

Now that I am feeling back up to snuff, the pain and discomfort Johnny and I both experienced after our second shot feels like a vague memory. I feel proud of the both of us for being vaccinated knowing the possibility of the side effects and we would want to be the first in line to do it again if need be.

The COVID-19 vaccine is such an important tool in flattening the spread of the coronavirus once and for all and it is up to all of us to implement it. We have seen the utter devastation that it causes and masking up and getting your vaccine shows that you care about your fellow community members. Although I experienced almost every side effect the vaccine has to offer it was so worth it and Johnny and I can’t wait to see our friends and family while being better protected.

Which side effects did you experience after the vaccine? How long did they last for? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

See You Tomorrow!

See You Tomorrow!

Hello!! I am writing this two days after I got my second Moderna vaccine and your girl is not doing so hot. The day after was complete misery and while today is much better than the first, it is exhausting to do just about anything. So, with that being said, I will see you all tomorrow when I am, hopefully, feeling much better! Much love. -Sarah

Vaccine Team Pt. 2

Vaccine Team Pt. 2

Hi! I am so pleased to announce that as of April 29th, Johnny and I are fully vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine. When we got our first shot, we drove to the location in white out snow conditions and this time around, it was like driving in a monsoon! Rain, snow, and hail were not going to stop us from getting vaccinated and I am very thankful that we made it to both appointments safe and sound.

Similar to when we got our first shot, Johnny and I were in and out in about a half hour and were feeling good for most of the evening. Then, five or so hours later, we both took a turn for the worst with really sore arms, headaches, and what felt like a fever for me and chills for Johnny. We were SO miserable that night and the following day and we both just couldn’t get any relief. There was, honestly, a part when I started crying because everything hurt so bad.

Johnny had to keep reminding us both that what we were experiencing was better than getting COVID and while that didn’t make me feel any better at the time, he is most certainly right. Being fully vaccinated despite all of the aches, pains, and restless nights makes it all one hundred million percent worth it.

Although the second vaccine shot was no joke whatsoever, I still highly encourage everyone to get themselves scheduled for their vaccination. I feel so happy and proud to do my part to keep my loved ones and complete strangers safe and am incredibly thankful to begin feeling safer around others and have people feel protected around me too. Please join me and Johnny on the Vaccine Team!

What was your COVID vaccine experience like? Which side effects did you have? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Vaccine Team

Vaccine Team

Hello!!!! Johnny and I have been incredibly eager to get our COVID vaccine and about three weeks ago it was announced in Ohio that anyone over sixteen could get the shot after March 29th. Finally!! I am so pleased to say that by an insane stroke of luck, I was able to get Johnny and myself into one of the last appointment slots on April 1st to receive our first shot of the Moderna vaccine.

I’m not going to lie, it was very difficult to find an appointment time for the both of us because almost every single day at every single location vaccinating was fully booked. I went through the websites of pretty much everywhere in a forty-five minute range and kept coming up empty handed. So, like I said, it was a huge stroke of luck when the last location I checked still had some times available on April Fool’s Day. And the best part? It wasn’t a joke, either!

Johnny and I made a short drive to a Marc’s in Broadview Heights and it was actually pretty wild because we were driving on the highway in whiteout snow conditions. Thankfully, we arrived to our location safe and sound and were in and out in roughly a half hour. The vaccination process at Marc’s was so efficient and, frankly, I would have waited all day to get it because the feeling of relief I had after my first shot would make any waiting time well worth it. I am already counting down the days until our second shot.

While side effects after the vaccine vary from person to person, Johnny and I both experienced soreness in the arm we got the shot in for about a day and that was it. It was uncomfortable and we both agreed that the pain was similar to what we felt after we got injured in a car accident when we first started dating. But was it unbearable? Absolutely not and my arm felt much better after a nice, hot shower the following morning.

The peace of mind that Johnny and I feel after our vaccine is such a welcome sensation after being hunkered down for the past year and change. Of course, we will still be following all COVID safety precautions but it feels good to know that not only will we feel safer around other people but they can feel safe around us too.

I wanted to share my vaccine experience with all of you and am hoping that it will encourage those on the fence to reconsider. This vaccine really can save lives and it would, honestly, mean so much to me – especially as someone who has worked in the care field with high risk families throughout the pandemic’s duration. Johnny and I will be receiving our second shot at the end of April so make sure you check back for a Part Two update!

How has the pandemic changed your life? What is the vaccination registration process like in your area? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah