Tag Archives: event

Louie Run Fun

Louie Run Fun

Hello everyone! This past week has been a crazy busy one because I started my brand new job as Tim Misny’s social media manager. It has been an absolute whirlwind and I have been enjoying myself so much! My first assignment, so to speak, was this past Sunday at the Lake County Fairgrounds for the 40th Annual Louie Run. The Louie Run is the “unofficial official” kick start to the motorcycle riding season in Ohio and honors those who lost their lives or were injured through motorcycle accidents. It also tips its cap to those who have made a positive impact on the motorcycle community. This was definitely an event that Johnny and I didn’t expect to find ourselves at, but it was SO awesome!! Check it out:


The Louie Run was jam packed with activities (classic car and motorcycle shows, stunt shows, etc) food trucks, vendors, and musicians and it was my job to capture it. As soon as Johnny and I arrived on scene, it went straight to shooting Facebook Live segments and snapping pics and videos to post on social media throughout the week. We were going here, there, and everywhere so I could conduct interviews and showcase all of the excitement of the day. Even though it was exhausting, it was a complete dream come true! I have conducted several interviews in the past, but it was always with people I knew. On the spot interviews are something I have never done before or even had the opportunity to do and I think I nailed it. 😀

Basically every single moment at the Louie Run was hectic and every time I thought Johnny and I had a moment to catch our breath, it was onto the next thing. That’s not to say that we didn’t love every minute of it, though! We were also still able to pencil in a few moments for non work related fun too. We adored seeing the tiniest rider of the day proudly rolling around on his mini bike and all of the random conversations we had with the attendees. Johnny and I also got the biggest kick out of the several requests for pictures I got as we strolled around the fairgrounds. It had me feeling like a celebrity and it was really cool!!

You can watch all of my Live segments from the Louie Run on Tim Misny’s Facebook page and there is much more to come all week. I can’t wait to see what my new job has in store for me next!

What is an annual event that takes place in your neck of the woods? Have you ever rode a motorcycle before? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


Disney Princess Party

Disney Princess Party

Hello! This past Saturday, I spent an adorable time with my sister and sweet nieces attending a Disney Princess Party. The event was held at an arcade bar called The Workz in downtown Cuyahoga Falls and it was a hoot. Kristen and I enjoyed good food and drinks while Val and Raya were awestruck by seeing Anna, Elsa, and Kristoff from Frozen IRL. It was so cute seeing all of the little princesses in their costumes and, yes, I am that extra auntie that dressed up too lol. I ended up wearing my wedding dress because I felt like a princess on my wedding day and I wanted to feel like that again. I’m pleased to report that it was a hit!

You can peep two new OOTDs coming soon, including me wearing my wedding attire one more time for the one time. But, now, let’s peep the festivities from girls afternoon out:


The princess party began with a riveting song by Anna, followed by an introduction from Elsa and Kristoff. Once the whole Frozen crew was on stage, they began to teach all of the kiddos games like the Freeze Dance. But, you had to “freeze” in a Frozen character pose. Sadly, Val was in a bit of a mood so she wasn’t really feeling the activities, but rallied hard when Kristen and I began participating too. I think she was just nervous to be in the presence of royalty!

After doing the Freeze Dance, Elsa performed “Let It Go” and she was SO good. Although let’s all agree that her wig is hit lol. Funnily enough, the actress who plays her actually works with my sister in the summertime. Go figure! When her big performance was over, the next game was dancing like your favorite Disney princess – IE, cleaning as Cinderella, swimming as Ariel… You get the point. The cast then wrapped things up and began walking the space to meet the kiddos, take pictures, and sign autographs.

When it was time for our turn with the character actors, Val did not want to speak to them or take pictures. However, she did have questions for them which Kristen and I asked for her and they all had great replies and encouraged Val to take a pic later if she wanted to. After our visit, I was SO proud of Val because after a few minutes she decided she would like a picture and she WERKED it! It took her a minute to get warmed up and that’s okay! I think I would be freaking out if I were her age and meeting my favorite Disney princesses too. ❤

Once the event was done, the kids all received a free half hour card to play the different arcade games. Val and I simply crushed in Mario Kart, Kristen dominated at Ring Toss, I was a beast at Ski Ball, and Raya was excellent support. The Frozen crew also came around to play games with the kids and Val loved watching Kristoff play the Test Your Strength game. She also learned that Elsa and Belle have a book club together when she wanted to know which other princesses she was friends with. So cute!

Everyone who attended the Princess Party was given the royal treatment and it was a delightful time. I love being able to do treat days with my best girls and I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for similar events in our neck of the woods!

Who is your favorite Disney character? What is your favorite Disney movie? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

A Trip To The County Fair Pt. 2

A Trip To The County Fair Pt. 2

Hello!!! Johnny and I attended the Portage County Randolph Fair this past Tuesday and it was a hoot. It was my very first county fair and I am so glad that I got to experience it with my main squeeze! What made this date night even cooler was that Johnny and his parents would attend this particular fair every year in his youth. He was very pleased to see that the Grampa Cratchet Puppet Show was still going strong all of these years later!! Check out some pics from our outing and let’s discuss:


^^^ The sculptures in the last two pictures are made entirely out of tires!!

There was so much to do and see at the county fair and I was fine with letting Johnny lead the way – this was not his first rodeo! We began our evening by hitching a ride on a tractor from the parking lot to the fairgrounds. Once we were there, we were surrounded by animals everywhere! From cows and pigs to goats, horses, and adorable baby chicks there was livestock for days. I was really disappointed that all of the bunnies went home for the day, but Johnny told me I couldn’t bring Mel and P home a brother or sister so I guess it was for the best lol.

After we visited all of the animals, we were ready to get some food and I couldn’t wait. However, looking back now – I wish I did! As we made our way through tons of vendor booths, we finally saw lemonade and food stands. Having never been to a county fair before, I assumed that what we saw was it. So, we stocked up on fresh squeezed lemonade, a burger for Johnny, nachos, and fries and went to the seating area for the Grampa Cratchet Puppet Show to eat. After we were done, you could have knocked me over with a feather when we turned the corner from the stands we got food from and I saw an endless array of more food! This is why we are going to Oktoberfest in Cuyahoga Falls next month to get everything we missed out on at the fair.

The puppet show was, admittedly, very weird haha. It was like the children’s version of Crank Yankers if anyone remembers that show? It was basically just a bunch of puppets doing silly things and teaching valuable lessons like following instructions, which was what our show was about. It was pretty funny, but Johnny and I were ready to go after five minutes. I’m just really glad we got to see some of it because I was like “wtf?” when Johnny first told me about it and my sentiments remain the same!

The main event of the night was a demolition derby and we still had time to kill before we took our seats in the stands. We weren’t interested in any of the rides, but I had never played a carnival game before so we did that next. Johnny gave us a twenty dollar limit to play with and I already knew exactly what I wanted to win – a stuffed corndog that I saw a little boy carrying earlier. We found a game that had the plushie as a prize and I am proud to say that we DOMINATED!! We had to shoot a water gun at a target to fill up a balloon and make it pop. Thanks to our dates to the shooting range, we were a force to be reckoned with and I was so happy to claim my corndog. 😀


^^^ It’s so cute!

Our final stop of the night was at the demolition derby and we were crunched for time. At this point, it was going on seven thirty and we still had to make a thirty-five minute drive home. We were expecting for the derby to start with the big cars right from the jump and that wasn’t the case. The derby opened with the pee-wee league of five or so year olds in their souped up Barbie jeeps and Hot Wheels trucks. It was so cute lol. We stuck around for a bit longer until it was safe to say that the kiddos were not going to get out of the gridlock they created. Our other future plan is to find another demolition derby to attend when we don’t have to get up for work the next morning!

Our Trip To The County Fair ended perfectly because we arrived at the entrance just in time to catch a tractor back to our parking spot. We had an absolute blast! Tune in tomorrow for my OOTD and *gasp* seeing me in blue jeans for the first time! 😮

What is your favorite attraction at the fair? What is your favorite carnival game to play? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

A Trip To The County Fair

A Trip To The County Fair

Hello!!! One of my little quirks that Johnny has never wrapped his head around is that I have never been to a county fair. In my defense, it makes the utmost sense. My parents didn’t trust the carnival rides and we have lots of strict vegetarians in my family so we avoided the buying and selling of livestock. This was so normal to me that I didn’t really realize everyone else has been to a county fair! So, when Johnny found out that the fair he attended in his youth was going on this past week, we had to go. Even if it was on a work night!


^^^ Yes, Johnny did wear that shirt during our wedding!

Once I returned from work on Tuesday, it was off to the Portage County Randolph Fair. Johnny ordered our tickets ahead of time as well as tickets to a demolition derby (Which is an event I have also never attended!). I had a hunch of what the fair would be like from Johnny’s musings and it was exactly what I expected. Lol, there were animals, more than enough food to feed a small country, games, and rides. Between all of the sights, smells, and people it was total sensory overload for the first ten or so minutes!

I will be discussing more of what we did at the fair along with lots of pictures tomorrow. You can also peep my OOTD and bloopers coming up soon too! What I will say in this post, is that I love all of the new experiences that Johnny and I have together. From going to the shooting range to attending a county fair, it is always something exciting when we go on a date. When we went to the fair, everything was new. I played my first carnival game, ate my first fair food, and was in a situation I never thought I would be in. And it was fun! 😀

Our outing to the Portage County Randolph Fair was a novelty in so many ways, but mainly it was SO different being out on a work night! I truly can’t remember the last time we did something during the week day – it was definitely before we started living together. Even though we were dead tired the following day, it was beyond worth it. The county fair might not be my favorite place in the world, but I was there with my favorite guy and that made it the best. ❤

Because I have never been to an Oktoberfest, that is next on our agenda and we have a grand plan. Do a drop in, get food, and go home lol. Here’s to brand new experiences and be sure to tune in for more on the county fair!

Have you ever attended a county fair before? What was your favorite/least favorite thing about it? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Brick By Brick OOTD

Brick By Brick OOTD

Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new OOTD here on lifewithlilred! Today, we are going to take a look at what I wore to the Brick Convention. An event centered around Lego means fun, fun, fun and I wanted an outfit to match. And, yes, the look you are about to see is delightfully reminiscent of my Simply Sassy OOTD – thanks for noticing lol. But, hey, if it’s not broken don’t fix it! Check it out:


Who? What? Wear?

Snakeskin Tie Back Top: Japna, TJMaxx

Paint Splatter Pants: Premise, TJMaxx

Speech Bubble Heels: LFL, TJMaxx

Cuff/Chain Bracelet: Allsaints, TJMaxx

I have no idea where the earrings are from and the other bracelet is from Claire’s!

When I began styling my Brick By Brick OOTD, I had a few things that needed to be accomplished. The look had to be comfortable because we would be doing a lot of walking. And, of course, it had to be cute! I wanted something punchy and exciting to match the joy of Lego and my first thought went to my paint splatter pants by Premise. They gave all of the Jason Pollock vibes and I liked that they had a nod to an art form because Lego builds are art in themselves.

With the selection of the Premise pants, the rest of the OOTD was really easy to style because I don’t own much that would work with them. While patterned pants are a ton of fun, they can also be somewhat of a hindrance. Everything you own isn’t going to go with them as if they were a pair of blue jeans. With minimal options, I went with my snakeskin patterned tie back top by Japna. I was well aware that this was very similar to a previously styled look and I was okay with that, especially because the pattern on pattern gave a nice visual interest boost.

With the base of the outfit quickly settled, it was time for shoes and accessories. For shoes, I chose one of my many LFL speech bubble heels with the sentiments of “Blah, blah, blah”. These electric blue heels have such a wow factor and the cheeky phrase added that touch of playfulness I wanted. Not only did they fit the look, but they were also very comfortable and I could have walked around all day in them. Maybe not on the gravel we had to walk on to get to the convention, but definitely flat surfaces. 😀

Finally, it was time for accessories. To add some movement, I selected dangly earrings with turquoise crosses. I couldn’t tell you where I got them, but I love them lol. It was also a welcome pop of color around my face since the established palette was black and white. Then, I slipped on a few statement bracelets and I was SO ready to get my brick on!

Although I might not be a master at Lego builds, I am a formidable OOTD builder. This look was perfect for the Brick Convention and I know so – I was getting compliments left and right!

What is something that you are good at? What are some of your favorite Lego memories? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Brick Convention Haul

Brick Convention Haul

Hello!!! If you have ever watched Lego Masters, then I am sure you have noticed all of the adorable accessories that the contestants sometimes wear made from Lego. I am extremely partial to the Lego hair bow, myself, and that is what I was hoping that I would find at the Brick Convention. And I did! One of the vendor stands called AbbieDabbles was selling hair bows, earrings, and necklaces made from Lego bricks and I couldn’t say no to the following:


I will be the first to admit, I found my purchases to be insanely overpriced lol. In fact, when Johnny and I took a closer look at them he told me exactly how we could have made them ourselves. Hindsight is 20/20, though, and I love my Brick Convention mementos anyways. When at the Brick Convention, as they say, and I can’t wait to sport all of my new accessories!

The AbbieDabbles booth had hair bows of every color, but I chose black because I pretty much already have every other color in my hair right now. And, as always, black is my favorite color! The earrings were much harder to choose from because they were all so cute! There were so many spooky earrings including ones with little skulls and little bones. The bat ones just had that something extra to them! I also adore the stud leaf earrings with the ladybug on top, which you can see in an upcoming OOTD very soon. 😀

Huge shout out to AbbieDabbles for all of the adorable Lego swag. 12/10 would recommend! We have a jam packed agenda coming up here on lifewithlilred so keep it locked for two new OOTDs, a TJMaxx haul, and my review for the Barbie movie!! ❤

Is there a Brick Convention coming to your neck of the woods? Are you going to go? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Patrick Durham Meet & Greet

Patrick Durham Meet & Greet

Hello everyone!! The Lego Brick Convention that I attended this past weekend was so great! The displays and shopping with the vendors was fun, but the highlight of the day was meeting a former Lego Masters contestant. Patrick Durham of Team Grandpappies in season three was the piece de resistance of the convention and we couldn’t wait to see him. Johnny and I got a huge kick out of him and his partner, Kerry, during the show and I was on pins and needles to meet a Lego celebrity. Check it out:


After Johnny, my brother, and I made our rounds throughout the first section of the convention, we approached a very long line. We all assumed it was the line to meet Patrick, but it turns out it was formed to get a closer look at the displays. So, we bypassed it completely and went on the prowl to meet the Lego Master. And, we were in luck!! Patrick was literally just standing at his area beyond the line and we only had to wait briefly for our turn at a meet and greet.

Saying Patrick was the nicest person ever is the understatement of the century. He greeted my crew and all of his other fans with such warmth and good humor – it felt like having a chat with your own grandpappy. After exchanging pleasantries and quips, we asked about Kerry and learned sad news. He had passed away from heart complications on June 11th. This was such a disappointing thing to hear and we extended our deepest sympathies. Not only were Patrick and Kerry beloved grandpappies to their own grandchildren, but they were America’s grandpappies too.

We got to spend almost ten minutes with Patrick and after he signed my autograph, we had a photo shoot! Johnny snapped lots of pics and Patrick was SERVING. At one point, he assured Johnny that he wasn’t flirting with me and I let it be known that I was most definitely flirting with him! Lol, we all had a laugh. We were also so flattered when he told me and Johnny we were the coolest looking people he had seen that day. What a guy!

Spending time with Patrick Durham at the Brick Convention was one of my favorite things I have done this year. It was just really cool and it’s always awesome to meet someone on TV and finding out they are exactly how they appear on screen in person. Thanks for the laughs and your time, Patrick. Long live Team Grandpappies! ❤

Have you ever met a celebrity? Who were some of your favorite Lego Master contestants? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Brick Convention 2023

Brick Convention 2023

Hello!! I had a fantastic weekend! On Friday, Johnny and I went to the shooting range and on Saturday, we attended the Brick Convention with my brother. The Brick Convention was an ode to all things Lego and it was an absolute blast! Johnny and I are avid fans of Lego and this event did not disappoint. There were displays, vendors, and even a contestant from Lego Masters. The only not great thing was that the building the convention was held in wasn’t air conditioned. It was hot as bejeezus and even though we had a lot of fun, we were ready to get the hell out of there lol.

Today, we’re going to take a look at some of the awesome displays from the convention. Keep it posted this week for more because we have an OOTD, my convention haul, and meeting Patrick Durham! Let’s get started:


Talk about WOW, right?! Walking through the Brick Convention was like being a kid on Christmas day. It was Lego as far as the eye could see and it was incredible to take it all in. While it was nice to shop around with the many different vendors, the most fun was looking at all of the displays created by such amazing artists. Every single piece begged the question of “how did they do that?!”. Johnny and I love to build Lego sets together and sometimes I have difficulty with that let alone free building masterpieces. It was like being in our own personal episode of Lego Masters!

It was hard to get a close look at some of the builds because the convention center was very crowded. It was basically get in front of the build, snap a picture if you want, and move on. While all of the creations were excellent, I was extremely partial to the art gallery that was set up. There were Lego pictures of Mario and Luigi that moved, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, The Child, and of course the Lego rendition of the Creation of Adam. That was my favorite and my mind is still blown by it. Seriously, how did they do that?!

Despite the fact that we were sweating bullets the entire Brick Convention, I am so happy to have gone. I have never been to an event like that before and it was an experience I’ll always remember. Tune in tomorrow for more about my meeting with the one and only Patrick Durham of Team Grandpappies!!!

Do you like to build Lego? Have you ever been to a similar event before? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Hosting The Perfect Brunch Party

Hosting The Perfect Brunch Party

Brunch parties are an excellent way to bring your friends together for any type of social event, whether it is a bachelorette party, baby shower, or just a general get together. When it comes to brunch, you do not have to plan an elaborate setup for a fun gathering because it’s a much more laid back event. Here, we look at how to host the perfect brunch party:

Think about who you are inviting and your budget:

It is important to work out the kinks in the plan before inviting everyone to your brunch of the century via group text. Decide how many people you can comfortably seat and go from there because this will help you plan your budget accordingly. Figuring out the amount of money you intend to spend on food for a brunch is your next task. Having a rough idea of your spending limit in advance will help you plan a menu with a reasonable budget.

Plan your menu:

It is time to start thinking about brunch menus after you have a guest list and a ballpark budget in mind. In order to please everyone in attendance, it is critical to include a variety of foods, both sweet and savory, on your menu. Creating your meal can be accomplished in many different ways including:

  • The first alternative is to prepare a number of little plates, similar to those served at a tapas restaurant. This allows you to experiment with all of the recipes you have saved on Instagram and Pinterest throughout the years.
  • Traditional meals can also be served with just one main dish and a few side dishes. With this method, you do not need as many components, which saves time and money.
  • In order to make a brunch truly memorable, you will want to serve dishes that highlight your culinary prowess and leave your guests clamoring for the recipe, such as this shrimp and grits recipe.

Don’t forget the cocktails:

Brunch drinks like mimosas, Bloody Marys, and sangria go well with the meal. Offering a selection of alcoholic beverages will help your guests relax and unwind. The longer a drink like sangria sits, the better it tastes. You do not have to worry about being a bartender because you can make them a few days ahead of time.

Nonalcoholic components can still be mixed in advance if you are making bubbly drinks like mimosas. All you will need to do is pour the champagne and mix it well before guests arrive. Make sure you have a selection of virgin mocktails for guests who would like a nonalcoholic option.

Lay the table the night before:

If you are hosting a brunch for a large group, it is a good idea to set up the table the night before. Putting out food and decorations may not seem like a big deal, but if you are a perfectionist, you could spend hours nitpicking. Take your time and create the party layout you have envisioned. The mood can be ruined if you are not thrilled with your setting because you had to rush.

Good food, yummy drinks, and great company will make your next brunch get together the best ever!

Featured Image By: Unsplash


Hosting The Perfect Game Night

Hosting The Perfect Game Night

When your favorite sports team sets the date for an important game, hosting a party with your fellow supporters is one of the best ideas you can indulge in. Organizing an amazing games night needn’t be as difficult as you might expect, as there are a few key tips and tricks that you can make the most of today:

Decorate The Space:

Whether you’ve booked out a venue or you’re just hosting your games night in the comfort of your living room, decorating the space in preparation for your fellow supporters arrival is an essential step to take. Prepping your venue to make it fun and inviting will add to the atmosphere dramatically, setting the scene for a brilliant game night that’s full of laughter and excitement! You can start off by sourcing a few balloons that match your team’s colors, as this is the most affordable option to upgrade your space. Investing in personalized banners or posters that show your support for your team can be a more flashy choice.

Don’t forget, if you’re hosting at home, it might be a good idea to prepare for mess – putting any fragile, breakable decor away is recommended, as you don’t want a happy celebration to turn into an apologetic embarrassment.

Provide Food & Drink:

Having some tasty snacks and a few delicious drinks to wash them down with will add a whole new level to your game night, and your guests will go home happy with full tummies no matter what the score ends up being! A finger food buffet of easy-to-eat no-mess options is going to be your best bet, as you don’t want to have to sit down and eat with a fork and plate when celebrations can occur at any moment. Sliders, fries, pastries, crisps and dip, cupcakes, and similar options are usually great crowd pleasers! If you’re stuck on what to create, take a look around online to find a wide variety of game night recipes that you can whip up in record time to impress your fellow supporters.


Purchasing some personalized team shirts or scarves from a uniform store will give your guests something to take home with them and use again, and they’ll remember the game night night every time they see it! Make sure that you find a reputable provider from whom you can place an order with confidence, as you don’t want to waste money or time with poor quality souvenir options.

Hosting the best game night for you and your fellow supporters to enjoy has never been so simple with the tips above!

Featured Image By: Pexels