Tag Archives: army strong

Printed T-shirts And The Military

Printed T-shirts And The Military

The simple T-shirt, genderless and worn by all, hasn’t changed much since the late 19th Century when it was introduced as an undergarment. Or has it? Today’s T-shirts are basically the same with one exception: They’ve become a vehicle for promoting and advertising anything and everything under the sun. Corporate-branded T-shirts, pop culture and celebrity fan T-shirts, concert and event T-shirts, military unit and veteran T-shirts, protest and social cause T-shirts, and self-image T-shirts are commonplace throughout the world.

The Beginning of Printed T-shirts:

One of the first instances of printed T-shirts occurred in 1942 when Life magazine featured an Air Corps Gunnery School T-shirt on its cover. But the idea of putting words and images on T-shirts did not get real until the 1960s when printed T-shirts became a popular means of self-expression. Marketers picked up on this trend, and, as they say, the rest is history.

Military T-shirts:

Marketers weren’t the only ones who saw the value of printed T-shirts. Today, thousands of military-related messages appear on T-shirts, both in and out of uniform. The military realized the convenience of T-shirts early on. In 1905, the U.S. Navy adopted the T-shirt as part of its uniform. Other services followed, and by the end of World War II, T-shirts were required to be worn under the uniform by all military branches.

Many service members continued the habit of wearing T-shirts upon returning home after the war. Military veterans began wearing them as casual outerwear as they had done while serving overseas. Up until that time, T-shirts weren’t considered an appropriate garments to wear in public.

The T-shirt owes much of its popularity to the military, and military printed T-shirts are popular with the young and old. Their printed messages normally promote unit cohesiveness and recognition; honor a certain group, such as veterans and POW/MIAs, and display pride and patriotism.

The more you know!

Unique Differences In U.S. Military Weddings

Unique Differences In U.S. Military Weddings

Each of us is dreaming and planning of how to make our special day stand out and worth remembering for everyone. But, sometimes, it’s easier said than done. However, if you are serving in the military, you are an ex-Army officer, or you’re a cadet in the Academy, you are entitled to have a wedding ceremony in a military fashion. Military weddings in the States are different than the typical civil weddings in many ways.

Although they proved to be very hard to organize and plan due to the uncertainty and dynamics of living the military life, there is a big chance that everyone present at the wedding will remember it for all of those little things that are applicable only to these types of weddings. In this article, we’ll give you a number of brief examples of all of the traditions related to military-themed weddings:

Dress Code:

If you’re in the military and you decide to marry your beloved, you will be expected to wear your unit’s uniform, along with all of the medals or ribbons that you might have. And, as there will probably be lots of other military members (most commonly, the best man), they are also expected to wear their Army suits.

In cases when the bride is the one serving her country, there is a tradition that calls for a bride wearing military boots under her beautiful wedding dress. Apart from that, when attending a military-themed wedding, all attendees should wear formal attire if they’re not members of the military.

Arch From the Drawn Swords:

The feeling of walking down the aisle and saying that fateful ‘’yes’’ is even better when you know that there will be a memorable moment after that where you and your beloved will march down the arch made of drawn swords and sabres. Truly a sight to behold and relatable only to military weddings.

Army Insignia:

To spice things up even more and make everyone feel like part of the Army tradition, couples can also opt for engraving custom insignia on challenge coins and presenting a coin to each guest. Professional yet affordable coins can be made by Embleholics on your big day.

It’s also worth noting here that military couples do enjoy some benefits in the form of numerous discounts when it comes to finding a professional makeup artist for the wedding or acquiring pearl wedding rings.


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Getting Married on Base:

Military bases of operation usually provide everything for the wedding ceremony and the reception that comes after that. You won’t have a chance of attending a wedding ceremony on base if you are invited to a civilian wedding!

There are many other things that we didn’t mention in this article, but we will leave the rest for you to imagine (although we are pretty sure that you already know of many things that should be added to our little list here). The bottom line, is that military weddings are truly different than other weddings. They never fail to create unforgettable memories and experiences for everyone.

Featured Image By: Unsplash

What It Takes To Join The Army

What It Takes To Join The Army

If we are honest, all countries need their military at present, although it is not the case that everyone is suitable for military service. But if you are thinking about joining your army, you might well be wondering whether or not you actually have what is required to make that happen. It’s no secret that it takes plenty of training and a lot of time before you can get fully admitted into the army – but in the first place, you need to work out whether you are made of the right stuff. You might be surprised at just how many people probably are, and if you read on you will see some strong arguments that you might be able to do this as your career – if you so choose to follow that particular line in your life:

A Sense Of Pride:

Something that tends to set apart those who want to be in the army from the rest of the civilians is that they have a deep pride in their country, their homeland, and what it stands for. If you feel that you are particularly proud of your own nation, then you will probably find it easier to become a soldier, or employ another role within the army of your country (see below). Of course, this is not something you can fake, and you either are proud of your country or you are not. But as long as you are, and you are keen to serve that country in the manner of your choosing, you might find that joining the army is a great way to do so. If you are particularly proud, you might even choose to have your time in the army commemorated later on with a coin from MilitaryCoinsUSA or somewhere similar.

A Special Skill:

It’s important to remember that not everyone in the army is a soldier. You have a number of different roles which you might be able to fulfill, and that’s why one of the first things to do is to make sure that you have a certain skill which you can be proud of, and which nobody else necessarily has as well as you. It might be that you are a particularly good chef, in which case you could occupy that position in the army. Or maybe you are an engineer, and you want to do that, instead. Whatever it is, you can be sure that there is some way in which you can make it a part of your life by joining the army of your country. So don’t feel that you have to do some of the less savory acts you might associate with being in the army – there are a whole range of things to do.


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Once you have made the decision, however, it’s vital that you stick to it. You need to be fully committed to your decision to be in the army if you are to make the most of it, and you might even suffer some poor consequences if you don’t manage to follow through with this. If you don’t know whether you will have the commitment or not, it can mean that you find it much harder to achieve what you want to with your career, so this is an important part of the whole.

Making any major choices in your career path is something that should be thought about very carefully, especially if you are considering a role in your nation’s army.

Featured Image By: Pexels

Hi, Best Friend!

Hi, Best Friend!

Hi everyone and happy Hump Day! Yesterday I had the joy of hanging out with one of my dearest friends all day and I’m simply thrilled about it. One of my best friends, Tyler, is in the Army and is stationed far away from my neck of the woods. Tyler and I met during a play that we did, Suicide in B Flat, and have been inseparable ever since and I haven’t seen him for over a year. This past day we got to reenact our classic “Middle Aged Monday” hang outs, where we day drink, craft, and watch silly movies. We had an absolute ball candle making, drinking blueberry flavored beer, and watching Vacation! Take a look:

Tyler picked me up around noon yesterday and we had our usual MAM (Middle Aged Monday, falling on a Tuesday) lunch at Chipotle. After we dined, we hit up Hobby Lobby to find a craft for us to do while we drink. We decided on candle making, which we usually have frowned upon before because all of the products were so expensive. But lucky for us, all of the supplies we needed were half off!

Tyler and I perused Hobby Lobby and found the perfect jars, fragrances, and colored waxes for us to use during our craft. We settled on a peach mango fragrance and then headed to Giant Eagle to get our day drinking alcohol of choice. Usually we always drink wine during our MAM hang outs, but we went for beer this time around because wine always makes us sleepy during early afternoon get togethers. At first I didn’t care for the blueberry flavored beer but after one bottle it was surprisingly delicious!

Once we purchased all of our gear for a middle aged themed hang out, we made the trek back to my place to get our craft and drank on. The candles ended up being hella easy to make because literally all we had to do was pour the wax, wick, and a fragrance into the jar! Talk about easy peasy lemon squeezy! Tyler and I have played around with the idea of making candles before but we had never dreamed that it would be so simple!

After our craft, which ended up being a whopping five minutes to make, we delved into our six pack of Wild Blue beer and put on Vacation. We had a complete blast watching the movie and laughed until we cried. Once our movie was done, we spent time taking some cute picks while quoting basically the entire movie. It was perfect.

I had the most amazing time with one of my dearest friends and it felt so good to see him after such a long time of being apart. When Tyler is away, we keep in touch via Skype, FaceTime, and text – but nothing is better than being face to face with each other! Middle Aged Monday (falling on a Tuesday) was a great success and I can’t wait for my best friend to come home again soon!

Yesterday I got to say Hi to my Best Friend and I couldn’t be happier. We had the best time and I can’t wait to see him again soon! Who has a best friend that lives far away from you? What do you do to keep in touch? I wanna hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

My Friend, Tyler

My Friend, Tyler

If you’ve read my previous post MIDDLE AGED MONDAY, then you’ll know all about my good friend Tyler. Today we had our last hang out until January, because he leaves for basic training in Oklahoma on October 20th. (The same day that I start school!) Tyler and I met during a show we both performed in back in March. Amongst all of the cast members of the show, Suicide in B Flat, Tyler and I just clicked. We both share a very similar snarky sense of humor and a love for all things pop culture. We instantly bonded over music, television, and a deep love for Chipotle. Tyler was really the only cast mate from Suicide who I wanted to keep in touch with after the show was over. And I’m so glad we did. We’ve been hanging out together ever since. As a brief refresher, Middle Aged Monday (AKA MAM) involves day drinking, crafting, watching The Breakfast Club, eating Chipotle, and going on hikes – just to name a few of the activities! That’s just a brief description of our wild and crazy hang outs together. Our afternoon excursion today was bittersweet, because I feel like I barely got any time with him at all, when really I got almost eight full months with him. But then again, any amount of time feels like not enough when someone you care about goes away for a while. Tyler will be stationed in California after he completes his basic training and I’m soooo excited to visit him there! We already have plans of drinking on the beach, drinking in the bars, and going to amusement parks. Basically…we’re gonna be moving MAM to California! Complete with Hawaiian shirts and fanny packs: the middle aged tourist essentials. Tyler will also be home for a few weeks in January so we’ll have some much needed catch up time then! I can’t wait! I’m so thankful that he’ll be able to text me when he can, and of course we’ll be writing to each other too! I’m so excited to send him novels of what’s going on in my life and how boring Ohio is! Here’s a few pics from some of our hang outs and from Suicide in B Flat:


I love you so much Tyler! I’m so thankful for all of the fabulous memories we have together. Most importantly, I’m beyond grateful that I have an amazing friend for life. Please send good vibes my friends way as he enters this new and exciting chapter in his life! Have a great night guys. -Sarah